General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Edward Bernays

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 02/01/14 at 14:53:28

Title: Edward Bernays
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/01/14 at 14:53:28

Most believe fluoride( which Is NOT fluoride, but toxic waste from industry) is a good thing. Thats due to the Big Lie being shoved down our throats( literally) since, well,, since before any of us were born..
OHHH surely if it was bad we would know by now!

Well,, some of us DO know,, so, pull yer head out, read, think,.,.

thats just for starters..

Now,, looka here..

EPA scientists, even tho the EPA is a lousy bunch for protecting US,, even they are getting around to questioning what has NEVER been debated..


NTEU Chapter 280 and its individual Executive Board members have signed on to the following Statement of Concern about the science of fluoridation. The goal is to stimulate a Congressional hearing on this national policy, which has not been aired before Congress and the public since 1978. Since 1978, a wealth of peer reviewed literature has been published on the carcinogenic, genotoxic and neurotoxic effects of fluoride, as well as on the efficacy of fluoridation. We believe that a full, open debate on the merits of the science underpinning fluoridation - and EPA's drinking water standards - is long overdue.

& has it happened? Uhh,, its in the works, following the televised audit of the federal reserve/

Till then,, realize what is happening, Talk to people,, wake them up, Only then is there a chance of stopping this madness.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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