General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’

Message started by RatdogWillie on 12/12/13 at 12:08:11

Title: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/12/13 at 12:08:11

Spot on analysis:

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/13 at 05:58:40

754653434840704E4B4B4E42270 wrote:
Spot on analysis:

Perhaps this reply will get me removed from this forum for good but so be it. (Tskk,tskk- Webby's a bad boy-Serow)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/13/13 at 06:40:46

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
[quote author=754653434840704E4B4B4E42270 link=1386878892/0#0 date=1386878891]Spot on analysis:

Perhaps this reply will get me removed from this forum for good but so be it.(Tskk,tskk- Webby's a bad boy-Serow).[/quote]
Once again you display your ignorance by replying with false accusations and proof that you jump to conclusions by replying without reading what is posted.

It would be a shame if you were removed from this are most entertaining.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WD on 12/13/13 at 08:53:59

Interesting read.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/13 at 09:23:19

A little bit of that
Other side of the coin
so rarely considered, because to do so is IMMEDIATELY seen as Anti-semitism, By those who have been taught all their lives that any criticism of Isreal is somehow a morally wrong thing to do. Only accept & support, anything less is immoral & very likely Un Godly, To even consider Israel could be less than correct is WRONG! Its what we have been taught,, doesnt make it correct, Usually, when there has been such a push to keep people seeing things thru one lens w/o analyzing that idea, it falls apart upon closer inspection. Youre not supposed to THINK, youre supposed to FEEL, & youre supposed to always FEEL for Israel,

I let a guy try to hypnotize me. He tried 3 times. I Wanted him to do it. I had heard good things about hypnotism & how we can benefit, So, I was gonna give it a go. He had all the gadgets & gizmos & had had success with it.. But, he couldnt hypnotize me,, I simply wouldnt go. Odd, because I wanted to, I didnt try to NOT go under,, I just dont,,
I say all that to say this.

I Have to wonder if that has something to do with my ability to see whats going on. Ive been aware of lies since I was just a kid. Ive been aware that the economy is built on crap & cant last forever since 4th or 5th grade. I wonder how easily some of the people here would succumb to hypnosis. Somehow, I have to believe there are a few here a beginner hypnotist could have squawking like a chicken, laying eggs & clucking proudly in no time.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by pgambr on 12/13/13 at 16:05:28

4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 wrote:
A little bit of that
Other side of the coin
so rarely considered, because to do so is IMMEDIATELY seen as Anti-semitism, By those who have been taught all their lives that any criticism of Isreal is somehow a morally wrong thing to do. Only accept & support, anything less is immoral & very likely Un Godly, To even consider Israel could be less than correct is WRONG! Its what we have been taught,, doesnt make it correct, Usually, when there has been such a push to keep people seeing things thru one lens w/o analyzing that idea, it falls apart upon closer inspection. Youre not supposed to THINK, youre supposed to FEEL, & youre supposed to always FEEL for Israel,

I let a guy try to hypnotize me. He tried 3 times. I Wanted him to do it. I had heard good things about hypnotism & how we can benefit, So, I was gonna give it a go. He had all the gadgets & gizmos & had had success with it.. But, he couldnt hypnotize me,, I simply wouldnt go. Odd, because I wanted to, I didnt try to NOT go under,, I just dont,,
I say all that to say this.

I Have to wonder if that has something to do with my ability to see whats going on. Ive been aware of lies since I was just a kid. Ive been aware that the economy is built on crap & cant last forever since 4th or 5th grade. I wonder how easily some of the people here would succumb to hypnosis. Somehow, I have to believe there are a few here a beginner hypnotist could have squawking like a chicken, laying eggs & clucking proudly in no time.

JOG, your ability to see what is going on is something I call "Principled Objectivism."  Simply put - to read between the lines and to form your own opinions as well as to to take very little at face value.  

Auditors refer to it as "professional skepticism" and Shakespeare said "More matter less art."  (more substance less BS)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/13 at 21:23:03

"Principled Objectivism."

Thats very good, I like that. It is accurately descriptive, Thanks.

Edit to add

You KNOW Im gonna swipe that, right?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/13 at 22:49:33

554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 wrote:
"Principled Objectivism."

When you graduate,.. you'll doubt the skeptics as much as the pundits...


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/13 at 23:03:46

I dont rely on skeptics or pundits, I know whats happening thru observation. I knew where the sarin gas came from, no one believed me, but I was right, I Said it was the rebels,, I didnt need anyone to tell me.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by old_rider on 12/14/13 at 01:33:47

Being able to be hypnotized is not a measure of intelligence one way or the other. Its a matter of being able to put yourself into an "alpha state", that allows you to accept an unconscious suggestion. Just simply some can, some can't, doesn't matter if you are albert einstien or bo derrick. The trick is really knowing if the person is in the proper state of mind and how to convince them to accept the suggestion you are giving them.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/13 at 10:34:34

Goin at it bakkerds, dude.. My question isnt about intellect. Its about being able to see thru the haze of lies.,If I am difficult to hypnotize, does that translate into being difficult to lull into believing propaganda? Am I more tuned to reality? Ive been aware of things I figured everyone could surely see back when I was a kid.. Then I grew up & realized, dang few see whats happening.
AND I see the constant barrage of propaganda as a hypnotic force , of sorts. Im wondering if there is a connection between my not being easily hypnotized & not buying into the bs.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by old_rider on 12/14/13 at 11:39:12

Nah, it just means you don't "trust" anyone enough to go into the state of mind required to be hypnotized, not that you can't, you just won't.
There fore a hypnotist will never be able to put you under unless they shot you up with some sodium pent. or something similar.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/13 at 12:52:22

I Wanted him to hypnotize me AND I had been around him several times & I trusted him to not do anything that I wouldnt appreciate, You can have your opinion, not knowing me or having been there or known him. Ill stick with my thots on it.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by ZAR on 12/14/13 at 18:59:41

7A656364797E4F7F4F77656922100 wrote:
Goin at it bakkerds, dude.. My question isnt about intellect. Its about being able to see thru the haze of lies.,If I am difficult to hypnotize, does that translate into being difficult to lull into believing propaganda? Am I more tuned to reality? Ive been aware of things I figured everyone could surely see back when I was a kid.. Then I grew up & realized, dang few see whats happening.
AND I see the constant barrage of propaganda as a hypnotic force , of sorts. Im wondering if there is a connection between my not being easily hypnotized & not buying into the bs.

