General Category >> The Cafe >> Not good times Friday.....

Message started by Pine on 02/09/14 at 20:47:14

Title: Not good times Friday.....
Post by Pine on 02/09/14 at 20:47:14

My son came home Friday evening about 5 to find the door open and the house burglarized. The thieves took nearly all the guns in the house ( 4 pistols, 2 rifles, and shotgun), some cash .. some coins ( but not my silver) and my sons XBox.

Saturday evening, I got a call that they caught a guy with two of my pistols. I was very depressed before their call. Tomorrow, I will take a day off to get the door fixed, go see the detectives, and call the insurance.

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by pgambr on 02/09/14 at 21:10:07

Sorry to hear that Pine, Jackson seems to be getting worse.  I live out in the country and it isn't much better here.  A couple years ago I had to have my locks replaced because of break in attempts.  I was fortunate it was amateurs, the could of gotten in if they really wanted to.  

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by jcstokes on 02/09/14 at 21:24:56

I've no doubt Pine that your insurance co will be demanding installation of a security system if you don't already have one. I was fortunate enough to interrupt a burglary of my house some years ago and as the loss and damage wasn't worth claiming I did this. When I go out at night I leave the landline phone off the hook, I don't have an answerphone. I leave a radio on sufficiently loud so it can be heard just outside the room it's playing in. I leave a light on in my main bedroom and have two lights on timers in the other bedrooms. If I'm away for a few days I also have a standard  light on a timer in the toilet. I can't have a flushing tape noise set up. It's far from absolute but I haven't been bothered since, maybe the thieves know there isn't much worth stealing in my home.

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by Serowbot on 02/09/14 at 22:15:42

I moved to this neighborhood 6 years ago because my old one had gone to the dogs...
...and last week I learned 5 homes were burgled on my street...
I also had my car's rear window shot out last year...

No matter where you live,... best you can do, is make your home look less inviting than the one next door...
(That's not very neighborly when you think about it,... but what can you do?)...

Anyway Pine,.. I hope the insurance pays up... you may be in for a little shopping spree.

I haven't done it,.. but a smart move, would be to replace your doorbell dinger, with a barking dog sound...
Sadly,... I don't have a doorbell... :-/...

PS... I used to think a "Don't Tread on Me" flag, or Rebel, or even American flag would tell thieves to stay away... or even a "Protected by Smith and Wesson" sign...
In reality,.. it tells thieves that you likely own valuable guns... (often the biggest prize for a burglar)...

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by anebv8 on 02/09/14 at 22:23:27

I got 2 dog's,one's a staffy,the other is a border collie. The neighbours and I have never had a problem,the dog's bark at people walking around the houses either side of me.  ;)  :)

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by Kirill Timofeev on 02/09/14 at 23:22:19

Sorry to hear that, Pine, went through the same situation in spring of 2013. Important lessons I learned:

1. Have scans of all important documents (all my documents were stolen, I was left with only drivers license).
2. Have additional blockers on all doors/windows. Thief got in by pushing aside patio door with crowbar. If I had primitive stick blocking door opening this probably wouldn't happen.
3. Make backups of important computer data to offsite locations. I had backup drive on the desk near my laptop, both were stolen.

I was lucky enough, thief was caught and I got most om stuff back. I hope that in your case police would be as effective as in mine.

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by arteacher on 02/10/14 at 07:05:03

If you don't want a dog just leave BIG turds of dog doo around. ;)

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by MMRanch on 02/10/14 at 07:34:39

It's  legal to "shoot-to-kill" those scumsuckers aint it ? (if you catch em of course )   >:(

Not in KY....unless you believe your life was in danger.

You can't shoot somebody stealing your can only shoot those people that you believe are a threat to your safety.  If they are running out of the house with your stuff.....the danger to your life is over.  If they are coming into your house without asking first.....they are then more of a potential threat.  Just be sure you don't shoot someone that is there has accidently without any intention of hurting you.

