General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected

Message started by Dane Allen on 02/18/14 at 14:13:38

Title: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Dane Allen on 02/18/14 at 14:13:38

Another Socialist "paradise" is flushed down the drain taking a beautiful country with it, these people are in for some hardcore suffering the next few decades. This is where we are going and with furious applause from the left.

This is a fascinating article at the link and the links the author links to but this one point just jumped out at me and is at the core or the difference between Conservatives and liberals.

What makes an outlook “conservative” is that it is rooted in an attitude about the past rather than in expectations of the future. The first principles of conservatism are propositions about human nature and the way human beings behave in social context; about limits, and what limits make possible. This practicality,this attention to experience, to workable arrangements, explains why the conservative community can be liberal and tolerant toward its members in ways that the progressive left cannot.

In contrast to the conservative outlook, liberal and radical ideologies are about the future, about desired outcomes. The first priciples of the left are the priciples of politically constructing a “better world.”

Throughout the modern era, the progressive future has been premised on a social contract that would make all of society’s members equal – or at least provide them with equal starting points.

Since ideologies of the left are commitments to an imagine future, to question them is to provoke a moral rather than an empirical response: Are you for or against the equality of human beings? To dissent from the progressive viewpoint is not a failure to assess relevant facts but an unwillingness to embrace a liberated future. It is, therefore, to will the imperfections and injustices of the present order. In the current cant of the left, it is to be “racist, sexist, classist,” a defender of the status quo.

That is why not only radicals, but even those who call themselves liberals, are instinctively intolerant toward the conservative position.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Dane Allen on 02/18/14 at 14:23:14

I just wanted to expound on this particular part of the post above:

Since ideologies of the left are commitments to an imagine future, to question them is to provoke a moral rather than an empirical response: Are you for or against the equality of human beings? To dissent from the progressive viewpoint is not a failure to assess relevant facts but an unwillingness to embrace a liberated future. It is, therefore, to will the imperfections and injustices of the present order. In the current cant of the left, it is to be “racist, sexist, classist,” a defender of the status quo.

We have all heard the ultimatum from liberals - "Support such-and-such or you are racist!!"

We have all dismissed this kind of argument as that of a lazy or deficient mind, someone who cares about something but is either too lazy or dumb to come up with a decent argement or there is no means of support so it is just vile smoke and mirrors.

But the more likely reason is what the liberal is really saying is "Support my make-believe, fantasy future or else you support all the bad stuff I have worked so hard to daydream-out of my make-believe fantasy future!!!"

As usual, it turns out to be more about the individual making the demand rather than actual care for someone else. It becomes a case of look "how great I am for thinking of a future where XYZ doesn't happen anymore and everyone is equal, I am better than everyone who doesn't agree with me because XYZ is hurts people."

Example - Obamacare wasn't about healthcare, it was about Obama.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/14 at 15:45:51

I hope those who supported Bammicare have at least enough guts to see not just how wrong they were, but how easily duped they are., KNOWING how easily duped they are, they SHOULD choose to not vote, because they know theyre so likely to be suckered again,, Now, IF someone supported Nafta AND fell for Bammicare, then Surely theyll see how dangerous their opinions are & SHUT UP.. The nations should not be subjected to the "opinions" of such morons. They dont actually Have opin ions, because they dont look for info that would contradict what their "Ohh so trusted puppet in politics" has Told them to believe. Theyre just parrots,  with a voter registration,, some of the worlds most dangerous people. Look where theyve gotten us? & they embeace any and all behaviors Except for conservatism,, They will NOT tolerate people like me,,

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Serowbot on 02/18/14 at 15:54:57

Reality check...
"Obamacare",.. is the adoption of a Conservative plan... Mandated Private Health Insurance was supported by the Conservative ideologies, until it was accepted and adopted by Obama...
Then, and only then, Conservatives decided to hate it...
Obama wanted a Nationalized Healthcare,... basically Medicare for everyone...
... but, a mandate was all the Right would accept...

Now, what made the minds change?...
What made the Right shun their own creation?...

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/14 at 16:14:07

If thats true, then why was it we couldnt even know what was in  it till it was voted in? YOull naturally show the voters who passed it.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by pgambr on 02/18/14 at 16:48:12

Ukraine is crumbling as well.  The pictures are horrifying.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Dane Allen on 02/18/14 at 17:39:50

786E79647C69647F0B0 wrote:
Reality check...
"Obamacare",.. is the adoption of a Conservative plan... Mandated Private Health Insurance was supported by the Conservative ideologies, until it was accepted and adopted by Obama...
Then, and only then, Conservatives decided to hate it...
Obama wanted a Nationalized Healthcare,... basically Medicare for everyone...
... but, a mandate was all the Right would accept...

