General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 01/27/14 at 09:07:35

Title: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/27/14 at 09:07:35

For those of us who already know,, its a good clip. For the rest of you? Ehh,, wont matter,, pay no attention to the fact that the head dude from a demo business says its obvious,, the details? Meeehhh,, dont worry,, theyre all imaginary.

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/31/14 at 20:30:56

Good Find....but you know most are like Webster who won't watch it.....would take them out of their head in the sand comfort zone.

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by WebsterMark on 02/02/14 at 06:27:04

Oh this is precious…..

A guy  whose head is so deep in the sand that he believed a fraud video that supposedly was ‘discovered’ in a camera that was left lying around on 9/11 is telling me I’m too narrow minded to grasp the complexity that only he and Jog can understand…..  A third grader could have figured out that was a doctored video, but I guess perhaps that’s a grade or two above you….

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/02/14 at 07:51:21

Thats right webby, you havent a clue as to whats going on,

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by WebsterMark on 02/02/14 at 13:12:27

and you think getting fooled by a obviously fake video IS evidence of 'having a clue'? You think believing in a plastic surgery to assume someone identify IS evidence of 'have a clue'?  

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/02/14 at 13:34:04

1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 wrote:
and you think getting fooled by a obviously fake video IS evidence of 'having a clue'? You think believing in a plastic surgery to assume someone identify IS evidence of 'have a clue'?  
You're funny....I was  fooled once and quickly admitted are fooled all the time by "official" sources and government propaganda and clueless to the fact that you are clueless. ;D

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by WebsterMark on 02/03/14 at 05:35:47

Okay, which one is this: Rat or Jog?

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/03/14 at 06:22:08

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
Okay, which one is this: Rat or Jog?
Thanks Mark! That guy has balls....gets my vote as Most Valuable Superbowl Truthteller.

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/14 at 10:45:14

All that security,, & that guy didnt even have a ticket,,

I hafta ask,, IF we must protect our large assemblies from terror attacks, WHY? What has America done that has created such animosity? Maybe we need to stop doing whatever that is,, & MAYBE we should give some thot to controlling our borders.. maybe.,.

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by Paraquat on 02/03/14 at 11:12:42

We call that RRCA.
Relentless root cause analysis.

The example they always give us is the box of nails.

You get a flat tire.
There are nails on the ground.
Corrective action > Sweep up the nails.

... but that's not the root cause.

There are nails on the ground because the box got wet.
Why did the box get wet?
There's a hole in the roof and it rained.
Can we prevent rain?
No. Therefore the remedy, to prevent flat tires, is to repair the roof.

Let's apply it to a real world scenario:
Terrorists hate us and want to blow us up.
Initiate "safety" procedures.
Well, we may (or may not) be safer but the terrorists still want to blow us up because we didn't address the root cause.


Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by WebsterMark on 02/03/14 at 11:33:10

And terrorist hates because ?......

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by WebsterMark on 02/03/14 at 11:35:48

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
All that security,, & that guy didnt even have a ticket,,

So you're saying the 9/11 conspirators hired him, found a way in for him, so he'd look like a nut and therefore continue to deflect the public's attention away?

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/14 at 15:31:57

457770616677605F736079120 wrote:
And terrorist hates because ?......

I asked the same question,, & youre somehow smarter for asking it again?

& NO, I didnt say someone hired him or why. In fact, having heard him interviewed, Id say he went in alone because he wanted to film some thing,, &, in spite of all that security, he wound up with a mic in his hand & interrupting a broadcast! Makeds me wonder just how valuable that ZSecurity Theater is,, well, no, I already know, its valueless.. If someone wanted to do something, all theyd hafta do is get to the crowd while theyre waiting to be searched,, just all packed together, ready to make a target for some crazy jerk,,

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/03/14 at 19:16:24

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
And terrorist hates because ?......

....can't have a war without an enemy?....create one!....scared aren't ya? .....if not.....somebody is just gonna have to blow something up and blame some Muslim boogie men........ BOOM! BOO!

.....oh yeah...they hate you for your freedoms  ::)

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/14 at 20:11:02

Man, these guys dont even know that we run al CIAduh. They cant come to grips with the fact that its the al CIAduh flag flying over Libya,, & WE helped them take the place down.,We provided transportation for some of them & armed them. Not with murcan guns, but stuff that is available on the world market,, Cant exactly have them hauling M-16s around,, but SKSs & AKs & such, yea,, Its a huge puppet show & its very frustrating for the few of us who have seen behind the curtain & have seen the strings.

Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by Paraquat on 02/04/14 at 06:08:49

In late July 1986, Hezbollah released another hostage, Father Lawrence Martin Jenco, former head of Catholic Relief Services in Lebanon. Following this, William Casey, head of the CIA, requested that the United States authorize sending a shipment of small missile parts to Iranian military forces as a way of expressing gratitude.[49] Casey also justified this request by stating that the contact in the Iranian government might otherwise lose face, or be executed, and hostages killed. Reagan authorized the shipment to ensure that those potential events would not occur.

During the trial North testified that on November 21, 22, or 24, he witnessed Poindexter destroy what may have been the only signed copy of a presidential covert-action finding that sought to authorize CIA participation in the November 1985 Hawk missile shipment to Iran.[41] U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese admitted on November 25 that profits from weapons sales to Iran were made available to assist the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. On the same day, John Poindexter resigned, and Oliver North was fired by President Reagan.[55] Poindexter was replaced by Frank Carlucci on December 2, 1986.

In his expose Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981–1987, journalist Bob Woodward chronicles the role of the CIA in facilitating the transfer of funds from the Iran arms sales to the Nicaraguan Contras spearheaded by Oliver North.[57] Then Director of the CIA, William J. Casey, admitted to Woodward in February 1987 that he was aware of the diversion of funds to the contras confirming a number of encounters documented by Woodward.[58] The controversial admission occurred while Casey was hospitalized for a stroke, and, according to his wife, was unable to communicate. On May 6, 1987, William Casey died the day after Congress began its public hearings on Iran–Contra.

This same CIA?!?!?!?!


Title: Re: A 9/11 flick, under 30 minutes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/14 at 12:48:04

Yea. Thatd be the bunch.. How many are aware that we have black ops teams in Iran blowing things up, trying to get them mad enough to strike back, so we can point to that & call it aggression? Anyone remember when Iraq captured those Brits dressed as Iraquis & hauling explosives? I doubt it,, it didnt fit their views so that was dumped down the rabbit hole.,., » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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