General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Overheard at Hooters

Message started by Pine on 01/21/14 at 14:32:45

Title: Overheard at Hooters
Post by Pine on 01/21/14 at 14:32:45

So I had saturday to myself... I went by Hooters for my spinach and shrimp salad ( it really the best)  and my dose of Mich ultra. While sitting there comtemplating the delights of the underwire... I heard this:

"there aint no recession, everyone is making mo' money now, it's all just hatin' on Obama".

I think is was a customer to a waitress, but they were behind me. My food came and I got distracted ... so I really didnt care to hear any more.

No point really. I guess there really are people out there that are going to see things thier one and only way.  Salad was good, beer was cold... thats all that matter'd.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by pgambr on 01/21/14 at 17:05:27

What is alarming to me more than ever in my lifetime is people do not have the ability to critically think and form an opinion based on sound reasoning.  They certainly have no respect for the merits of someone else’s arguments regardless how indisputable they may be.  Please keep in mind the talking points of an argument form an opinion and don’t necessarily constitute a belief.  If you don’t buy into many ideologies and in many cases give them full support your opinions will be marginalized, you will be discredited, and in unadorned circumstances perhaps persecuted.

Incidentally, Twin Peaks is pretty wonderful and I would highly recommend a visit.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by Serowbot on 01/21/14 at 17:15:27

6950575C4D564B390 wrote:
Hooters for my spinach and shrimp salad ( it really the best)  and my dose of Mich ultra.

Sounds like you're doin' alright...  How much was that lunch?...
Could it be that it's your head cocked to the Right?... :-?...

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by Pine on 01/22/14 at 08:32:32

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
[quote author=6950575C4D564B390 link=1390343565/0#0 date=1390343565]Hooters for my spinach and shrimp salad ( it really the best)  and my dose of Mich ultra.

Sounds like you're doin' alright...  How much was that lunch?...
Could it be that it's your head cocked to the Right?... :-?...[/quote]

The salad is $9.. and the beer is $3.50 .. so sub $15. Lunch at Chic-fil-a is about $10 but no beer. Subway is my cheap go to at $8 with drink and chips. Hospital lunch is $6.. but you wont be near about "full" and will need a 2:30 snack.

Could be (my head position). But I don't think anyone on either side would say the economy never went down ( 2008) .. which is what this guy is saying.

More likely though being as we are in MS.. our economy is already depressed so downs generally dont drop as far for us, as well as swings in the stock market mean little to someone not directly invested.  

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by ToesNose on 02/04/14 at 07:57:12

I wish the economy didn't go down, I miss making $80 an hour   :'(

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by WD on 02/04/14 at 09:48:37

In the early 90s I was charging (and getting) $100/hr working on custom motorcycles and vintage cars/trucks/boats.

Now I'm pulling down a whopping $10.50/hr, and my hours got cut to 26-30/wk...

Economy isn't in decline, it's in a death spiral. And I'm starting to hear a lot of wheezing and rattling... somebody push the button already, I'm ready to join our proud ancestors in Valhalla.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/14 at 14:16:33

6271350 wrote:
In the early 90s I was charging (and getting) $100/hr working on custom motorcycles and vintage cars/trucks/boats.

Now I'm pulling down a whopping $10.50/hr, and my hours got cut to 26-30/wk...

Economy isn't in decline, it's in a death spiral. And I'm starting to hear a lot of wheezing and rattling... somebody push the button already, I'm ready to join our proud ancestors in Valhalla.

No kidding,, Im ready for it to crash.. lets get it over with..

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by Pine on 02/05/14 at 15:26:51

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
[quote author=6271350 link=1390343565/0#5 date=1391536117]In the early 90s I was charging (and getting) $100/hr working on custom motorcycles and vintage cars/trucks/boats.

Now I'm pulling down a whopping $10.50/hr, and my hours got cut to 26-30/wk...

Economy isn't in decline, it's in a death spiral. And I'm starting to hear a lot of wheezing and rattling... somebody push the button already, I'm ready to join our proud ancestors in Valhalla.

No kidding,, Im ready for it to crash.. lets get it over with.. [/quote]

If this were a shot.. or a cold... I might be inclined to agree. This is more like the black-death... very few will be unscathed.. none will be unaffected... and when its over and done no-one will be at all happy about the lesson learned.  I am old enough to deal or feal as you do... but my children are not deserving of this impending situation.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by pgambr on 02/05/14 at 15:51:11

Another 2.3 million jobs will be lost by 2021

The head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office delivered a darning assessment Wednesday of the Affordable Care Act, telling lawmakers that ObamaCare creates a "disincentive for people to work."

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by Dane Allen on 02/07/14 at 14:17:16

5344424E4151230 wrote:
Another 2.3 million jobs will be lost by 2021

The head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office delivered a darning assessment Wednesday of the Affordable Care Act, telling lawmakers that ObamaCare creates a "disincentive for people to work."

