General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Wanna see some "CON trails"?/

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 03/21/14 at 07:34:07

Title: Wanna see some "CON trails"?/
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/21/14 at 07:34:07

Title: Re: Wanna see some "CON trails"?/
Post by Serowbot on 03/21/14 at 10:19:22

Those clearly are contrails... normal, harmless, everyday, contrails...
Nothing sinister...

Contrails are nothing more than clouds... water vapor... That is why they hang around so long... Just like clouds....

On the other hand,... Sprays or dustings, dissipate quickly...
This is why the trails that skywriters and planes at air shows don't linger like contrails...
If anything was being intentionally sprayed, it would dissipate much faster...

So,.. the entire logic behind the contrail conspiracy uses backwards logic...
They have the physics reversed...
Them is just harmless vapor clouds...

Close the book... :-?...

Title: Re: Wanna see some "CON trails"?/
Post by WebsterMark on 03/21/14 at 11:36:07

Close the book? ..... Yea right. Good luck with that.

Title: Re: Wanna see some "CON trails"?/
Post by pgambr on 03/21/14 at 14:50:23

I have heard that in the upper midwest they have huge ice balls on the great lakes  reported by people who have lived there
for decades that have never been there before.

Also, in some parts they have snow that people have tried to melt with a heater and couldn't.  I don't know and I'm not saying it is a fact, I guest I'm 'just sayin'.  Any of you guys from up there, feel free to chime in.

Title: Re: Wanna see some "CON trails"?/
Post by arteacher on 03/21/14 at 15:44:31

[quote author=2037313D3222500 link=1395412447/0#3 date=1395438623]I have heard that in the upper midwest they have huge ice balls on the great lakes  reported by people who have lived there
for decades that have never been there before.

Google "ice balls great lakes" and you will find out how they are formed, and that they are nothing new.

Title: Re: Wanna see some "CON trails"?/
Post by pgambr on 03/21/14 at 16:52:55

It is the size of the ice balls that is in question.  Not a significant issue.  

How about Fukushima?  It has been three years and they hadn't made any progress on sealing that thing off let alone the clean up. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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