General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Net Neutrality overturned

Message started by Pine on 01/15/14 at 07:22:05

Title: Net Neutrality overturned
Post by Pine on 01/15/14 at 07:22:05

From the Daily Caller (Republician centric)

US court overturned the FCC's net Neutrality regulations. Now one would think that a Republician rag would get the story story straight or at least slanted right... nope. WHOOOSH over thier heads.

The net Neutrality regualtions were put in place because ISP were wanting to create "tiered" networks, and be able to differentiate traffic and move it at speeds based on what was good for thier bottom line.  Such that a household with Comcast that used Netflix would get horrible speeds but Infinity shows would be great... because Comcast would slow down the speed for non preffered vendors. Content rich sites like Youtube could be slowed down while Ultraviolet would speed up. What??? Youtube is free and ultraviolet is retail times 2? Too bad.

This could go beyond such content very quickly... Currently you mom&pop web site gets as good a pipe as Amazon or Ford .... but in a tiered network ... those that can pay for a bigger pipe will get it, while those that cant..well... click and wait. Customers, will be funneled not becasuse price but simply due to access.

Sad day in internet land... for those that understand what just happend.  

Title: Re: Net Neutrality overturned
Post by Trippah on 01/18/14 at 16:26:19

Money usually wins, judges need to drive Ferraris also. ;D ;D

It's why Christianity was invented: you poor folks will get your rewards in the after life. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Net Neutrality overturned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/19/14 at 06:42:22

5B62656E7F64790B0 wrote:
From the Daily Caller (Republician centric)

US court overturned the FCC's net Neutrality regulations. Now one would think that a Republician rag would get the story story straight or at least slanted right... nope. WHOOOSH over thier heads.

The net Neutrality regualtions were put in place because ISP were wanting to create "tiered" networks, and be able to differentiate traffic and move it at speeds based on what was good for thier bottom line.  Such that a household with Comcast that used Netflix would get horrible speeds but Infinity shows would be great... because Comcast would slow down the speed for non preffered vendors. Content rich sites like Youtube could be slowed down while Ultraviolet would speed up. What??? Youtube is free and ultraviolet is retail times 2? Too bad.

This could go beyond such content very quickly... Currently you mom&pop web site gets as good a pipe as Amazon or Ford .... but in a tiered network ... those that can pay for a bigger pipe will get it, while those that cant..well... click and wait. Customers, will be funneled not becasuse price but simply due to access.

Sad day in internet land... for those that understand what just happend.  

Here is a topic I havent really studied. I kinda get what youre saying & I understand it was bad, but I dont think I have a full grasp of it.BUT, thats okay, Im not gonna apply the gray matter to it.I trust your analysis. Its on the same lines as what Jones said, too.,

Title: Re: Net Neutrality overturned
Post by Paraquat on 01/20/14 at 06:14:22

I thought the government was supposed to prevent monopolies?

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