When I was in High School (1974) I worked in a lawn mower shop.  I was going to pick up a lawn tractor, and the owner of the shop told me the mower was at the second driveway......and it was in the garage and I could just open the door and load it up.  I pulled in the driveway and looked in the garage, and I found the Simplicity tractor.  I opened the door and pushed the mower out....then the German Shepard came after me and I jumped into the back of the truck.  The lady at the door asked what I was doing....and I explained that I was there from the mower shop to pick up the mower for service.  She told me that they had not called to have the mower picked up, and when I ask her if she was "Mrs. Smith"...she said "No", they lived across the street.  I apoligized for the mistake, and pushed her mower back into the garage and went across the street.  If people started shooting first and asking questions later.....I might be dead!

PINE:  It is a shame you were robbed, hopefully they can track everything down and get it back to you.  Our rural area has been targeted by theives as we are just off a major road that is within 20 minutes of Cincinnati.....Crackheads come out while people are at work and rob houses during the day.  We have a gate across our driveway that is locked, we have a security system, and we have an 80 pound dog that even deters the Jehova Witnesses.  There are easier targets than us, and so far we have been lucky enough to keep our stuff.    

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/10/14 at 11:49:40

I got hit twice in West Texas,, It leaves ya feeling really weird, violated & vulnerable,
A big dog food dish, a chain & a dog house, a dog barking recording that goes off when someone knocks,, Ohh yea.. You know they knock before they go in,,

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by ToesNose on 02/11/14 at 04:33:09

6E7C6E7C71626D606B230 wrote:
Not in KY....unless you believe your life was in danger.  

Well that's easy enough to stage   ::)

My buddy from work just got burglarized, same thing took the guns and just a few other things. I feel for ya Pine, definitely makes you feel unsafe and violated.  Wishing you an easy police/insurance experience like my friend just had.

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by Gerry on 02/11/14 at 11:59:27

We almost got hit a couple of years ago.  I was out in the drive way vacuuming the inside of my car and these two guys just walked up my drive way and started shooting the breeze with me.  I should of closed the garage door as soon as they walked up but I didn't think of that at the time.  They just walked into the garage and started commenting on my bikes and tools and stuff.  I told them they should leave and they pretty much ignored me.  Finally they left, both were carrying black garbage bags that looked like they had clothes in them.  the next morning my garage door looked like someone tried to jimmy it open, they were unsuccessful.  A few  minutes later as I am accessing the damage my neighbor came over and said she thought she saw some one running up my drive way as she had come home early from her night shift job.  I Called the police and the officer who showed up said that there were numerous break ins in the area that night.  I called ADT and had a security system installed.

I hope things work out for you with insurance and stuff.

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 02/13/14 at 13:46:17

I'm not anti-gun but what concerns me most is that your guns are now on the street.

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by Pine on 02/14/14 at 06:18:14

7E4849524F66434E544E270 wrote:
I'm not anti-gun but what concerns me most is that your guns are now on the street.

Indeed ... I would not have thought that would be a concern of mine. But as my mind reeled ... one of the thoughts was... "these guns, never used to kill or even threaten a human before .. these guns.. my hobby from which I derived great pleasure.. miniature works of art.. are now suspect to terrorize and kill another human.

as an update:
The police requested that I come pick up the two guns they did recover. I did so, though I took no comfort in it. Its as if, as long as the cops had the guns, there was some hope of recovering more. They have pretty much dashed that now.

and life goes on.. a little duller but still going.

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by old_rider on 02/14/14 at 06:22:57

How is it they "came up" with two of your guns with no leads on the other stuff?
Were they pawned? or just dropped on the ground somewhere?

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by Pine on 02/14/14 at 08:58:02

20232B3D262B2A3D4F0 wrote:
How is it they "came up" with two of your guns with no leads on the other stuff?
Were they pawned? or just dropped on the ground somewhere?

A "group of young thugs" were reported "hanging around" and the cops showed up to disperse them. One 18yo, refused to toss my revolver, and has been arrested for possesion. My other gun was found 20 feet from him ( within the group), who all of course claimed it was not theirs. This was the day after the robbery ( so, last saturday). New guns on the street ( mine) means new business for the crack dealers. So yeah....

Title: Re: Not good times Friday.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/16/14 at 09:01:07

who all of course claimed it was not theirs.

Well? It wasnt any of theirs, it was YOURS!  The jerks.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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