General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Remind you of anyone?

Message started by RatdogWillie on 01/19/14 at 17:12:27

Title: Remind you of anyone?
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/19/14 at 17:12:27

The Psychology of Being a “Non-Conspiracy Theorist”
(Exerts below)

There is a brand of people amongst us. They have no name but they exist. They are everywhere, at work, at home, at school, and in the streets, stores, and shopping malls. It is highly unlikely to not know someone who belongs in this category. It’s the so called non-conspiracy theorists. You know, the guy who tries to terminate conversations by alleging that you are nothing more than a “conspiracy theorist” and the information you share is false or not believable. Yes, that guy.

Since they themselves refuse to look at the evidence, they put their faith in the government and in the mass corporate establishment to safely guide them in their reality. They gain a sense of psychological protection from this overall system. Since the information being believed is almost always artificial they need to hear their own opinions repeated to them by the voices on TV so they can confirm (and re-confirm) their own belief system to themselves to be legitimate.

The non-conspiracy theorist ignores that government has always implemented social engineering and mass mind control on the general public. In order for the non-conspiracy theorist to confidently walk away from someone who challenges their belief system with scientific facts, they need to have a sustained comfort and assurance that what government and mainstream media is saying is true.

Non-conspiracy theorists therefore wake up every morning and reach for the mental orientation map known as mainstream media news. Without it they would be disoriented, as they would not know what to believe. They actually believe that if anyone was guilty of wrongdoing at the highest level of government someone would speak out every time and everyone would know about it. They ignore that state secrets are the norm and government operations are conducted in secret. They ignore the consequences each individual at the government and military level faces for blowing the whistle.

As far as non-conspiracy theorists are concerned, all critical thought is deferred to the authorities. The scientists do their work and then report the facts to the government and mainstream media who carefully announce to the masses what they should know. Any scientists who speak out and claim to have evidence contradicting government claims must first be endorsed and approved by the mainstream media and government. Without this approval the scientists are marginalized no matter how large their numbers are. Without these ridiculous rules the delusion of being a non-conspiracy theorists cannot be maintained. This is the psychology of tyranny. Tyranny and totalitarianism cannot be implemented without mass mind control. This dangerous group-think mentality will ignore all warning signs to help continue advancing the agenda. And so the non-conspiracy theorist is the most important instrument for maintaining control of the masses.

We do not rely on name calling to give strength to our position and we stand as a reminder that the human mind will never be completely contained. Unraveling the reality we face became normal for us at some point and the information the non-conspiracy theorists consider scary is common news to those of us name called “conspiracy theorists”.

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/19/14 at 17:33:31

The Phrase "Conspiracy Theory" Was Coined by the CIA in 1964 ...   Cached
So argues Lance DeHaven-Smith. He is a professor in the Reubin O’D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University.
The word "Conspiracy Theory" was invented by CIA   Cached
Ripley's believe it or not ... After the CIA released this document to its Media assets (CIA Press-titutes) the word CONSPIRACY THEORY became part of the ...
Conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   Cached

   Proven conspiracies
   Why people believe

4.2 The conspiracy theorist's five ... the CIA is by definition a conspiracy, ... coined the term "fusion paranoia" to refer to a political convergence of ...
The CIA created the term "Conspiracy Theory" and why there ...   Cached
The term "conspiracy theory" came about in the aftermath of the JFK assassination and was coined by the CIA! ... Origin of the Label "Conspiracy Theorist" Post Extras ...

Of course, thats just a conspiracy theory..

You ever hear of Conspiracy to commit ( pick a crime)?

Its as if conspiracies dont really exist,, & yet, IF we are to believe the 9/11 oFISHYal line, THAT was a Huge conspiracy, pulled off by a lot of people,,

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by raydawg on 01/19/14 at 18:16:55

Well I am not sure.
Everyone has to decide for themselves

I know others may decide otherwise.
So should those who don't even have a clue.

Some never bother.
Only when its their balls on the chopping block!

Some, that is a close as they come to getting any sex.
Crazy I know, but look, too late, its gone....
Remember, its not always that copious.
Every bolt better have a nut, and a washer,
Well that is it you ain't a screw anywayz.
Either way, it don't matter, no.
Done amigo, for we is so _________!

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/19/14 at 19:09:00

31223A27223424430 wrote:
Well I am not sure.
Everyone has to decide for themselves

I know others may decide otherwise.
So should those who don't even have a clue.

Some never bother.
Only when its their balls on the chopping block!

Some, that is a close as they come to getting any sex.
Crazy I know, but look, too late, its gone....
Remember, its not always that copious.
Every bolt better have a nut, and a washer,
Well that is it you ain't a screw anywayz.
Either way, it don't matter, no.
Done amigo, for we is so _________!

