General Category >> The Cafe >> Big Brother?

Message started by verslagen1 on 01/08/14 at 11:47:49

Title: Big Brother?
Post by verslagen1 on 01/08/14 at 11:47:49

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Serowbot on 01/08/14 at 13:22:25

'Busa owners will be really worried...  ::)...

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by old_rider on 01/08/14 at 13:29:24

Its like the "shut down chip" on luxury cars and cars with the nstar. Its installed so that the car can be shut down if stolen, but it could be used by police to stop your vehicle at their discretion, and you cannot "turn it off or on". :-/

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by pgambr on 01/08/14 at 15:46:11

Versey, you're stealing JOGs thunder.   ;)

I'm surprised they haven't done that sooner.  

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by ZAR on 01/08/14 at 21:05:36

George Orwell was right....he was just off by 30 years!

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Pine on 01/09/14 at 06:50:08

I would be surprised to learn that any motorcycles have a "blackbox" that would equate to tht found on most cars.

The Blackbox on most cars is tied to the airbag deployment. I just don't know of any motorcycles with safety airgbags. As I understand it the car Blackbox keeps a short amount of timed data relating to speed/throttle position, brakes, and probably accelerometer data, that of course stops and locks during airbag deployment.  So that data can give an 'idea" of what the car and driver were doing for say a five minute window right before the airbags deployed (which presume a crash).

Thats a pretty far cry from big brother knowing "everything" about your driving habits. On the flip side.. insurance companies have been taking the data and claiming a right to the data that is above that of the right of the owner of the car.  I do dissagree with that. I bought the car.. I own the car... I own the data.

Of course the come-back insurance companies will say is... Fine.. no data no pay out. Which still might be better if you ARE at fault.  

Of course from what I just read in that article.. it said nothing of ownership or rights... other than you have a right to know its there. i want a law that assures that I own the data.. and that i cannot be held hostage by the insurance company for the data.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/09/14 at 07:42:52

I do believe we will see them tracking our driving habits & sending speeding tickets in the mail before this is over, unless we start turning the tyrants around.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/09/14 at 11:16:35

Farley was trying to describe how much data Ford has on its customers, and illustrate the fact that the company uses very little of it in order to avoid raising privacy concerns: "We know everyone who breaks the law, we know when you're doing it. We have GPS in your car, so we know what you're doing. By the way, we don't supply that data to anyone," he told attendees.

Read more:

By the way, we don't supply that data to anyone," he told attendees.

They dont supply that data to anyone, YET..

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by WD on 01/09/14 at 11:53:31

All my gee whiz computer controlled crap keeps breaking. I'm reviving all my reliable as a rock points fired toys with manual locks, manual windows, non-power assist steering/brakes, carburetors, etc. Even the HEI on the 85 C10 flaked out last week.

Garbage gas, bad roads and modern electronics do not a happy vehicle make.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/09/14 at 11:58:11

I think theyre doing their best to "obsolete" the old cars with that ethanol. I think theyre gonna keep jacking it up higher & higher until its eaten all the stuff out of the gas system it can. When I changed the filter on the 87 F150 the stuff that came out was BLACK, like dissolved rubber. Ima hafta go do that again. Its been a bit over ayear, so, it should be showing if its that.
Of course, old guys like me will simply do the repairs. But there are so many who just dont know how & dont have tools & place to do such.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Pine on 01/09/14 at 14:10:06

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
Farley was trying to describe how much data Ford has on its customers, and illustrate the fact that the company uses very little of it in order to avoid raising privacy concerns: "We know everyone who breaks the law, we know when you're doing it. We have GPS in your car, so we know what you're doing. By the way, we don't supply that data to anyone," he told attendees.

Read more:

By the way, we don't supply that data to anyone," he told attendees.

They dont supply that data to anyone, YET..

YEAH.... he retracked that ......

But that relates to generally advertised devices/services... the "Blackbox" is the reverse.. not well documented... hidden and basically reeks of cahoots with both the insurance and government leaving nearly ZERO benefit to the person WHO PAID FOR AND OWNS the device.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Dave on 01/09/14 at 16:06:35

I wonder what would make anyone want to place black boxes or remote kill switches on motorcycles?


Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by old_rider on 01/10/14 at 05:25:28

Thing is with the hooligans on sports bikes is that most of them bend their plates up or use old plates when they go out to do stuff like that so they cannot be identified to shut them down even if there was a black box.
EMP gun would be funny tho..... hey bro! watch how I taunt this copper!  rummmmmm rummmmm squeeelll (wheelie pop)(flip the copper off)

Cop: hey rookie! watch the face on this squid when I zap him with the EMP! he will be crying when his bikes comes to a quick stop.... :-? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Dave on 01/13/14 at 04:44:10

Wish I had one of those remote disable switches Friday night.  At an intersection on the road leading from my office.  I was southbound and a Ford Ranger traveling northbound and in the left turn lane slammed on it's brakes to avoid ramming into the back of a stopped car, and it swerved left and jumped the concrete median and hit the drivers side of the car in front of me.  The driver of the truck managed to back off the median....and he ran.  I tried to chase him down but by the time I got around the median and into the northbound traffic....the truck was gone.  I went back and met the guy that had been hit, and we waited for the Police to arrive, so I could be a witness to what had hapened.  Luckily just before the Police came....another fellow showed up who saw what had happened and he was able to get the license number of the truck.  The office took down all the information.  I am not sure what happens now.......but hopefully it involves some jail time and strip search!  The driver must have been drinking, had drugs or something illegal in the truck, had no insurance or license.....with all the cars around him there was little chance that he would get away without someone getting his license number.

OK.....Just went and looked up the KY penalities for leaving the scene/failure to render assistance in an accident.  The penalty if convicted is a fine of $ 20 - $ 2,000, and jail time can be up to 1 year.  These penalties are listed for no-fatality accidents.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Serowbot on 01/13/14 at 07:22:40

These hooligans will force the governments hand...
Black box's to shut them down remotely... ...but, their first mod will be to remove them...

EMP gun would be the ticket... if such a thing is possible...

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by engineer on 01/13/14 at 08:09:42

I've never even seen one of these hooligan packs but I live in a small town in farm country.  Where I live cruiser bikes rule, mostly Harleys and they are mostly ridden by men 40 yrs old and up.  Sport bikes saw some popularity here about 10 or 15 years ago but have been declining in numbers.  

I agree with Serowbot, the hooligans will give government the excuse it is looking for.  But I have to wonder if this hooligan thing will pan out to be just another passing fad.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 08:41:36

IDK about you guys and to be 100% honest, I havent "done the numbers", IM just running on gut instinct & my recollection of
news reports, but my take on it is, the guys who buy the sports bikes & act a fool on them tend to become organ donors. Sure, there are the ones who really ARE good enough riders to use the bike to capacity and live, but theyre the minority. Most of those guys are legends in their own mind & go get over their heads into positions they arent good enough to ride out of & they stuff the bike & either get hurt bad or dead real good. I THINK that those reports might just be making an impact on some riders decision making. As crazy as I was I was smart enough to never have too fast of a car or bike, because I KNEW me & there was no way I was gonna have anything that had tires that I wasnt gonna test the limits of its performance.,Maybe some young guys are starting to see the result of young guys on hot rod bikes & theyre stepping away?

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by old_rider on 01/13/14 at 09:00:53

This past week, seen one of the guys I used to shoot pool with in APA league. He is young, bout' 24, go caught doing "reckless driving", said his buddy ran.
I remembered we had talked halfway through last year about hooligan riding, and how if you wanted to do it, just don't endanger anyone or scare them, if you hurt anyone let it be yourself.
He said yeah, we was just goofin' off and made sure... I then asked "um then why were the cops called?", he looked at me and shook his head.... I just said "and there ya go".
His ticket was only $100 bucks and he can do the online traffic school thing, I told time you wanna play, do it in a big empty parking lot... he says he won't do it again... LOL, I say he will, hell I'll do it again...just gotta be smart and do it when its safe... if I hurt myself, its my fault... I will never endanger anyone else... of course there are going to be those that say "why you wanna act crazy?"... well, cause I can.... of course the older I get the less i'll act crazy...especially on two wheels at high speed.... has something to do with physics and probabilities, and I ain't no Einstein.  ;D

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Serowbot on 01/13/14 at 09:14:06

The thing is,.. unless you are a track racer,... there is no other reason to own a bike that does 150mph and 11 second in the 1/4...
They are made for hooligans...

