General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> WHOA.......

Message started by raydawg on 04/20/14 at 15:42:44

Title: WHOA.......
Post by raydawg on 04/20/14 at 15:42:44

Not sure if you know who Tammy Bruce is, but it is VERY fair to say she is not in the repubs camp.
I use to listen to her when I lived in socal on KFI radio AM.
To see her op/ed makes me think Obama is in more of a hurt than I thought.

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by Serowbot on 04/20/14 at 17:00:36

Yer' joking, right?...
Fox commentator Tammy Bruce?... not in the Repub's camp?...
She's a tad left of Hitler... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by North Country on 04/20/14 at 17:57:47

“She's a tad left of Hitler”

Left of Hitler sir??

Anyone who says Hitler was left wing is one of two things 1  uninformed, or 2 a fascist right-wing propagandist.

The right wing is and always was for the wealthy against workers, as was Hitler.

It was not only Jews, but left-wing politicians and trade union activists who Hitler sent to concentration camps.

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by Serowbot on 04/20/14 at 18:00:09

Read it again, North... ;D...

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by North Country on 04/20/14 at 18:42:39

Thank you sir, I believe I follow your drift now. :)

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by raydawg on 04/20/14 at 20:29:45

Huh.... use to enjoy her and Stephanie Miller, but Miller has gone off the edge too. Guess they didn't get the memo from Hillary about partisanship separating the nation, golly  ::)  

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by raydawg on 04/20/14 at 20:37:16

Anyone who says Hitler was left wing is one of two things 1  uninformed, or 2 a fascist right-wing propagandist.

The right wing is and always was for the wealthy against workers, as was Hitler.

It was not only Jews, but left-wing politicians and trade union activists who Hitler sent to concentration camps.

Gee.... such a provocative summation of a whole bunch of people I would assume you don't even know....

But hey, if you feel better spouting such, don't let me stop you  :o

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by oldNslow on 04/21/14 at 08:48:10

NC wrote;

Anyone who says Hitler was left wing is one of two things 1  uninformed, or 2 a fascist right-wing propagandist.

The right wing is and always was for the wealthy against workers, as was Hitler.

It was not only Jews, but left-wing politicians and trade union activists who Hitler sent to concentration camps.

Partly accurate, but irrelevant. Read this:

"What group historically despised the free market, embraced policies like government-supplied jobs, guaranteed retirement and free healthcare? They were zealous animal rights advocates, promoted gun control, abortion and euthanasia. They were fanatical environmentalists, endorsed a healthy lifestyle, railed against smoking, promoted organic veganism and sponsored alternative medicine. And in their universities, they promoted racial quotas and held to strict, politically correct, speech codes.

The Democratic Party you say? Not quite. The correct answer points to one of the most reviled groups in history — the Nazis during the 1930s. Their motto, “Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz,” loosely translated meant: Service before self; the good of the many is more important than the good of the individual. "
                                                                           - Susan Stamper Brown

Right wing - left wing. Who cares. Those are just labels. Hitler's agenda very much resembled the agenda of modern progressives. You can stick any label you want on anybody but that does not change history.

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/21/14 at 08:59:36

OUCH!,, Thats gonna leave a mark

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by pgambr on 04/21/14 at 11:32:04

Right wing - left wing. Who cares.

Power and control is what it is regardless of if it is communism. fascism, or a republic run by an oligarchy.

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 04/21/14 at 13:44:13

I get a chuckle out of people who get all worked up over this stuff like she writes, and others on the left spout.
Realize one thing - they make their livings this way.  They write and say what gets them attention, regardless of their persuasion, party, or position.
Kinda like when I took American Literature in college, and some silly prof asked the class why Melville wrote Moby thingy.  My reply was, "To sell it.  That's how he makes his living".

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by North Country on 04/21/14 at 18:25:29

“Hitler's agenda very much resembled the agenda of modern progressives.”

