General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Not anymore.....

Message started by raydawg on 02/01/14 at 11:25:51

Title: Not anymore.....
Post by raydawg on 02/01/14 at 11:25:51

Wife and I are going to travel to Europe. We were planning on hitting up Italy, not anymore.
Can't believe they would find a verdict of guilty based on motive instead of preponderance of fact.
If this judge is the example of how they do business there, I say I want nut'n to do with you....

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by pgambr on 02/01/14 at 15:13:33

I'm curious to hear Pesci's take.  

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/01/14 at 17:16:11

I sure hope we dont see her extradited.. Unless, of course, she really IS guilty,, I just never bought it,, but hey, I also never had access to the evidence,, Maybe she is a cold hearted killer,, I dunno,,, sometimes people do bad things,,
Anyone ever hear what the motive was?

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by raydawg on 02/01/14 at 18:34:40

He (the judge) will clue us in after a couple months....
I guess he is still trying to hone it  :-X

Read the story attached, tell me what I am missing.....
Motive can be used to grant a trial, but to decide it, c'mon, motive is nothing but speculation unless you can FRICKEN prove it, which is how you get a guilty verdict!

Only thing I can think to explain this asinine result is trying to mitigate damage via lawsuits brought against them from the last court ruling prior to this one. SCREW justice, protect our ASSsets!

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/02/14 at 09:41:25

Raydawg -

I've traveled throughout western Europe on several trips, but have not been to Italy.  Although, business will take me to the Milan area sometime later this year.
My favorite parts are Austria, Switzerland ( my grandfather's home country ) and Germany.
Except for tiny villages in Austria and Switzerland, English is spoken everywhere.  I recall going to the travel bureau in Munich and asking the lady at the counter, in my broken German, if we could converse in English.  Her answer was, "Of course".
Enjoy your trip.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/02/14 at 13:17:35

My experience has been that in most towns in Germany, it's easy to find people who speak English. Not quite as much in France, but still a lot of English speakers around.  In Italy however, I found once you get just a little bit off the beaten tourist path, it's not as likely you will. I had to go to Hungary quite a bit and good luck finding anyone speaking English outside downtown Budapest. And good luck trying to understand anything in Hungarian. Usually you can figure out a few words of another languate, but not in Hungarian.....nothing sounds familiar. Something about it not being a romantic Latin based language. Not my area of specialty. That's the extend of my European travels, but I'm suppose to go to Switzerland and Sweden later this year.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/03/14 at 04:39:12

WOW ! So much expected of me in this thread, I'll have to take it by instalments.

OK, here goes.

5B4C4A4649592B0 wrote:
I'm curious to hear Pesci's take.  


Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by pgambr on 02/03/14 at 04:43:30

What did the witness claim?

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/03/14 at 05:22:58

WOW ! So much expected of me in this thread, I'll have to take it by instalments.

OK, here goes.

5B4C4A4649592B0 wrote:
I'm curious to hear Pesci's take.  

Here are the hard facts:

1. Meredith Kercher was not found by local Police nor by Amanda and her boyfriend; she was found by "Postal Police" (an Institution typical of Western Democracies) because her two cellphones were found by a local woman - ringing - in a garbage bin, and not knowing whose they were, but wanting to return them to the lawful owner, she called the Postal Police (who deal with any/everything communications, including cellphone fraud etc.

2. Meredith and Amanda's "shared dorm" was NOT a dorm, but a small rented villa, something absolutely unusual and expensive in Italy. Hence, both families were particularly well off. More on this later.

3. Amanda Knox denied being in the house nor in the area the night of the crime, but at her boyfriends drinking, having sex and smoking weed all night long.
ONE EYEWITNESS had them both at the scene of the crime, watching the house from behind bushes, around 2 a.m.
ANOTHER EYEWITNESS had Amanda at a local grocery store buying BLEACH (?) at 7:30 a.m. (they even found the store receipt at Raffaele's house, but no bleach... wonder why?)