JOG I've never tried the "keep yer eye on the swinging pocket watch" thing but I'm much like you in that I believe much of the BS thrown at us by the Feds and media(many of our churches for that matter) is designed to hypnotize us in some way. Guess I must suffer from that "principled objectivism" PG talks about. I don't trust anybody but myself.....and I thinks twice before I trust myself ;)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by pgambr on 12/14/13 at 19:21:11

4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 wrote:
"Principled Objectivism."

Thats very good, I like that. It is accurately descriptive, Thanks.

Edit to add

You KNOW Im gonna swipe that, right?

I have my moments everyone once in a blue moon.  I would look at a topic and I usually incorporate the general principle in the decision making process.  Also, I would try to be very objective; hence,  .....  8-)  

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Serowbot on 12/14/13 at 20:50:09

...(please read this... no cutting or pasting here,... I took a lot of time to write this...
If you read it with an open mind,.. you will either agree, learn something new,... or just keep a closed mind... it is up to you...
All I ask is that you read it)...

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Allow me a moment to point out a few statistics, and pieces of historical context...
...and I hope you will accept them with an open mind...
Very open...  open wide... :-?...

Statistically,... the very most significant predictor of whether you will believe a conspiracy.. (the very most)..., whether you believe in any other conspiracies...
The likelihood of your being Republican or Democrat,... Christian, Muslim, Jew, or non-religious,.. is mostly based on what your parents believed...

Both of my parents claimed Christianity as their faith... but,.. I was not churched...
I did pray a child's prayer as a toddler, and was fascinated by a semi-comic book rendition of the life of Jesus that I had as a child...
So,.. you might say I was raised a lightweight Christian...
I'm now a godless atheist... (but admittedly, I wasn't much of a Christian)...

So,... you are what you are born... your beliefs are your parents...

Secondly,...the history...
You are what you are taught...
Jews have been persecuted...
This didn't start in 1948... it has been millennia...
The why, is money... they seem to have it... and we are suspicious of why they got it... (and why we don't)...
It comes from the suspicion that they are no better than us, but they have more, and they must be doing something dastardly that we can't figure out in order to be doing so much better...
They control money...

Well,.. they control money because we told them to...
A thousand years ago,... when "Christians" were more devout,... Usury (lending for profit), was a crime among Christians... but, Christians did need loans...  So, they invited Jews to their communities... wealthy Jews, that had no prohibition against usury...
Christians used Jews for their money, and simultaneously resented them for it...
... and this is the root of the hatred of Jews by Christians...
All the "they killed Jesus". and "Jews are cheaters", is rooted in this resentment of their lending for profit when Christians weren't allowed...

Today,... Christians lend... there is no disgrace in investing, lending, or making a profit from your money... most of us get interest from our savings, and 401k's, and stocks or money market accounts...
Years ago you would have been stoned to death...

Today it's different... but the old prejudices remain... passed down parent to child, in the same way we hold our Southern, Jersey, British, accents...
They aren't directly taught,... just culturally absorbed...

If you think you aren't affected... try not sounding Texan,... or Carolinian,... or British,... or Jersey...
Some things are ingrained...
You can pretend different,.. but it is deeply set...

Very many things... not just accents and prejudices...
We are what we are made... becoming is a tiny part us...
The more we stretch ourselves, the more we overcome it...
...but never doubt that it is there...
And it isn't some awful thing,.. it is natural...
All creatures have a wariness of the unfamiliar,... and a comfort from the familiar... Birds, monkeys, fish, humans, even bugs...
There is no shame in having a good instinct... but as humans, we have minds that can control our beliefs...

Best to all... JMHO... ;)...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by ZAR on 12/14/13 at 20:59:10

Sero I'm impressed,but not suprised! You post is well thought out and presented. While I don't agree with all of your assessments, I can see the logic behind them.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Serowbot on 12/14/13 at 21:34:12

Thank you, ZAR... I appreciate that you read it... and that you took it in the spirit intended...
Agreeing with me is secondary...
You listened...


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by old_rider on 12/14/13 at 23:22:07

Your logic applies well to you and how you were raised, however not all children had parents, so some have no prejudice or have even more, depends on lifes instances.
It also is determined on how the mind of the individual works, how fast or slow the synopsis fire, how well memory is retained or even understood.
I have often been told I have a closed mind, simply because I disagree with someones point of view, but in all fairness, I have a view in turn their mind to me is closed.
Someone recently called me a heartless bastard because I did not cry at a friends funeral, a good friend... but yet I bawled my eyes out when my sons girlfriend was taken from him, I bawled my eyes out when my pet cat had to be put down. Heartless bastard... I think not...
It is all in how you process the information before you, and your life's instances and stages of growth will determine the outcome.
More often than not, if I don't see it happen, and you didn't see it happen, how can we "prove" it? pictures, film, audio files ect.... can be duped to the point that they cannot be proven to be tampered with.
I often read both sides of the story and determine in my own due time which I deem the most truthful and often, more often than not I choose the realistic version vrs. the ones that involve conspiracy (not saying the conspiracy is wrong, just that I don't personally believe it to be true). I'm more of a realist... If I could change the world I would...but I'm not going to change it, can't see that happening.... if you can... go for it.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Serowbot on 12/15/13 at 00:31:49

4B4840564D404156240 wrote:
Your logic applies well to you and how you were raised, however not all children had parents,..

Am I to assume you were raised by penguins?...

Even orphaned or adopted children are influenced by their adult indoctrination and cultural influence...
If you believe yourself to be immune to learning,.. that is your prerogative...
... but this is of what I speak..
You learn from what you are exposed to...
We all are educated by what information we are given...

If you were raised as a feral child by a wolf pack, you would have indoctrinated beliefs and prejudices...
Wolf beliefs and prejudices...

We were all raised... there is no intelligent life without upbringing...
If you are telling me that you weren't raised by your birth parents... that is irrelevant...
You were raised... in a location, at a time, by a living being...
... or locations... by beings...
The wider your experience, the wider your understanding... but no one can understand all experience from personal experience... we need a broader palette and empathy...
What makes us human is our ability to live in another's shoes and understand...
That is why we cry when we hear sad news, or watch a sad moment in a film,.. or laugh when  we hear a joke, or when others laugh
Some intelligent animals have been seen to do this to some extent... but, we are the best at it...
.. as far as we know...

Attacking my premise on technicality only proves my point...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 12/15/13 at 05:48:07

A good post Sew, thank you.