I know,.. there are a lot of people that own them, and don't ride crazy, but,.. you have to wonder why they bought one...
It's the same logic as using an AR-15 for duck hunting... :-?...

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Pine on 01/13/14 at 09:44:33

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
The thing is,.. unless you are a track racer,... there is no other reason to own a bike that does 150mph and 11 second in the 1/4...
They are made for hooligans...

I know,.. there are a lot of people that own them, and don't ride crazy, but,.. you have to wonder why they bought one...
It's the same logic as using an AR-15 for duck hunting... :-?...

aawwww Bot .. but we could apply that logic tooooo soooo many things

that home computer with 8GB RAM.. er I mean 32GB Ram
that Enzo
The cigg boat with dual 1000Hp engines
any private airplane... what public planes not good enough??
The V8 powered car... really I run around on 4 cylinders
two bathrooms in a house CRAZY!! and who the hell needs 40 gal hot water..
or infinate hot water with one of those new fangled things
dish washers .. really they are called hands...
leaf blowers... dont my ears have rights???
speaking of ears .. subwoofers... really ???
50 inch TV's come on folks just scoot up ...


we all have our toys... desires to have bigger than needed proportions. If someone wants to ba able to zero to mach one between red lights.. as long as he dont ru me over... its his money.  Subwoofers.... ban 'em!

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 11:24:12

A guy used to be able to get away with "playing" in a parking lot. I really doubt that even being in an empty parking lot would keep cops off today.
I know thats how I learned the "Rockford Turnaround", in a snowy parking lot in Odessa. BUt that was over 30 years ago,, & FWIW, if anybody wants to try that, make sure the front tires are aired up a little tighter than normal. First time I did it on the dry asphalt I thot the car was gonna roll when it got to 9o degrees in the turn. That & I was a bit low on speed,, you gonna do it, DO it.. get that thing steamin pretty good in reverse, crank the wheel, poke it in drive & gun it just a coupla degrees before it comes straight,
The former is for entertainment purposes only & not intended to teach anyone how to do anything dangerous or potentially illegal. :)

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by old_rider on 01/13/14 at 11:50:42

Yeah it took me awhile to learn that stompin the gas past the 90 degree point was the trick to get the car to spin right.
But it was REALLY tricky on a gravel road(where we lived at the time) cause' they weren't wide enough in most places.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 12:43:35

I had a 78 Gran Prix w/ a 400. Heavy in the front. I dont think after the way it acted on dry asp[halt I woulda had the guts to try it on a gravel; road. I woulda been afraid it would hit a rise in the road & trap the tire & roll it or unseat the tire. Man, outta all the cars I had as a young guy, that was THE best car I ever had. Put Michelins on it & it handled like it was on rails. I could slap the brake & twitch the wheel & set it sideways & start feathering the pedal & it would go around a corner so hard it was amazing. I had a passenger who let go of his, uhh, "beverage" to grab onto whatever he could find ( yea, he was wearin a belt, but he wanted more) & that thing went between my arms & hit my door because we were cornering so hard it fell sideways.. well, that or he threw it at me, I dunno, I was waaay too busy to be lookin around,,

Ya know, come to think about it,, He never rode with me again,, Hmmm,, I wunner why,,

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Pine on 01/13/14 at 13:43:34

WOOT WOOT for us old guys....

You know ole Garner use to do that bit himself....

I had a buddy with a GP SJ with that 400.. that was one badd car. Of course ... paying for the gas  kinda meant he didnt put his foot that often. He had the white buckets seats that swiveled!!

I really cant see why GM would want to kill Pontiac... they had all the sexy cars back in the day. Hell I even liked the Sunbird with iron duke 4 banger.

I had to go look it up... he had a "third gen" per wikipedia .. so between '73 and '77.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by verslagen1 on 01/13/14 at 14:40:14

What ever happened to the tazer for cars?

