General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Camping

Message started by RatdogWillie on 03/24/14 at 19:34:52

Title: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Camping
Post by RatdogWillie on 03/24/14 at 19:34:52

Homeless Man Gets Shot To Death By Police For Camping Without Government Permission

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/14 at 22:29:58

They woke him up screaming at him, put dogs on him & tossed a flash bang at him..& instead of falling on the ground to be chewed on & ( GEE, you spose he was Terrified??) He turned to run & they shot him in the back,,Of course, Im sorry,, I forgot.

They HEROICALLY shot him in the back,,Theyre heroes,.,theyre cops & cops are heroes.. Now, lets see if anyone gets in trouble,,that community needs to unite, right now,,or the cops will see this as a green lite for more.,.,
All they hadda do was bull horn the guy from 50 yards OR, just send a coupla guys up, reach down, shake his arm & TALK to him,, These assholes PRETEND theyre "afraid for their lives" so they can justify killing someone.. Hell,, if theyre that skeert they need to get a burger flippin job..

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by oldNslow on 03/25/14 at 04:56:04

Camping Without Government Permission

There's the gist  of the story and the problem right there. Everything else is just details. This sh*t happens every day now. Anyone who hasn't figured out that we ALREADY live in a police state isn't paying attention.

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by RatdogWillie on 03/25/14 at 06:03:29

Cast of Criminals (Cops) (Police State Brave Heroes)

The Albuquerque Police Department  (505) 242-COPS released the names of two police officers who were involved in the shooting.

Officer Keith Sandy
As you saw in the video, the victim was laying on his stomach saying he was unable to get up when a police officer named Keith Sandy walked up and shot the prone man in the back.  Officer Sandy, pictured below, must be so proud of his brave, heroic action.
You can learn more about Officer Sandy’s own criminal history

Officer Dominique Perez
The other cop who shot the victim was Officer Dominique Perez.  Doesn’t he look like a nice guy instead of a heartless killer of the homeless?

Perez and Sandy are both on paid vacation pending the outcome of a review of the murder officer involved shooting.

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/14 at 06:10:47

The 2nd one looks like one of the kids I avoided in school.. punk

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by RatdogWillie on 03/25/14 at 06:14:40

657A7C7B6661506050687A763D0F0 wrote:
The 2nd one looks like one of the kids I avoided in school.. punk
looks like his nose has been broken before....may it be so again many times more.

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/14 at 07:02:15

Nose, jaw, legs,, dude needs some real hurtin,,

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by WebsterMark on 03/25/14 at 07:43:45

To many cop shows on television coupled with the a few of the  personality types who become cops and this is what we get.

It's not a stretch to say this police activity to no different than certain politicians demanding I get the health insurance they think I need or pay a tax; demanding more of my money so they can give it those that are 'more worthy'; demanding I'm not capable of owning a gun......  

Think I'm wrong about that relationship between the two? I'm not.  

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by RatdogWillie on 03/25/14 at 07:51:35

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
To many cop shows on television coupled with the a few of the  personality types who become cops and this is what we get.

It's not a stretch to say this police activity to no different than certain politicians demanding I get the health insurance they think I need or pay a tax; demanding more of my money so they can give it those that are 'more worthy'; demanding I'm not capable of owning a gun......  

Think I'm wrong about that relationship between the two? I'm not.  

Finally.....we agree on something.....!

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/14 at 08:42:15

13 minute clip showing the murder from the early stages. The media wont show it all,, takes someone like Jones to drag it out.

I was only able to watch about 4 minutes,,its just too sick,, talk about a bunch of sick thugs.. This is part of an ongoing list of bad behavior by that bunch of thugs. REmnember not long ago they hauled some guy to the hospital & had him given enemas & probed for drugs.. Man,, someone do that to me Id be wanting to ambush them with a baseball bat, handcuffs & a garden hose.. Tape it to his thigh so it cant come out, fire it up wide open & walk away,,

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by RatdogWillie on 03/25/14 at 09:13:53

293630372A2D1C2C1C24363A71430 wrote:

13 minute clip showing the murder from the early stages. The media wont show it all,, takes someone like Jones to drag it out.

I was only able to watch about 4 minutes,,its just too sick,, talk about a bunch of sick thugs.. This is part of an ongoing list of bad behavior by that bunch of thugs. REmnember not long ago they hauled some guy to the hospital & had him given enemas & probed for drugs.. Man,, someone do that to me Id be wanting to ambush them with a baseball bat, handcuffs & a garden hose.. Tape it to his thigh so it cant come out, fire it up wide open & walk away,,

At 4:20 one of the murderers shots him multiple times in the back.
At 4:40 the wounded victim begs, "Please don't hurt me!'
At 4:54, 4:56 &5:00  a murderer shots more rounds into his face down body
At 5:20 the dog chew his leg and he fails to respond.
At 5:23 one of the murderers states "Alright...he's dead."

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by WebsterMark on 03/25/14 at 09:30:08

every one of those 'officers' in that video need to be fired and perhaps prosecuted. I realize being a policemen is hard nowdays and I generally give them the benefit of the doubt because they face so many genuinely disturbed and dangerous individuals, but anyone could see this man was no harm.

The key piece of evidence is they fired the flash grenade when he was putting on his backpack. Whoever gave that order was looking for a confrontation. He's the most guilty one. He's the one I'd prosecute.
He's the one who got up that morning thinking he had the biggest thingy in his city and he was sure as hell gonna make sure us peons knew who was boss.

I'm loading my bike up later this summer for an extended ride and camping trip; kinda scary to think I might wake up to a bunch of army ranger wantabees with whipped up testrodone and big guns as  compensation for what they're lacking....

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by WebsterMark on 03/25/14 at 09:31:33


Think I'm wrong about that relationship between the two? I'm not.  [/quote]
Finally.....we agree on something.....![/quote]

Somewhere, Hitler is asking for a coat and boots because it suddenly just froze over....

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by North Country on 03/27/14 at 17:39:10

What is going on with cops in this country? This is murder plane and simple!

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/14 at 19:11:08

535B5A444A4C290 wrote:
What is going on with cops in this country? This is murder plane and simple!

Here's what: To many cop shows on television coupled with the a few of the  personality types who become cops and this is what we get.

It's not a stretch to say this police activity to no different than certain politicians demanding I get the health insurance they think I need or pay a tax; demanding more of my money so they can give it those that are 'more worthy'; demanding I'm not capable of owning a gun......  

Think I'm wrong about that relationship between the two? I'm not.

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by Paraquat on 03/28/14 at 06:15:44

Plus the militarization...
The training they receive. You can't tell me that doesn't amp them up at all.


Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by shorty on 03/31/14 at 10:46:29

the govt and their robot terminators are preparing for another civil war..
They are building huge prisons in many states, with kiddie playgrounds so they can lock-up entire families... our forefathers would go ballistic

Title: Re: Homeless Man Shot To Death By Police For Campi
Post by Dane Allen on 04/01/14 at 11:11:47

3F3736282620450 wrote:
What is going on with cops in this country? This is murder plane and simple!

Anyone see any medical treatment for the victim at all? Did anyone even try to put pressure on the wound(s)? I didn't see it. Any care, regard or concern for the guy they ambushed and gunned down? So much for Serve and Protect.

Aside from the whole situation in general, I specifically didn't see any justification for the initial grenade attack on the victim. Kudos to all the protesters who traveled to New Mexico to fight for our rights!! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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