General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The US Post Office

Message started by Paraquat on 02/26/14 at 06:09:14

Title: The US Post Office
Post by Paraquat on 02/26/14 at 06:09:14

I was at the post office yesterday and overheard a conversation about privatization.
One party stated that if the USPO ever became privatized the other should immediately stop sending packages. He claims Italy privatized their postal service and it's worse than sending a parcel through Mexico because of the thefts.

Since we have a resident Italian (MPesc.) I thought I'd throw this up here.


Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/26/14 at 08:37:29

I hope they dont mess with it, its one of few things that work well for a reasonable fee..

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/26/14 at 10:31:43

Here in our office complex our regular mail carrier is a retired Marine.  He can't stand the inefficiency and civilian gov't work rules.  He tells me all of the time how much waste there is, how much laziness exists at the big sorting stations, how everyone makes sure to use every hour of sick leave, etc., etc.
He was actually paid for serving for one whole month serving on some sort of disciplinary hearing panel, meting out various BS, small penalties to people who sit on the toilet for too long, reading magazines.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by verslagen1 on 02/26/14 at 11:32:30

Can't vouch for the people in back, but at the counter I've always found friendly service.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/26/14 at 11:45:59

Like any other group of people, there are great ones, good ones, and lousy ones.
The basic problems are horrible inefficiencies that come with any gov't service, petty grievances and grievance hearings wasting so much time.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Trippah on 02/26/14 at 21:02:01

Jerry, to be human is to be inefficient.  While 2/3rds of my life was Military and state worker, thus a gvt slag of sorts, 1/3 of my work years was in the private sector. So, with those mild prejudices, I'll simply say that my Brother told me of an incident when he was young and working for one of the computer giants.  To shorten a long and colorful story, it cost him just over $4000 to get 4 special (metric) bolts made back in the 70's one weekend,.  When he went to work on Monday, there was a msg on his desk to see the division boss immediately.  Fully expecting to get fired, he was actually thanked for getting the job done on time and not to worry about the cost, it'll be simply melded in to the selling price.  Or the tradesmen who, while watching our sons' s high school soccer matches (my son went to a trade High school) identified which electrical inspectors didn't inspect so you could cut corners as well as plumbing and building inspectors town by town; how to cheat on the codes and make a little extra.  No, I don't think either government or private enterprise is much better than the other. :-? :-? :-? :-?

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by mpescatori on 02/27/14 at 02:38:01

4071627161657164100 wrote:
I was at the post office yesterday and overheard a conversation about privatization.
One party stated that if the USPO ever became privatized the other should immediately stop sending packages. He claims Italy privatized their postal service and it's worse than sending a parcel through Mexico because of the thefts.

Since we have a resident Italian (MPesc.) I thought I'd throw this up here.


Well, for starters, "the Italian Postal Service is privatized" is the typical stereotype said by the typical Anglosaxon who can't tell socialism from working economy...
...nor adequate common sense for googling out fact from fiction from BS...

The Italian Postal System is NOT privatized, it was simply reorganized and instead of being owned 100% by the Dept. of Communications,
it is now owned in part by the Dept. of Communications, in part by the Dept. of Economy (they provide banking services as well now,
and credit cards too) and part by other Depts. of State, so that you can:
- send&receive mail,
- have your banking account and credit cards,
- pay the bills,
- even have a cellphone account ALL with the one and same organization!
among things, has offices throughout National Territory open 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. so that you can be a Milanese on holiday in Sicily,
go to any Post Office and have exactly the same services you'd have at your local teller back home.
It has its own Postal Police Force which investigates on internet crime, from internet fraud to cyberbullying... just walk to your local Post Office and ask for assistance!  8-)
By the way, have you ever heard of "Registered Mail"? I'm sure you have.
Often Registered Mail is the only way a Lawyer will write in order to have physical evidence to show in Court that mail was actually sent and received.
Italy is the ONLY Country in Europe with government-certified email services which have the same juridical validity as Registered Mail.
CAN YOU GUYS DO THAT ? The Germans, Swiss and French can't...