4. Amanda immediately blamed one Patrick Lumumba, a Congolese immigrant who ran a night club in Perugia; however, after an initial arrest, investigations soon cleared the man and he was released

5. When Amanda and Raffaele were arrested and jailed, Amanda's conversations with her mother were taped: she commented more than once "she felt guilty for framing Lumumba but couldn't help it".
Why put the blame on somebody innocent, unless you're trying to stray the attention off yourself?

6. Another African, Rudy Guedè, was arrested after evidence had him as a side-participant; he cooperated with investigators and was tried, his 26-year sentence reduced to 16 for cooperation; he was convicted for "accessory" to murder (i.e. was there, may have had a secondary role but was not the material executioner)

7. Everything points at Amanda and Raffaele: DNA, fingerprints, tapes of conversations; as if that wasn't enough, during interrogation Amanda often went beyond the simple "Q&A" session, adding details which the investigators considered as conclusive, but which they could not work out by themselves; in other words, she was giving details which were pinpointing her down beyond any dreasonable doubt.

8. Amanda Knox was defended by Counsellor Bongiorno and Co., definitely Italy's most expensive and most experienced legal firm; so experienced, in fact, they successfully defended Sen. Andreotti (60 years in Parliament) from extremely serious charges of cooperation and corruption with the sicilian Mafia.
So if Couns. Bongiorno was so good, how is it that she lost this case ?


Now, about the Italian Justice System.

In Italy, we DO NOT have County Courts, State Courts and Federal Courts.
Everything is Federal and everything goes according to Dept. of Justice (DOJ) directives.
This also means that Judges aren't nominated by Mayors or Governors, they are DOJ Justices.
Also, the "Lay Jurors" are not "Mr. and Mrs. Jones" as in the US: they are selected individuals who MUST be Law School graduates, and are more often than not Lawyers who sign up because they want to qualify, one day, as Judges.
NOT "Mr&Mrs. Jones"...

Furthermore, we have three levels or tiers of Justice:
1st Trial, done wherever the crime took place; if you're acquitted, you walk and are free forever
BUT if you're found guilty THEN you may appeal.
The Court of Appeals is at Provincial/Regional level (i.e. roughly State/Sub-state to you) and is entirely independent of the 1st Court.
If you're acquitted, you walk and are free forever
BUT if you're found guilty THEN you may appeal to the Supreme Court.
However, even if you are acquitted, the Supreme Court has the authority to investigate on the trial.
It is, basically, a Trial on the Trial, and is done to verify that "Justice is done" regardless of the outcome.

In the "Knox/Sollecito" case, the Supreme Court decided to investigate, the Constitution says it can, because:
a. there was much too much political and diplomatic pressure and foreign interference to guarantee the judges were not left disturbed, and
b. because the sentence and the very wording MUST be consistent with the charges.

In this case, regardless of US Tourists picketing the Courthouse (who cares?) it was considered an unduly interference to have no less than the Secretary of State (Mrs. Hillary Clinton) come and discuss with the Prime Minister over the very trial.
ALSO, there were minute flaws in the Appeals' Court sentence which indicate... the defendants may have been made to walk on purpose, leaving the Supreme Court with the nasty business of ordering a re-trial... namely, Knox/Sollecito were discharged because "it didn't happen", not because "they didn't do it".
In Italian Judicial lingo, the two expressions are somewhat similar, but an experienced magistrate knows which is which, and I would not be surprised to discover the Appeals Court "got it wrong" on purpose in order to give someone else the possibility to "get it right this time".

And before some of you go hollering about incompetent judges, may I remind you:
- Mrs. Clinton shouldn't have stuck her nose into an ongoing trial, and
- Italy is the Country of Machiavelli, lord and master of political strategy since the 15th Century.

