General Category >> The Cafe >> Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...

Message started by Serowbot on 03/29/14 at 22:24:58

Title: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Serowbot on 03/29/14 at 22:24:58

Times 500 million...
Security updater for Windows XP...

Windows XP final update is a warning that there will be no more updates...
I declined... the download...

Any takers?...
$500,000,000 per year is okay pay...
Just charge every XP user one dollar per year...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Oldfeller on 03/29/14 at 23:16:24

You laugh, but if Microchoke could figure out how to bleed everybody that is into XP right now for a dollar or $10 or $100 or $1,000 they certainly would do it .....

I figure that it is when you are REALLY sick you don't care overmuch how much the drugs to fix you up are going to be costing you ....  so having you really really sick right quick like is in MS's best interest, now ain't it?

There is a veritable influenza outbreak a coming, and the anti-virus people and MS are going to make a MINT off of all the struggling, sickly XP people before it is all over.

Except for the ones of us who boot the suit and are able to stand up tall and proud during all them intentional plagues and all them nasty foot removing explosions with all them loose claymore mines and trip wires and such like.    We will jest be a stompin' and a grinnin' ....

Might scratch up our paint job a little on the foot areas, but that's about all it can do.

                                                  "Geeks rule", sez Tony Stark.  "Microsoft just wants your money and they will kill your PC to get it".
                                                                  "Suit up and let's go kick their butts some".

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Art Webb on 03/29/14 at 23:21:19

I have XP myself, debating what to do about this, and wondering how long it'll take my PC to become useless after the 8th

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by ToesNose on 03/30/14 at 04:13:47

Bite the bullet and get an OEM version of Windows 7 for $50.  

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Gerry on 03/30/14 at 05:49:21

5C676D7B46677B6D080 wrote:
Bite the bullet and get an OEM version of Windows 7 for $50.  

Do you have a link to that $50 OEM Win 7?
Not trying to be facetious, just really interested.  The cheapest I have found is here...

I'm researching a new gaming PC build using PC Parts Picker  and the above link is the least money for one OEM DVD package.

I would love to buy a 3 pack OEM of Win 7 @ $50 each rather then around $100 each.

I plan to dual boot this new box later with Mint 17 and Win 7.


Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by shorty on 03/30/14 at 06:29:32

I also decline xp updates, ever since Microgreedy announced they're dropping it.. suspicions run high

I expect xp will hang-on like windows 98 did

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Art Webb on 03/30/14 at 09:53:31

my updates are automatic, no option to decline
Ive not seen 7 for $50 either, not even at walmarts website
I have thought about getting a chromebook for browsing and keeping my XP machine offline, where it should live a fairly long healthy life, relatively speaking

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Serowbot on 03/30/14 at 09:55:51

61727477656262000 wrote:
my updates are automatic, no option to decline

Control panel.. go to Security Center, turn off automatic updates...

...(might be pointless now)...  :-/...

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Art Webb on 03/30/14 at 10:04:51

realy think MS will send a self destruct code via updates?

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by shorty on 03/30/14 at 10:28:32

2C3F393A282F2F4D0 wrote:
realy think MS will send a self destruct code via updates?

they've done it before.. not so much a self destruct, but troublesome .exe files that disrupt processing.. when asked they will claim it's free anti malware or a servicing file but never were you told it was being installed..

I will NEVER permit automatic updates

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/14 at 12:07:27

Ive worked with quite a few annums who werent worth a dollar..

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Oldfeller on 03/30/14 at 12:14:01

Some folks did an .exe file by file of Win 7 once trying to say what each active .exe file actually does.  Easily 10% of what Microsoft has loaded on your computer right now is active, but does things no one can determine what the heck it is that they are busily doing all the time.

Some belong to our government, I dare say.    Some are MS internal projects tracking what you do so they can clip you better next time out.

It is amazing that all the MS OS products bulk 4-5 times larger than an equivalent Apple or Linux OS do size-wise, can only run on an Intel "hooky" chipset (and Apple and Linux run on anybody's chipsets) and MS OS products have at least 10% of their OS functions that nobody can identify what the heck they are doing.  

And MS wants to fix what they have in your OS ALL THE TIME.

(is it really always that broken/flawed all the time ???)

And you guys are struggling to find the next MS version you can actually roll up to, so you can rush out to PAY them $100 to do the same dance for another 5 years.   Then they will bleed you into their blood bowl yet again, and again.

Can you say "unhealthy dependent relationship" ???

Art is just what MS wants for a customer -- he's afraid to change.