Can you go and collect cash, recharge your prepaid cellphone, and pay the bills all at the same ATM ? Out of town while on holidays ?
8-) We can ...

I do not have an account at the Post Office, but my wife does for professional reasons, and from many points of view she claims she gets better service than our "family" bank.

The many "Michaels" I have done business with across the ocean have never had any problem receiving my materiel, nor shipping it back to me...
I have always received everything on time, in good shape.

We do not hire Albanian nor Romanian refugees, nor other people who can't speak the official language.
All employees are "federal", meaning they can't be hired nor fired on a "local" whim.
So...  8-) go on ahead and copy...  ;)

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 02/27/14 at 04:41:31

Mpes, are all Italians as thin skinned as you?

Yes, the US has registered and certified mail, but we have UPS and FedEx for the really important stuff.....!

It has its own Postal Police Force which investigates on internet crime, from internet fraud to cyberbullying... just walk to your local Post Office and ask for assistance!  Cool

Yes, but unfortunately, we don't even have to ask...... they nose around in our business until they find something they want to go after.... You have us on that one!

Can you go and collect cash, recharge your prepaid cellphone, and pay the bills all at the same ATM ? Out of town while on holidays ?
Cool We can ...

Who has a prepaid cellphone?.... and you must be the guy in front of me at the ATM taking all day when all I want to do is grab $50 in cash and be on my way....

We do not hire Albanian nor Romanian refugees, nor other people who can't speak the official language.
All employees are "federal", meaning they can't be hired nor fired on a "local" whim.

Well, we split 50/50 here. Like you, we hire people who can't be fired, but unlike you, we hire people who say they speak English, but I can't understand it!

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Pine on 02/27/14 at 10:36:36

I have a good friend that started work at the PO in about 1985, and is still there. To be sure there is a lot "crap" that goes on, rather like a union shop in many respects. However, from what I can tell, most postal workers are glad for thier job, and want to perform well. I can't think of any time that I was displeased with the service of the PO locally. I do think that at some point there will need to be a re-vamp of the system, just so it fits with modern times, but I have no wish for drastic changes.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by mpescatori on 02/28/14 at 09:26:12

576562737465724D61726B000 wrote:
Mpes, are all Italians as thin skinned as you?

Yes, the US has registered and certified mail, but we have UPS and FedEx for the really important stuff.....!

It has its own Postal Police Force which investigates on internet crime, from internet fraud to cyberbullying... just walk to your local Post Office and ask for assistance!  Cool

Yes, but unfortunately, we don't even have to ask...... they nose around in our business until they find something they want to go after.... You have us on that one!

Can you go and collect cash, recharge your prepaid cellphone, and pay the bills all at the same ATM ? Out of town while on holidays ?
Cool We can ...

Who has a prepaid cellphone?.... and you must be the guy in front of me at the ATM taking all day when all I want to do is grab $50 in cash and be on my way....

We do not hire Albanian nor Romanian refugees, nor other people who can't speak the official language.
All employees are "federal", meaning they can't be hired nor fired on a "local" whim.

Well, we split 50/50 here. Like you, we hire people who can't be fired, but unlike you, we hire people who say they speak English, but I can't understand it!

OK, maybe I have to rephrase.

I was not talking about registered paper mail, I was taliking about registered email.
It is called "certified email" and is provided via "Poste Italiane" email servers or other service providers registered with the Government.
So, I'm not talking about Googlemail or Hotmail, I mean providers where you provide name, address and proof of identity, no aliases, your certified email address is ""

You Always get a proof of delivery and it is valid in court. Can you imagine, a legally binding email ?

Prepaid cellphone: We have two options on cellphones:
- a contract so that you "pay as you talk" (incoming calls are free in Europe) with a certified minimum of "X minutes for Y money/month"
- a prepaid phone, so that you "recharge" your phone with... €10 Worth and you have 12 months to use that much airtime (to a teenager it can expire within a few hours  ;D) I have one such phone in my car for emergencies, with a different provider from my everyday phone; one of them is Always bound to have some coverage. I charge €5/year, and I'm happy.

