General Category >> The Cafe >> Checks stolen...miss delivered... used

Message started by old_rider on 04/17/14 at 14:07:53

Title: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 04/17/14 at 14:07:53

Yup.... My banks check company delivered my checks to someone out of state, using DHL as a delivery... they were delivered to the wrong person.
That person decided to write about $3,000.00 worth of checks in cash to herself.... I got a copy of the returned checks and the signatures on two of them match my signature at the bottom. One is a totally different person, writing style way different, but the signature on the check and my signature on that check also match.
Calling the lawyer tomorrow, going to prosecute to the fullest.
I spent this afternoon at the bank changing all my personal information to a new account number....
Her is now what I have to worry about...
I am prosecuting ...they obviously don't give a rats patuty about who I am, they might have family or be gang related....yup one of those names.
My check has my name, my wife's name, my address and our phone numbers printed on the top.... guess what they can do now?
And there in is the worry....they know where I live, but I don't know where "exactly" she far... I know the state and city....from google... going to call the bank tomorrow and get the banks they got cashed at, to bump against what info I have found so far.
So, since I am going to go full out, I am now calling the lawyer to get some kind of restraining order written against her and any family members.
I will attempt to find a decent private detective to locate this person before the law does.... so I have some kind of proof it is actually her and her friends/family.
The girl I talked to told me the checks were written out of state... but the name I google / white page/ reverse phone lookup ect.... only comes up with ONE name US wide... so much for being proud of your name, thanks mom and dad :)
The three checks received were written for cash, there are 4 numbered checks between those in the sequence that have yet to show up.... hope they bought a car....
I might have to deviate on the plans for this year.... lawyer costs might not be paid for right away, cause I plan on suing somebody.... be it the check company, or DHL.... cause I know the person writing the checks ain't got no money, they are trying to steal mine!

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by Oldfeller on 04/17/14 at 14:13:52

When it calms down and you know what you are going to do, go to the trip thread and tell us.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by Pine on 04/17/14 at 14:17:06

Dang sorry to hear, being a fellow victim, and I can sure feel for ya. Might want to beef up the home security.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by jcstokes on 04/17/14 at 14:34:03

I think this is a version of what's known in our part of the world as "phishing" cheques are stolen from mail boxes and the name of the person/organisation being paid is chemically cleaned out and the "phisher's" name or organisation substituted. The owner's signature is left untouched. It's sad that this sort of thing goes on, but it's world wide. Some experts say that the cheque is one of nine things that will disappear in our lifetime. I've tended to do a lot of phone banking as I don't trust internet banking and I very seldom use a cheque these days.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by verslagen1 on 04/17/14 at 14:45:29

maybe you're thinking of "check washing"

It's possible they "bought" one of your checks stolen out of the mailbox.
And used the info to order a new set.

Your local fuzz should have a fraud department.  going after them yourself maybe less the satisfying.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by S-P on 04/17/14 at 15:21:58

The bank should give your money back. Suing someone? Probably a waste of money to be honest. The only person liable is the person who wrote the bad checks and if they have nothing, you're getting nothing from them.  I had a guy who stole a check out of my company checkbook and wrote a couple grand to himself for drugs. He even admitted it and the country attorney here said there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute because the grocery clerk who cashed the check couldn't positive ID him in a lineup.  Get your money back from the bank and let the law take care of it, and if they don't, just get on with your life.  :-/

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by jcstokes on 04/17/14 at 16:00:22

Yes Verslagen, different names in different countries.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by shorty on 04/17/14 at 16:52:17

sorry to hear... you'll know what to do when your head clears

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by Trippah on 04/17/14 at 19:19:11

If  you put all the crooks in jail, who will run the country?  While suing sounds like fun, if they only wrote 3thou of bad checks, and you can't prove it harmed you (e.g. credit went south) what are you expecting to win.??   The bank/etc should refund you the loss, so outside of your time and grey hairs, I suspect your loses as minimal.  The police get to look into prosecution with the DA making the determination (I think).
Best of luck in your adventure.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by WD on 04/17/14 at 22:47:09

Well, if Florida is still like MS was when I lived there, that's a hard time type of crime... In Harrison County it used to work out to 1 day per dollar stolen.

Good luck, and let the state boys handle it. That's one of the things they get paid for...

