General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Present your papers, please

Message started by Paraquat on 01/02/14 at 09:20:54

Title: Present your papers, please
Post by Paraquat on 01/02/14 at 09:20:54

A now-viral photo showing a long line of Connecticut residents waiting to register their guns and ammo is circulating across the Internet — and it’s sending chills down the backs of some gun owners.

Connecticut gun owners are rushing to register certain firearms and ammunition that will be considered illegal contraband in the new year.

Under a wide-ranging gun control law passed after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, they have until Tuesday to submit the paperwork with the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.

“Holy crap. Looks like Weimar Germany,” Twitter user @votermom said of the photo.

“Another disgusting picture from Connecticut . . .men waiting in line to register guns with the government,” user @chipwoods commented.

“First, they came for the guns,” @PaulRReyes added.

“Life is too short to live in a state that does this to its residents,” Twitter user @lancemfisher declared.

And there are plenty more comments where that came from.

State police say they’ve had people lining up early in the morning to turn in applications to keep high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and guns considered assault weapons under the new law.

While the Connecticut Citizens Defense League believes the law is unconstitutional, it has been reminding gun owners of the deadline to make sure they don’t become felons on Jan. 1.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Dane Allen on 01/02/14 at 10:02:41

The next time these guys all get together in a line will be against a wall  :(

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Paraquat on 01/02/14 at 11:06:23

I mailed all my paperwork in.


Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Pine on 01/02/14 at 12:30:42

Yeah another law where in if DONT do something .. your a felon.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Trippah on 01/02/14 at 14:16:23

Whine, whine, whine, is it the sound of another assault weapon massacre???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)  Or just the boys loosing their deadly toys??

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Paraquat on 01/03/14 at 06:16:13

Not a gun enthusiast are you, Trip?

An "assault weapon" was different from a regular semi-automatic rifle in that it had certain features:
Folding stock, flash suppressor, bayonet lug, grenade launcher, pistol grip, and/or a threaded barrel.

So, this is the criteria for defining an assault weapon.

So if you had a compliant sermi-automatic rifle with a fixed stock, no flash suppressor, no bayonet lug, no grenade launcher, no pistol grip and no threaded barrel last week it has now been upgraded to an "assault weapon" this week.

It does NOT meet the definition of an "assault weapon" and yet it is classified as one.


Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by WebsterMark on 01/03/14 at 08:08:05

05233821213039510 wrote:
Whine, whine, whine, is it the sound of another assault weapon massacre???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)  Or just the boys loosing their deadly toys??

I see someone's drank the liberal assault weapon Kool-Aid..... Just wondering, what flavor do they serve you guys? Do you put ice in it or drink it straight? I would hope they'd at least include a few Oreos or a bag of chips to go along with it.

Look up political definition of red-herring and insert the words assault weapon.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by arteacher on 01/03/14 at 13:44:28

7342514252564257230 wrote:
Not a gun enthusiast are you, Trip?

An "assault weapon" was different from a regular semi-automatic rifle in that it had certain features:
Folding stock, flash suppressor, bayonet lug, grenade launcher, pistol grip, and/or a threaded barrel.

So, this is the criteria for defining an assault weapon.

So if you had a compliant sermi-automatic rifle with a fixed stock, no flash suppressor, no bayonet lug, no grenade launcher, no pistol grip and no threaded barrel last week it has now been upgraded to an "assault weapon" this week.

It does NOT meet the definition of an "assault weapon" and yet it is classified as one.


To me, an "assault weapon" is any weapon you can assault someone with. ;)

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Trippah on 01/03/14 at 20:39:29

Actually I enjoy weapons.  In Vietnam, one of my jobs as a Intelligence analyst was to look at captured weapons.  (The best was a sniper rifle from Russia, used in the Battle of Stalingrad according to the carvings on it).  A Green Beanie brought it in, I offered him a jeep and a case of steaks but NO, he wanted HIS trophy. Oh well.  But, given the failure of people to secure their rifles and pistols, I think limiting a weapon to a 10 round mag is sensible.  We have the double the rate of "Gun deaths" of any country and as a father and granddad I am sick of innocents being gunned down just so we can have silly toys.  I think I can still hit what I'm shooting at with 1-2 rounds (once I'm zeroed in) at least with the M-16 and M-60 Machine gun, as well as the M-79 grenade launcher..all of which I was proficient in.  (But I helped kill more of the enemy targeting B-52 strikes).  Anyhow, I enjoy firing weapons but killing people sucks, even when they are on the other side.  Shooting someone breaking into my house, or in retaliation for hurting one of my kids..not a problem.  I'll save the tax payers bundles.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/14 at 10:09:38

+1 Trip....  If you need more than 5 rounds to protect yourself, or your family, you better just run... (you're probably as likely to shoot one of your own...
Spray n' pray, is no kind of defense...  ;D...

