General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?

Message started by RatdogWillie on 02/28/14 at 07:42:10

Title: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/28/14 at 07:42:10

Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples of Media Manipulation

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by Serowbot on 02/28/14 at 09:00:54

Not everything... but there are instances of manipulation...
They are usually exposed...

Does that make other "non-mainstream" sources more reliable?... Not at all...
They are full of lies and manipulations...

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/28/14 at 14:15:07

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
Not everything... but there are instances of manipulation...
They are usually exposed...

Does that make other "non-mainstream" sources more reliable?... Not at all...
They are full of lies and manipulations...

So you say all alternative sources of information are just as unreliable as the mainstream sources.....please provide a reference link that I can check that out. I really would be interested in finding out what lead you to that conclusion.

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by Serowbot on 02/28/14 at 15:19:22

No use... Any proofs I posted would be called a mainstream media lie...
Alternate media is a closed loop system... a self affirming denial of reality...

Once you put your faith in those telling you that you were lied to,.. you must believe those that have told you to be truthful...
Catch22... :-?...

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by pgambr on 02/28/14 at 15:49:47

What concerns me about the media as a whole is they are more concerned about their ratings as opposed to delivering a story about what actually transpired.  When they became obsessed with dollar they compromised the integrity of everything they are supposed to do.  They intern become just another form of entertainment and or propaganda.  

Presstitutes  :-X    

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/14 at 07:55:20


Someone's been lissnin to Celente.

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by pgambr on 03/01/14 at 15:01:08

That's right, he tells it like it is!  

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by old_rider on 03/02/14 at 09:54:33

LOL, I say don't trust anything posted on the including this post.

Cause i'm eating a bacon, lettuce and tomato sammich....and unless you take a bite, you can't prove I actually am eating one.

No matter what you say, or anyone else says....unless you were there...and even if you were... you wouldn't be able to prove it to me, cause i'm here.

See what i'm saying? Even "Trusted" "Reliable" sources will post a mistruth now and then (sometimes because they were fed wrong info), so hopefully you will take information from both left and right sides of the story and get a picture of what the actual "Truth" is...and find a Truth of your own.

Even though you have a good heart and want to let the world know what you think is true.... your sources are flawed.... no matter which side of the story you are on.... because you are getting your information from the internet (even published sources can be manipulated).

You know the saying.... It has to be true, it was posted on the internet...

Jus' sayin....  8-)

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by raydawg on 03/02/14 at 13:16:49

Hearsay is not allowable in court, but it works dang well in bolstering what one has already made his mind up about.....
Fox news being a perfect case in studying re: NEWS reporting.
You had the mainstream outlets who pretty much "cut and paste" their stories, only changing personalities to lure in viewers. FOX comes along and offers stories that are not reported, etc, by the BIG 3 networks, and draws viewers and ratings the others could not muster....
Those networks discounted FOX as bias, etc, assigning them derogatory reasons and motivations for reporting as they did.....totally missing the point they mined a rich viewership that the others neglected to consider because....get this, their OWN bias, and beliefs, in a whole host of subjects.
Love the way the open-minded liberals assigned "ditto-head" (pinched from Rush's own absurdities he called those who agree as he in jest )  to those who watched FOX, yet believing they themselves suffer no indoctrination by their own sources.....
It is sad so many people have bought into letting others define who they are, and surrendering ones uniqueness, and individuality, so they can feel safe AND accepted in a herd.......sad.  :'(  

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by Pine on 03/03/14 at 07:43:06

My position is: follow the money.. always follow the money.

So TV news media needs money, thrives on money, and is owned by a few media moguls. To that end news need to draw viewers, and to get that they need drama. All TV media want to add drama to increase veiwers. Creating drama can be done in many ways, lie, slant, makeup stuff. Even if they are caught.. even if they are hurt later... doesnt matter.. viewers went up.. revenues went up.

Alternative media can be profit driven or not. IF they are profit driven (advertising) .. then yes they need drama to drive up veiwers. But if a media service charges a sub.. then drama accounts for less.. possilbly nothing. Or if media has no profit motive.. then why create drama?

I for one do not like FOX. Why? Years ago they created drama.. they got caught. they refused to deal with it.. and went on with business as usual. So there it is. Fox will lie to create drama, and then brush aside the ones hurt. Is any advertising driven media outlet exempt.. NO.  

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by raydawg on 03/03/14 at 11:29:39

Well of course its about money, money and power, peanut butter and jelly, Laverne and Shirley... you can't hardly separate them, even our PBS "newshour" which is s'pose to be beyond its tainting is about getting the money.

I believe the biggest factor to our crumbling democracy is the indoctrinated on both sides of the spectrum.....

A great example of how it works:  

B-2 wanted to raise the debt ceiling to meet all our gubermints obligations (real or imagined) and all his party faithful had not one single concern about wishing him his desires as such.

On the other-hand, Obama laid out a sound and just argument for NOT raising it, and many of that party faithful agreed.

The present...... talk about a flip flop, 180 degrees, and yet these "party faithful" see nothing odd or disparaging in this reasoning.

And the media never calls on those folk to explain the discrepancies other than a wee bit of lip service, and that is only to cover their azzes instead of engaging in real journalistic integrity...

Basket.... meet Hell  :o  

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 03/03/14 at 14:43:23

If you study the topic of international relations, you'll learn that throughout all of recorded history, every country ( called a "state" by the scholars of the subject ) want only two things:
Power and Security.
Security is enhanced by power, and power is enhanced by security.  It's very hard, nigh impossible, to have one without the other.
These are the motives that drive the world of international relations and politics.  Yes, money, or better put, the possession of it, also allows a state to enhance its power and security.

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/05/14 at 07:55:17

Thanks Jerry, the obvious is what we need. Now, WHO is driving?
Ive watched Soros bet against currencies before,, I dont remember him losing.
Who caught his commodities direction rant?? Down w/ the market early, then a break away/ YEP,,

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by North Country on 03/29/14 at 11:18:40

You are quite correct Mr. Eichenberqer, a thoughtful comment.

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by shorty on 03/31/14 at 10:37:58

OP... my answer is YES  ;)

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by North Country on 03/31/14 at 21:40:58

Those who own and control the corporate media are uniformly wealthy, and since it was their money that led to the acts that enabled our corporate media to become what it is today – Ronald Reagan’s veto of Democratic legislation to enforce the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, and the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This legislation allowed the monopoly consolidation of our news media to the point where today it is controlled by a very small number of extremely wealthy individuals.
Our news media has become nothing more than a propaganda organ for the rich! When all it can do is repeat false talking points over and over again.
With the death of a free and honest media that seeks the truth, America will be a place of our ultra-wealthy overlords, and the rest of us. The peon masses.

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/01/14 at 05:45:24

The fairness doctrine is horrid. Thats not what caused the media to become an organ. That happened long before the media was anything BUT print.

Title: Re: Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake?
Post by North Country on 04/01/14 at 09:55:12

Mr. guy 2, I would add this. Is the world this evil and corrupted?"
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