The Jewish people have been oppressed, but have just as often been the oppressor. A fair reading of the Old Testament (which is a valid history book for their early days) shows them both captive and taking captives. Every nation or group of people a couple thousand years old has ups and down.

My point would be that today’s anti-Semitism as displayed in Rat’s original post does not have an easily defined origin. He doesn’t know why he hates Jews, he just does. I think you’re correct in that the Jews took to business, and quite successfully, when many first came to American. This continues today where being lazy and poor is frowned at in their communities. Positive peer pressure if you want to call it.

Plus, they are not a ‘race’ defined by physical characteristics rather they defined themselves as a race mostly by religious beliefs. Is there another group that does that? I can’t think of a similar group.

But the hatred towards Jews is not money based. If it was, Rat and others would hate Asians who seem to be able to flourish in America while other minorities cannot.

If it is caused by an unfair US foreign policy, then why not hate the Koreans who we bailed out in a war and now South Korean’s economy is pumping along quite nicely. We sacrificed 58,000 lives so Hyundai could exist? No, it’s not that.

My opinion is some people have a hatred for Jews for the same reason ESPN wasn’t going to show a commercial that actually spoke the word: Jesus. That one word brings out a visceral reaction in some and I would say the word Jew does the same for some people, not all.  It can be a dividing line.

My own belief why, and this is will really tick a few people off but whatever. All of us have evil in us. We can recognize that evil or not. We can define it or not. We can to a certain degree, control it or not.

I think it’s a fundamental law of nature, no different than gravity that Evil always recognizes when it’s in the presence of Good and is humiliated when its failings are on display. So it responds by lashing out at Good, trying to bring Good down to its level.

Remember, Jesus said “I did not come to unite, but to divide. I will turn a Mother against her Son, a Father against his Daughter.”

The second part of my good/evil law of nature is that Good on the other hand, doesn’t always recognize when it’s in the presence of Evil and can be deceived.

All of us have evil within us, it is our nature. If we recognize that, we can fight against it.

The final part of my good/evil law is to remember the opposite of love is not hate, but selfishness.

That's my Sunday School lesson today folks...... fire away.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/15/13 at 08:06:26

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
My point would be that today’s anti-Semitism as displayed in Rat’s original post does not have an easily defined origin. He doesn’t know why he hates Jews, he just does.

Will Mark Webster read this reply???
Probably not since he never reads my posts or if he does, he skims it then gives an incorrect  half-baked reply.

Well, what the heck…. I will repeat myself again.

Webster, you have no concept of who Semitic peoples are. True Semitic people are of Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic races. Since the zionist occupying government of Palestine are mostly decentants of Ashkenazi Khazarians and are not descendants of Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, or Aramaic origin and not related to the biblical Israelites, Then my professed hatred of zionism and the evil Israel zionist government is not anti-Semitic. Since the evil zionists have infiltrated the U.S. government and funnel money, favors and war equipment to evil Israel at a great cost to American taxpayers, my hatred of zionism is justified. Since the zionist manipulated the U.S. congress thru the AIPAC to do their bidding and fight their wars at a great cost in American treasury and American lives, my hatred for zionism is justified.

So No, I am not anti-Semitic. I like Semitic folks just fine. I am however very much anti-Parasitic and the zionists are very much parasites.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/15/13 at 08:10:34

596B6C7D7A6B7C436F7C650E0 wrote:
Plus, they are not a ‘race’ defined by physical characteristics rather they defined themselves as a race mostly by religious beliefs. Is there another group that does that? I can’t think of a similar group.

Have you heard of Amish people? They define themselves correctly as a religion, not a race.  They don’t resort to trickery to stop people from faulting them.  Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni explains in less than a minute and a half.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/15/13 at 08:13:30

0C3E39282F3E29163A29305B0 wrote:
If it is caused by an unfair US foreign policy, then why not hate the Koreans who we bailed out in a war and now South Korean’s economy is pumping along quite nicely. We sacrificed 58,000 lives so Hyundai could exist? No, it’s not that.

Why not hate the Koreans like I hate the evil Zionists? Well there are no dual Korean/American citizens infiltrating the U.S. government and manipulating policy to rob American treasury and wage wars of aggression for them.

South Koreans only seek protection from invasion and do not seek a “Greater Korea”.

South Korea does not threaten the world with the “Sampson Option”.

South Korea appreciates the aid that the U.S. offers and does not continuously demand more.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/15/13 at 08:15:49

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
My own belief why, and this is will really tick a few people off but whatever. All of us have evil in us.

I do not have any evil in me! No I don’t. I hate evil, that is why I hate parasites such as fleas, ticks, roaches, mosquitoes and zionists.

I appreciate your honesty for admitting that you harbor evil. It has been obvious with the antisemitism that you have displayed in the past and your desire to bomb the second largest Jewish population in the Middle East.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by raydawg on 12/15/13 at 09:41:09


Truth or belief, is subjective. Everyone believes as they do based on a whole bunch of mitigating circumstances.

You have revealed by your post/reply some of the criteria that you believe you have drawn from, to form your belief structure.

Am I entitled to deny you "your" beliefs or truths?
Based upon what, my beliefs and truth?
Are you to deny mine?

I think the crux of the question is WHY do I need to prove others wrong, to prove I'm right?

I think each one of us needs to search their own heart and soul to understand their beliefs, and why they believe them.

Do I look upon mine intellectually, or spiritually?

The biggest question to answer, and perhaps the telling of its riddle is, do my beliefs sustain me with peace, and joy, from within, our nature state, and one mankind tries to replicate through many actions as we taint our buzz with all sorts of toxic and opposing behavior.....

Or, are they predicated on external factors, that I need to control in order to benefit from them (beliefs).  

I can't possibly answer yours, can you answer mine?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by old_rider on 12/15/13 at 10:05:25

All I am saying is that "how I was raised" does not mean I follow the beliefs or life styles of those that raised me....

Each individual forms their own "opinion" from the experiences in their life. If you have followed the beliefs of your birth/adopted/foster parents then you surely cannot think for yourself and have their prejudices.

But to say I have the same prejudices of those that raised me is a misbelief... I do not, I formed my own prejudices and opinions based on what I believe is "right or wrong" "good or bad".

What I got out of your statement was we follow what we are taught reguardless of what we think, my statement was to say that each individual has the ability (but may not use it) to use the information and decide on what they believe to be true or false and form their own prejudice or opinion. (I really don't like that word prejudice, it is so "set in stone" against you could not be swayed).