Now, what made the minds change?...
What made the Right shun their own creation?...

I must respectfully dissent!!

It most definitely was not a Conservative plan!!! There were some small parts of Obamacare in a Hertitage Foundation paper and also something pushed by Mitt Romney but there was nothing conservative about it. This was the Establishment Republicans we all hear about, big government liberal Republicans. Democrats took a seed and made a corrupt monster out of it.

There is nothing Conservative about the resdistribution of wealth, especially wealth taken from the poor and middle class and given to big pharma and big insurance and anyone else who is a big donor to Obama. Obamacare is everything Conservatism isn't.

The Right did not accept the mandate or anything else about it as demonstrated by Obamacare passing on a party line vote and after many kickbacks to liberals to buy their votes.  And no one (liberal) read it because we had to pass it before we could read it (which somehow passes for democracy but only small d democracy not actual Democracy).

In fact, it wasn't even fully written before it was passed.  >:(

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Serowbot on 02/18/14 at 21:02:00

If you consider the mandating of purchase of private health insurance... a small part of Obamacare, then I suppose you are correct...
It does seem to be the main objection to Obamacare...

It is the part of the Healthcare bill that Obama didn't want, but did concede to, in order to get passage...

PS... the "rebel of the Right"... McCain,... has now re-filpflopped... and is in support of "Obamacare... and wants fix it, rather than overturn it...
The "fix"... will be to drop the mandate... and essentially go to Obama's original idea... (which would be,... the option of Medicare for anyone that wants it, and still allowing the option to choose private insurance if you wish)...

This will be the resolution in the end... it will work, and will be widely accepted and liked...
It's just a matter of how many political contortions we must endure before the matter is settled...

Only in America,.. would it be considered a "freedom"... to face financial ruin due to an unforeseeable medical tragedy...

Inconceivable in most any other civilized country...
The rest of the world, thinks of us, as a sort of idiot savant nation...
Honestly... ;D...

PS, Dane,... thanks for the +1 on the "Hall of Fame" sticky...
The thread wasn't my idea,.. I was just assigned to dress it...
Are you past 25k yet?... Let us know... ;)...

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by mpescatori on 02/19/14 at 00:24:35

Right, you guys, I clicked on this thread because it was supposed to discuss Venezuela, and all I see is a number of people rating about something awkwardly off topic.


6176707C7363110 wrote:
Ukraine is crumbling as well.  The pictures are horrifying.

I visited the Ukraine in...  ::) thinkthink ::) 2010 I believe.

The Ukraine is in turmoil very much like the Colonies were in turmoil in 1774 and 1775.
What is going to blow the powder keg ? Ukrainians revolting in Crimea, the "russian" enclave on the Black Sea.

I cannot predict the future, but my estimates are that this summer of 2014 will see a major political disaster over there.
Both Russia and the EU hold high stakes, and under Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko the Nation was growing closer and closer to doing very serious business with the US as well.

I am not talking about McDonalds Vs. Burger King... I am talking "chemical, military and heavy industry".

Watch that space. Next thing you know...


I pray THIS should never happen again...

Ride on

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Dane Allen on 02/19/14 at 10:20:37

7D6075637371647F6279100 wrote:
Right, you guys, I clicked on this thread because it was supposed to discuss Venezuela, and all I see is a number of people rating about something awkwardly off topic.

Guilty!!!  ;D My appologies!! I think the point was that the US of A is following closely behind Venezuela and the Ukraine and will also fall if we are not careful.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/19/14 at 13:50:17

Ukraine declined joining the EU,, suddenly,,  much turmoil,, connection? I say so,.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Dane Allen on 02/19/14 at 17:31:17

7563746971646972060 wrote:
PS, Dane,... thanks for the +1 on the "Hall of Fame" sticky...
The thread wasn't my idea,.. I was just assigned to dress it...
Are you past 25k yet?... Let us know... ;)...

It dressed well!! Not to 25k yet but have 13k in 10 months so maybe end of next year.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by WD on 02/20/14 at 00:25:57

Ukraine needs to get its act together, soon. I'd really like to retire to Koktebel or Yalta. Nice beaches, hills, horses...

Oh well, Patagonia is nice too...

