General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Quack quack......

Message started by raydawg on 12/20/13 at 03:56:58

Title: Quack quack......
Post by raydawg on 12/20/13 at 03:56:58

Is that you Archie?

So sad people are so wound up in having society stamp their approval on their lives. Can they ever attain real happiness at the hands of others?

Battle on folks, see where it gets you, never mind the smoke....its only Rome.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Paraquat on 12/20/13 at 06:11:48



Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WebsterMark on 12/20/13 at 06:24:42

I'm not a huge Duck fan, thought it was a clever show for a while. Their 15 minutes was up 5 minutes ago. Can you say saturation....

The head Duck's real problem was he used the word anus when talking about gays. You can't do that, you have to use words that make it comfortable to talk about. It's like abortion; you can't say acid burns, rotating knife blades or sucking brains out, you have to say pro-choice; reproductive rights, war against women etc....

Here's a test for the Duck guys, if they are real, they'll tell A&E to kiss off, no one's apologizing for anything and they walk. If they've turned into money grabbing whores, they'll arrange some kind of kiss and make up thing and go back on the air next year with new shows. Lets see which way they go.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Pine on 12/20/13 at 07:21:08

457770616677605F736079120 wrote:
I'm not a huge Duck fan, thought it was a clever show for a while. Their 15 minutes was up 5 minutes ago. Can you say saturation....

The head Duck's real problem was he used the word anus when talking about gays. You can't do that, you have to use words that make it comfortable to talk about. It's like abortion; you can't say acid burns, rotating knife blades or sucking brains out, you have to say pro-choice; reproductive rights, war against women etc....

Here's a test for the Duck guys, if they are real, they'll tell A&E to kiss off, no one's apologizing for anything and they walk. If they've turned into money grabbing whores, they'll arrange some kind of kiss and make up thing and go back on the air next year with new shows. Lets see which way they go.

I approve this post....

My money is they will walk.  

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Serowbot on 12/20/13 at 09:18:02

If I ever feel the need to watch Duck Dynasty,.. I'll just lobotomize myself....
It'll be less painful... :-?...

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WebsterMark on 12/20/13 at 10:13:39

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
If I ever feel the need to watch Duck Dynasty,.. I'll just lobotomize myself....
It'll be less painful... :-?...

Just curious, why?

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by raydawg on 12/20/13 at 16:14:53

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
If I ever feel the need to watch Duck Dynasty,.. I'll just lobotomize myself....
It'll be less painful... :-?...

Why not extend it to just having an urge to watch any serial programs on the BOOBTUBE ?

Seriously....TV has changed this country for the worse, as it can be edited, altered, manipulated, etc, and people will believe it as truth, for they saw it with their eyes, heard it with their ears. Reality TV, gee, whats wrong with experiencing reality for yourself, ya know, like HANDS ON! (not directed at you bot, just a rant in gereral  ;D )

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Serowbot on 12/20/13 at 17:11:16

6B78607D786E7E190 wrote:
Reality TV, gee, whats wrong with experiencing reality for yourself, ya know, like HANDS ON! (not directed at you bot, just a rant in gereral  ;D )

Sounds to me like yer' agreein' wit me...  ;)...

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by raydawg on 12/20/13 at 17:34:54

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
[quote author=6B78607D786E7E190 link=1387540618/0#6 date=1387584893]Reality TV, gee, whats wrong with experiencing reality for yourself, ya know, like HANDS ON! (not directed at you bot, just a rant in gereral  ;D )

Sounds to me like yer' agreein' wit me...  ;)...[/quote]'re agreeing WITH ME!  :-*

I haven't had cable TV for almost a decade. I do have a screen to watch movies on, but not hooked up to any outside feed. Ignorance is bliss, the stock people put on being current with the programs baffles me as to why anyone would be led as such.

Now...on the other hand, when I decide to idle away some time on the PC, youtube can really draw you in  ;D

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WebsterMark on 12/21/13 at 06:37:57

another perfect comment from Steyn; this time on Ducks.

Last week, following the public apology of an English comedian and the arrest of a fellow British subject both for making somewhat feeble Mandela gags, I noted that supposedly free societies were increasingly perilous places for those who make an infelicitous remark. So let’s pick up where we left off:

Here are two jokes one can no longer tell on American television. But you can still find them in the archives, out on the edge of town, in Sub-Basement Level 12 of the ever-expanding Smithsonian Mausoleum of the Unsayable. First, Bob Hope, touring the world in the year or so after the passage of the 1975 Consenting Adult Sex Bill:

“I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.”