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/04/14 at 11:08:32

We could argue all day about what is the best home defense weapon.  Some say a shotgun, especially a pump, due to the distinctive sound you make when you chamber a shell.  Any burglar knows that sound.  But they are difficult to store out of sight, and have one close enough to get to in a real hurry.
We use a double action revolver, a Webley .380, in a night stand.
The chamber under the hammer is empty for the obvious reason.  The next chamber in the cylinder is also empty, to allow for a mistake.  Then I have cartridges in the next 3 chambers.  That gives me, or my wife, who is a better shot than I am, and who, at age 64, still has 20/15 uncorrected vision, 3 blasts at the bad guy.  If he's not down by then, at least had doesn't have a round or two to pump into us.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/14 at 12:16:58

53756E7777666F070 wrote:
Actually I enjoy weapons.  In Vietnam, one of my jobs as a Intelligence analyst was to look at captured weapons.  (The best was a sniper rifle from Russia, used in the Battle of Stalingrad according to the carvings on it).  A Green Beanie brought it in, I offered him a jeep and a case of steaks but NO, he wanted HIS trophy. Oh well.  But, given the failure of people to secure their rifles and pistols, I think limiting a weapon to a 10 round mag is sensible.  We have the double the rate of "Gun deaths" of any country and as a father and granddad I am sick of innocents being gunned down just so we can have silly toys.  I think I can still hit what I'm shooting at with 1-2 rounds (once I'm zeroed in) at least with the M-16 and M-60 Machine gun, as well as the M-79 grenade launcher..all of which I was proficient in.  (But I helped kill more of the enemy targeting B-52 strikes).  Anyhow, I enjoy firing weapons but killing people sucks, even when they are on the other side.  Shooting someone breaking into my house, or in retaliation for hurting one of my kids..not a problem.  I'll save the tax payers bundles.

I think you and Sew are missing a bigger point. There are 300 million guns in the US and many of those are "assault" rifles or with minor mods can be turned into one. Because one or two nut jobs a year murder people, that's no reason to take something away from everyone else.
I'm sure more people die from knife attacks but no ones talking about getting rid of those. I want to be able to walk around the woods and empty out a 25 round clip if I want. Just because Adam Lanza went nuts is no reason to take that away. It's not just a saying, guns don't kill, people do.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Trippah on 01/05/14 at 19:38:04

We are not missing the point: that is why I called them toys.  I know the thrill of letting go a bucket full of rounds on full auto - or trying to melt the barrel of an M-60.  The excessive distribution of automatic weapons means every year hundreds of people loose someone they love.  

Frankly, I think we should have armories in each community and let people who own automatics go there, pick up their weapons and go to the range or woods, but return them by night time.  Limited ammo and small group a necessity (it's harder to pull off a nutcake assault with a group).((I hope)). :D

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Paraquat on 01/06/14 at 06:14:57

Great idea!

We can keep people healthier by limiting what they eat too.
You only get 2 cheese burgers a week. Veggies the other 5 days.

Next we can cut down on emissions by limiting how many miles you're allowed to drive your car.

We can cut down on electricity generation by mandating black outs.
9pm, lights out!

We can cut down on crime and other nighttime mischief by enforcing a curfew also.


Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/14 at 06:18:30

Frankly, I think we should have armories in each community and let people who own automatics go there, pick up their weapons and go to the range or woods, but return them by night time.  Limited ammo and small group a necessity (it's harder to pull off a nutcake assault with a group).((I hope)).

Do you honestly think anyone who is mentally disturbed, plans out an attack and then walks into a school or workplace and starts shooting people at random is going to check their weapons into and out of an armory at night? Do you think the Columbine killers would have do that because it's the law????? Do you think the nutjob who shot up the theater in Colorado was going to say to himself 'well, I can't commit mass murder because I have to check my gun in after 6pm....darn that stupid law!"....  Do you think the gang bangers (who represent the largest demographic of murders and those murdered) are going to check weapons in and out? 90% of the murders in my town are from one specific area and are caused by one specific group of people and they aren't going to be visiting armorys to get their guns.....

What world do you live in dude? The ONLY people who would do that are the ones that would NEVER murder anyone to begin with.

Guns don't kill, people do.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by verslagen1 on 01/06/14 at 11:57:01

41677C6565747D150 wrote:
We are not missing the point: that is why I called them toys.  I know the thrill of letting go a bucket full of rounds on full auto - or trying to melt the barrel of an M-60.  The excessive distribution of automatic weapons means every year hundreds of people loose someone they love.

you mean semi-automatic? in most states, automatics are illegal.

 Frankly, I think we should have armories in each community and let people who own automatics go there, pick up their weapons and go to the range or woods, but return them by night time.

except for the Co. theater, all were daylight. so how's a night time curfew gonna fix that?
And you'd deny us the right to defend ourselves?  that might work for you, but a 90 year old man just defended himself by pulling out his gun instead of his wallet.  A grandma convinced a break in artist to beat it.  and on and on.
In some respect, I agree with you, that an armory can solve some issues.  It certainly would be nice to have a public locker to secure any weapon not needed on a daily basis.  But 2 weapons were all sandy hook needed.