Serowbot has tried to change in the past, but is unwilling to try again because it didn't work out flawlessly on the first try.

Serow makes a real good point -- the jump gap to Win 8 is a lot larger than the gap he saw going to Linux back when he tried.

Chrome OS was built for Art.   It gives a no-brainer move that you only have to learn where things are located on the web just once (and on a Chrome box all of them are pre-located for you).

Spending over half the cost of a Chrome box to upgrade to another MS OS package (such as the ends in year 2020 Win 7) seems sort of silly.   Just spend the extra $79 and have the Chrome box forever and get off the MS treadmill.

I may be very small, but I am very quick and I can still reach up and punch you in the balls with my little steel fists three times before you fall over .... WHAM !!! WHAM !!! WHAM !!!

Chrome boxes are updated every time you use it, tiny tiny quick little biitty updates on a little bitty tiny quick Linux based OS product  
Chrome OS wears the suit too, BTW, and is sand-boxed also (each thing you do is executed in a sand-box of its very own, so there is no data sand being tossed around by the players from one box to the next box).

Corporations and IT departments trust Chrome OS for their company's data.   The Chrome OS is naturally secure and virus free.  The cloud thing no longer worries them.   They mount their own data on corporate clouds now in preference to local hard drives.  This fact should carry some weight with you as the IT people understand this stuff really much better than we plebeians types really do.

And, you do understand that Chrome boxes don't run out of time or go bad or get trojans/worms/viruses or require defragging or any of the other MS style bullshite?

If you want to keep your old box, fine, dual boot Linux Mint.   If you want a new box, go get a Chromebox.

But get off the MS merry-go-round .....

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by stinger on 03/30/14 at 13:02:50


Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Oldfeller on 03/30/14 at 13:09:57

What I find interesting about it is that MS refuses to provide ANYBODY an upgrade path from XP to Windows 7.    XP only upgrades to Vista (which is totally dead now).

Even big Corporate customers have to go buy Win 8 outright and then use the downgrade rights to get to Windows 7.

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by verslagen1 on 03/30/14 at 13:13:44

beware the kung-fu power grip   :o

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Oldfeller on 03/30/14 at 13:24:27

Naw, what you should be worried about is that each page you open is a separate little quick Chrome dude and you can have up to 12-15 of them available sometimes at the same time to gang up on & whup up on an invading worm or trojan or whatever.

At boot up time Chrome also checks the chksum on your whole OS and if it doesn't match the entire thing gets replaced during the boot cycle.   Normal boot cycle on Chrome OS is less than 10 seconds on an Asus Chromebox.   If you need a total reload (powerwash, they call it) it takes 20-30 seconds.   Quick.  Secure.

MS would just eat the worm and die and go all blue screen on you.   Or lose its boot sector, or pelt you with ads and change all your home pages and just screw you up every which way it can.

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Art Webb on 03/30/14 at 23:00:09

so the chromebox is already out? that or a chromebook is sounding better and better, this PC is OLD man, I bought it refurbed over 7 years ago, and the system battery voltage is low, according to the startup program

I realy need to read these threads more carefully, I'm feeling quite a bit like the dumbest kid in the room

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Art Webb on 03/30/14 at 23:08:32

amazon wants $216.59 (plus presumably shipping) for the asus chromebox  :'(

also one review suggests it needs a special keyboard? not just a regular one?
that could be a problem

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Oldfeller on 03/31/14 at 01:46:48

54474142505757350 wrote:
so the chromebox is already out? that or a chromebook is sounding better and better, this PC is OLD man, I bought it refurbed over 7 years ago, and the system battery voltage is low, according to the startup program

I realy need to read these threads more carefully, I'm feeling quite a bit like the dumbest kid in the room

You might try to go to the correct threads too -- this is a joke thread that Serowbot started with a painfully true joke about what he is faced with (same choices as you, actually)

Here is your chrome box thread.   Go here to read up on Asus Chromebox and where to buy it.

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Oldfeller on 03/31/14 at 02:50:48

Going back to the semi joke that was at the front of this XP is dying, what do we do? thread -- here is a whimsical comparison of Elephants and Asses that can also be read as a semi-political statement about "relevance" in general.

Read it with a grin, plug in Chromebook/Chromebox for Tablet if you want to make it all current events type stuff.

In either case Microsoft is in trouble .....

Title: Re: Help Wanted... job paying $1.00 per annum...
Post by Art Webb on 03/31/14 at 11:14:56

That is a very relavant joke, maybe I'm just being 'clingy' with the whole PC thing » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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