For Hope, this was an oddly profound gag, discerning even at the dawn of the Age of Tolerance that there was something inherently coercive about the enterprise. Soon it would be insufficient merely to be “tolerant” — warily accepting, blithely indifferent, mildly amused, tepidly supportive, according to taste. The forces of “tolerance” would become intolerant of anything less than full-blown celebratory approval.

Second joke from the archives: Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra kept this one in the act for a quarter-century. On stage, Dino used to have a bit of business where he’d refill his tumbler and ask Frank,

“How do you make a fruit cordial?” And Sinatra would respond, “I dunno. How do you make a fruit cordial?” And Dean would say, “Be nice to him.”

But no matter how nice you are, it’s never enough. Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, in his career-detonating interview with GQ, gave a rather thoughtful vernacular exegesis of the Bible’s line on sin, while carefully insisting that he and other Christians are obligated to love all sinners and leave it to the Almighty to adjudicate the competing charms of drunkards, fornicators, and homosexuals.

Nevertheless, GLAAD — “the gatekeepers of politically correct gayness” as the (gay) novelist Bret Easton Ellis sneered — saw their opportunity and seized it. By taking out TV’s leading cable star, they would teach an important lesson pour encourager les autres — that espousing conventional Christian morality, even off-air, is incompatible with American celebrity.

Some of my comrades, who really should know better, wonder why, instead of insisting Robertson be defenestrated, GLAAD wouldn’t rather “start a conversation.” But, if you don’t need to, why bother? Most Christian opponents of gay marriage oppose gay marriage; they don’t oppose the right of gays to advocate it. Yet thug groups like GLAAD increasingly oppose the right of Christians even to argue their corner. It’s quicker and more effective to silence them.

As Christian bakers ordered to provide wedding cakes for gay nuptials and many others well understand, America’s much-vaunted “freedom of religion” is dwindling down to something you can exercise behind closed doors in the privacy of your own abode or at a specialist venue for those of such tastes for an hour or so on Sunday morning, but when you enter the public square you have to leave your faith back home hanging in the closet.

Yet even this reductive consolation is not permitted to Robertson: GLAAD spokesgay Wilson Cruz declared that “Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil’s lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe.” Robertson was quoting the New Testament, but hey, what do those guys know? In today’s America, land of the Obamacare Pajama Boy, Jesus is basically Nightshirt Boy, a fey non-judgmental dweeb who’s cool with whatever. What GLAAD is attempting would be called, were it applied to any other identity group, “cultural appropriation.”

In the broader sense, it’s totalitarian. While American gays were stuffing and mounting the duck hunter in their trophy room, the Prince of Wales was celebrating Advent with Christian refugees from the Middle East, and noting that the land in which Christ and Christianity were born is now the region boasting “the lowest concentration of Christians in the world — just four percent of the population.” It will be three, and two, and one percent soon enough, for there is a totalitarian impulse in resurgent Islam — and not just in Araby.

A few miles from Buckingham Palace, Muslims in London’s East End are now sufficiently confident to go around warning local shopkeepers to cease selling alcohol. In theory, you might still enjoy the right to sell beer in Tower Hamlets or be a practicing Christian in Iraq, but in reality not so much. The asphyxiating embrace of ideological conformity was famously captured by Nikolai Krylenko, the People’s Commissar for Justice, in a speech to the Soviet Congress of Chess Players in 1932, at which he attacked the very concept of “the neutrality of chess.” It was necessary for chess to be Sovietized like everything else. “We must organize shock brigades of chess players, and begin immediate realization of a Five-Year Plan for chess,” he declared.  

Six years later, the political winds having shifted, Krylenko was executed as an enemy of the people. But his spirit lives on among the Commissars of Gay Compliance at GLAAD. It is not enough to have gay marriage for gays. Everything must be gayed. There must be Five-Year Gay Plans for American bakeries, and the Christian church, and reality TV. There must be shock brigades of gay duck-hunters honking out the party line deep in the backwoods of the proletariat. Obamacare pajama models, if not yet mandatorily gay, can only be dressed in tartan onesies and accessorized with hot chocolate so as to communicate to the Republic’s maidenhood what a thankless endeavor heterosexuality is in contemporary America.

Look, I’m an effete foreigner who likes show tunes. My Broadway book was on a list of “Twelve Books Every Gay Man Should Read.” Andrew Sullivan said my beard was hot. Leonard Bernstein stuck his tongue in my mouth (long story). But I’m not interested in living in a world where we have to tiptoe around on ever thinner eggshells.

