General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> accountable care organizations

Message started by pgambr on 03/03/14 at 22:03:39

Title: accountable care organizations
Post by pgambr on 03/03/14 at 22:03:39

Here is some interesting information from the Obamacare architect.

Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects behind Obamacare, is now claiming that “insurance companies as we know them are about to die.”

“They will have figured out how to harness their electronic medical records to better identify patients who will become sick and how to intervene early as well as how to care for the well-identified chronically ill so as to reduce costs,” he notes.

“First, they can refuse to change, in which case they will eventually go out of business,” he writes. “Second, they can shift their business to focus on offering services they have expertise in, particularly analytics, actuarial modeling, risk management, and other management services.”  Finally, the “third evolutionary path is that health insurance companies may transform themselves into integrated delivery systems.”

“So be prepared to kiss your insurance company good-bye forever,” Emanuel concludes.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by Serowbot on 03/04/14 at 08:03:20

About time too...
About time HMO's learn to deliver care rather than deny it...

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by verslagen1 on 03/04/14 at 08:15:36


from the chief we have status quo... 'you like your plan, you can keep it' bs

from the writer... they're gonna die, or nothing will be the same.

do these guys talk?  or which one is fulla it?

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by Pine on 03/04/14 at 08:56:33

554651504F4244464D12230 wrote:

from the chief we have status quo... 'you like your plan, you can keep it' bs

from the writer... they're gonna die, or nothing will be the same.

do these guys talk?  or which one is fulla it?

Nice catch..

When your selling ... one lie is as good as another, if it makes the sell.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by verslagen1 on 03/04/14 at 13:05:13

The way I see it, these guys are in cahoots with the insurance companies.
They engineered the requirements in excess to what was already provided so they could drop existing contracts.
'oh we don't meet the new requirements so we're going to cancel the contract, oh, btw, we're not going to give you a new contract either, you're too expensive'

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/05/14 at 08:42:51

& where are our elected representatives while all this is going on? The PEOPLE know its a giant screw job,, but THEY didnt? REally? Geee,, its almost as IF theyre playin us,,

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by Dane Allen on 03/07/14 at 14:41:24

4F585E525D4D3F0 wrote:
....“They will have figured out how to harness their electronic medical records to better identify patients who will become sick and how to intervene early....

What a pleasant sounding way to institute mass-murder  :o :o :o

So, the massive database identifies you as a potential sickie, a "team" comes to the door and offers some "management" techniques and then you are sent to the ovens. Nice...

Oh, but this is America where a politician's word is as good as gold, all federal agencies are just here to help and corruption is something that happens in those other countries. They wouldn't do that!!!

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by Pine on 03/10/14 at 07:33:59

4D68676C4865656C67090 wrote:
[quote author=4F585E525D4D3F0 link=1393913019/0#0 date=1393913019]....“They will have figured out how to harness their electronic medical records to better identify patients who will become sick and how to intervene early....

What a pleasant sounding way to institute mass-murder  :o :o :o

So, the massive database identifies you as a potential sickie, a "team" comes to the door and offers some "management" techniques and then you are sent to the ovens. Nice...

Oh, but this is America where a politician's word is as good as gold, all federal agencies are just here to help and corruption is something that happens in those other countries. They wouldn't do that!!![/quote]

Sadly... I really do see this coming to fruition. To be sure it wont be an "oven". But just today they released results of a study that shows that tracing lipids can determine change of having Alzheimer's with 90% accuracy out to two years. How long before "the system" decides that treating such ill people is too much of a drag on the system.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by Serowbot on 03/10/14 at 09:16:48

Maybe there'll be a genetic test for paranoids...  ;D...

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by Dane Allen on 03/10/14 at 09:51:14

2036213C24313C27530 wrote:
Maybe there'll be a genetic test for paranoids...  ;D...

Hey, I thought it was considered paranoid only if it did not become true!!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by Trippah on 03/10/14 at 18:52:54

Well, as I just finished yet another sympathy card to a relative's husband, in my late 60's I've come to believe in my  young mans tattoo (which I did not get ..long story) " Born To Die".  I'm listening to Ed Sullivan's Rock and Roll Classics on TV, and updating my High School no longer living list.  Had our 50th H.S. reunion last year which I did not attend as the 8 people I most wanted to talk to (old would be loves etc) had all died.
My AOL front page has the pict of a lovely young lady who was in a coma and miraculously is now alive and well.  Yonuh's step dad contracting lung cancer, which tool my M-I-L a few decades back (treatments are better now).  and now this histrionic worry about death squads for Granny.
I suspect most Grannies would drop the pill in a millisecond rather than suffer for months or years..if they weren't worried about their souls.  But with pick the sperm and IVF 3 parent technology about here, we have a very interesting world - and add in cost control -all brings to mind that old Chinese curse.- May you live in interesting times. ::)

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by mpescatori on 03/11/14 at 05:21:56

122B2C27362D30420 wrote:
[quote author=4D68676C4865656C67090 link=1393913019/0#6 date=1394232084][quote author=4F585E525D4D3F0 link=1393913019/0#0 date=1393913019]....“They will have figured out how to harness their electronic medical records to better identify patients who will become sick and how to intervene early....

What a pleasant sounding way to institute mass-murder  :o :o :o

So, the massive database identifies you as a potential sickie, a "team" comes to the door and offers some "management" techniques and then you are sent to the ovens. Nice...

Oh, but this is America where a politician's word is as good as gold, all federal agencies are just here to help and corruption is something that happens in those other countries. They wouldn't do that!!![/quote]

Sadly... I really do see this coming to fruition. To be sure it wont be an "oven". But just today they released results of a study that shows that tracing lipids can determine change of having Alzheimer's with 90% accuracy out to two years. How long before "the system" decides that treating such ill people is too much of a drag on the system.