So maybe I misread your statement or you misread mine... sometimes my exact "thought" does not transfer to text very well.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/15/13 at 11:46:12

That was a good post Rowboat,best Ive seen in a while,
Ya know, theres a reason there are laws regarding conspiracies.
Its because theyre common,

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/15/13 at 12:57:56

The way it is in apartheid Israel now:
(first 11 minutes)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/18/13 at 07:15:42

Lest We Forget…

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/25/13 at 14:40:52


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Serowbot on 12/25/13 at 16:15:58

754653434840704E4B4B4E42270 wrote:

Cum'on Rat,.. on Christmas?...

Most silly thing I ever read...
Fact is,.. given 2,000 years... genealogists estimate about 1/3 of all the people in the world could trace a lineage back to most anyone living that long ago...
...(it's a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" thing)...

Strange to me,.. but half of Christians seem to support Israel, in hopes of bringing on prophecy end times (..weird).. and the other half are anti-Semitic, Jew haters...
If Jesus were alive today,.. he'd be in Israel, he'd be Jewish, and you'd want him dead...
Merry Christmas... :-?...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/25/13 at 17:00:45

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
[quote author=754653434840704E4B4B4E42270 link=1386878892/30#30 date=1388011252]KILLING THE FAMILY OF JESUS:

Cum'on Rat,.. on Christmas?...

Most silly thing I ever read...
Fact is,.. given 2,000 years... genealogists estimate about 1/3 of all the people in the world could trace a lineage back to most anyone living that long ago...
...(it's a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" thing)...

Strange to me,.. but half of Christians seem to support Israel, in hopes of bringing on prophecy end times (..weird).. and the other half are anti-Semitic, Jew haters...
If Jesus were alive today,.. he'd be in Israel, he'd be Jewish, and you'd want him dead...
Merry Christmas... :-?...

Why would you possibly say that I would want him dead?
I wish death for no one.
I do wish the end of zionism.
Maybe you should read some of my replies to Webster. I am in no  way against Semitic people. I am very much anti-parasitic which is what the zionist government of israel is.

Are you anti-American? Are you anti-veterans?
Do you think Americans should do with less so israel can have more?
They already receive more than 8 and a half million dollars from the U.S. each and every day....yeah Christmas.....all holidays....and weekends....every dam n day! .....and then there is the weapons. We give them billions more in weapons....they attack a neighbor and the U.S. will re-stock their arsenals.

..........furthermore Jesus was not a jew:
Christmas is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus, and it is an appropriate time to expose the murderers of his decedents.
I suppose you support the Christmas attack on Gaza.
Yeah Merry Christmas to you too.

I know thy works, and tribulation, and pouertie, but thou art rich, and I know the blasphemie of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.
- 1611 King James Bible

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Serowbot on 12/25/13 at 17:12:50

0E3D2838333B0B35303035395C0 wrote:
..........furthermore Jesus was not a jew:

Congratulations... you found something even more ridiculous...
Jesus was not a Jew... ;D ;D ;D...

I'm done with this...
Merry,.. whatever you believe... :-?...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/25/13 at 20:22:34

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
[quote author=0E3D2838333B0B35303035395C0 link=1386878892/30#32 date=1388019645]
..........furthermore Jesus was not a jew:

Congratulations... you found something even more ridiculous...
Jesus was not a Jew... ;D ;D ;D...

I'm done with this...
Merry,.. whatever you believe... :-?...[/quote]
Jesus was a resident of Galilee and thus a Galilean. He was not a resident of Judea and thus not Judean.
He was raised in the Galilean city of Nazareth which is 16 miles from the Sea of Galilee. Nazareth of today’s times is also known as Arab capital of Israel.

No one during Jesus time on Earth was referred to as a Jew. The people of Judea were called Pharisees. It wasn’t until the 18th century that the tern jew was coined. It was meant to be an abbreviation of the term Judean which refers to a resident of Judea. It first appeared in English translations of the bible. It had no more race or religious reference than does the word Texan. And Judea was certainly not the homeland of the present day occupiers of Palestine.

What is referred to as Judaism now days is the same as Pharisaism of Jesus’ time. Jesus once said, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".

The religious texts followed by the Rabbis of today's version of Judaism is the Talmud (Hebrew for doctrine). The Talmud, which is the highest authority of Judaism. Jesus is hated in Judaism.

The Talmud teaches that Jesus was illegitimate, his mother was a wh...ore who conceived during menstruation. Jesus is referred to as a fool, a conjurer, a seducer and he was crucified, buried in hell and set up as an idol ever since by his Goyim followers.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 12/26/13 at 06:42:19

Jesus......... I hate that somehow Sew and I end up on the same sides of an argument twice....... Thanks Rat, JOG.

You did
your job as moderator and censored me once before Sew and I expect you to do it again because: Rat is a pathetic piece of nuts.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/26/13 at 06:58:59

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
Jesus......... I hate that somehow Sew and I end up on the same sides of an argument twice....... Thanks Rat, JOG.

You did
your job as moderator and censored me once before Sew and I expect you to do it again because: Rat is a pathetic piece of nuts.

Mark Webster, you are Great at slinging names (well sort of....piece of nuts... :), but Terrible  :( at debating......what's up with that?
.....and are you attempting to pathetically lay a guilt a guilt trip on the moderator?
......maybe you have one of your arsenal of government funded studies that you can use to support your opinion...... well???

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/26/13 at 09:51:55

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:

I hate to have to be the one to inform you of this.......maybe you should sit down.....Are you seated????........well.....Jesus has passed on.....yes... he departed awhile back......he has moved on....some say to that big Disneyland in the sky......I doubt that he will be hearing you call his name from your's probably better that way, after that thing with the Judea money changers, you'd just call him an anti-Semite.

I know you are having a hard time coming up with insults that you can post without fear of running a foul of the moderator, and it being a holiday season.....well, I will out of the spirit of holiday kindness offer you a few helpful insults that fit in with the season.......

- A few bricks shy of a chimney.

- A few pies short of a holiday.

- A few too many lights out in his Christmas tree.

- All wax and no wick.

- Batteries not included.

- Bright as the North Pole in December.

- his Chimney must be clogged.

- Got his brains as a stocking filler.

- Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

- one egg short of a complete Nog.

- A few presents short of a full sleigh.

- caught being naughty not nice.

-  rude off

..........and I can't forget about Chanukah......that just wouldn't be kosher.......and you might start calling me that owww sooooo scary anti-Cement insult here goes:
- he's a candle or two short of a Menorah! :)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 12/26/13 at 10:22:36

Mark Webster, you are Great at slinging names (well sort of....piece of nuts... , but Terrible   at debating......what's up with that?