If it’s a choice between having celebrity chefs who admit to having used the N-word in 1977 (or 1965, or 1948, or whenever the hell it was) and reality-show duck-hunters who quote Corinthians and Alec Baldwin bawling out some worthless paparazzo who’s doorstepping his family with a “homophobic” slur, or having all of them banished from public life and thousands upon millions more too cowed and craven to speak lest the same fate befall them, I’ll take the former any day.

Because the latter culture would be too boring for any self-respecting individual to want to live in, even more bloody boring than the current TV landscape where, aside from occasional eruptions of unerotic twerking by sexless skanks, every other show seems to involve snippy little Pajama Boys sitting around snarking at each other in the antiseptic eunuch pose that now passes for “ironic.” It’s “irony” as the last circle of Dante’s cultural drain; it’s why every show advertised as “edgy” and “transgressive” offers the same pitiful combination of attitude and impotence as a spayed cat humping.  

Such a pansified culture is going nowhere. I hasten to add I don’t mean “pansified” in the sense of penetrative sex with other men, but in the Sarah Silverman sense of “I mean ‘gay’ like ‘retarded.’” Miss Silverman can get away with that kind of talk because she’s a Pajama Boy–friendly ironist posing as a homophobic disablist. Unless, of course, she’s a homophobic disablist posing as a Pajama Boy–friendly ironist. Maybe we should ban her just to be on the safe side.

How do you make a fruit cordial?

Be nice to him. Or else.

Mark Steyn

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by raydawg on 12/21/13 at 08:32:25

Well my tag line is my joust at the whole affair, but sadly people prolly don't even see how ironic it is.
When coercion and force, be it from governing factions or religious dogmas, is levied on the people, it will die upon its own accord....

When people choose a belief freely, it is sustainable, and the resulting traits should be readily visible by actions, not words.

Personally I can't love someone if I am looking to find fault in them, I just lack the capacity intellectually, and spiritually, but I can fake it and pretend, for then I can win societal approvals....

BUT....... now I just compromised myself (the truth that I seek) dang!

I have drank the poison with hope the other person dies.....

Its not about appeasement, its about my need for affirmation and being right, even if its wrong.

How can that sustain me or you, can it?

I need to give and except love freely, even if it kills me  :o

This "holiday" is the (my) very foundation of my journey into learning how to solve that puzzle.....
As one of flesh chose freely to sacrifice himself so I need not, if only I can accept his gift.....freely.

PS: About humor, it has to have some truth in it to work. The jokes listed by web are just as funny today as they were then, and I know many gay people who would agree. BTW, I buried my wife's gay brother, and many of his friends who succumbed to AIDS. They readily made jokes about themselves....
Same as Black people and the use of the dreaded N word they freely use to humor friends, etc.
If anything I have witnessed Christians get more ruffled when the brunt of the joke falls on God or Jesus.... sumtin tells me these two can take that affront and a wee bit more.

I feel laughing at one self is healthy and a good example of a well adjusted person. Barbs can't hurt if they can't penetrate, as in lies can never trump the truths in my life, so why spend time fighting something impotent (again BOT....that was not in reference to you  :-* ) and just enjoy living life on its own terms, one day at a time, well?


Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Serowbot on 12/21/13 at 08:56:31

Mark Steyn likes show tunes?...
I kinda' figured... ;D ;D ;D...

The fruit cordial joke is funny because it's not at all mean... or mean spirited...
It's a poor example for Steyn to use... (verbose gasbag)...

... and,... Raydawg just very clearly stated that he didn't call me impotent...    ...I think...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by raydawg on 12/21/13 at 09:56:48

3620372A32272A31450 wrote:
... and,... Raydawg just very clearly stated that he didn't call me impotent...    ...I think...
;D ;D ;D...


With a mini dictionary balanced precariously upon my manhood you ain't try to shove words in my mouth are you BOT?????   ::)

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/21/13 at 23:35:14

Phil didnt do anything wrong. He was answering a question. What isnt reported & when I went to find it, I got warned away by McAfee, so I cant prove it, BUT, I heard that the last words he said were
"But Im not one to judge".
Now, WHY is what he said controversial, anyway?
Did he suggest abusing gays? He didnt say they should have someone crap in their mouths, did he? How long did it take for that jerkwad to "resign"? Was his throat cut by his network? No,, it was public outrage,, Im not hearing anyone pregnant dog about Phil, except the left, who hate anyone who has any principles,,

This is gonna bite A&E in the A&E,, which is short for ASS..

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WD on 12/22/13 at 00:41:31

And Cracker Barrel, as corporate has mandated any merchandise with Phil's picture be pulled off the shelves...