So... all in all... my personal opinion ?
If Ms. Knox ever so much as goes to visit any (really, ANY!) EU Country, she'll be arrested before she can say "cafè" and extradited to Italy;
If Ms. Knox ever so much goes to visit any other Country which has extradiction treaties with the EU, she'll be arrested and extradited (this includes all of the British Commonwealth and literally all Latin American countries except Brazil)
You guys get to keep an Oscar-winning actress, and we are returned Chico Forti, an Italian entrepeneur framed by known and wanted fraudsters for a murder he blatantly did not commit.
Google it.
You wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

PS Patrick Lumumba, the night club owner who went to jail and lost his job because of false accusations, is now sueing Amanda Knox for damages... of course, the Italian DOJ will tab the bill because Amanda is home.

Poor lil' girl...!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/italy-knox.jpg

NOT your average Joan of Arc...

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/03/14 at 05:31:54

Thanks mpes. I haven't followed the case at all. it's one of those trials that catch the American media's fancy from time to time and we get fed updates 24/7.  She's  a good looking woman and the word sex was used so it plays well.....

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by pgambr on 02/03/14 at 05:32:46

Interesting, thanks for the detailed post Pesci.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/03/14 at 05:37:31

70637B66637565020 wrote:
Wife and I are going to travel to Europe. We were planning on hitting up Italy, not anymore.
Can't believe they would find a verdict of guilty based on motive instead of preponderance of fact.
If this judge is the example of how they do business there, I say I want nut'n to do with you....

Dear friend, as I said previously, in Italy ALL judges are Federal, as are ALL Police except for traffic wardens.

Much unlike you guys...

Mind you, this is your own satire !  ;) But it does make a difference, don't you think ?

Oh, yes... don't forget health care ! Here's where you can go and get cured simply showing your passport... ;)

Have a nice holiday !

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/03/14 at 05:44:26

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
My experience has been that in most towns in Germany, it's easy to find people who speak English. Not quite as much in France, but still a lot of English speakers around.  In Italy however, I found once you get just a little bit off the beaten tourist path, it's not as likely you will. I had to go to Hungary quite a bit and good luck finding anyone speaking English outside downtown Budapest. And good luck trying to understand anything in Hungarian. Usually you can figure out a few words of another languate, but not in Hungarian.....nothing sounds familiar. Something about it not being a romantic Latin based language. Not my area of specialty. That's the extend of my European travels, but I'm suppose to go to Switzerland and Sweden later this year.

1. Hungarian is NOT a Latin-based language... nor is it a Germanic-based language...
>:( (the other two being Suomi and Eesti or Finnish and Estonian)

2. In Italy tourist signs, instructions and even the subway announcements are in Italian and ENGLISH!
Try asking the FRENCH for anything not in French!

3. Please be informed that Switzerland and Sweden :
- are NOT the same Country,
- are NOT close to each other,
- do NOT speak the same language.

You can't say you weren't warned !

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/03/14 at 10:23:17

1. Hungarian is NOT a Latin-based language... nor is it a Germanic-based language...
Angry (the other two being Suomi and Eesti or Finnish and Estonian)

I heard one time it was one of 3 or 4 languages that are very unique.

2. In Italy tourist signs, instructions and even the subway announcements are in Italian and ENGLISH!
Try asking the FRENCH for anything not in French!

That wasn't my experience outside the tourist areas of Bergamo.

3. Please be informed that Switzerland and Sweden :
- are NOT the same Country,
- are NOT close to each other,
- do NOT speak the same language.

I know those things. My company's international HQ are in Sweden and my largest customer is HQ in Switzerland. Hope to get to both this year.

I'd like to get back to Italy and France before they disappear...

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by Pine on 02/03/14 at 12:39:17

Thanks for the insight. I did not and dont generally follow this stuff.. as has been said.. sex and murder gets media in furry. It seemed pretty certain the three (2 murderers and the victim) were all in the house together... so somebody had to have killed her.

I thought you were pretty generous... you didn't say" the US can keep the murderous little ..." I kinda figure someone over there is thinking it.  

PS: I like watching youtube post from other countries... and somehow stumbled on this several months ago. It struck me as very funny, as most in the US wouldn't be able to the tell the difference between the two ( or at least don't think they could). Its rather like a blond telling blond jokes (to most of us).    

