General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Global Warming, some more

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 01/09/14 at 10:04:25

Title: Global Warming, some more
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/09/14 at 10:04:25

Graph shows the lies. No way around it, IPCC agrees, its DONE. The lies have been used to drum up support for a carbon tax, its all been a game,

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/10/14 at 13:30:38

I guess its inarguable,,good, then we must be done with that foolishness..

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by pgambr on 01/10/14 at 14:47:25

They'll still find a way, either by conquest or consent.    

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/10/14 at 23:06:58

Carbon taxes enacted by exec order? No doubt..Fat Al Gore flies around in his jet, talking about the dangers of burning carbon based fuel,, with homes that will,, OHH,, did I say "Homes"? I meant Palatial Installations,that will be Underwater when his melting ice caps are gone,,  

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by pgambr on 01/11/14 at 15:58:30

Correct me if I'm incorrect, but isn't that the guy who invented the internet?   ;D

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/11/14 at 16:48:32

Why, Yaz,, I Dew believe he has made that ASSertion,, the validity of it being, IMO, the same as his claims of impending DUUUME for humanity..

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by Pine on 01/13/14 at 08:35:45

I am still following Suspecious 0bservations.. and have now for two years ( Youtbube channel).  So I have my own take. But in that, I really dont see a reason to argue one way or the other.

Is CO2 a greenhouse gas.. yes of course
IS there now more CO2 than ever... yup
IS CO2 causeing global warming.. is global warming really occuring... if there is Global warning and we reduce CO2 will it help? if there isnt global warming and we reduce CO2 does it hurt?

If there is another factor ( as I suspect there is) then CO2 means very little one way or ther other... but at least the masses have something they can focus on and pretend they are doing something. Other factors may not be modified by mere humans.  What do have folks do... buy "end of times" insurance? Naw... better to let the pundits coo and sway give the masses reason to hope for another generation.

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 11:26:04

Several years ago, CO2 was the driving force that was cooling our planet & leading us to global cooling & a mini ice age

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/14/14 at 12:30:27

True Fact: The Lack of Pirates Is Causing Global Warming

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by pgambr on 01/14/14 at 18:13:07

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by mpescatori on 01/15/14 at 02:08:21

Well, from what I can see, global warming is a true ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER that has caused many kinds of animals to shed their hair...
:-? endangered species... crabs ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/15/14 at 08:51:01

677A6F79696B7E6578630A0 wrote:
Well, from what I can see, global warming is a true ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER that has caused many kinds of animals to shed their hair...
:-? endangered species... crabs ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Having served aboard several US Navy ships in the 70’s, I am familiar with the “crabs”. I devised two sure cure ways to get rid of them.

1.      Shave one side and pour lighter fluid on the other side and light it on fire. When the little devils run to the clearing…..stab ‘em with an ice pick.

2.      Go to a movie theater, purchase popcorn and add lots of salt. Find a seat and unzip…..pour some heavily sated popcorn down there…..when the little critters go to get a drink…….. change seats.

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/15/14 at 10:09:51

Genius solutions! Ill never need either one,, but, Ill keep them "On File",,

Sydney’s main sexual health clinic hasn’t seen a woman with pubic lice since 2008 and male cases have fallen 80 percent from about 100 a decade ago.

Hmm,, Im pretty sure that tells me somethin,, but what...hmmmm,, OHHH,, Oookay,, I get it,,

Title: Re: Global Warming, some more
Post by mpescatori on 01/16/14 at 23:35:41

Hmm,, Im pretty sure that tells me somethin,, but what...hmmmm,, OHHH,, Oookay,, I get it,,

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