Eh, no great loss, vile "food", atrocious "service", and the coffee could dissolve an aircraft carrier in a couple hours, tops.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WebsterMark on 12/22/13 at 07:10:10

I eat at Cracker Barrel's about once a week when I'm on the road and I travel 3 out of 4 weeks on average. They've got a great pancake, eggs and bacon breakfast. It's not like home, but it's something.

I will bail on them however. Not that I'm a huge Duck fan, but I hate sissys and coward corporations that make money off personalities and when those people bump into the politically correct media, they get tossed overboard by those same corporations. When Rush Limbaugh lost ProFlowers and Carbonite, they both suffered tremendously because they pulled their advertisement from his show when he correctly called Sandra Fluke a very *friendly* person.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. I know Cracker Barrel won't miss my little $10 breakfast bill every two weeks, but I'll either go to a local eatery or Bob Evans.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Ed L. on 12/22/13 at 08:23:16

Stopped eating at cracker barrel a while back, the corn muffins tasted like saw dust and the food just wasn't very good overall.
  As to Phil, he was asked a question and responded according to his beliefs, can't see any harm in that. Being honest has never been a crime in my eyes even when it doesn't fit the PC world. Think A&E has bitten off more than it can chew.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/13 at 11:18:48

Cracker Barrel just reversed course and announced that they have put the Duck Commander items back on the shelves.
I really like CB.  I travel a lot in my work, and carry a map of all of the CB locations stuffed between my seat and center console of my car.
My favorite is the open faced roast beef, but I substitute turnip greens for the mashed potatoes.
I don't eat cornbread, because it all tastes like sawdust, regardless of where I might get it.  Far too dry for me, unless you put about a 1/2 pound of butter on every piece.
My town is the headquarters of Bob Evans, and I think CB food is far superior to BE.
My only real complaint about CB is that their real estate department won't pay the price for the easy to find locations off of freeways - sometimes it's like a snipe hunt to find the restaurant once you get off of the freeway.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WebsterMark on 12/22/13 at 12:34:34

I guess I wasn't the only one that sent them an email this morning.....

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/13 at 12:45:46

CB's announcement said that they were deluged with customer complaints about taking the stuff off of the shelves.
Another person posted a complaint here about their service.  Odd, but I find the service uniformly excellent.  If you hit the place when some senior citizen tour bus happens to pull in at lunch, they can get a bit slow in service, but what restaurant wouldn't when slammed with 70 extra people at once?
It may sound a bit cold, but if I were in that genre of restaurant business, I would try to reserve a section for adults only.  Nothing bugs me more than to be seated at any eatery amidst a bunch of crying babies or ill-behaved toddlers.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WebsterMark on 12/22/13 at 12:48:31

I'm usually by myself when I eat there. Maybe that's why I never have any problems. Although I had a meeting in Little Rock with three or four people sitting around a table and the service was excellent. I've only eaten breakfast there, I can't remember eating any other meal there.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/13 at 12:55:57

I eat lunch there.  When I eat breakfast, it's at home with Egg Beaters.  That's what 2 stents in the heart will do to your diet.
Once in a while, if I'm on the road past normal dinner time, I'll eat dinner there too.  

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/23/13 at 01:29:29

I am not a regular customer at CB, BUT,,They showed their hand. I know who they are now. Theyre unprincipled, Im done with them,,They should have never pulled the products, gutless, PC worshiping jerkwads,,

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/13 at 08:37:53

I never watched Duck Dynasty,.. and I never go to Craker Barrel... so,.. Pffftt!...

...but,... using the Bible to support the condemnation of other people is wrong... ...and very selective...
Does he also condemn football?... because the Bible also condemns those that eat or touch pigskin and pork...
Was God only kidding about that part?...
Also,... eating shellfish... wearing clothes of mixed fabric,... wearing gold,... getting a divorce,... tattoos and piercings... trimming the sides of your hair...
Do you see any finger waving at people that wear no-iron t-shirts?...

PC does go too far sometimes...but,..
...Who's having ham for Christmas?...  :-/...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/23/13 at 08:46:08

Serowbot -

The dietary rules of the Old Testament are a part of what Christians call "The Old Covenant".  Not being a theologian, my understanding is that the Old Covenant is based upon the laws given to Moses.  Strict adherence to them was virtually impossible, so, Jews of the time could only obtain forgiveness of sin by doing acts of contrition, such as sacrificing livestock on holy days, and other means with which I'm not familiar.
Jesus referred to belief in Himself as the Savior of all believers as all that is needed for salvation as "The New Covenant".
So, to Christians, the New Covenant replaced the old, and adherence to those old dietary laws is no longer required.
Of course, practicing Jews still obey them, as do Muslims, since neither believes in the New Covenant.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by pgambr on 12/23/13 at 09:21:06

I spoke to a preacher trying to decipher such questions on one occasion.  He said the Bible is historical narrative of how to achieve salvation from various points in time (Old & New Testament) beginning from the creation of the world.  

