General Category >> The Cafe >> Why google's chromebook is better

Message started by old_rider on 03/04/14 at 18:40:37

Title: Why google's chromebook is better
Post by old_rider on 03/04/14 at 18:40:37

than window or apple...

Well that's what this report is about...

Looks like google is going for a knockout punch eh?

Title: Re: Why google's chromebook is better
Post by Oldfeller on 03/04/14 at 19:30:02

That says it well, clearly and with no apology to anybody.    

For a casual user who is just out to cruise the web and post some and write some and fiddle some and play a little on-line game or two -- a Chromebook or Chromebox is exactly what they need.

Google made up 500 of those super fancy big screen Chromebooks and has been slowly passing them out to the computer press and article writers who seem to be willing to give it a fair shake.

Guess who loves their Chromebook now?   Yup, every single one of them.   They do all their writing on the Chromebook and carry it off to shows, etc.   At least one of the most die hard old school Windows fanatics is now a Chromebook pusher extraordinare.  

(I noticed him change his tune, yes I did)

They haven't come out and actually said "Windows just plain blows" just yet but they do have to TRY be impartial now, don't they?   They limit all their Windows bashing to 8.0 and try to find something good to say about 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 since they don't want MS to just roll over and die.

The ones covering the Education market HAVE actually said "Windows just blows" but nobody has paid them any mind just yet.   All the kids know it, though.


There is a whole new generation of lower cost stuff just waiting out there once the Chinese Cheapie guys start shipping Chromeboxes and Chromebooks using the new ARM chipsets.

It wasn't by accident I put that step as the final portion of "the tipping of the market" to FOSS and ARM -- when it happens, then it is game over for MS since folks will have admitted they don't NEED to have Office, Word or MS any more.    

Business, they will pay close attention to their IT professionals and do what they suggest -- and IT has MANY MANY reasons to love the Chromebooks and Chromeboxes.

And Office/Word and some old habits are the only thing holding MS together right now....

.... as MS fires, yes now fires one-fifth of their Vice Presidents in charge of This and That.   Got to trim all the dead wood, you see, because we are shipping our product FOR FREE right now boys because you screwed up so badly.

The guy who did the Scroogled smear ad campaigns against Chromebooks is now the one and only sole vice president of Marketing ...... yup, he gets rewarded for a job well done.      ::)    

Title: Re: Why google's chromebook is better
Post by Kirill Timofeev on 03/04/14 at 22:17:12

You start to rely on chromeos and you become google's hostage. But everybody decide for himself.

Title: Re: Why google's chromebook is better
Post by Oldfeller on 03/05/14 at 07:16:05

Kirill,  we have all been Microsoft's galley slave/hostage for the last 20 years.   Microsoft was a lot more Evil at times than Google has ever been.

Despite the FUD campaigns waged against Google by MS and others  I have found Google to be very careful about what they do lately.

The two very bright kids that invented Google have grown up some -- literally.   I think they did do some stupid things back in their mid twenties (things they wouldn't do now they are 30 somethings)  The things they did weren't illegal, just unexpected and way out ahead of the curve.  

When somebody said, "Hey, you have to pay for that !!!"  they ponied up along with an apology.    (I wouldn't have thought scanning in out of copyright books made you owe anybody anything either).

Google is about data, information and advertising.   That is what they do.

I think they still take risks though (Loon and HyperSpeed Internet for two examples) but I think they weight taking those risks out better now.

Selling off Motorola (carefully, so as not to damage it) after impulsively buying it was a sign of growing maturity for them.  

Let's talk about Chromebooks and Boxes -- is there any personal information they or anybody else are going to gleen from you off those platforms that they (or somebody else) hasn't already mooched off you already?

As far as Larry and Brin suddenly deciding to pull the plug on the server farms on you -- that isn't going to happen without them going broke and then going to jail over it.   Google Services are wide spread throughout business and industry -- people like us running ChomeBooks & Boxes are just a small freebie add-on to the real Google Server Empire.

Besides, they have carefully made sure the hardware will support general Linux Distros as local loads.   So if they did tank, you'd just shift OS systems.