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/14 at 20:51:43

Thank you Mr. Pescatori for such a comprehensive run down on the facts of the case & the explanation of your court system. I dont remember hearing such incriminating stories about her. I agree Clinton shoulda stayed out of it, its not like she was locked up in Mexico & her family being shook down for $40,000.00 to release her. Im sure were that the case, Hillary would never have gotten the memo,, but a taxpayer funded trip to Italy? OHH Hell YA!  
Yea,, Amanda needs to not get out of her back yard..

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by pgambr on 02/03/14 at 22:42:56

Yeah, I like reading Pesci's posts as well.  They are always very objective.

So when is the movie going to come out?  There is no telling what's going to be in it.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/03/14 at 23:24:45

The whole point is, this is a trial over a US citizen accused of murdering a UK citizen, so the Italian Judicial System is remarkably neutral over it all.

Of course we have media coverage, and even talk shows about it, but we don't have assumed experts' opinions for and against, we have forensic experts from other cities (so, completely off the case and out of the info loop) discussing techniques, lawyers discussing tactics, and journalists in the US and UK reporting how local public opinion feels about it.

Sollecito himself is an accessory to murder, but insisted on pleading "not guilty" and got 26 years,
unlike Rudy Guedè who pleaded guilty and had a fast-track trial that got his sentence reduced from 26 to 16 years.

For MSNBC or FOX to claim "they already have a [nigga] in jail, what more do you want", says it all.


Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/14 at 23:43:26

For MSNBC or FOX to claim "they already have a [nigga] in jail, what more do you want", says it all.

Really? Someone said that? I dont watch those "always news" channels,so, I didnt hear about that. I watch the weather sometimes, but rarely,, very rarely, do I watch any news on TV. & I really paid about no attention to this case. I watch political events. Im glad to finally get a quick, to the point, education on it, I never woulda got this info in the states..

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/04/14 at 01:01:38

526067767160774864776E050 wrote:
1. Hungarian is NOT a Latin-based language... nor is it a Germanic-based language...
Angry (the other two being Suomi and Eesti or Finnish and Estonian)

I heard one time it was one of 3 or 4 languages that are very unique.

2. In Italy tourist signs, instructions and even the subway announcements are in Italian and ENGLISH!
Try asking the FRENCH for anything not in French!

That wasn't my experience outside the tourist areas of Bergamo.

Bergamo isn't your typical tourist destination; it's like expecting a major tourist organization in Fargo, ND.

3. Please be informed that Switzerland and Sweden :
- are NOT the same Country,
- are NOT close to each other,
- do NOT speak the same language.

I know those things. My company's international HQ are in Sweden and my largest customer is HQ in Switzerland. Hope to get to both this year.

I'd like to get back to Italy and France before they disappear...

Point taken, you actually have a job. Whoppee !

The point you do not seem to be able to take, is that "Old World" is something that has been around since... you pick an age, and archaeologists will give you twice as old.

I'll give you a few clues to what "Old World" means:

1. Housing for the Needy: unlike the US, whose capitalistic system was struggling with the masses of unemployed, "fascist" (not communist) Italy was building housing complexes for the needy;
the result was twofold: housing in brickwork (not trailer camps) and jobs for the unemployed.

Ugly ? Yes. better than a lumber shack or a trailer home ? Definitely !

2. Healthcare for the Needy: What I do not understand is how public taxes will pay for Police, Fire Dept and (apparently) public schools, but not for public healthcare; how can you work efficiently if you can't cure your illnesses?
How did... Chicagoans get their drinking water in the old days ? How did they bathe ?

These are the Water Works of Bologna in the 15th Century; and Public Baths from Roman days, reactivated in the 15th Century.

Churches ? Monasteries ? No, ancient public hospitals.  8-)

On the left, "Ospizio di Santo Spirito", built in the 12th Century; on the right, "Ospedale di S.Pietro & Fatebenefratelli" built in the 11th Century on the ruins of a 4th century sanatorium  :o

Welcome to the Old World...  :)

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/04/14 at 01:04:25

647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 wrote:

For MSNBC or FOX to claim "they already have a [nigga] in jail, what more do you want", says it all.