I would argue that the more accurately the issue is Obamacare creates an incentive for people to live off the taxes of other people and future generations. The disencentive is for true producers to keep producing, why work so hard just to pay taxes for someone else to live easy?

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by Serowbot on 02/07/14 at 23:27:51

"true producers"?...
Define please...

Do you know what "producers" do in film?... (they get top billing for it)(they win awards for it)...
They supply the money... they can't write, shoot. edit, act, or even use gaffer tape...
Do you think D.Trump can hammer a nail?...
There was a CEO a few years ago, confessed that he couldn't read...
There are men out there,.. that can barely tie their own shoes, making 400 times more than the men and women that produce...

On a smaller scale,... if I direct cash to, and instruct my mechanic to build a bike... did I produce anything?...
...or did I consume?...
It's a fine line between production and consumption...
As far as I can see... CEO's and executives are in between...
They leech their money from the middle... between those that produce and those that consume... and get 400 times more... and they seem to succeed, even when they fail...
Golden parachutes falling everywhere... hard working producers of real products lose everything, and end up relying on "Obamacare"... they don't get golden parachutes...
And they got 400 times less for producing.

Most all metropolitan cities, subsidize housing and transportation for working poor...
Why?... because cities couldn't function without them...
Is that charity?... when it is given to people that we depend on?...
Healthcare is the same...  society needs it's working poor healthy... just as they need them sheltered, and able to get to work...
And when they are broken by their labors,.. it is societies responsibility to care for them... and they still contribute... as consumers...
It is a fine line between producer and consumer...

Here's a thought... if you use huge amounts money to make a product, that in return makes you huge profit..... but you keep all the profit,... are you producing?... or consuming?...
Where would that money be if you hadn't got it?...

What I'm saying is... Community creates commerce...
Is that communist?...
All members of a community create commerce...
Even children, elderly, infirmed, and unemployable...
Cast them out.. and they have no effect on commerce within... as long as they are within, they are consuming, which spurs production, creates jobs, makes profit, and encourages development...
Imagine how much commerce would be lost, if children were forced to work instead of having a childhood...
The amount of work they could produce, does not outweigh the value that their childhood can contribute by consuming...
Elderly care is a booming industry...
As we all live longer, this will grow...
The balance will change,.. and you may resent it now,.. but if you are lucky, you will outlive that resentment...

Children used to be put to work at 9, or 12 years old...
People used to work 'till they died...
Community has allowed us the luxury of having a childhood, and an education, and a retirement,.. and a subsistence for those that are in need...
That's why we have communities.. and governments... instead of anarchy, or barbarism...

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by LANCER on 02/11/14 at 06:20:01

6472657860757863170 wrote:
"true producers"?...
Define please...

Do you know what "producers" do in film?... (they get top billing for it)(they win awards for it)...
They supply the money... they can't write, shoot. edit, act, or even use gaffer tape...

True, they supply the money.  Would there even be a project if they did not supply the money ?  In that case, no one else would have a job.  Also, it is not uncommon at all for a producer to wear multiple hats; writing, directing, etc.  
It is his money after all, and his vision that the project has enough merit to warrant his risking HIS money in that project.

Do you think D.Trump can hammer a nail?...
Does it matter ?  He obviously knows something about real estate development.

There was a CEO a few years ago, confessed that he couldn't read...

So what other skills did he have that resulted in his being hired to do that job ?  I suspect that there must have been something significant.  Just makes sense, yes ?

There are men out there,.. that can barely tie their own shoes, making 400 times more than the men and women that produce...
Pay for work is based upon a persons knowledge & skill, and the ability to effectively use those to produce something, whether it is a thing, or idea, or motivation and guidance of others.  They are all sellable commodities.

On a smaller scale,... if I direct cash to, and instruct my mechanic to build a bike... did I produce anything?...
...or did I consume?...
you did both; you produced work for the mechanic (producer) and you consumed the product of his work.  It is a direct exchange.

It's a fine line between production and consumption...
As far as I can see... CEO's and executives are in between...
They leech their money from the middle...
LEACH ? ?   Really ?  To me, the use of this term shows a "preconceived mind set".  Are you jealous of anyone who is able to command this type of money for his/her work ?  I'm not claiming you do; simply posing the question based on what I see in print.

between those that produce and those that consume... and get 400 times more... and they seem to succeed, even when they fail...
Golden parachutes falling everywhere... hard working producers of real products lose everything, and end up relying on "Obamacare"... they don't get golden parachutes...
And they got 400 times less for producing.

Most all metropolitan cities, subsidize housing and transportation for working poor...
Why?... because cities couldn't function without them...
Subsidies would not be necessary if those running the city gov't did not suck up so much of the peoples income with excessive & burdensome taxes.  Taxes go up and everything costs more...prices everything & everyone right out of the city.  Government is too big and wasteful.