 Limited ammo and small group a necessity (it's harder to pull off a nutcake assault with a group).((I hope)). :D

you do know who pulled off columbine don't you?  a small group.
stupidity is contagious.
limited ammo? what... 6 rounds?  12?  100?  if you're gonna practice, you're gonna practice.  100, wouldn't be unusual.  when I was a collegic archer, that was a good start... daily.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Trippah on 01/06/14 at 19:28:54

Ver - did you get to teach archery to that cute young gal playing Katniss Everdeen for the Movies??
"Yes Darling,let me help you - you have to draw your hand back slowly (sound of panting in the background) as you stand so very close behind her. :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by verslagen1 on 01/06/14 at 19:44:28

naw... I'd be arrested for breathing on her.   :-?

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by mpescatori on 01/07/14 at 01:59:44

794B4C5D5A4B5C634F5C452E0 wrote:
[quote author=05233821213039510 link=1388683254/0#4 date=1388700983]Whine, whine, whine, is it the sound of another assault weapon massacre???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)  Or just the boys loosing their deadly toys??

I see someone's drank the liberal assault weapon Kool-Aid..... Just wondering, what flavor do they serve you guys? Do you put ice in it or drink it straight? I would hope they'd at least include a few Oreos or a bag of chips to go along with it.

Look up political definition of red-herring and insert the words assault weapon. [/quote]

+1 I agree wholeheartedly.

In Italy, up until a few years ago we had "common firearms", "combat firearms" and "combat-compatible" firearms.

The first category was, in theory, any handgun you were legally allowed to own, and all hunting rifles and shotguns.

The second category included any and all full-automatic weapons.

The third category consisted of apparently ordinary common firearms, but which "for their particular offensive capability, or because they were official Army Ordnance", could not be legally owned.

So it was that I legally bought (and still own) a .44 Rem.Mag. Ruger Super Blackhawk, but could not buy a .380 ACP Beretta... ::) the latter beihng official Army Ordnance... :P

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by mpescatori on 01/07/14 at 02:05:44

323939303C333228295D0 wrote:
[quote author=7342514252564257230 link=1388683254/0#5 date=1388758573]Not a gun enthusiast are you, Trip?

An "assault weapon" was different from a regular semi-automatic rifle in that it had certain features:
Folding stock, flash suppressor, bayonet lug, grenade launcher, pistol grip, and/or a threaded barrel.

So, this is the criteria for defining an assault weapon.

So if you had a compliant sermi-automatic rifle with a fixed stock, no flash suppressor, no bayonet lug, no grenade launcher, no pistol grip and no threaded barrel last week it has now been upgraded to an "assault weapon" this week.

It does NOT meet the definition of an "assault weapon" and yet it is classified as one.


To me, an "assault weapon" is any weapon you can assault someone with. ;) [/quote]

Really ?  :D  ;D ;D ;D ;)

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Paraquat on 01/07/14 at 06:08:26


I don't make the rules.


Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Paraquat on 01/09/14 at 06:10:13


202B2B222E21203A3B4F0 wrote:
To me, an "assault weapon" is any weapon you can assault someone with. ;)


Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/09/14 at 10:10:10

I knew a guy whose uncle was killed with one of these..

He told me when the cops got there the bottom of it was busted almost completely out,.,I wonder if he made an ugly crack about her cookin....

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/09/14 at 16:23:07

You cant believe the goobs, history is all thats needed.

Not China, Cuba, not any place you mite think,, but Canada.. Here is a warning.

Now remember, this "registration" isnt for ALL firearms, only the ones they are scared of. No new sales of these guns or mags are allowed, but they Promissed that if the owners will Just fill out the paperwork, they can keep the ones thay have.. OHH, & remember, if you like your gun, you can keep it,, & if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, too..

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Rix on 01/15/14 at 09:53:46

Both of these are BULL5HIT, made-up terms.

If my ar15's are "assault rifles" with a 20 round magazine (or 30 or 100) firing a 55 grain (read: really small) bullet, what about my old relic fn49 firing 20 rounds of 180 grain bullets (read: much bigger) why isn't it an "assault rifle"? because it doesn't have a pistol grip?
An sks with a pistol grip suddenly becomes an "assault rifle"?
No? yes? Do I put a fiddly 20 or 30 round detachable magazine on it (instead of the faster-to-reload 10 round integral factory magazine) to make it an "assault rifle"?

Assault weapon. Give me a break. Fear mongering, and anti-gun people's jargon and rhetoric. THAT'S where "assault weapon" came from.

5 rounds is enough? Try again. Read how many shots MISS when fired under stress.

I've been doing a TON of research the last couple years, and the truth behind the numbers REALLY makes people re-think hat they thought they knew when showed to them.

"excessive distribution of automatic weapons"??

Uh.... NO. Automatics are HIGHLY regulated, and the number of crimes committed with them in the last 50 years can be counted on one hand.
And most of those were illegally modified or obtained. Legal automatics used in crimes is IIRC 2.
In the early 90s.

This thread is chock full of BS in the WORLD of facts, gents.

Title: Re: Present your papers, please
Post by Paraquat on 01/15/14 at 11:13:13

3328397977410 wrote:
Legal automatics used in crimes is IIRC 2.
In the early 90s.

You are correct. A statistic I've posted here before.

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