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 04/18/14 at 07:03:33

Nope checks were not stolen from my mailbox, I actually got called by the bank two weeks ago and they asked if mine had been delivered.

They also said others checks had been delivered to wrong addresses.

The bank is looking into the DHL side....might be something fishy going on, like maybe the driver dropped them off on purpose.

I'll know more today....first have to call DFAS, SS, VA, and a ton of other places...

Got a frickin' migraine that won't go away...

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/18/14 at 08:32:20

Some gal stole a checkbook outta my glove box. She went around writing checks in places I couldnt write checks, convincing people "Nolan" ( my first name) was her MOTHER! Yea, I talked to one of the doe eyed idiots who believed that crap.. morons abound,,
Anyway, after filling out a forgery affidavit on every single check that idiot wrote, I got 100% of my $$ back..
& SHE actually put HER drivers license number ON the checks,,
They didnt prosecute her! Whuuut! Ohh well,,, I got my $$ back,,

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 04/18/14 at 09:29:21

Charges will be pressed against some body!  My personal safety is the issue... they know where I live, my phone number... and they know large checks can be written and if they can do that...they might come look at the house...

Someone, the check company or DHL will pay me for my troubles..... i'm on hold with the va right now...but i'm calling the lawyer next...glad I pay them monthly....have had one on retainer for at least 5yrs now...only needed him once...

All I could really sue for is "mental anguish, suffering, theft of personal property, release of personal information and defamation of character if credit goons come after me".

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by MMRanch on 04/18/14 at 12:47:08

Hangings to good for em !

Low-Life-Scum-Suckers !

My vote is "Bring Capital Punishment" to cases where these type of Scum-Suckers are involved ... Take em out of the jean pool befor they can reproduce !

This is one area where the musulems are way ahead of us.


Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by Bluesman on 04/18/14 at 14:33:45

Over here, cheques stopped being used about 15-20 years ago. If you go to a bank and ask for a cheque credit or new cheques for your bank account the teller will look at you like something the cat brought home and dropped on the floor :-)

Not to mention if try to pay by cheque in a store. They simply have no idea what to do with it. Funny they still exist over there.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by jcstokes on 04/19/14 at 13:50:00

Service stations won't take them over here, unless it's a small rural one and you've known the owner since 1950.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by ToesNose on 04/19/14 at 19:46:10

Sigh... sorry to hear all this Old_Rider, such a pain in the arse!!

Best of luck straightening this mess out man   >:(

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 04/20/14 at 03:23:21

Just got another notice in the mail from the bank.... they wrote another $965.00 check.... sigh..... my name is going to be mud in Atlanta.... least that's the only location for the name they are paying cash to.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by shorty on 04/21/14 at 04:58:13

455745575A49464B40080 wrote:
Hangings to good for em !

Low-Life-Scum-Suckers !

My vote is "Bring Capital Punishment" to cases where these type of Scum-Suckers are involved ... Take em out of the jean pool befor they can reproduce !

This is one area where the musulems are way ahead of us.


agreed.. my wife teaches in a reform school (they don't call it that anymore) The teens enrolled are forced to go, they refuse to learn, they threaten my wife while she's desperately trying to help..

My dad was a life long cop and he said there are too many victim-less offenders locked up and not enough predators behind bars..

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by Dave on 04/21/14 at 08:20:08

5B5850465D505146340 wrote:
Just got another notice in the mail from the bank.... they wrote another $965.00 check.... sigh..... my name is going to be mud in Atlanta.... least that's the only location for the name they are paying cash to.

Do they still have your checks in their possesion and still writing them....or is this a check that was just a little slow making it to the bank?

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 04/22/14 at 10:09:56

They have a whole box of my checks.... the check company sent them to the wrong address or the DHL driver delivered them to the wrong address, I have to find out which.

I called the lawyer, who told me to call the local sheriff (rural area), they told me that if I can prove the checks were stolen, they would get involved, but only fraud can be filled at the moment against the folks that are cashing them.

Told me that the FBI will be involved after $10,000.00 but so far its only $3,300.00

I will have to set up an appointment with my banks to see what they area going to do other than reject the checks (after changing all my bank information).

I am supposed to ask them where the checks are being cashed (specifically), so I can call the banks and notify them that I am not writing the checks, so those banks can prosecute.

They are spreading the check #'s out, using them out of two or three different books.

