General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Opening

Message started by WebsterMark on 02/06/14 at 10:56:39

Title: Opening
Post by WebsterMark on 02/06/14 at 10:56:39

Wonder what Russia will do for their opening ceremony? I never watched one, that I recall anyway, until last one in London.
Other than 007 parachuting with the Queen, it was the dumbest spectacle ever.....giant baby head and hospital beds?   Maybe they'll have Putin wrestle a bear or something.

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Serowbot on 02/06/14 at 14:13:14

My guess is he'll just walk out, bare chested, and shoot a few terrorists... :-?...

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Paraquat on 02/07/14 at 06:08:03

I'm surprised anyone even cares about the Olympics anymore.


Title: Re: Opening
Post by WebsterMark on 02/07/14 at 09:14:01

i'm a huge Olympic Ice Hockey fan. My St. Louis Blues have 10 of their players on various teams.

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Serowbot on 02/07/14 at 10:23:23

I'm never really interested, until I accidentally leave it on for a few minutes...
Then I become mesmerized...  :-?...

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/07/14 at 11:24:50

I've always liked the winter games far more than the summer ones.  Watching the gorgeous female skaters sure beats watching some brute throw a hammer.
Even though I used to be a skier, I cannot imagine going down the ramp of a ski jump.

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Dane Allen on 02/07/14 at 14:02:01

We Americans have too many distractions that compete with the Olympics. I avoid TV as much as possible.

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Pine on 02/07/14 at 14:02:52

3127302D35202D36420 wrote:
I'm never really interested, until I accidentally leave it on for a few minutes...
Then I become mesmerized...  :-?...


I do not like boxing... its sooooo blah....

Then I saw Olympic Boxing...dude it make sense!  No ear biters!
Winter though.. mostly blah

Title: Re: Opening
Post by WebsterMark on 02/07/14 at 17:41:34

Bourbon , coke, ice, and opening ceremony, let's see how it goes.....

Title: Re: Opening
Post by WebsterMark on 02/07/14 at 18:13:55

They are singing the Russian national anthem and I'm reminded of The Hunt for Red October and Sean Connery leading his sub crew in a verse....  

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Trippah on 02/07/14 at 20:40:03

So a snowflake flaked out, I just finished watching most and I actually enjoyed it.  The vision of the people who thought it up, designed and implemented it I think is impressive.  Having grown up in the cold war  it is nice to be reminded that Russia has given a lot to world culture (and yes borrowed a bit also).
Let the curling begin! ;)

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Serowbot on 02/07/14 at 22:35:31

I think it's all about lights and making circles and inspirational music...
They could reenact the Manson murders.. and with enough lights, people spinning, and music, I'd get inspired...

Curling?...  any sport that I might be good at, particularly when I'm drunk... really shouldn't be in the Olympics...
That includes curling, darts, bowling, beer pong, bingo, and belly button shots...(and possibly that shooting while skiing thing)... :-?...
Wait... I'm rethinking the belly button shots... :-?...

Title: Re: Opening
Post by thumperclone on 02/07/14 at 23:38:06

right after the fifth ring didn't open there was a gun shot and then putt
showed up tuckin something into his jacket :P

Title: Re: Opening
Post by Serowbot on 02/08/14 at 00:18:24

7A667B637E6B7C6D6261606B0E0 wrote:
right after the fifth ring didn't open there was a gun shot and then putt
showed up tuckin something into his jacket :P

Lucky they straightened up.... he was about to rip his shirt off an' open up a can of whoopass...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Opening
Post by old_rider on 02/11/14 at 07:08:46

4553445941545942360 wrote:
I think it's all about lights and making circles and inspirational music...
They could reenact the Manson murders.. and with enough lights, people spinning, and music, I'd get inspired...

Curling?...  any sport that I might be good at, particularly when I'm drunk... really shouldn't be in the Olympics...
That includes curling, darts, bowling, beer pong, bingo, and belly button shots...(and possibly that shooting while skiing thing)... :-?...
Wait... I'm rethinking the belly button shots... :-?...

Hold on, you may have something there.... new Olympic go-a-round sport.... first round, beer pong.... second round curling, beer pong... third round, darts....fourth round belly button shots...fifth round, bowling...sixth round, belly button shots....seventh round, bar pool (that's billiards on a seven foot coin table)....eighth round, final game of beer pong followed by spin your forehead on the bat and race to the final belly button shot...
I might make it to the bowling.... but it would prove interesting to see how many go to the infirmary before the end of the rounds and the Russian's or German's would probably win gold, silver and bronze.


Title: Re: Opening
Post by Paraquat on 02/11/14 at 09:15:48

6261697F6469687F0D0 wrote:
[quote author=4553445941545942360 link=1391712999/0#11 date=1391841331]
I might make it to the bowling.... but it would prove interesting to see how many go to the infirmary before the end of the rounds and the Russian's or German's would probably win gold, silver and bronze.


Man Dies After Winning
Vodka-Drinking Contest
By Arkady Yuzhny

RUSSIA -- Alexander Nakonechny triumphed at a vodka drinking marathon in Russia after guzzling three half-litre mugs of vodka in quick succession, but failed to collect his prize after dying on the spot.

The weekend contest in the southwestern city of Volgodonsk also left four other male contestants fighting for their lives at the local hospital, although one woman who took part managed to stagger out of the clinic a few hours after being rushed there for an emergency stomach pump.

In an alcohol-hardened nation where it is not uncommon for Russian men to down a litre of the liquid on a night out, Nakonechny's feat of winning the contest - which earned him a prize of ten bottles of vodka - should have been cause for celebration.

But prosecutors in Volgodonsk have slapped charges of causing death through negligence on the organisers of the drinking competition, the managers of a local food and drink shop, who face three years in jail if convicted.

"If we can find the grounds to charge them with causing death by flouting their professional duties or if another person dies as a result of this marathon, they will face up to five years in prison," Volgodonsk's deputy prosecutor general Sergei Lubenets told AFP.

He added that the organisers could also be charged with breaking the law on advertising, which forbids staging events which promote the consumption of alcohol.

The participants of the event, which took place in the shop, were invited to down half-litre glasses of the Russian national drink and refill as much as they could from buckets filled to the brim.

News of the "Vodka Marathon" spread across the city and 50 people queued up outside the shop for the chance to down a free mug of vodka and try their luck at outdrinking the others.

The rules allowed them to accompany the vodka, as is traditional in Russia, with sausage, black bread and mustard.

The person who drank the most and managed to stay on his feet was to be declared the winner.

Nakonechny soon left the other contestants behind but within minutes of his victory collapsed and died, joining the other 40,000 Russians who die each year from alcohol poisoning.

Copyright 2003 News Limited.

My hero.


Title: Re: Opening
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/12/14 at 10:57:24

If ya die from alcohol poisoning do ya have a hangover for all eternity? Boy,, thatd sukkk! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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