It appears auto-correct cannot find the right words to describe such a person as you. I'll take that as a metaphor that you're not worthy of bothering with......

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/26/13 at 11:29:11

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
It appears auto-correct cannot find the right words to describe such a person as you. I'll take that as a metaphor that you're not worthy of bothering with......

Auto-correct? Ahhh come on.....use your imagination.....and no, there won't be any government funded insult reports to assist you in flinging cheap shots at others.
I was hoping for an answer to the debating half of the question.

WHAT????  :-? You are just going to give up?? :o
You're no fun :(.....or....could it be.........just another soon to be broken promise?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/30/13 at 08:26:17

Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 12/31/13 at 10:10:13

Hey Mark Webster.........

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/02/14 at 03:51:21

467560707B73437D78787D71140 wrote:
[quote author=4650475A42575A41350 link=1386878892/30#33 date=1388020370][quote author=0E3D2838333B0B35303035395C0 link=1386878892/30#32 date=1388019645]
..........furthermore Jesus was not a jew:

Congratulations... you found something even more ridiculous...
Jesus was not a Jew... ;D ;D ;D...

I'm done with this...
Merry,.. whatever you believe... :-?...[/quote]
Jesus was a resident of Galilee and thus a Galilean. He was not a resident of Judea and thus not Judean.
He was raised in the Galilean city of Nazareth which is 16 miles from the Sea of Galilee. Nazareth of today’s times is also known as Arab capital of Israel.

No one during Jesus time on Earth was referred to as a Jew. The people of Judea were called Pharisees. It wasn’t until the 18th century that the tern jew was coined. It was meant to be an abbreviation of the term Judean which refers to a resident of Judea. It first appeared in English translations of the bible. It had no more race or religious reference than does the word Texan. And Judea was certainly not the homeland of the present day occupiers of Palestine.

What is referred to as Judaism now days is the same as Pharisaism of Jesus’ time. Jesus once said, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".

The religious texts followed by the Rabbis of today's version of Judaism is the Talmud (Hebrew for doctrine). The Talmud, which is the highest authority of Judaism. Jesus is hated in Judaism.

The Talmud teaches that Jesus was illegitimate, his mother was a wh...ore who conceived during menstruation. Jesus is referred to as a fool, a conjurer, a seducer and he was crucified, buried in hell and set up as an idol ever since by his Goyim followers.


Hello all, I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas holidays as much as I did.

This is becoming an interesting discussion, however I have found a number of historical inaccuracies which lead to greater, if not grosser mistakes.

I have quoted the above because it collects a number of these in a very short space. Nothing against the author as an individual.  :)

The first thing which springs to my attention is "Jesus was a resident of Galilee and thus a Galilean".
True, but only in part. People did not have lastnames in those days, not in the Middle East, not in Europe. It was a very recent social invention.
Before then, people would be called by their 1st name, then their father's name (including girls) and eventually by their "family name" only if aristocrats.
So Jesus would most probably be "Yehoshua ben Yussuf", no "ben Daud" (=David) because regardless of what the Gospels say Joseph was not an aristocrat else he would have been recorded as a landowner not as a carpenter.

Secondly, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is in Judea, then fled to Egypt, whence he returned no earlier than age 12. So he spoke Hebrew (or Aramaic) with a "Egyptian accent" (similarly to those children born... in California, but raised in Texas... if they move back to California at age 12, they will speak with a Texan accent, it is inevitable)
The family returned to Judea only when King Herod died, but Joseph preferred moving to Nazareth in Galilee when he learned the new King was worse than the old one.

Third, the word "Jew" appears in the Old Testament it refers to the  sheperds and camel traders who would lead a nomadic life, and who would often be recruited by the Israelites as light mounted troops in war.
Read "Numbers", "Kings" and "Chronicles", it's in there.
As for this thesis:
"No one during Jesus time on Earth was referred to as a Jew. The people of Judea were called Pharisees. It wasn’t until the 18th century that the tern jew was coined. It was meant to be an abbreviation of the term Judean which refers to a resident of Judea. It first appeared in English translations of the bible. It had no more race or religious reference than does the word Texan. And Judea was certainly not the homeland of the present day occupiers of Palestine"
it reeks of "Bible Believers' Newsletter 479  :P

Fourth, Pharisees and Sadducees were two social but especially religious classes, something akin to Methodists and Baptists today.
Scribes were like lawyers and notaries, they would be record keepers for the Temple, and were subject to very strict codes of conduct, just like rabbis and priests.
Here is a giveaway of the strict code of conduct: The Parable of the Good Samaritan:
A man is robbed and beaten half to Death by bandits and left bleeding to death by the roadside.
A Levite /Rabbi/Proiest walks by (depends on the translation you read) sees the man, walks around him and continues his journey.
A Scribe from the Temple walks by sees the man, walks around him and continues his journey.
A traveller a Samaritan, walks by, sees the man, loads him on his donkey and leads him to the nearest post-house to have him cured.
The generic Christian teaching is Rabbis and Scribes are bad, but the Samaritan was a good guy.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
In Jewish/Israelitic culture, blood is holy, but also contaminates those who touch it.
Touch another man's blood, you are contaminated and must go through endless cycles of purification which may require days of fasting and prayer and quite possibly the offering of a sacrifice.
The Priest had is offices to attend to, and couldn't afford to be contaminated and disattend his offices.
The Scribe was going to Jerusalem, hence to the Temple, and would have lost a full week of work (and wages) just to purify and look after his cleansing.
The Samaritan... was from the Kingdom of Israel (see the separation of Judea from Israel after the Death of King Rehoboam, son of Solomon)
The "Israelites of the North" (Capital city, Samaria) were merchants and "men of good will" but resented the integralistic approach of the Judeans (in whose city Jerusalem resided the Temple) and separated.
The Judeans referred to the Samaritans as "sinners", but it was very much a matter of religious intolerance.
Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan was a tale of reconciliation.
The Samaritan who saves the Judean.

Fifth, the Talmud is not the "Bible of the Jews" as the above comment leads to believe.
The religious book of the Jews is the Torah, which corresponds to our Pentateuch of the Old Testament.
The Talmud is a collection of other writings, including works by famous rabbis from the Middle Ages, and is the nearest thing to an "Opera Omnia" with texts which discuss the civil and criminal codes of law, medicine, cookery, and religious issues as well.