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Paraquat on 12/23/13 at 09:22:10

Cracker barrel is back pedaling now.

Who even cares? I'm so tired of hearing about this.
"The nail that sticks out, gets hammered."
I don't give a sheet what anyone does - but know this: if you live outside the societal norm you can expect to be judged.
Whether you're gay, an amputee, get a nose ring, whatever. It's not fair but expect it.


Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/13 at 09:26:54

Uh huh... God changed his mind...
.. or,.. Jesus changed it for him...

Of course, practicing Jews still obey them, as do Muslims, since neither believes in the New Covenant.

Makes Christianity sound like "Belief lite"...
Rewriting the word of God to make things easier...

How hard is it, to not get a tattoo?... or wear gold?...
This is arbitrary...
Atheism is fastest growing belief... (thankfully)...
It's the new, New Covenant...

While I'm ranting... ;D...
I don't know if it's everywhere or just here, but there is a thing called "The Cool Church"...  (hip dudes preachin' Jesus)...
Somebody stop them, please... they're are making a mockery...
It's just embarrassing... :-?...

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/23/13 at 11:00:27

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
I never watched Duck Dynasty,.. and I never go to Craker Barrel... so,.. Pffftt!...

...but,... using the Bible to support the condemnation of other people is wrong... ...and very selective...
Does he also condemn football?... because the Bible also condemns those that eat or touch pigskin and pork...
Was God only kidding about that part?...
Also,... eating shellfish... wearing clothes of mixed fabric,... wearing gold,... getting a divorce,... tattoos and piercings... trimming the sides of your hair...
Do you see any finger waving at people that wear no-iron t-shirts?...

PC does go too far sometimes...but,..
...Who's having ham for Christmas?...  :-/...
;D ;D ;D...

He said its Sin, he said
"Sin isnt logical", He was saying he doesnt understand how a man can want another man, its confusing to him, If anyone doesnt kjnow its wrong, then they are missing something in their heart. I wasnt taught that man on man sex was messed up, I knew that.
Ahh, but I digress..
Phil didnt "condemn" anyone. Listen to his words. Go watch a clip. The only one I found my McAfee warned me away from, so,,meeh,, Ive read that he ended with

But, Im not one to judge.

& we are under Grace now, Jesus died for our sins, because no one could be saved under the Law.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by WD on 12/23/13 at 11:00:37

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
Uh huh... God changed his mind...
.. or,.. Jesus changed it for him...

Of course, practicing Jews still obey them, as do Muslims, since neither believes in the New Covenant.

Makes Christianity sound like "Belief lite"...
Rewriting the word of God to make things easier...

How hard is it, to not get a tattoo?... or wear gold?...
This is arbitrary...
Atheism is fastest growing belief... (thankfully)...
It's the new, New Covenant...

While I'm ranting... ;D...
I don't know if it's everywhere or just here, but there is a thing called "The Cool Church"...  (hip dudes preachin' Jesus)...
Somebody stop them, please... they're are making a mockery...
It's just embarrassing... :-?...

We call them "rock and roll" churches. You and I are in complete agreement that they make a mockery of the tenets of the faith they claim to adhere to...

As for wearing gold, never have liked how it looks. My wedding band is titanium.

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by Trippah on 01/01/14 at 16:23:06

If the neighborhood bully doesn't get you, the ones at school will. Then the ones at work will, as well as the local government that says where and how you build/modify your house.  Then the State will jump in, telling you that a mosquitoe laden bog is better than the pond you want to make,  The Feds  will jump on the pile telling you whom is legal to do what which means who they will protect and what causes they will advance with your tax money.  If none of the above get you, they'll make you join some silly war that helps them make money, enhance their power; and they will finally forget you when you come home with out a limb or two, no job available but thanks for your service, and no roof over your head (he became an outdoors type of guy).  Imagine, a befuddled percentage of your former self, nightmare ridden and shell shocked to mumbling self fouling self loathing crapola shivering under the over pass where the wealthy ones drives their Bimmers..ignored by everyone (except the 2 penny crook as he sticks you with his blade and steals your shoes)>what you have to go through to not be picked on. ;)

Title: Re: Quack quack......
Post by pgambr on 01/01/14 at 16:51:25

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