Really? Someone said that? I dont watch those "always news" channels,so, I didnt hear about that. I watch the weather sometimes, but rarely,, very rarely, do I watch any news on TV. & I really paid about no attention to this case. I watch political events. Im glad to finally get a quick, to the point, education on it, I never woulda got this info in the states..

I can occasionally "intercept" MSNBC on Digital TV during the night hours, there's a "minor national" network that beams it in order to broadcast 24/7 and get funded for that.

On the other hand, you only have to go and read MSNBC's facebook page. Or is it ? Hmmm... anyway, that's what I read.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/04/14 at 01:08:53

Incidentally, if anyone should thing I am being sarcastic, and takes offense for something not aimed at him, my apologies.

I may be ironic, or sometimes a little sardonic to strike back at whomever takes a swing at me.

But, overall, I try to be objective.

I know the cons of my society. I try to uphold the pros.

Anybody who loves his Country, would  ;)

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/14 at 05:46:26

For MSNBC or FOX to claim "they already have a [nigga] in jail, what more do you want", says it all.

No one on MSNBC or Fox said that.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/14 at 06:01:17

Bergamo isn't your typical tourist destination; it's like expecting a major tourist organization in Fargo, ND.

Bergamo is quite a bit more than Fargo..... I'd say it's more like Nashville or perhaps Salt Lake City.

The Lord's Supper painting is there, Brembo Brakes HQ and a mfg plant is there,  which is why I was there to begin with and Bergamo has an upper historic city area surrounded by thick walls, sort of like a giant castle. I remember many old buildings etc.... it was a neat place to visit. I was there early in the afternoon and found a Irish bar which struck me as odd. I was about the only one there and the cuter than anything young bartender was studying her English. I helped her out a bit and taught her Midwestern phrases that I don't think she understood very well. It was raining so I was explaining 'raining cats and dogs'....
There's a tram running up and down the large hill leading to the upper city. It was undergoing maintenance when I left so I walked back down to my hotel and the houses on the hill side were amazing. Better than anything you see on those southern California hillsides.

Are you sure you're from Italy Mpes......? :)

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/14 at 06:19:14

The point you do not seem to be able to take, is that "Old World" is something that has been around since... you pick an age, and archaeologists will give you twice as old.

I'll give you a few clues to what "Old World" means:

1. Housing for the Needy: unlike the US, whose capitalistic system was struggling with the masses of unemployed, "fascist" (not communist) Italy was building housing complexes for the needy;
the result was twofold: housing in brickwork (not trailer camps) and jobs for the unemployed.

I’m not sure why you always feel the need to criticize the US and build Italy up at every opportunity.

Yea, ‘fascist’ Italy was the right way to go?…… While you were living under the protection of the US and emasculating all your men, the capitalistic system of the US was busy creating a world economy that allowed you the freedom to give away housings and jobs by your government. Your economy is in freefall and your cradle to grave entitlements will be the death of you. Your secular society has checked out of the baby making business. Better to spend your days sipping wine and working 6 hours a day….. who can  be bothered with children; they get in our way and we can’t take those weekend trips…I’m pretty sure Italy is something like 200 out of 224 nations in birthrates. You're dying from the inside out….. Oh, and forget doing business in Italy in the month of August. You might as well put a closed sign up over the entire country. It’s a beautiful place however….. and I’d like to get back to Italy before it’s completely gone…

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/04/14 at 09:42:00

Yes, I'm sure I'm from Italy.

And if Bergamo won't equate to Fargo, ND, it will certainly equate to Rochester, NY in your history.
Nice, but not a milestone such as Venice, Milan, Padua, Florence... Rome...

Personally speaking, I can trace my ancestry back in time enough to before Napoleon invaded Italy, when Florence was an independent Grand Duchy (father) and Istria was under Venice (mother).