The Talmud cannot help but comment that Jesus was illegitimate because all three Sinoptic Gospels agree that Jesus was conceived outside of holy matrimony.
That Joseph married Mary was a matter of opportunity, to save his own face and his family's reputation, much more than young Mary's life (else, she should have been stoned)
"The Angel appeared to Joseph in his sleep"... very nice fairy tale, I as a Catholic believe it was a late addition.
So, yes, by those ancient standards you could say that, had it not been for Joseph's resolution...
...Jesus would officially have been an illegitimate child (often referred to as "b+st+rd")

Last, the Talmud teaches Jesus was crucified and buried in Hell ?
What is so odd about that ? The Catholic and Anglican Churches teach exactly the same thing !!!

Without boring you with yet more, just refer to this Wikipedia page on the "SYMBOLUM"; read the translation of the text from Latin into English.
I  promise you will be surprised !

AND a Happy New Year to you all !!!  :)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/02/14 at 07:43:01

As partial support to my previous statement #3, here's a link which describes the parting of the Old Kingdom into two separate political entities:

"After Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam ruled. He spoke severely to the people. "My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions," (scorpions — whips at the end of which were clusters of threaded metallic nuts).

A large part of the Israelite kingdom then rose up against Rehoboam. Ten of the Israelite tribes separated from Rehoboam, chose for themselves Jeroboam, from the tribe of Ephraim, as King and made up a special kingdom which began to be called Israel. Two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, remained with Rehoboam and formed the Judean kingdom. The Israelites from this kingdom began to be called Jews.

In this way the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two: Judah and Israel. The city of Jerusalem remained the capital of the Judean kingdom, and the city of Samaria became the capital of Israel.

Biblical sources, I Kings, chaps. 12-15; II Chron., chaps. 10-13.

Howeverm, I also recall reading that one thing was "the People of Israel", quite another were the nomadic desert dwellers referred to as "Jews".

It was a book describing archaeological research to verify stories of the Old Testament, especially referring to warsm battles and the role of Prophets in those wars. I forget the title and the author, but I'm sure I read it... somewhere...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/02/14 at 08:34:44

What is your opinion about the Khazarians?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/02/14 at 11:31:13

To be (very) honest I had heard something about the Khazarians during  a visit to the Ukraine (my old job until Jan.2012) but,
to be (very) honest I had to look them up in Wikipedia to make sure I was thinking the same as you were thinking.

It's a long read, but I assume you want me to comment on their conversion to Judaism in the Lower Middle Ages.

I wouldn't be surprised, and before then they were pagan (actually, most pagans are either animistic or more simply "of another religion from the storyteller"  ;) )
so their conversion to Judaism should not surprise anymore than the Turkish conversion to Islam or the Germanic conversion to Christianity.

I'll keep on reading...  ;)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by pgambr on 01/02/14 at 14:36:53

the Talmud teaches Jesus was crucified and buried in Hell ?
What is so odd about that ? The Catholic and Anglican Churches teach exactly the same thing !!!

You must be kidding; although, I generally don't detect much satire from your posts.  Also what does the Torah reflect on this subject?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/03/14 at 00:50:02

7C6B6D616E7E0C0 wrote:
the Talmud teaches Jesus was crucified and buried in Hell ?
What is so odd about that ? The Catholic and Anglican Churches teach exactly the same thing !!!

You must be kidding; although, I generally don't detect much satire from your posts.  Also what does the Torah reflect on this subject?

Hello PGAMBR, no I am not kidding, but unless you are Catholic or Orthodox or Lutheran or Episcopal (the US version of the Church of England, aka Anglicans) I have noticed there is a lot missing from Protestant Theology.

Please note that, to the best of my understanding, only the four listed above have a true Priestly class, all other Protestant denominations apparently  do not have a"Seminary" where candidates study to be consacrated Priests. So one may feel "the calling" but may often lack the availability of the necessary theological education as found in a network of seminaries.

Here is the original text of the "SYMBOLUM" aka "The Creed of the Apostles". The bold part is the one I am referring to.

Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae,
et in Iesum Christum, Filium Eius unicum, Dominum nostrum,
qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine,
passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos,
sedet ad dexteram Patris omnipotentis,
inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,
sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem,remissionem peccatorum,carnis resurrectionem,vitam aeternam.

Here is also the translation into English (pity you didn't care to check the link, Wikipedia too chyallenging for you ?  :-? )

I believe in God,the Father almighty,Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;on the third day he rose again from the dead;he ascended into heaven,and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
in the holy catholic Church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and life everlasting. Amen.[23][24]

Church of England[edit]

In the Church of England there are currently two authorized forms of the creed: that of the Book of Common Prayer (1662) and that of Common Worship (2000).

Book of Common Prayer[25][26][27]
I believe in God the Father Almighty,Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord,Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,Was crucified, dead, and buried:
He descended into hell;The third day he rose again from the dead;

He ascended into heaven,And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
The holy Catholick Church;The Communion of Saints;The Forgiveness of sins;The Resurrection of the body,And the Life everlasting.Amen.

Common Worship[28]
I believe in God, the Father almighty,creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;he ascended into heaven,he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting.Amen.

Lutheran Church[edit]

Lutheran Service Book
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended into hell.On the third day He rose again from the dead
He ascended into heavenand sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting.

The creed is footnoted in the LSB for the word "Christian." It states, "Christian: the ancient text reads "catholic," meaning the whole Church as it confesses the wholeness of Christian doctrine."[30]

The United Methodists commonly incorporate the Apostles' Creed into their worship services. The version which is most often used is located at #881 in the United Methodist Hymnal, one of their most popular hymnals and one with a heritage to John Wesley, founder of Methodism.[33][34]
It is notable for omitting the line "he descended into hell", but is otherwise very similar to the Book of Common Prayer version.
The 1989 Hymnal has both the traditional version and the 1988 ecumenical version (see below), which includes "he descended to the dead."

So, what do we see ? We see that many (modern) variations, especially among Protestant denominations, have translated "descedit ad inferos" not as "descended into hell" but as "descended to the dead".

Where is the difference ? There is none, provided you are not Christian but Graeco-Roman, and sacrifice to Jupiter, because "Inferos" was  the collective Kingdom of the Dead, be they good or bad.
(See the Odyssey and Ulysses' descent into Hades to speak to his mother and to Achilles, to name one example)

But if you are Christian and separate Heaven from Hell, "Inferos" has only one meaning.