Is that charity?... when it is given to people that we depend on?...
Charity is a "gift" given freely from ones own heart, not from forced taxation.  Americans, as a whole, give more to charity  each year than the rest of the countries of the world combined.
Healthcare is the same...  society needs it's working poor healthy... just as they need them sheltered, and able to get to work...
Individual people need to be healthy so they can work to improve their own lives.  As a result the "whole of society will benefit".
And when they are broken by their labors,.. it is societies responsibility to care for them... and they still contribute... as consumers...
No, the responsibility does not rest on everyone else (society) but on the individual.  If the government did not take 50% or more of the income of the citizens, then there would be plenty of money available for each to take care of himself.

With a minimal gov't, just think of all those millions of gov't workers who would be free of a job where they do not produce any real product, and would instead be able to do honorable work and produce something that has real value, thus benefiting his fellow man & counntry (society).

It is a fine line between producer and consumer...

Here's a thought... if you use huge amounts money to make a product, that in return makes you huge profit..... but you keep all the profit,... are you producing?... or consuming?...
Where would that money be if you hadn't got it?...
Ah, someone uses their own money to set up business to make something, which means they hire others to work for them (creating jobs), and they buy materials to make the product (other businesses make money selling the material and creating jobs for their employees), and then sell the product to those who want it (people pleased to have the product they want/like), and of course the businesses involved paid taxes on the profits they made and the workers in those business paid taxes on their income from working, and the business owners and the workers all go out to buy food, gas, houses, cloths, give to charity, etc etc etc.
It is a symbiotic relationship.

What I'm saying is... Community creates commerce...
Is that communist?...
Indivduals, when added together, makes for community.  
Individuals making their own decisions make a free community.
People FORCED to follow the dictates of a few in leadership, or suffer the consequences for not obeying, are those living under the heavy hand of a totalitarian gov't, of which communism is one.

All members of a community create commerce...
Even children, elderly, infirmed, and unemployable...
Cast them out.. and they have no effect on commerce within... as long as they are within, they are consuming, which spurs production, creates jobs, makes profit, and encourages development...
Imagine how much commerce would be lost, if children were forced to work instead of having a childhood...
The amount of work they could produce, does not outweigh the value that their childhood can contribute by consuming...
Elderly care is a booming industry...
As we all live longer, this will grow...
The balance will change,.. and you may resent it now,.. but if you are lucky, you will outlive that resentment...

Children used to be put to work at 9, or 12 years old...
People used to work 'till they died...
Community has allowed us the luxury of having a childhood, and an education, and a retirement,.. and a subsistence for those that are in need...
It starts with individuals working for their own benefit and that of their family.  It is from the bottom up, not the top down.
That's why we have communities.. and governments... instead of anarchy, or barbarism...

Many governments of the world have brought us anarchy and barbarism over history.  Individuals must always be on the alert to avoid/prevent that from happening, as it is in many parts of the world even now.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by WebsterMark on 02/11/14 at 12:22:56

"true producers"?...
Define please...

see this link which is a perfect example of a 'true producer':

Below is an perfect example of the opposite of a producer:

Both get a vote; both votes count the same.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by WebsterMark on 02/11/14 at 15:09:47

Here's the crux of your philosophy:
There are men out there,.. that can barely tie their own shoes, making 400 times more than the men and women that produce...

You find that abhorrent and unfair.

I don't care he makes 400 times more than me. I'm glad he does. He doesn't take anything out from my pocket.

George Clooney makes about 1,800 times more than I do because he's got a pretty face. He probably can't hammer a nail any more than Trump can. Is it fair that he makes that much? Well, actually yes, it is.

Economics is not a zero sum game. The pie can continually be sliced into more and more pieces..... as soon as someone comes up with a better mousetrap and takes his pieces, the pie gets better again....

The only restrictions on the size of the pie are those put on it by liberals.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by pgambr on 02/11/14 at 15:43:02

Barclays to cut 12,000 jobs, pays bigger bonuses

How about this?  They did such a wonderful job running their business they deserve bigger bonuses; although, they missed expectations by 37%.  The noble executives will substantially disrupt the lives of 12K people so they can get paid for their inept decisions.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by Serowbot on 02/11/14 at 16:00:12

796E68646B7B090 wrote:
Barclays to cut 12,000 jobs, pays bigger bonuses

I'm sure that's perfectly fine to Webster...
If they give themselves more money, they must be worth it... ;D...

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by verslagen1 on 02/11/14 at 22:45:13

352224282737450 wrote:
Barclays to cut 12,000 jobs, pays bigger bonuses

How about this?  They did such a wonderful job running their business they deserve bigger bonuses; although, they missed expectations by 37%.  The noble executives will substantially disrupt the lives of 12K people so they can get paid for their inept decisions.

what do expect from the true grafters of the world.

Title: Re: Overheard at Hooters
Post by WebsterMark on 02/12/14 at 06:18:42

Barclay's had 140,000 employees worldwide. If you ran them, those people wouldn't have a job.

George Clooney got paid 20 million for Ocean's 11. That's about 2700 times more than a low wage laborer making $15 an hour for 40 hours a week for 12 weeks of filming. How come none of you liberals never cry about that? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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