But I don't feel bad about Napoleon invading Italy, hey, he brought wine (no, wait, we already had that) and secular laws (no, we already had those too) and freed the South from Spanish rule (yeah, tell me about French rule!) and the North from ...

... no, actually, save for the Spanish "Kingdom of the Two Sicilies", Italy was pretty much independent. and pret-ty well off, too!

A patchwork of small, medium and large size Feudal States, perhaps, but so were the rest of nations in Europe.

Yet, THE place to be and THE place to study was still Italy.

True, Cambridge and Oxford and King's College, London were big provided you were English.
Copernicus studied in Krakow (Poland) then in Bologna and Ferrara before brushing up the Heliocentric Theory of ancient greek philosopher Aristarcus to claim "the SUN is the center of the Universe!"

Venice was a 1000-y.o. Republic when Napoleon invaded from land.
Genoa was a 900 y.o. Republic when Napoleon... invaded from land.
Pisa was still very much alive and kicking when the Hansa league cities of the North and Baltic Seas were very much decadent.

Go ahead and throw stuff at me.

Mud, snow and sh!t all behave in the same way when they fall on a pitched roof,

they trickle off and leave me to bask in the sun...  8-)

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WD on 02/04/14 at 09:57:12

The best thing that could happen to the USA is the rise to power of a modern Hitler, Il Duce, or Franco. Somebody who will squash 90% of the unnecessary entitlement mentality money squandering and get the citizenry back to productive work.

The current system of installing a puppet or figurehead Marxist mouth piece in the guise of a Demonrat or Repugnican is a proven sham. A little bit of old Europe brought stateside would do us a world of good. Public health, public works, infrastructure, gentrification, etc... that work.

I lived in post-Franco, pre-EU Spain, and if the EU ever self destructs, would move back to the Andalusian coast in a heart beat. No ifs, no ands, no buts, and absolutely no qualms or looking back.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/14 at 10:27:52

funny Mpes, I thought about Rochester NY, but the more I think about it, the more Salt Lake City fits as Bergamo's 'sister city'.

Bottom line, you took a shot at my country, I'm returning fire.

..but seriously, tell all the Italians to have children before you disappear...

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/14 at 10:31:58

Pesci, my thinking is kind of analogous to what we call "Old Families" here.. Kids raised in an old family, well established & wealthy, are steeped in the history & pride of the family & they usually grow up to be a part of the business & have a certain grasp of the world that isnt what Joe 6Pack relates to. I look at Europeans & see them in kind of the same light. The history you guys come from is so much more than the history of America. But, IMO, the average American believes America is so much more than it is,, because people only have the frame of reference they have & few have the mental capacity &/or desire to step back & see things thru different eyes.. We are New kids on the Block, brash & obnoxious, impatient & rude on the world stage, typically unable to appreciate the vastness of the history of the Old World,,& what that does, how it impacts society there, today.,

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/04/14 at 12:06:01

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
funny Mpes, I thought about Rochester NY, but the more I think about it, the more Salt Lake City fits as Bergamo's 'sister city'.

Bottom line, you took a shot at my country, I'm returning fire.

..but seriously, tell all the Italians to have children before you disappear...

That is the ONE point where we agree. By the time I retire (2-4 years from now) there will be almost as many retired as there are on the owrk force.

NOT a happy perspective, not at all.

Regardless of the hows and whys Italians have 1.2 children per family (as opposed to the "2.4" regarded as the least minimum for any one civilization to survive) the reason is not egotism.

In the old days, a sterile family wopild split legally (one of the very very few reasons when the Church itself would grant the nulment of Holy Matrimony) and the two "ex"s would try a new life.

These days, they will adopt one (ONE) but Italian laws are so incredibly stringent it is actually easier to adopt one from Romania than from Italy itself!

Also, in the old daysone would live close to his lace of work, often walk 20-30' to work; these days, it's 60' by car if not 90' by train.