So far I haven't been called by anyone wanting money for the bad checks, but since my bank gave me a "stop check" paper dated the 10th of april and all the checks were written after that I am not liable.

I am so fed up with this stuff right now...... somebody is going to pay for my trouble.... even if it is the company that makes the checks or DHL.

At the moment it is being left up to me to "clear" my name. At my last job before I had to start fighting cancer I was being paid $26 bucks an hour....guess I should start keeping track of my time.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by Dave on 04/22/14 at 18:04:30

Seems weird that the bank knows where the checks were sent, and that people are writing bad checks, and they can't just go get the remaining checks back?

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 04/22/14 at 22:53:41

Yeah, I said the same thing, the checks were all written on the 14th and 15th.... six so far now, total went up today as two more were written, now its $5,200.00

Hope they hit ten grand..... then I get to call the FBI....

Going to the auditing section of my bank tomorrow and see how much information they will give me, so I can start the legal processes.

I think I might just email the FBI and ask about check fraud and when they get involved.

LOL! I went to the FBI site and guess what? There is a local satellite office within a 10 minute drive from my house! 8-)

After I visit my bank auditing dept. tomorrow I will stop by the office and see if anyone is there to give me some heads up on what to do.
Couldn't hurt....


Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 04/23/14 at 08:53:51

Well, talked to the bank over the phone.... hehe, they called me this morning, appointment set up for Friday, and the wife has to go too.

Apparently they signed her name also to a couple of checks :(

And guess what? LOL the crook signed his name to a couple!  

Definitely from the Atlanta area... smells like crime ring type stuff, I was not the only one who had the checks stolen.

And the delivery company is looking into what is happening.... forrest park police have been notified.

I have a brick front to my house and a steel front door, but one 4 X 5 foot bedroom window.... now I have to think about boarding it up or covering it with sheet steel.

Reason? I have to sign affidavits for pressing charges through the banks saying that I was not involved (to clear my name). Criminals are involved (most likely gangs using their 20 year old crack hoe's to cash the checks) (suspected), so i'm only about five hours from Atlanta and an easy drive by and i'm not a witness anymore.

After Friday's appointment i'm calling the lawyer yet again an see who has compromised my safety, and what I can do about it.

Checks that I know about so far:  17
Amount total so far: $16,260.00

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 07/09/14 at 10:45:10

Well they are at it again...

Wrote another check for $960.00, and get this, the guy they wrote it out to used his cell phone to deposit it into his account.
I am not sure how to deal with this, guess I will call the lawyer back, so far its been about 12 people involved including the guy writing the checks, the Forrest Park (outside of Atlanta) police detective is not answering his messages from my bank fraud dept.
Hell the dude signed his name to one of the checks, I don't know why they cannot find him.
Its becoming a stomach ulcer type deal for me....i'm just waiting for the day some thugs come buy the house (address and phone number on the checks, so they know where i live) or some bully collection agent tries to break down my door or handcuff my wife.
>:( >:(

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by verslagen1 on 07/09/14 at 11:24:59

sounds like it's time to close the account.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by BalingWire on 07/09/14 at 11:56:54

Its becoming a stomach ulcer type...

Been there, dealing with another kind of criminal organization who inhabit tall, shiny buildings in big cities, that is, a health insurance company.

I ended up visiting an attorney to help me. He asked me to sit down in front of his big desk, and the first question out of his mouth was "How much money have you contributed to a political campaign in this state in the last 24 months?"

I replied, "What's that got to do with this?"

He said, "Well, pretty much everything, because the insurance companies own the state legislature."

And then he laid out his strategy for dealing with them, which worked for paying about 98.5% of $40,000+ worth of bills, after 18 months and a couple bill collectors getting nasty. After it got down to a few hundred $$, I just paid the rest off.

It's amazing how you can go into a hospital, and 27 different people can legally bill you. I think even the janitor charged a few grand for emptying the trash can in the operating room. I think a few just walked by the door and decided to bill just for peeking in.

Sad thing is, even after insurance had paid some one medical provider, they sent the bill collectors after me. It took three months of hassle, and then finally, one of the girls that you talk to on the phone said this to me, "Oh, I checked the other computer system, and the insurance payment is recorded there.  I'll call the bill collectors and tell them to stop collection."

Collection stopped.  The other computer system, dontchaknow.