As for hiring people who don't speak the official national Language... all Govt employees MUST be Italian citizens, so there's no way you can have your mail delivered by an immigrant with pidgin Italian/English... if you know what I mean.

As for "thin skinned"... Paraquat started it by claiming "I overheard a conversation"...

You want me to tell you all the urban myths about "anywhere else but here"?


Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WD on 02/28/14 at 10:29:52

Please do, I for one would love to hear what the everyday common man thinks about the "Deluded States". I do get a lot of that from reading posts on SF, but...

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Paraquat on 02/28/14 at 12:00:44

Please, do.
I love outside information. I know we're very limited, especially regarding world affairs.


Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by mpescatori on 03/01/14 at 04:20:25

As I said, it's "anywhere else but here", meaning "far far away from where I live.

I'll start with Italy, to give you all the understanding I am NOT shooting at the pianist.


- don't go there, they're all mafia hit men
Yes, to the point INTERPOL once again confirmed Rome as the safest Capital city in Europe.

- the food's odd, they make lousy hamburgers and they charge you for sitting at the table
The food is good, you're the one who goes cold turkey because you can't find McDonalds...

- it's full of illegal immigrants
Yes, and they sell umbrellas and other paraphernalia, and THEIR crime rate is lower than the natives'...

- the people there are noisy and move their hands when they talk
Look who's talking... Greek philosopher Hippocrates was the first to diagnose people as "deaf and mute from Birth" (you say "deaf&dumb", it's a bit rude) and St.Girolamo (Hyeronimus?) in the 4th Century A.D. first devised a way to teach the Gospels to the deaf.

- coffee's impossible, they give you a sip and you have to drink it standing
Coffee comes from the Arabic Peninsula (ancient city of Mokha in Yemen) or, according to Others, from Ethiopia. What is certain is that it was introduced to Costantinople via the merchants from Babylon and Persia, and thence to Europe. Italian espresso and "turkish" coffee are renown as the best possible way to enjoy coffee, which in both circumstances comes in small sip-sized cups. You want "big cuppa joe"? Ask for "Americano"...

- won't they ever eat anything but pasta?
Italians have been eating rice since the Paleolithic... it's not "just from China", rice is a grain like barley, oates and wheat, you'll find it anywhere...
French cuisine was so horrid in the Middle Ages Queen (of France) Catherine de'Medici (from Florence) had to bring her own chefs to Paris, and that's when the French realized you can do more to meat than just boil it or pour molten butter on it...

- you mean you have coffee breaks and lunch breaks at the office? Don't you guys ever work?
Experience shows that an athelete running 5 miles will be less tired and will require shorter rest periods than a Marathon man; similarly, workers can toil for 90-120 mins. full steam, but then they need a breather.

- what do you mean, I can't park my car at the office? You expect me to ride a bus?
What do you mean, you tear down buildings when they're 50 years old? Don't you have an "Old Town" in the city center? Do you think Old Williamsburg or Georgetown were built in the 17th century with wide roads so that YOU could park you car 400 years later?

- can't you guys build proper cars? They're awfully tight!
If we built road barges they wouldn't fit in our medieval alleys...

- Italians make lousy cars! FIAT : Fix it Again, Tony!
Tony is a h3ll of a lousy mechanic, find yourself a better one
Also, quoted from Henry Ford: "Whenever I see an Alfa Romeo drive by, I take my hat off in respect"
Last, Ferrari and Lamborghini are the only ones who can still manufacture a V12  and make it work...
Bugatti V16 engines are made in Campogalliano, just north of Modena


Next post, the French & English


Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/14 at 08:37:42

When are you guys gonna learn not to swat at Pesci? He always counterpunches & lands them solid.. The guy has traveled & is obviously no dummy,, why keep crossing swords? Unless youve just got too much blood,,

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WD on 03/01/14 at 09:09:30

6C7375726F6859695961737F34060 wrote:
When are you guys gonna learn not to swat at Pesci? He always counterpunches & lands them solid.. The guy has traveled & is obviously no dummy,, why keep crossing swords? Unless youve just got too much blood,,

Who's swatting? Genuine interest since your "average Joe Shmuckatelly" American is about as worldly as a dried out run over dog dropping...

