General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Will America recover

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 18:53:51

Title: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 18:53:51

from this "recovery"? OHH yea, we ARE in a recovery,, Uh Huhh,, as the number in POVERTY increase, as policies are put in place to further strip the people of, not just Income, but, at the same time, FORCE them to spend more for insurance, Uh Huhh,, Im seein a REAL happy ending here..
& Odbo, have you even bothered to look back at EVERY Other economic downturn in the last 5 years & see how long it took to come out? There is exactly ZERO correlation between this one & every other one Ive seen. Ive never seen the $$$ the Fed is dumping into the economy,, & its not really helping,,if it IS helping,, OHH MuGawd! How bad would it be w/o it? & what are the long term effects? Im saying its gonna seriously damage the dollar due to inflation,, but hey,, waddo I know? All I need to do is swallow the lies from DC & happily parrot them back, keep a happy attitude & embrace the suck! Everything will be Juuust fine,,

Excerpt,, full article w/ links is "Up Yonna"..

That headline is not a misprint. The number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by nearly 10 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House. In January 2009, the number of "officially unemployed" workers plus the number of Americans "not in the labor force" was sitting at a grand total of 92.6 million. Today, that number has risen to 102.2 million. That means that the number of working age Americans that are not working has grown by close to 10 million since Barack Obama first took office. So why does the "official unemployment rate" keep going down? Well, it is because the federal government has been pretending that millions upon millions of unemployed workers have "left the labor force" over the past few years and do not want to work anymore. The government says that another 347,000 workers "left the labor force" in December. That is nearly five times larger than the 74,000 jobs that were "created" by the U.S. economy last month. And it is important to note that more than half of those jobs were temporary jobs, and it takes well over 100,000 new jobs just to keep up with population growth each month. So the unemployment rate should not have gone down. If anything, it should have gone up.

In fact, if the federal government was using an honest labor force participation rate, the official unemployment rate would be far higher than it is right now. Instead of 6.7 percent, it would be 11.5 percent, and it has stayed at about that level since the end of the last recession.

But "6.7 percent" makes Obama look so much better than "11.5 percent", don't you think?

The labor force participation rate is now at a 35 year low, and the only way that the federal government has been able to get the "unemployment rate" to go down is by removing hundreds of thousands of Americans out of the labor force every month.

Why don't they just get it over with and announce that they have decided that all workers immediately leave the labor force the moment that they lose their jobs? That way we could have an unemployment rate of "0.0 percent" and Obama could be hailed as a great economic savior.

Of course the truth is that the employment crisis in the United States is about as bad now as it was during the depths of the last recession.

If you want a much more accurate reading of the employment picture in America, just look at the employment-population ratio. The percentage of working age Americans that actually have a job continues to stagnate at an extremely low level. In fact, the percentage of working age Americans that are employed has stayed between 58.2 percent and 58.8 percent for 52 months in a row...

Employment-Population Ratio 2014

Does that look like an "employment recovery" to you?

Because no matter how hard I squint my eyes, I just can't see it.

The percentage of Americans that actually have jobs should have bounced back at least a little bit by now.

But it has not happened.

And guess what? Most people don't know this, but the U.S. economy actually created fewer jobs in 2013 than it did in 2012. So the momentum of job creation is actually going the wrong way.

No matter how rosy the mainstream media makes things out to be, the reality on the ground tells an entirely different story.

For example, just check out the desperation that was displayed on the streets of New York City last week...

The line wrapped nearly around an entire city block on Friday as approximately 1,500 people waited in Queens for a chance to apply for a coveted union job as painters or blasters on bridges and steel structures.

The first few people on line had been there since 1 p.m. on Tuesday when the temperature in New York City was in the single digits.

LIES! All LIES!! Buncha racist, hate filled REpublicans did this!

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by oldNslow on 01/13/14 at 19:05:17

JOG wrote:

Will America recover


Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 20:06:05

Thats been my assertion. This time,, no recovery,, we are in the Designed Mire..

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by pgambr on 01/13/14 at 20:13:54

Wait till the year 2020 and we will look back and say these were "the good ole days."  

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by arteacher on 01/13/14 at 21:04:50

Talk about a biased graph.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Dane Allen on 01/14/14 at 10:46:47

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
Thats been my assertion. This time,, no recovery,, we are in the Designed Mire..

+1 - The amount of voluntary propagnada spewed by the media is astounding. You pretty much have to read foreign publications now to find out the truth anymore  >:(

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/14/14 at 12:39:26

& while theyre spreading manure, theyre avoiding real issues. Fukushima IS affecting America & we will be seeing pain & suffering from disease. The goobs bought 1.4 million doses of Iodine,, theyre telling US to do what? We PAY them to keep us informed about & defended from dangers,, & theyre doing what? Telling us all is well,,, OH!! Dang,, Im sounding cynical now,,.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by pgambr on 01/14/14 at 15:08:12

+1 - The amount of voluntary propagnada spewed by the media is astounding

Press-titutes   :D

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/14/14 at 15:19:02

Ahhh,, someone has been lissnin to Gerald Celente..