Current example:  Google is investigating becoming an ARM chip designer (full design license) so they can design their own private use GoogleServerFarm chipset.  

Right now Google buys more server racks than anybody else in the whole world and their energy bill per month exceeds the GNP of some small African countries.  They are teaming up with IBM and the ghost of Calera (recently failed start up) to try to do this ....

If they had been Microsoft they would have run Calera out of business intentionally by partnering with them and screwing them over .... then bought the pieces but kept the corpse separate so they can cut it loose later.   (sound familiar, Nokia?)

Google will be a much gentler plantation master than Microsoft ever was.    If I had to be somebody's wage slave in the computer industry, I'd pick Google over MS or Apple.   Google feeds you for free and gives you ping pong tables ...

But then again, I quit being anybody's computing slave a while ago .....


(although I do admit to liking a little sprig of mint in my glass of sweet tea, that is a preference, not an addiction).

Title: Re: Why google's chromebook is better
Post by Serowbot on 03/05/14 at 07:56:49

7A652826272628110 wrote:
You start to rely on chromeos and you become google's hostage. But everybody decide for himself.

+1,..  I don't like being pigeonholed by my interests...

Title: Re: Why google's chromebook is better
Post by Kirill Timofeev on 03/05/14 at 08:15:16

Quite recently google decided to close their rss reader. There is no guarantee, that some "effective manager" would decide, that chromeos loses more money than earns and it would be closed. Chromeboxes hardware is not impressive, their local storage is very limited, and personally I want to have my data localy, I don't trust clouds neither in terms of reliability nor in terms of privacy. The only source of money for google are online ads. They are looking for other sources but with not much success up to the present moment. There is interesting book "how the mighty fall". It shows that no company is guaranteed to go belly up. Google is no exception.

My personal choice is linux. Open source imho is much better than any proprietary solution. It is free, it is being audited by a lot of people, code quality is much better than closed source products (community wouldn't let bad code to be comitted), it is very hard to shut down. If some project don't get appropriate attention from maintainers it's being forked and continue to live.

Title: Re: Why google's chromebook is better
Post by Oldfeller on 03/05/14 at 09:42:43

Why yes, I agree with you, Linux is much better for a locally loaded OS -- IMHO better than MS and better than Apple, but I am very bias in that aspect.

And yes, by slamming in a big simm card you can have lots of local storage on Chromebox, plenty to load a nice modern Linux distro in the 16-32 gigs of super fast flash on board memory and still have a ton of room on the simm card to put your data.

Or, my goodness, you can plug in a USB hard drive and have the world on a string for local storage.

$179 for a Chromebox isn't a bad price either  (they will get cheaper given some time and some real Chinese vendors)

But cheap new Ubuntu boxes will be out there too, new Mint boxes, new Fedora boxes -- choices will be had by all.

And for the some of us who DON'T WANT ANY OF THE HASSLES of computer ownership .... there will be Chromeboxes .....  

Grandma will get one for sure -- the grandkids in K-12 who use them will tell her to get one because it sure is easy to use at school.

(to go along with the Playstation 5 that she will need for watching them Roku channels of course)




For you fine folks who think Chrome OS isn't able to really do your stuff, the Linux hackers have now had at the lowest cost Acer Chromebooks (non-touch screen @ $199 and touch screen @ $299) and have figured out how to simo-kernel (dual boot to you MS people) Ubuntu on the same unit and the same Linux kernel as the stock Acer Chrome OS.

You can flip back & forth between them with just a combination key push.

This guy Brad Linder shows you how it works and it works pretty well.   For such a light processor, etc. the Acers haul butt pretty good.

Brad always tells it square & blunt, so he will tell you what he likes about the Acer keyboard and screen and such and what he doesn't care for all that much.   He also gets into the better memory specs you can order on the non-touch screen $199 unit that you can't get yet on the $299 touch screen unit.

Before you go hating on something you've never really touched yet, at least watch the man kick the tires on a Croton simo-kernel (?? dual boot ??) Acer set up and listen to him tell you briefly how durn easy it is to scrape Chrome OS off totally & completely & permanently and replace it with Ubuntu.

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