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by mpescatori on 02/20/14 at 01:37:55

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
Ukraine declined joining the EU,, suddenly,,  much turmoil,, connection? I say so,.

That is not quite correct.

Under the Soviet regime, the Ukraine was simply one of the many republics which formed the Nation, very much like California or Texas contribute to the USA.

As a Soviet Republic, the Ukraine "suffered" mass immigration of ethnic Russians, who settled in the northern portion of the Country and in the Crimean Peninsula,
harbor to the 5^ Eskadra (manned almost entirely by ethnic Russians and Bielorussians), the Navy Task Force equivalent to USNavy's 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean.

But once the USSR disintegrated, the Ukraine opted for sovereignty, i.e. independence. This was in 1990.

Similarly, while being still equipped with 100% soviet equipment, the Ukraine opted out of the Warsaw Pact and its successor, the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO)
and applied to join NATO-funded Partnership for Peace (PfP).

Under Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko, the Ukraine began negotiations to join both the EU and NATO. Russia fiercely opposed this program.

PM Timoshenko lost the following elections to the "ethnic russian" opponent, who had her accused of a number of ugly charges and jailed.

She is still in jail, regardless the EU's calls for leniency (not pardon) and her ill state of health.

The current turmoils are only in part "EU-centric". What Ukrainians really want is the resignation of an openly pro-russian and corrupt regime and new elections.

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Dane Allen on 02/20/14 at 08:46:29

65786D7B6B697C677A61080 wrote:
[quote author=3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 link=1392761618/0#10 date=1392846617]Ukraine declined joining the EU,, suddenly,,  much turmoil,, connection? I say so,.

....The current turmoils are only in part "EU-centric". What Ukrainians really want is the resignation of an openly pro-russian and corrupt regime and new elections.

And it can't come soon enough!!

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by mpescatori on 02/24/14 at 02:44:09

Don't look now but it looks like we're getting our wish...  ;)

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by Pine on 02/24/14 at 08:51:01

I have been sick all (last).. I treid to follow this somewhat. I did hear ( forget the source) that Putin was being his normal self and insisting that the USA was already fueling this (Keiv) and that they better stay out of his backyard.

Any thoughts on what the USA may have done ( other than Obama saying "yall fight fair") and if you think we really are poking our dabnab noses in again?

I have a friend that was (now divorced) to a Romanian lady. They went over there (Romainia), and he came back with some pretty horrid tales of corruption.  (Basically, the old habits of getting around communism, ie black markets) are just as effective at disrupting capitalism.  Is this what is still hurting Ukraine?

Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by mpescatori on 02/25/14 at 00:27:30

576E6962736875070 wrote:
I have been sick all (last).. I treid to follow this somewhat. I did hear ( forget the source) that Putin was being his normal self and insisting that the USA was already fueling this (Keiv) and that they better stay out of his backyard.

Any thoughts on what the USA may have done ( other than Obama saying "yall fight fair") and if you think we really are poking our dabnab noses in again?

I have a friend that was (now divorced) to a Romanian lady. They went over there (Romainia), and he came back with some pretty horrid tales of corruption.  (Basically, the old habits of getting around communism, ie black markets) are just as effective at disrupting capitalism.  Is this what is still hurting Ukraine?

Hi. Relax and forget all about the US having anything to blame for the Ukraine. The US would never do anyting of the sort... would it ?  :-X

It's the EU to blame. The Ukraine's liberals want to join the EU, not the US.  :-*
The Ukraine's nationalists want to stay as close as possible to Russia, not to the EU.

The point that liberals are ethnic Ukrainians and that nationalists are ethnic Russians, is irrelevant... of course...  ;)

To have an idea of how things are going, keep Crimea under scrutiny.
The "little people" (peasants, fishermen) may well be ethnic Ukrainians, but the skilled working class and the University/Military/Political Intellighentziya are all ethnic Russians.

Do not forget the Russian (formerly Soviet) Navy's home base is Sevastopol in the Crimea, it was one of the conditions for the former USSR to acknowledge independence to the Ukraine from "Motherland" Russia.

Russia is still hurting from losing the Ukraine, and is not happy to see it tie closer and closer bonds with the EU...
...much like a very conservative mother sees her oldest daughter wanting to move out and eventually eloping with someone Mother doesn't approve.

Check these sources and compare their perspectives and the tales they tell... ;)

It's like playing chess on a minefield, your winning move may well see you blow up  ::)


Title: Re: Venezuela Crumbles -as Expected
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/14 at 08:40:26

That would certainly have an impact on the celebration.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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