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Paraquat on 01/15/14 at 06:15:35

What big event occurred in 2008 to cause such a drop?


Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Pine on 01/15/14 at 07:07:26

3203100313170316620 wrote:
What big event occurred in 2008 to cause such a drop?


That was when the housing bubble burst. The ripple locked up the Financial industry. The two current bubbles are the higher education bubble, and the stock bubble.

The stock bubble is a DIRECT result of QE... is affecting the Feds abilty to actually stop QE.
The higher Ed bubble is due to many things, but mostly due to the Federal government taking over all lending to students and not saying no to anyone.

These bubbles ( as was the housing bubble) are direct results of federal policy that seeks to and achieves mis-placement of value.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by WD on 01/15/14 at 07:14:06

79485B48585C485D290 wrote:
What big event occurred in 2008 to cause such a drop?


The Marxists managed to get a candidate into the "Fright House" and a whole bunch more into Congress. ALL of them more loyal to their handlers in AIPAC than to their constituents in the Deluded States of America.

Still can't figure out why Rothschild and the other big banking families want to kill off the goose that lays the golden egg...

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/15/14 at 08:36:38

For one thing, the golden eggs luster is gone. The dollars value is dropping,,time for the next step. Theyre moving toward a global currency & instead of central banks in every country, different names & currencies, one central bank, one currency, for the major nations. Weve seen the ruin spread thru nations where they wouldnt take IMF & World Bank loans. Those inroads were sought, in order to drive those sovereign nations, where their money was real money, into the Rothschild banking scheme, in order to harvest the country & take possession of the infrastructure & natural assets ( water, oil, coal, gold, whatever) AND to make transition to a global currency easier,

REad the Georgia Guidestones. Not just an expensive practical joke,,

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Serowbot on 01/15/14 at 09:03:18

Rome fell.. Italians survived...
Germans survived Hitler...
England was bombed to the ground...
Japan survived 2 nukes...

I think America will survive...
The biggest danger is that we "Chicken Little" ourselves to death... ;D...

Governments manage economies and societies... they don't create them from whole cloth...

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Paraquat on 01/15/14 at 09:29:06

I was making an Obama joke.
You guys are so serious, sometimes.

Interesting about the QE and the loans though. I haven't been paying as much attention as I should be.


Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Dane Allen on 01/15/14 at 14:13:34

7445564555514550240 wrote:
What big event occurred in 2008 to cause such a drop?


I think the better question is what happened in 2006. Democrats took the House and Senate and within 2 years Frank/Dodd finance reform tranferred a vast majority of wealth from regular Americans to the Dems wealthy donors. Also put on display for all to see what happens when government gets into the business of picking winners  >:(

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Dane Allen on 01/15/14 at 14:19:35

4553445941545942360 wrote:
Rome fell.. Italians survived...
Germans survived Hitler...
England was bombed to the ground...
Japan survived 2 nukes...

I think America will survive...
The biggest danger is that we "Chicken Little" ourselves to death... ;D...

Governments manage economies and societies... they don't create them from whole cloth...

East Germans, Poles, Ukranians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Sudanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans, Russians and a slew of others didn't fare so well.

Economies and societies create themselves, government only comes later to fill a certain need and then it grows out of control and needs to be destroyed. Government creates absolutely nothing, ever!!!

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by raydawg on 01/16/14 at 04:07:16

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
Rome fell.. Italians survived...
Germans survived Hitler...
England was bombed to the ground...
Japan survived 2 nukes...

I think America will survive...
The biggest danger is that we "Chicken Little" ourselves to death... ;D...

Governments manage economies and societies... they don't create them from whole cloth...

Yeah.....I'm with bot on this one, b'sides...... we is all gonna die due to global warming. Don't believe me, ask algore!

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by oldNslow on 01/16/14 at 07:38:29

697A627F7A6C7C1B0 wrote:
[quote author=6A7C6B766E7B766D190 link=1389668031/0#13 date=1389805398]Rome fell.. Italians survived...
Germans survived Hitler...
England was bombed to the ground...
Japan survived 2 nukes...

I think America will survive...
The biggest danger is that we "Chicken Little" ourselves to death... ;D...

Governments manage economies and societies... they don't create them from whole cloth...

Yeah.....I'm with bot on this one, b'sides...... we is all gonna die due to global warming. Don't believe me, ask algore!

I thought the question was about the economy recovering.

I'm sure the US will SURVIVE in some form or another. Whether we can recover from the economic mess that's coming is an entirely different question. The economic paradigm that we are operating under is based on fantasy. That aint going to get fixed IMO.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by WebsterMark on 01/16/14 at 10:05:10

I'm sure the US will SURVIVE in some form or another. Whether we can recover from the economic mess that's coming is an entirely different question. The economic paradigm that we are operating under is based on fantasy. That aint going to get fixed IMO.

Which causes what? Does economic collapse cause societal collapse or does societal collapse caused economic collapse?

