General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It ain't free speech.......

Message started by raydawg on 04/02/14 at 17:08:37

Title: It ain't free speech.......
Post by raydawg on 04/02/14 at 17:08:37

I say restricting the amount of money you can give to a candidate, party, etc, is not an affront on free speech.
That reasoning is akin (in my mind) that the Gay activist use when comparing their discrimination as the same as racism visited on African American's.....

Anyway, our SCOTUS voted to remove all limits that an individual can make according to their dictates, or more to point, wealth.....
Further widening the gap of true representation of all its citizenry, only to favor the well to do so they can influence policies to further assure their concerns, as they buy these politicians.....
And of course, the media must love this news as well, it sounds like cash registers ringing to them.

What adds insult, to injury, to this sad affair, is they get these tax write-offs too....

Free speech, my ARSE!  :o        

Title: Re: It ain't free speech.......
Post by Serowbot on 04/02/14 at 17:53:36

It was already a government for bid... SCOTUS just made it more so...

All election reforms just flew out the window...

Title: Re: It ain't free speech.......
Post by raydawg on 04/02/14 at 18:11:32

I agree, unless we the people refuse to be part of it.
By this I mean no more party affiliations, no primaries, which only serve to divide and conquer.....

One general election, most votes, WINS, simple.

That will remove a lot of money, and turn the focus solely on the (a) candidate(s).

The "rich" make up a very small amount of the populace, everybody else lumped together can make one hell of a impact if we stick together......

Title: Re: It ain't free speech.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/02/14 at 19:22:18

How many candidates can a paper endorse? How can I endorse a candidate? I give $$$. REstricing how much I can give? Well,, snot right..
O course, the problem becomes tangible when a super wealthy guy or a group gets together &effectively BUYS the office for their guy, then GETS legislation that makes them all powerful,, If the electeds werent corrupted in the election cycle, we would have a chance,

Title: Re: It ain't free speech.......
Post by shorty on 04/03/14 at 05:27:41

SCOTUS is a puppet show... very sad... I've been waiting my entire adult life for term limits

Title: Re: It ain't free speech.......
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/14 at 05:50:01

Anyway, our SCOTUS voted to remove all limits that an individual can make according to their dictates, or more to point, wealth.....

That's not exactly what they did. It's not surprising that what passes as reporting on this topic has been particular accurate. Read the decision a little closer.

And as a further point,  any liberal (not saying Ray, just in general)  bitching about this decision should go jump in the nearest lake after Roberts tortured logic in Obamacare. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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