If I operated under as poor of business ethics as them, I'd be in prison for fraud.  Mainly because I don't have a lobbyist.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 07/09/14 at 13:23:10

2C3F2829363B3D3F346B5A0 wrote:
sounds like it's time to close the account.

The set of checks "lost in transit" were five packs of 50, a whole box.
The account was closed but apparently no one has found the checks and folks keep writing them.
I have to keep going to the bank and signing paperwork to say that I didn't write them, its getting very annoying and time consuming and gas consuming.
I talked to my lawyer when it originally happened and he told me to call the local police and file a report, did that....
Since the DHL company lost them, they started an investigation to make sure the driver was not involved.
They will not call or answer calls from my bank either.
I am thinking about suing DHL and whomever has the checks for emotional distress, besmirching my name ect...... but its going to cost me.
I have never sued or pressed charges against anyone, even the guy that pulled a knife on me at a gas station. (I just reached behind me and told they guy he should go on about his way, then told the gas station clerk, who called the cops, who asked if I wanted to press charges).
But this is a different story, three of the guys when I looked them up in Atlanta, have drug charges, weapons charges, murder charges all kinds of felony stuff AND THAT IS WHY I am a little concerned for our safety.
Only five hours to Atlanta from here.
If I press charges or file a report and they find out the person with the checks is the one who sicked the cops on them ..... well, they have my address...  :(

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by MMRanch on 07/09/14 at 21:42:15

Old Rider
Don't you have the other fellers address too ?   It seems to me , that they should be sweating it out that you don't "Look-them-up" ...  >:(   Bunch of Druggies (wouldn't be Druggies-if they had anything between their ears).


Do nothing:

Its not costing you anything at this point , so maybe you should trust the good Lord and your pocket pistol to keep things right !

Go find a Lawyer who will try anything and put em on the case -- heck give the lawyer a 50/50 split on the take and let them go at it !  ;)

This story is better than watching TV !  ::)

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by old_rider on 07/10/14 at 10:01:09

Talked to the fraud guy at the bank, he seems to think that the guy who stole the checks (about 6 customers had checks stolen off the DHL truck) Is a drug running criminal... look him up, he signed a check with his name in the cash spot and on our from line....
Apparently the girls cashing the checks are all around 22-28 years old (probably his hookers, or so the bank guy thinks)
His name is Lorenzo Gaston, from around the Atlanta area, I can't get an address, but it looks like he got picked up a month ago and has yet to be released
I looked him up at this site
Also he wrote a check to a guy named Daniel Wilson, i'm thinking its this guy Daneil Carlton Wilson

Names on the checks coincide with folks in and around Atlanta...

The last guy used his cell phone.... just last week... so Lorenzo is in jail and his buddy Daniel must be writing the checks now. >:(

Oh, and the total money in stolen checks has gone over $100,000.00
mine is now at $17,000.00

What gets me is, the banks have camera's and people need an account there to cash checks and Photo ID's! Why have they not all been rounded up?

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by engineer on 07/10/14 at 13:59:31

As of today I'll be joining Old Rider as a target of fraud.  So far they haven't actually gotten any of my money.  Somebody got my name and my credit card number and made some purchases.  One online vendor got suspicious and called me.  The person made the order, used their coupons and specified express shipping to their address but with my name.

They wouldn't give me the address, privacy rules she said.  Then I called the bank that covers that card and they were busy cancelling other orders that were for fairly large amounts and to different addresses than my own.  So I get a new number and hopefully that will be the end of it.

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by kennemarv1 on 07/10/14 at 17:28:58

I, too, have just been contacted by my credit card company regarding fraudulent internet charges.  I'm told I am not liable for the charges (a couple of large ones and a bunch of small ones) but the account was closed and re-opened under a new number.  I only used the card a couple of times, it looks like the account was hacked via an internet purchase. I will make sure to look over my statements more frequently, the small charges added up to a pretty decent amount of money, but I might have missed them if the card issuer hadn't flagged the bigger amounts.  Be alert!

Title: Re: Checks stolen...miss delivered... used
Post by Trippah on 07/13/14 at 16:38:54

The sad thing is we pay for the crooks success in higher prices to cover the insurance etc.  It really stinks they don't cut off the crooks hands on t.v.  and then throw them into a crocodile pit.  Yes, I know that would be cruel and unusual for the crocs; but hey... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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