With all due respect Mr. Nslow, this statement is not true.

The right wing in this country is the closest thing to Nazi's the US has ever seen...... they try to pin that label on liberals in a vain attempt to make themselves look like the "good guys". Then to further make themselves look like the "good guys" they wrap themselves in the flag and flash around their false patriotism and religion for everyone to see. They (the right wing) has to use textbook fascist and authoritarian tactics to stay relevant.

I think we are all familiar with this quote “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” I think that pretty much sums it up right there.

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by oldNslow on 04/21/14 at 18:31:29

“Hitler's agenda very much resembled the agenda of modern progressives.”

With all due respect Mr. Nslow, this statement is not true.

Actually it it. As a matter of fact it's so easily verified as being historically accurate that I'm not even going to waste my time arguening about it.

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by WebsterMark on 04/22/14 at 05:06:08

454D4C525C5A3F0 wrote:
“Hitler's agenda very much resembled the agenda of modern progressives.”

With all due respect Mr. Nslow, this statement is not true.

The right wing in this country is the closest thing to Nazi's the US has ever seen...... they try to pin that label on liberals in a vain attempt to make themselves look like the "good guys". Then to further make themselves look like the "good guys" they wrap themselves in the flag and flash around their false patriotism and religion for everyone to see. They (the right wing) has to use textbook fascist and authoritarian tactics to stay relevant.

I think we are all familiar with this quote “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” I think that pretty much sums it up right there.

The fact that your only evidenced offered to argue against this is a quote and talking points shows how little you know. How about saying something with substance instead of nonsense.

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by mpescatori on 04/22/14 at 05:24:20


I've read so much bivine dung in this thread I feel I must make a statement, or have a bad stomachache for the rest of the day.

Your perception of "fascism" and "nationalsocialism" is pretty much similar, from a social and cultural point of view, to your perception of geography, to quote but one.

Come the end of the Great War (the one you joined in 1917 and demanded to claim you won in 1918, the one all other players had been  fighting since 1914) most of Europe was pretty much in dire straits.

The one Nation which, regardless of losing some 654000 men age 20-30, and suffering another 450000 men through "shell shock" (=PTSD) or losing limbs or even eyesight through the first gas Attacks...
...the one nation which rose to become the continental industrial supoerpower was NOT Germany (remember the failed Republic of Weimar) not the UK (which had plenty of protection from the Channel) nor France (which remained pretty much agricultural) but ITALY.

Italy, under Mussolini, became the one nation to set industrial and mechanical records of the modern age, some of which still remain today.

You all remember Charles Lindbergh's flight across the Ocean, not all remember the Italian formation Flying across the same Ocean, a feat nobody equalled on propeller-driven Aircraft during nor after WW2.

"Officine Panerai" and "Officine Galileo" respectively produced chronographs and optical lenses of far superior quality than the Swiss chronographs or German lenses of the day.

Names like Fermi, Marconi, Majorana, Pacinotti; firms like Caproni, Breda, Piaggio; they all made Italy famous in their day.
The very Oppenheimer and Von Braun which sent your Gemini and Apollo missions into space wouldn't have made it without studying on Italian university texts.

The first flight of a jet engined aircraft to come to popular attention was the Italian Caproni Campini N.1 motorjet prototype that flew on August 27, 1940. It was the first jet aircraft recognised by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (at the time the German He 178 program was still kept secret). Campini had proposed the motorjet in 1932.
(quote courtesy of Wikipedia; the flight was done a few miles from my home, at the ITAF Experimental Center in Guidonia, near Rome)

If you compare the 1929 crisis in the USA and in Italy, and see how the two nations managed and ran business...
- John Steinbeck wrote his famous "The Grapes of Wrath"
- Italy had, through the Fascist party, adopted the principle of "corporativism" so that any large industry HAD to diversify its produciton and its Investments; hence, the fall of Wall Street did take its toll, but only in limited fashion. Modern medical and social innovations were put in practice: urbanization called for the "industrialization of city services" so that it was mandatory for all new homes to have electricity - which was distributed through underground conduits, eliminating the dangerous and unsightly practice of hanging loose lines from poles along city streets.