I even tried to get discharged from the Navy while stationed in Spain. Had a career lined up in Cadiz, had a drop dead gorgeous Nordic girl that wanted to "bring me home to meet the parents", and at the time Spain was affordable because it still used its own currency instead of Euros.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Pine on 03/03/14 at 09:25:40

- the people there are noisy and move their hands when they talk
Look who's talking... Greek philosopher Hippocrates was the first to diagnose people as "deaf and mute from Birth" (you say "deaf&dumb", it's a bit rude) and St.Girolamo (Hyeronimus?) in the 4th Century A.D. first devised a way to teach the Gospels to the deaf.

HAHAHA - are you kidding me... come to Mississippi.. if you tied a girls hand behind her back, she wouldn't be able to talk and would shortly either go insane or explode! ( most of us men too)!  Also check youtube, big complaint about USA, the folks will just walk up to you and say hello, or otherwise start a conversation. Apparently they don't do that in Norway or S. Korea. And folks in the UK, wont help you ( like with directions) .. unless you directly ask.  

Complaining about food in Italy .. really? Kinda like complaining about the beaches in Rio.  

Keep it comming ...

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by shorty on 04/03/14 at 05:21:48

I'm Italian and not thin skinned, my peeps are known for food and romance, can't fight, can't save $, can't do smart-making (no offense)

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by North Country on 04/03/14 at 11:41:43

Mr. Guy 2, it’s the “Ugly American” syndrome. We’re # one! We’re # one! Speak English or get out! Their food is horrid! Their cars are junk! Etc. etc. A shameful attitude from a loud and boisterous minority whom others hear and attribute such behavior to all Americans.

BTW, American food is among the worst in the world, and gun violence makes America a war zone.  

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/03/14 at 12:27:44

Hello Star.

1) We are number 1, at least until President Hopey-Change came along..
2) yea, people should learn English if they are going to live here. Otherwise 'here' will not be 'here' much longer. it will be 'there'.
3) Try finding a great steak in Europe.
4) Good European cars are not junk, they have character and I'd love to have one again. On the other hand; bad European cars are junk.

1) I'll put a grilled T-Bone, corn on the cob and baked beans up against anything on the planet.... Care to find better seafood than in New England?
2) It's only a war zone in inner cities where liberals have destroyed the souls of the enslaved they keep there and only roll out when it's time to vote.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by shorty on 04/03/14 at 12:34:12

you go webs  ;)

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by North Country on 04/03/14 at 17:36:58

Indeed sir, Mr. Mark is going alright, it's just that he is going in the wrong direction.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by North Country on 04/03/14 at 17:37:51

Mr. Mark, who or what is Star?

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Paraquat on 04/04/14 at 06:14:17

2B23223C3234510 wrote:
and gun violence makes America a war zone.  


Country      Total (calculated)      Homicides      Suicides      
Honduras      64.8 (incomplete)      64.8 (2010)      unavailable      unavailable      unavailable      Guns in Honduras[26]
Venezuela      50.90 (mixed years)      39.00 (2000)      1.10 (2000)      0.40 (2000)      10.40 (2000)      Guns in Venezuela[70]
El Salvador      41.11 (incomplete)      39.90 (2008)      1.06 (1999)      0.15 (1999)      unavailable      Guns in El Salvador[18]
Jamaica      39.74 (mixed years,incomplete)      39.40 (2009)      0.34 (1995)      unavailable      unavailable      Guns in Jamaica[33]
Swaziland      37.16 (incomplete)      37.16 (2004)      unavailable      unavailable      unavailable      Guns in Swaziland[62]
Guatemala      36.38 (incomplete)      34.8 (2010)      2.30 (2006)      unavailable      unavailable      Guns in Guatemala[25]
Colombia      28.14 (mixed years)      27.1 (2010)      0.87 (2009)      0.14 (1999)      0.03 (1999)      Guns in Colombia[12]
South Africa      21.51 (mixed years)      17.00 (2007)      3.81 (1999)      0.35 (1999)      0.35 (1999)      Guns in South Africa[59]
Brazil      19.03 (mixed years)      18.1 (2008)      0.74 (2000)      0.18 (2000)      0.01 (2000)      Guns in Brazil[8]
Panama      17.60 (mixed years)      16.10 (2010)      0.99 (2002)      0.06 (2002)      0.45 (2002)      Guns in Panama[47]
Uruguay      14.01 (mixed years)      3.43 (2009)      7.03 (2000)      3.46(2000)      0.09 (2000)      Guns in Uruguay[69]
Mexico      11.17 (mixed years)      10.00 (2010)      0.69 (2001)      0.47 (2001))      0.01 (2001)      Guns in Mexico[40]
United States      10.3 (2011)      3.60 (2011)      6.30 (2011)      0.30 (2011)      0.10 (2011)      Guns in United States[68]


Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/14 at 07:29:31

Steve; you have to understand that Star... I mean North Country... hates the US and uses ever opportunity to slam her when comparing to any foreign nation.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Serowbot on 04/04/14 at 08:49:13

424A4B555B5D380 wrote:
Mr. Mark, who or what is Star?

"Star", is "Starlifter",... a liberal member here, that was a lone liberal voice in this section for many years...
He left when the argument devolved into personal insult...
As have many others...

Web thinks you're him... because there can't be more than 1 liberal in the country...
You just vote a lot... ;D...

I'd take it as a compliment...
Star, is a good soul...

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by raydawg on 04/04/14 at 09:18:35

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
[quote author=424A4B555B5D380 link=1393423754/15#21 date=1396571871]Mr. Mark, who or what is Star?

"Star", is "Starlifter",... a liberal member here, that was a lone liberal voice in this section for many years...
He left when the argument devolved into personal insult...
As have many others...

Web thinks you're him... because there can't be more than 1 liberal in the country...
You just vote a lot... ;D...

I'd take it as a compliment...
Star, is a good soul...

Well that is one perspective I reckon......

I found him exhibiting a shrillness that hinged on the verge of intolerance that was spooky.

Bot calls him a liberal, but nothing he shared here would lend credence to the definition of that word: favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression, etc.

He freely flung innuendos, minimized dissenting opines, and views, and I for one dismissed much of his posting as not representing tolerance in the spirit of the word (liberal).

BTW, I can assign the same toward those who call themselves compassionate conservatives too..... as it appears to me the fringe on either side, prompted by party leaders, and faithfuls (who only vote one party line always) who push the agenda for personal gains of money, and power, by spewing tripe and propaganda, on the useful fools, thus squeezing the independent thinking minority to the point of impotence......  

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/14 at 09:51:52

Star did not leave because of personal insults. He was the king of personal insults! He left to go take care of an ailing family member. I suspect he's come back and is using the alias North country. The style of writing is exactly the same. So, either star has a known twin brother calling himself Northcountry or star has returned under a different name.

Star was not a good soul.  He rejoiced in the early death of a leading conservative leader. If you disagreed with his opinion about Obama, you were a racist pig. Nevermind he disagreed with Clarence Thomas but would never label himself a racist. He would throw fire bombs, then run away and hide behind Sews skirt. Typical liberal, leaning heavily toward the communist, socialist side of the spectrum.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/14 at 09:56:23

And by the way, I welcome the return of North country or Starlifter  or whomever he really is. American hating communist need their voices heard too!

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Serowbot on 04/04/14 at 10:18:14

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
..., then run away and hide behind Sews skirt.

Metaphorically speaking... ;D...

(mighta, coulda', shoulda', oughta' said coat tails,.. )... :P...

Web always takes the low road...

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/14 at 10:36:58

Good point, bad form on my part. I'm sorry; the phrase "coat tails" fits better there. No slight intended.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by North Country on 04/04/14 at 11:28:12

Mr. Mark you certainly have a low opinion of anyone whose core values differ from yours.