You have the floor, Sir  :)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/03/14 at 01:06:34

786F69656A7A080 wrote:
the Talmud teaches Jesus was crucified and buried in Hell ?
What is so odd about that ? The Catholic and Anglican Churches teach exactly the same thing !!!

You must be kidding; although, I generally don't detect much satire from your posts.  Also what does the Torah reflect on this subject?

Now, PGAMBR, you really dissappointed me...  :P I expected a little better from you.

The TORAH corresponds exactly to the Christian Bible's Pentateuch, that is, the first five Books of the Old Testament.
Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Numbers
IIRC (I am going off memory, I may have inverted the order of two books)

Unless you wish to find a passage written in 2000 BC which somebody insists is a prophecy on Jesus (to which I am extremely skeptical, albeit I insist I am a "good Christian")
the Torah will not say a word about Jesus, because it does not deal with Jesus.

It is like trying to pull a prophecy on a Prophet after Mohammad out of the Koran... I see a contradiction there  ;)


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by pgambr on 01/03/14 at 01:59:05

Sorry to disappoint you, I'm not disputing you view points.  I consider myself a very moral person; although, I know very little regarding theology.   :-?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 01/03/14 at 05:25:56

It's a New Testament theological concept extrapolated from verses like Eph 4: 8-10. Also, the concept that the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is not a parable, but rather an actual event being retold. Regardless, it's not a "game changing" event either way. There are dozens and dozens of Biblical "one liners" that have interesting implications. Do you know an Angel once apologized to Daniel for being late because apparently he was in a battle against a demon angel and had to wait for reinforcements to arrive in a three week long fight.  Think about the implications of that statement!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/05/14 at 11:47:33

Hello WebsterMark,  nice hearing from you.
And Hello PGAMBR too.

To all, I am not a theologician by any means, I am just an extremely curious person who was not satisfied at all with the "tales and stories" told during Sunday School, and wanted to know more.

Rather than just "read the Bible and learn it by heart", I decided to take the bull by the horns and dig deep.
This meant, for me, a Catholic, reading books written by Protestants and Jews, reading the "Confutations against Jesus" written by an Islamic scholar, and think and ponder deeply about what I was reading.
Ask questions. Ask embarrassing quesitons to clerics and priests and ask them why they only had prefabricated answers, not real answers.

To me Christianity is like an apple.
Most people are content with "oh, the apple is a shiny red round fruit" and that's that.
They are content with being "skin deep" Christians, meaning they are happy with learining their prayers, going to Church on Sundays and "behaving well".

Not me. I know less than half the prayers I once knew, and even those I think I know, I sometimes skip a verse or reverse them.
I want to go Beyond "skin deep". I have discovered there's a rich, juicy, sweet crisp meat below the skin, and the more I dig, the more I feel nourished and interested in going deeper still.

There are two stories or events in the Gospels with a character named "Lazarus", IIRC:
1. The Rich Man "Crapulon" (idyomatic for "rich&fat") and poor Lazarus,
2. Lazarus of Bethany, whose sisters go search for Jesus and complain he's late... their Brother "has been closed up for three days and stinks"

The first incident is a true parable, but has little of Christian values... meaning the same story is found in Egyptian, Persian, Babylonian and even Graeco-Roman teachings.

The second incident is 99% of the time told as a "raising from the dead", with a minor innuendo which, if read in its true light, is of MAJOR importance.

Jesus' Disciples (not his 12 Apostles, but his closest followers) and the Essenes themselves described themselves as "the Living", calling the "secular Jews", i.e. those content with going by the Laws as a standard routine "the Dead", i.e. "those who have missed the message".

Now, let's re-read the "raising of Lazarus": he's been "closed up for three days", "stinks" (who wouldn't after wearing the same clothes for three straight days?) "is dressed in white"...
... "is raised from the Dead" (notice the capital "D").

Would all this mean anything to you? Do anyone of you see anything between the lines ?

Personally, I see a period of abstinence, prayer, preparation in a tiny sealed space which is typical of many religious groups since 3000 BC...


I'll tell you more... read Mark 14, what is going on in the Gethsemane ?
Then , after a quizzical raised eyebrow, read Mark 16, who is that man in front of Jesus' Tomb ?

Now... do you see the connections ?

Do you see why I insist on digging deeper and deeper in the meat of this "mystica apple" ?

Have a nice 2014  :)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/14 at 12:48:31

Jesus' Disciples (not his 12 Apostles, but his closest followers) and the Essenes themselves described themselves as "the Living", calling the "secular Jews", i.e. those content with going by the Laws as a standard routine "the Dead", i.e. "those who have missed the message".

Now, let's re-read the "raising of Lazarus": he's been "closed up for three days", "stinks" (who wouldn't after wearing the same clothes for three straight days?) "is dressed in white"...
... "is raised from the Dead" (notice the capital "D").

Would all this mean anything to you? Do anyone of you see anything between the lines ?

The problem with what you are doing is that you are working extremely hard to find some hidden meaning in text which is clearly telling a story about an event. Parables have hidden meanings and they are prefaced by  " there once was a man" or " the kingdom of God is like....." Those are teachable fictitious stories meant to pass along a deep truth that's sometimes hard to explain. Neither Lazarus story I referenced are like that. They read like someone is retelling an event.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/05/14 at 13:53:15

I am sorry, perhaps I did not explain myself perfectly.

John 16,12 : " I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now"

John 21,25 : "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen."

The Gospel of John is often referred to as "The Priestly Gospel" because it is of a highly mystical and esoteric content,
and destined to the Pastors as opposed to the three Synoptic Gospels, which are destined to the Congregation (the sheep)

I stand by my words. I do not expect you to agree with me, merely to realize I have been reading and pondering and studying these things for the last 30-odd years.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/14 at 15:40:54

I get that mpes and I've done the same for just as long, but my point is you have to read way to many things into the text for the story of raising Lazarus from the dead to be anything other than someone retelling an actual event of a man dead and smelly from being in a tomb for 3 days. To say this was some type of parable is a stretch.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by pgambr on 01/05/14 at 17:47:43

Gents, both you have a lengthy head on start on me with this topic.  Although, I find it extremely interesting.  Not long ago a pastor moved into my neighborhood and he is genuinely a good person who I have gotten to know well.  We've had numerous discussions on various books in the bible.  Not all my questions have been answered; hence, I also look for deeper meaning and clarification.  