Please do take your time and study Italy during the 1920s and 1930s. Your opinion on "fascism" and "dictatorship" will definitely change, as will many Forum Members' opinion on my being "a socialist" and your understanding of "the McCarthy years".

A good day to you all  8-)

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/14 at 11:07:07

& there is, once again, the difference between those whose societal histories are vast & their exposure to information is ( I suspect) more complete & less filtered to support the "We are Number One" brainwashing we get in our schools, or did, years ago. I mean, how can someone be "Number One" & teach history that shows some other country to have bested them? Naaah,, cant be pointing out THOSE achievements..
Thanks again, Pesci,,Free education from a furriner..

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by Dane Allen on 04/22/14 at 17:21:34

222A2B353B3D580 wrote:
“Hitler's agenda very much resembled the agenda of modern progressives.”

With all due respect Mr. Nslow, this statement is not true.

The right wing in this country is the closest thing to Nazi's the US has ever seen...... they try to pin that label on liberals in a vain attempt to make themselves look like the "good guys". Then to further make themselves look like the "good guys" they wrap themselves in the flag and flash around their false patriotism and religion for everyone to see. They (the right wing) has to use textbook fascist and authoritarian tactics to stay relevant.

So the National Socialist Party were not Socialists... ;D ;D ;D

I think we are all familiar with this quote “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” I think that pretty much sums it up right there.

I think some Socialist said that  ;D

Hitler took Germany via labor unions and then, as all Socialist regimes go, turned on his supporters and made himself a King. Stalin, Mao, Casto, Amin, Pol Pot, Chavez, they are all the same. Will Obama be the next? That is the legitimate fear right now.

Another familiar quote "You are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts."

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by mpescatori on 04/23/14 at 08:03:20

7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 wrote:
[quote author=222A2B353B3D580 link=1398033764/0#11 date=1398129929]“Hitler's agenda very much resembled the agenda of modern progressives.”

With all due respect Mr. Nslow, this statement is not true.

The right wing in this country is the closest thing to Nazi's the US has ever seen...... they try to pin that label on liberals in a vain attempt to make themselves look like the "good guys". Then to further make themselves look like the "good guys" they wrap themselves in the flag and flash around their false patriotism and religion for everyone to see. They (the right wing) has to use textbook fascist and authoritarian tactics to stay relevant.

So the National Socialist Party were not Socialists... ;D ;D ;D

I think we are all familiar with this quote “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” I think that pretty much sums it up right there.

I think some Socialist said that  ;D

Hitler took Germany via labor unions and then, as all Socialist regimes go, turned on his supporters and made himself a King. Stalin, Mao, Casto, Amin, Pol Pot, Chavez, they are all the same. Will Obama be the next? That is the legitimate fear right now.

Another familiar quote "You are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts."

I lived in the USA during the very happy Nixon years, and may I say that, in those days, anyone credited with such a comparison between those dictators and his own POTUS would have been... screened...

Anyway, rest assured, as long as you have Congress on two Houses, your Rights remain firm.

When the two Houses of Congress are disbanded in order to form "The Party House of Representatives"
THEN and only then,
start worrying.

On the other hand, the PRC only has the one, and once Mao went to the Celestial Rice Paddies the Country has been picking up speed and is currently in the passing lane and leaning on the horn...

Title: Re: WHOA.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/14 at 11:53:15

Well, POOT! Rarely do I disagree with Pesci,, but here, I do. OUr rights are not only Not Safe, theyre under constant attack, The police WILL hassle anyone with a rifle rack & guns in the window of their pickup. I no longer see them. The LAW hasnt been changed. POlice policy runs contrary to our rights,. TSA sexually molests adults, children & cripples.
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