If, in a family of two working professionals (who am I to push women back to do the housework?) even one semester off for maternity leave means that's all you'll ever get.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/14 at 14:13:19

WOW! "You took a shot at my country, so, Im returning fire".. My country, right or wrong, I stand with her!,, Yea,, principle in action there..
Fair criticism is just that. Anyone who cant stand someone telling them their house needs paint & the foundation is cracked, when its true, without getting offended is just messed up in the head.
If anyone needs to be having babies, its Americans. Weve been aborting ours & creating economic & social environments that make people not want them AND we have been adding sterilants to food & vaccines. Dont think thats an accident, KNow who Cass Sunstein & get familiar with his writings,,

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/05/14 at 03:16:52

I just realized...

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
Bergamo isn't your typical tourist destination; it's like expecting a major tourist organization in Fargo, ND.

Bergamo is quite a bit more than Fargo..... I'd say it's more like Nashville or perhaps Salt Lake City.

The Lord's Supper painting is there...[...]
 which is why I was there to begin with  and Bergamo has an upper historic city area surrounded by thick walls, sort of like a giant castle.

Those are called "city walls"

I remember many old buildings etc... [...] so I walked back down to my hotel and the houses on the hill side were amazing. Better than anything you see on those southern California hillsides.

Yes, a Medieval town WILL be centuries older than Spanish settlements in California

Are you sure you're from Italy Mpes......? :)

Yes, I am. I'll tell you more: you say you went to see "The Lord's Supper"  :-?

If you refer to "The Lord's Supper" as THIS it's NOT in Bergamo, it's in Milan

BUT If you refer to THIS...

...yes, it is in Bergamo, but it's a PAINTING (not a fresco) commissioned to a one "Alessandro Allori" in 1580 (100+ years after Leonardo's fresco) by the Abbot of Bergamo;
Allori made two copies, one for the Abbot, one for another monastery in Florence, and got paid by both.


PS I admit looking up facts in Wikipedia  :)

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/05/14 at 05:27:41

Thank you for clearing that up. I recall while I was there someone told me I should go see it, but you had to have reservations and only a few people could be let in at a time because of the concerns of damage. Now that I know they were talking about a fresco, that makes sense.

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/05/14 at 06:59:32

No prob.

I admit NOT knowing there was "another" famous "Last Supper" until I read your post.

I was really intrigued and... a bit confused, I could had sworn the one and only Last Supper I knew about was in Milan... so you helped shed some light onto this.

You made me a little more knowledgeable on my own history and heritage.
... whew !  :D

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by raydawg on 02/08/14 at 13:00:53

Poor lil' girl...

Not sure why you need a character assassination if your "facts" meet preponderance thresholds.....
But, my post were about the judge and his remarks, and why it troubled me to the point of altering my travel plans.
I trust you have seen where this judge is now being examined by your own system where he might have brought prejudice to his verdict?
If perception is fact, as in your assessments.... I think you display rather handsomely, framing my concern over the issue.
Which puts the ball in my argue with a closed mind is folly and settles nothing. To avoid being in a position where I might find myself at odds with your judicial system, I do have the capacity to assure that does not happen. Is it extreme in nature, most assuredly....
But history is ripe, doubly so in my own country, were men where  judged, AND prosecuted, solely on prejudice and bias, and again, where you have exhibited, how it can work against this yankee partying nymphomaniac (which on its own accord ain't such a bad thing, yes  :-* )

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/11/14 at 04:12:28

5A49514C495F4F280 wrote:
Poor lil' girl...

Not sure why you need a character assassination if your "facts" meet preponderance thresholds.....
But, my post were about the judge and his remarks, and why it troubled me to the point of altering my travel plans.
I trust you have seen where this judge is now being examined by your own system where he might have brought prejudice to his verdict?
If perception is fact, as in your assessments.... I think you display rather handsomely, framing my concern over the issue.
Which puts the ball in my argue with a closed mind is folly and settles nothing. To avoid being in a position where I might find myself at odds with your judicial system, I do have the capacity to assure that does not happen. Is it extreme in nature, most assuredly....
But history is ripe, doubly so in my own country, were men where  judged, AND prosecuted, solely on prejudice and bias, and again, where you have exhibited, how it can work against this yankee partying nymphomaniac (which on its own accord ain't such a bad thing, yes  :-* )

Sorry for seeing your post so late, else I would have commented earlier.