May I hope it'll work the other way 'round.

Considering I have a contract for health insurance for the next 10 or 25 years, IF it turns out I am incubating "something nasty" it's all in the  interest of the HMO to tackle it in advance, rather than sit&wait and "Oh, you're ILL!"

Frmo that point of view, it is like pushing for proper dental hygiene rather than treating kids for tooth decay...

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by old_rider on 03/20/14 at 10:07:06

Funny ya'll should turn the discussion that way...

Ever try getting a new life insurance policy or upgrading one after you have had a bout with stage III cancer? guessed it, it's not going to happen, there isn't an insurance company in the world that would touch me now.

Hope they come to my door to give me a few life treatment suggestions... I will have to call the wagon to pick up a few young folks that decided to commit suicide after talking to me....  R.E.D.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by North Country on 03/28/14 at 17:24:27

Insurance companies are a racket. If you are not in perfect health you cannot buy a policy, so go and die already. Maybe you can get a high risk policy (junk insurance), but if you are not bankrupt from paying the premiums, you will be when you get sick and they deny the claim.
The “Affordable Care Act” is here to stay. And it’s working.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by shorty on 03/31/14 at 20:34:40

ACA is working? where?... insurance companies are only interested in making money, eliminate them and the cost of care will drop..
Forcing us all to buy insurance is only making costs

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by North Country on 03/31/14 at 21:57:27

I regard health care as a right, and if some people do not, or they cannot stand the idea of poor people getting health care, then that's just too bad. We had the debate, we had our day in the Supreme Court and we had an election. So these whiners just need to be rolled over as we complete the task of getting everyone covered.
The shameless, purposeful intent to remain ignorant about the ACA and about the lies and misinformation spread by FOX and RUSH and the rest of the anti-Obama cheerleaders is pitiful. And many of those on the sidelines cheering against the ACA are the same people who enjoy the benefits of SS and Medicare and don't even realize that the policies of the GOP hurt them the most.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/14 at 05:44:05

I regard health care as a right in the sense I would support taxes paying for those under 18, those over retirement age, those legitimately physically or mentally unable to support themselves. I support Medicaid with monitored criteria for coverage eligibility and would mandate that healthcare providers provide emergency care for anyone regardless of ability to pay. I support moving employers away from the primary supplier of healthcare. I support non-cancellation policies and guaranteed portability with a few limited exceptions for fraud. And as far as I can think of; that’s it.

The more we take responsibilities away from men and women who should provide for their families, the more we emasculate them. Federal mandates that ‘children’ up to age 26 can stay on their parent’s coverage is ridiculous. We keep adding corn to the bird feeder and further develop the concept of government dependence for the young and healthy.

I don’t know anyone, not a single person, who cannot stand the idea of poor people getting healthcare. No one. I don’t know where you get that idea from.

You did not have a debate; it was passed by one party of Congress where no one, and I mean no one, read the bill. You had your day in the Supreme Court and it was ruled to be a tax. You had your election where the media carried the failed President to another term at which point he began systematically doing away with parts of the law that weren’t working.

This law will be an albatross around the neck of the USA in so many different ways, it’s hard to count. There is no need for lies and misinformation to be spread by anyone except the administration which lies repeatedly about the statistics of those signing up. You can't  tell me with any degree of certainty who has signed up, why, who has paid etc... So far, the last estimate I saw was maybe 1 million who did not have insurance before all this have signed up. How many have paid is anyone’s guess because that’s top secret; at least until after the mid-terms. So, we did all of this, passed a  clearly unconstitutional law, set precedent that will be regretted until the nation's dying day, literally  knocked millions off their current insurance and kept people from their preferred doctors so 1 out of 46 million would sign up for healthcare insurance with some % of that million not even paying their premium? And that's something to be joyful about? Really?

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/01/14 at 06:03:38

housing? Food? Water? Clothing? TRansportation? Are these also "rights"?
YOU "consider" health care a "right" to explain HOW it is ever a right to force someone else to work for free? Or FORCE someone else to pay for what YOU need?

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/14 at 06:37:06

I think in a civilized society, yes, it is up to others to provide certain things for those who are actually unable to provide for themselves. "Take care of orphans and widows".

You should know me well enough by now JOG that I am not in favor of handouts. I'm not sure you read my post carefully. At this point in my life, I do not need direct assistance. When I was 8 however, I was orphaned and for all practically purposes, abandoned in the inner city. Now, in my case, I had two aunts who tracked me down, took me in and raised me because their upbringing told them that it was their obligation to care for their own. In today’s world,  that’s becoming less and less the case. In today's world, they would apply for government assistance and become comfortable living in the semi-poverty that welfare, food stamps and other programs provide. Misery loves company and entire neighborhoods are content to settle for that lifestyle and blame the rich guy for their troubles rather than themselves. This is where liberals turn to and pat themselves on the backs. They are proud they've enslaved generation after generation.... it's disgusting.

What I think is among the worst outcomes of Obamacare is continuing a mindset that the young and healthy can turn to government for what historically has been their responsibility to provide for, and not only themselves, but for their families as well.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by shorty on 04/01/14 at 09:21:55

webster & justin nailed it......thanks

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by verslagen1 on 04/01/14 at 09:22:17

ACA is really a joke, they are depending on the healthy young to pay for the sickly old.  How many healthy young have good paying jobs that pay for their own HI?  Probably little to none.  All of them will have group HI paid for by their employers.  Otherwise the HY have minimum wage jobs and will be getting aid.

Title: Re: accountable care organizations
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/14 at 05:11:46

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