It’ a fact

Help may arrive
Over time
Please help spread truth
Even though

Not everyone agrees
Over time
That must change

If we are to be free

And live the way we want to be
Many will learn

Things are not always as they seem
Reality shines thru
You decide what is true
I know what is the truth
Now you do to
Go yee forth and do the math

Tell all that will listen
Over time

Please don’t wait too long
Results may vary
Every situation may be different….maybe not
Victory is sweet…… nothing
Else tastes so good
Now you know
Take command, be a leader

That is what is needed
Help those that are blind and refuse to see
All you need is Love and a hammer
That is all!!!

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by Serowbot on 01/19/14 at 21:07:06

Youz guyz have way too much free time...  :-/...

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/19/14 at 21:57:42

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
Youz guyz have way too much free time...  :-/...

At least we use it wisely and for the betterment of mankind.

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by old_rider on 01/20/14 at 02:36:11

Ya'll are a bunch of conspiracy theorists!

Now I am going to watch my favorite news channel and get my daily brain wash....
Its going to be 54 degree's today!


I think i'll start doing a graph on how far off the local weather guy is on his predictions, I'm sure I can do better and I don't have a connection with a radar network!

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by raydawg on 01/20/14 at 18:47:51

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
Youz guyz have way too much free time...  :-/...

Goodness.....that is such an ODD thing to say........

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by thumperclone on 01/20/14 at 23:38:41

At least we use it wisely and for the betterment of mankind.

that's collusion ;)

Title: Re: Remind you of anyone?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/21/14 at 09:25:21

There is a brand of people amongst us. They have no name but they exist. They are everywhere, at work, at home, at school, and in the streets, stores, and shopping malls. It is highly unlikely to not know someone who belongs in this category. It’s the so called non-conspiracy theorists. You know, the guy who tries to terminate conversations by alleging that you are nothing more than a “conspiracy theorist” and the information you share is false or not believable. Yes, that guy.

Yea, that guy is me but the next sentence is not.

Since they themselves refuse to look at the evidence, they put their faith in the government and in the mass corporate establishment to safely guide them in their reality.

In fact, I and most people I know who fall into the category of people who refuse to let tin hats like yourself perpetuate lies, don’t put their faith in government any more than the next person. Unlike tin hats however, we don’t put out faith in easily discredited YouTube videos and circumstantial evidence.

As proof; I offer Rat’s posting of a “newly found video on a camera from 9/11/2001 that just happened to have amazing footage of the WTC 7 building showing explosions going off in the windows proving demolition.....”  Only an idiot or someone so predisposed to conspiracies could look at that video and not tell it was fake or at the very least, suspect something fishy going on and dig into a bit more. Finding a camera with a telling video on it 10 years after the fact didn’t raise your suspicions, but Rumsfeld leaving his office to see what happened after a plane crashed into the Pentagon is, in your view, is practically de facto evidence of involvement in a conspiracy?  

As my second offering; I bring up Rat’s belief that it’s a feasible explanation that the reason why Ted Olson did not show ‘enough’ sorrow at the death of his wife Barbara, who was on the plane that hit the Pentagon is that she has similar characteristics to the woman he married afterwards. The possible explanation, according to Rat, is that she had plastic surgery and assumed the identity of this other woman. I’m sorry, but if you even thing this is a remote possibility, you have zero credibility going forward. Clearly, you are delusional.

My final objection is our other resident conspiracist JOG;  who is so sure a plane did not fly into the Pentagon, but has not even read the report he argues against with all his might.

I and others have offered proof after proof,  swatting away your silly ‘evidence’. You follow the same pattern in responding over and over: you try to broaden the specific topic and drag in unrelated events in an attempt to move away from facts you cannot argue your way out of. The devil is in the details and you run like a vampire from a cross when specific details are zeroed in on because they can't withstand the scrutiny.

The bottom line is I know more about the evidence of 9/11 than both of you put together because I actually consider both sides of the argument and have a more open mind than you.

In fact, let’s re-write that opening paragraph to reflect reality….

There is a brand of people amongst us. They have no name but they exist. They are everywhere, at work, at home, at school, and in the streets, stores, and shopping malls. It is highly unlikely to not know someone who belongs in this category. They are the conspiracy theorists. You know, the guy who is smarter than anyone else in the room; all evidence to the contrary. They terminate the conversation by alleging the rest of us are nothing more than tools being used by the rich Jews who secretly run the world. We are just not smart enough to pick out the facts from a mountain of data like they can. (See John Nash; A Beautiful Mind…)   Yes, that guy. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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