The "Big Issue" is NOT on the Judge saying what he said.

The big issue is on THAT judge saying what he said, and being crossexamined of it,
when another judge, in a much more important trial "The State Vs. Silvio Berlusconi" said much more (actually admitting to doctoring Courthouse procedures in order to be assigned that very case) and being rather uncerimoniously being taped while admitting "I couldn't wait to lay my hands on that SoB" (a previous Prime Minister!) thus making it quite obvious HE, as a Judge, was prejudiced to the point of wanting to be assigned the case in order to acknowledge him guilty and sentence him!

THAT, IMHO, is a prejudiced court.

NOT Amanda Knox's.

Oh, and... before I forget.

In your Country, if you so much as sneeze into a LEO's face, you get tesered and arrested.

In my Country, you must commit a CRIME as described in the Criminal Code of Laws before a Judge signs an arrest warrant.
There is no "arrest on premises by LEO", only  "Police Custody" without cuffs and without bars.

So, come on ahead, whether you travel to France, Germany or Italy, you'll be safe and protected by the same Judicial Principles.

Not like England, who still go by Roman Law...  ;)

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by WebsterMark on 02/11/14 at 05:53:48

So, come on ahead, whether you travel to France, Germany or Italy, you'll be safe and protected by the same Judicial Principles.

This is true Ray, go visit Italy if you have the opportunity. Unless you are a religion of peace member and dedicated to killing infidels, there are a few places in Paris  you'll want to stay away from. I wandered around Frankfurt, Germany once and stumbled into a Rolling Stones concert. No kidding, it was funny. There are some skinhead places to avoid. Ask your hotel where not to go. Far as I know, Italy's safe. Oh, and bring mirrored sunglasses, the women are amazing looking.....

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/12/14 at 01:57:19

764443525544536C40534A210 wrote:
So, come on ahead, whether you travel to France, Germany or Italy, you'll be safe and protected by the same Judicial Principles.

This is true Ray, go visit Italy if you have the opportunity. [...] Ask your hotel where not to go. Far as I know, Italy's safe. Oh, and bring mirrored sunglasses, the women are amazing looking.....

Yeh... tell me about it...

I googled "pretty Italian girls" and my PC stalled "too much data"

So I googled "pretty Italian MPs (Members of Parliament) and I got this:


So I googled "ugly Italian girls" and I got a

Ah... decisions... decisions...  :D

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by raydawg on 02/12/14 at 19:09:14

716C796F7F7D68736E751C0 wrote:
[quote author=764443525544536C40534A210 link=1391282751/30#36 date=1392126828]So, come on ahead, whether you travel to France, Germany or Italy, you'll be safe and protected by the same Judicial Principles.

This is true Ray, go visit Italy if you have the opportunity. [...] Ask your hotel where not to go. Far as I know, Italy's safe. Oh, and bring mirrored sunglasses, the women are amazing looking.....

Yeh... tell me about it...

I googled "pretty Italian girls" and my PC stalled "too much data"

So I googled "pretty Italian MPs (Members of Parliament) and I got this:


So I googled "ugly Italian girls" and I got a

Ah... decisions... decisions...  :D[/quote]

OK.....fine, I've changed my mind, set me up with one of those local beauties who enjoy sex games like american exchange students then  :-*  

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/13/14 at 05:13:50

You mean... like this ?  :-?

Glad to oblige, but my filter is blinking NSFW !!!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by Paraquat on 02/13/14 at 06:03:53

I'd try it.


Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/15/14 at 09:10:05

Pesci,, Isnt that Betty Page? Doin the tying, not being tied..

Title: Re: Not anymore.....
Post by mpescatori on 02/18/14 at 02:06:25

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
Pesci,, Isnt that Betty Page? Doin the tying, not being tied..

Exactly !

Enjoy (it's ok, no pink showing ;)



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