Interestingly, It sounds like Mr. Star was an oasis of liberal thinking in a sea of tea-party type Republicans. I for one would welcome his return to this forum.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/14 at 11:46:11

40484957595F3A0 wrote:
Mr. Mark you certainly have a low opinion of anyone whose core values differ from yours.

Interestingly, It sounds like Mr. Star was an oasis of liberal thinking in a sea of tea-party type Republicans. I for one would welcome his return to this forum.

Hello Star.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by North Country on 04/04/14 at 11:53:55

You may call me “Star” if you wish to sir, I would consider it a complement based on your opinion of that person.

May I call you Mr. Parrot?  

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/14 at 12:28:21


Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by Trippah on 04/04/14 at 21:03:08

Thank heavens riding season is just over the horizon.. :D :D :D

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/05/14 at 10:51:01

Actually, I am amazed that someone can pick up mail in my mailbox, haul it to a machine filled warehouse, sort it, send it on its way to another warehouse, possibly several hundred miles away., sort it & pile it up for someone to haul away & poke in someone elses mailbox, all for the princely sum of 47 cents,, The % of parcels that arrive on time & to the right address is amazingly high,, not perfect, but really a good batting average..If doctors were as good as the post office, we would have amazingly good health care.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/05/14 at 10:53:04

Star wasnt an "oasis" of liberal thinking. He was an absolutely mind bogglingly irrational supporter of anything other than rational & reasonable.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by North Country on 04/05/14 at 13:25:45

Thank you for that Mr. Guy 2, I shall keep that in mind.
Please continue to educate me on what is rational and reasonable.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/05/14 at 15:48:08

7A656364797E4F7F4F77656922100 wrote:
Actually, I am amazed that someone can pick up mail in my mailbox, haul it to a machine filled warehouse, sort it, send it on its way to another warehouse, possibly several hundred miles away., sort it & pile it up for someone to haul away & poke in someone elses mailbox, all for the princely sum of 47 cents,, The % of parcels that arrive on time & to the right address is amazingly high,, not perfect, but really a good batting average..If doctors were as good as the post office, we would have amazingly good health care.

We have fantastic healthcare and the postal service seems good only because they have no competition. If they had, you seen just how awful it is.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by North Country on 04/05/14 at 23:41:42

“We have fantastic healthcare and the postal service seems good only because they have no competition. If they had, you seen just how awful it is.”

I agree Mr. Parrot, that the ACA healthcare act is indeed fantastic! And growing stronger every day.

As for the Post Office, it is an American institution, and can never be replaced as it’s low costs and  extreme efficiency is world class.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by WebsterMark on 04/06/14 at 07:04:55

We were told the reason we needed to shred the constitution and ultimately, get 5 million + kicked off their existing healthcare plans was so we could provide insurance to the 47 million uninsured. President Hopey-Change said 7.1 million signed up for healthcare which includes a large number kicked off the insurance they already had, a large number of people who haven't and will not pay a single premium and an estimated 1 million who didn't have insurance before. So, again; we did all this so maybe 1 million out of 47 million would have health insurance.....  Only a fool would call that fantastic.  

And Star; as a former postal employee, I would expect you to stick up for them. To say that government can run it more efficiently than the private sector is likewise foolish.

Title: Re: The US Post Office
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/14 at 10:24:55

4941405E5056330 wrote:
“We have fantastic healthcare and the postal service seems good only because they have no competition. If they had, you seen just how awful it is.”

I agree Mr. Parrot, that the ACA healthcare act is indeed fantastic! And growing stronger every day.

As for the Post Office, it is an American institution, and can never be replaced as it’s low costs and  extreme efficiency is world class.

I agree Mr. Parrot, that the ACA healthcare act is indeed fantastic! And growing stronger every day.

He may not BE Star, but he is his equal in his ability to believe a lie. Raah Raaah Raah! America, number ONE!  Uh Huhh,, our Constitutional Schollar despot in chief is a trainwreck & this ACA youre so thrilled with is destroying what we had. This will absolutely tank whats left of the economy & ruin health care. In 5 years, if you have the balls to show your face, youll be singing a different tune. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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