Of course all we need is a robotic spider that we can toss onto the offending vehicle let it crawl over to the ignition and short out the coil... while holding onto the leg of the offending driver.   8-)

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Trippah on 01/13/14 at 15:08:11

Given the condition of the roads, no one will be  going that fast in another decade;  knobbies rule. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Pine on 01/14/14 at 08:32:45

795F445D5D4C452D0 wrote:
Given the condition of the roads, no one will be  going that fast in another decade;  knobbies rule. ;D ;D

there is more truth to that than I care to admit......  :-[

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Dave on 01/14/14 at 08:37:00

So I suppose using Stop not an approved option for the Police to stop a motorcycle?  I betcha it would slow them down a whole bunch!    

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by verslagen1 on 01/14/14 at 08:57:10

6F54594E5F53484E555D504F3C0 wrote:
So I suppose using Stop not an approved option for the Police to stop a motorcycle?  I betcha it would slow them down a whole bunch!    

They'd need a linkable version to cover however many lanes as needed.
yet be able to retract instantly to allow innocent traffic by.

Have you ever hopped a bike over a curb?

If this ever came to be, there'd be a market for a bionic version or there would be a lot more ride-on tire sealant sold.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Dave on 01/14/14 at 09:01:48

32213637282523212A75440 wrote:
Have you ever hopped a bike over a curb? 

Not at speed!

Just wondering how Law Enforcement can stop a fellow on a Sportbike that is on the run.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by verslagen1 on 01/14/14 at 09:12:37

09323F2839352E28333B36295A0 wrote:
Not at speed!

not much will safely stop a m/c at speed besides the brakes.

maybe a paintball type gun that dispenses a silly string like substance that'll get caught up in the wheels and act like a brake.  or a sticky inflating ball of goo like in the Incredibles.   ;D  just line the streets with these guns.  Once the offenders are properly covered, just roll them bike and all to jail.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Dave on 01/14/14 at 09:26:27

It just bothers me that the "thugs" outnumber and have more rights than the Law Enforcement.  And when a Thug takes off and runs....they have little chance of being caught and brought to justice.  When it is a single biker you might have a chance - but when they arrive in packs you have not chance.  Cars are not nimble or fast enough to get away with running in packs.

I guess about the only thing you can do is pick one out of the crowd, and follow them with the helicopter until the biker comes to a stop and climbs off the bike.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Pine on 01/14/14 at 09:46:10

556E6374656972746F676A75060 wrote:
It just bothers me that the "thugs" outnumber and have more rights than the Law Enforcement.  And when a Thug takes off and runs....they have little chance of being caught and brought to justice.  When it is a single biker you might have a chance - but when they arrive in packs you have not chance.  Cars are not nimble or fast enough to get away with running in packs.

I guess about the only thing you can do is pick one out of the crowd, and follow them with the helicopter until the biker comes to a stop and climbs off the bike.

OK .. I am joking here... mostly...
Why stop the bike? A simple .225 to the subjects back would thin a pack ... real quick.  I know .. kinda low tech.

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Dave on 01/14/14 at 09:56:06


Law Enforcement (and private citizens) are only allowed to use deadly force when lives are in danger.  Someone running away is not considered to be a threat.......regardless of what they may have done before they started running.  In some ways that just seems stacked too much in favor of the alleged criminal.  Years ago one of the local officers was chasing a suspect and threw his Maglight at him.....and beaned him....and guess who got in the most trouble?  The officer was put on leave and ultimately got his job back.....but it was a black mark on his record and almost cost him his job.

It might seem that if a biker is running, and putting others in danger, that it might be acceptable for an officer to use his cruiser to knock the biker they use their cars to block fleeing cars.  The sad fact is that the biker (or the bikers surviving kin) would file a lawsuit immediately for excessive force or wrongful death.

(Ooops...I have said too much and am about to get this thread put into the TT Section).

Title: Re: Big Brother?
Post by Dane Allen on 01/14/14 at 17:12:13

08333E2938342F29323A37285B0 wrote:
[quote author=32213637282523212A75440 link=1389210469/15#28 date=1389718630]Have you ever hopped a bike over a curb? 

Not at speed!

Just wondering how Law Enforcement can stop a fellow on a Sportbike that is on the run.[/quote]

How about time? Unless the guy just filled up, the way I understand it the MPG at 90 mph+ isn't that good on a bike that can do 90 mph+.

On a side note, anything you create and assign a power to, such as EMP gun, will always be misused to infringeon someone's rights. It is  a given. Is this that much of a problem that an industry has to be created to curb everyone's freedom? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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