I say societal collapse causes economic collapse, not the other way around. Poverty is more a function of society that it is economics. Actually it's probably more correct to say long-term poverty is more a function of society than economics.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by oldNslow on 01/16/14 at 10:28:26

774542535445526D41524B200 wrote:
I'm sure the US will SURVIVE in some form or another. Whether we can recover from the economic mess that's coming is an entirely different question. The economic paradigm that we are operating under is based on fantasy. That aint going to get fixed IMO.

Which causes what? Does economic collapse cause societal collapse or does societal collapse caused economic collapse?

I say societal collapse causes economic collapse, not the other way around. Poverty is more a function of society that it is economics. Actually it's probably more correct to say long-term poverty is more a function of society than economics.

Poverty is not the issue. Poverty has been the lot of the majority of the inhabitant of this planet throughout all of history. What is going to destroy the US economy is the notion that a nation - or an individual - can spend itself -or himself - into prosperity by using borrowed money which can never be repaid, or by using money that is simply created out of thin air.

Societal collapse of some degree will follow an economic catastrophe. How bad things get is going to be pretty hard to predict, I think, but for a lot of people things will become very difficult.

I think that the reverse is also likely to be true in some instances, but in the case of this county the economy is going to go to hell first.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by Pine on 01/16/14 at 10:33:15

I was just reading all these posts....

To me the economic situation can be likened to this:

Take an enigine and run it... eventually the oil will run low... just keep running it. Now some will say .. "hey we need oil or the engine will destroy itself!" while others will point out (facually) that the engine is runing just fine and is actually running even FASTER without all that oil to have pump everywhere.
Then the engine seizes up and someone gets the bright idea to use the starter motor to turn the engine.. and it works!!! The engine limps along and its not even using any gasoline!! all you chickens are idiots!!

Thats where we are now... running a broke engine by using the starter motor.

Those with money and abilty are still draining off the remaining oil.. and selling off useless parts like oil pumps and water pumps. When the engine does stop, they will have either amassed so much that it does not matter, or they will have already moved into a different paradign to secure thier position. Those of us (very much me) that were expecting the engine to run until we died... and are wholly dependent on it... will suffer.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/16/14 at 11:36:49

Thats where we are now... running a broke engine by using the starter motor.

Beautiful,, dang,, thats just so spot on.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by WebsterMark on 01/16/14 at 13:36:39

Poverty is not the issue. Poverty has been the lot of the majority of the inhabitant of this planet throughout all of history.

Until the capitalistic system coupled together with the Republic known as the United States of American came along, that was true. Once poor, you were almost guaranteed to be poor. Hard work ethic and talent was no guarantee you could generate the amount of wealth you wanted.

Today, our society eagerly awaits the latest government handout. Politicians see office as a way to power and fame, not as a guardian to the Republic. These societal failings are driving our nation bankrupt.

I do not see how generations of welfare recipients will change. I do not see how politicians who are dependent upon the vote will force the masses, who are basically acting like children to grow up and take responsibility for themselves.

What are we talking about on the news today, extending unemployment even longer? Borrow more to pay for this? Where does this stop? How can it stop when the birds who feed at the feeder have a say if the feed continues or not?

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by oldNslow on 01/16/14 at 13:58:58

I do not see how politicians who are dependent upon the vote will force the masses, who are basically acting like children to grow up and take responsibility for themselves.

The political class doesn't want the people to act like adults and be responsible. They want the masses. as you call them, to become more and more dependent on the largesse of the ruling class and thus vote to keep in power whomever is able to provide the biggest handout.  

That's all well and good for those at the top of the heap, but it will not last forever. Sooner or later the house of cards will fall down. That's where it stops. Eventually there will be nothing left to hand out but empty promises, and then things are going to get ugly.

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by WebsterMark on 01/16/14 at 14:02:44

7947464A5844452B0 wrote:

I do not see how politicians who are dependent upon the vote will force the masses, who are basically acting like children to grow up and take responsibility for themselves.

The political class doesn't want the people to act like adults and be responsible. They want the masses. as you call them, to become more and more dependent on the largesse of the ruling class and thus vote to keep in power whomever is able to provide the biggest handout.  

That's all well and good for those at the top of the heap, but it will not last forever. Sooner or later the house of cards will fall down. That's where it stops. Eventually there will be nothing left to hand out but empty promises, and then things are going to get ugly.


Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by pgambr on 01/16/14 at 19:05:06

Is it easier to understand why the soviet union collapsed the way it did?  It to was a train going down the tracks without anyone at the helm.  96% political incumbent re-election rate and 40% of their gdp on their military.  

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/16/14 at 19:10:29

Handouts are great,, right up till the moment that other guys pockets run dry,,

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by pgambr on 01/16/14 at 19:23:22

I think your para-phrasing margaret thatcher.  Socialism works until you run out of other peoples' money to spend.  Or am I para-phrasing now?  

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/16/14 at 21:47:08

Whuu? ME? Para Phrasing? I was REALLY tryin to make that come across like I was the sole author! & Looka what you done gone & done! Dang, dude,,

Title: Re: Will America recover
Post by pgambr on 01/17/14 at 14:39:44

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
Whuu? ME? Para Phrasing? I was REALLY tryin to make that come across like I was the sole author! & Looka what you done gone & done! Dang, dude,,

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