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/06/14 at 13:52:52

Pgambr -

Having lived in the Evangelical Protestant community for over 20 years before becoming a Catholic 7 years ago, it is my humble opinion that most Protestant clergy are not nearly as intellectual, nor as educated in theology as are Catholic and Anglican priests.
Some of the evangelical denominations are so hard headed and steadfast in certain doctrines, that their own clergy cannot really explain then.
Some of these denominations don't have clergy with any real higher education.  I know because I represented one of them in a case involving a property line dispute surrounding their church.  In talking with their pastor, I quickly noticed his very poor grammar.  I asked him what seminary he attended, and, of course, the answer was none; although he did attend a 6 month "school" to become a minister in that denomination.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/07/14 at 01:25:24

3D323E343F3239353225303225570 wrote:
Pgambr -

Having lived in the Evangelical Protestant community for over 20 years before becoming a Catholic 7 years ago, it is my humble opinion that most Protestant clergy are not nearly as intellectual, nor as educated in theology as are Catholic and Anglican priests.
Some of the evangelical denominations are so hard headed and steadfast in certain doctrines, that their own clergy cannot really explain then.
Some of these denominations don't have clergy with any real higher education.  I know because I represented one of them in a case involving a property line dispute surrounding their church.  In talking with their pastor, I quickly noticed his very poor grammar.  I asked him what seminary he attended, and, of course, the answer was none; although he did attend a 6 month "school" to become a minister in that denomination.

Thank you, Jerry, my point exactly.

No offense to anyone on this Forum, directly or indirectly, but being a priest is the mystical or spiritual equivalent to being a Doctor, that is, a medical doctor.
You cannot simply "feel the call, have the inspiration" and consider yourself a doctor.
You have to go to Medical School and pass all the tests, do an internship and pass that as well.

Similarly, a Priest, be he Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican (Episcopal) or Lutheran, will go to a Seminary and study Theology for years and years, then be appointed a Deacon and serve in a parish,
then be consacrated a Priest and work as a junior grade priest in a Parish before being judged mature and competent enough to be made a Rector or a Vicar, i.e. the Head of his own community.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/07/14 at 01:34:30

695B5C4D4A5B4C735F4C553E0 wrote:
It's a New Testament theological concept extrapolated from verses like Eph 4: 8-10. Also, the concept that the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is not a parable, but rather an actual event being retold. Regardless, it's not a "game changing" event either way. There are dozens and dozens of Biblical "one liners" that have interesting implications. Do you know an Angel once apologized to Daniel for being late because apparently he was in a battle against a demon angel and had to wait for reinforcements to arrive in a three week long fight.  Think about the implications of that statement!

I researched what you say about the "Angel apologizing to Daniel" and failed to find it.

What I did find was a quote of Daniel 9 with a noble figure [an angel ?] saying he was struggling with Prince darius of the Medes, but to say Darius was the Devil is quite far fetched.

IIRC it was Darius who defeated Nabuchadnezzar and freed the People of Israel from Captivity in Babylon.

Considering that :
- Daniel prostrates himself to this figure in cerimonial adoration (as you would with a Crown Prince) and that such figure accepts Daniel's respects...
- while Angels refuse John's prostration in Revelation 17 and 19, insisting they are on the same level (in relation to God) ...
... I daresay such personage was really a Crown Prince and not, as later interpretation insists, an "Angel of the Lord" (i.e. a winged spirit draped in flowing white robes etc.)
To further back my claim, in ancient historical records Egyptians, Babylonians and Persians all called Ambassadors and Royal Messengers "Angels of the Lord", "the Lord" being the King.

And it only makes sense that a Babylonian Prince was fighting against a Mede King, eventually being defeated... it says so in the Bible itself...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/07/14 at 01:54:37

6D7065736361746F7269000 wrote:
... I also recall reading that one thing was "the People of Israel", quite another were the nomadic desert dwellers referred to as "Jews".

It was a book describing archaeological research to verify stories of the Old Testament, especially referring to warsm battles and the role of Prophets in those wars. I forget the title and the author, but I'm sure I read it... somewhere...

I must correct myself, those desert-dwelling, nomadic people were not "Jews", they were "HBRW", "Habiru", "Hebrews" as opposed to "Israelites".

They were the descendants of Heber, or Eber. There are a nukber of Ebers in the O.T., one being a grandson of Shem, thus a Greatgrandson of Noah, another being mentioned in Numbers.
Whichever, the HBRW were what you today would call "Bedouins".

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/14 at 08:27:07

Darius was the Devil is quite far fetched.

I did not say he said he was the devil. Read a little closer.

It is found in Daniel 10: 12-13
The reference to Michael seems to refer to the same Michael mentioned later in the chapter and again in Jude and Revelation.
The angel was delayed 21 days because he was in some type of confrontation with the 'prince' of the Persian kingdom. The prince in this context refers to some spiritual being associated with the Persian kingdom since the same word prince is used to describe the arch-angel Michael. It seems doubtful that angels on the same side would resist each other to the point a higher ranking angel had to step in so logic seems to say the 'prince' of the Persian kingdom was an angel associated with Satan, not Satan himself.

The ramification of this is that there are things swirling on around us in a dimension that we (in our 3 dimensional world) are not capable of seeing. By definition almost, anyone believe in a God believes in a dimension we cannot comprehend. Imagine a 2 dimensional person trying to make contact or even imagine our 3 dimensional world.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/08/14 at 06:30:44

I do not wish to quarrel, but am trying to see through your own eyes, and perhaps fail. After all, you are Anglosaxon, and perhaps Protestant, while I am Mediterranean and Catholic.

So, may I quote from KJV :

Daniel 10:10-13
King James Version (KJV)

10 And, behold, an 'and touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands. [Daniel fell on all fours]

11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. [Daniel rises]

12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
[the MAN said "do not worry, I am here because of your piety and prayers"]

13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
[The Prince of Persia has resisted me, and Michael has come to help me, and I did not flee]

Now, if it is a spiritual being, a Seraph (=Archangel) speaking to Daniel, then it is a very rare event indeed, not recorded in any other historical record,
that spiritual beings fought against men (the Prince of Persia being Darius, King of the Medes) and even had to ask for reinforcements.

On the other hand, if we give heed to what aechaeologists tell us, that "angels" were often messengers = ambassadors / messagebearers, then it makes sense, because Daniel was one of King Ahasuerus' (Xerxes) Chief Counsellors.

True, in Daniel 9:21 we read that "Gabriel, the man [Daniel] had seen in [his] earlier vision, came to [him] in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice",
but is it not true that "flight" is a synonim for "fast ride" or "fast progress" in English? Is it not true that the past tense of such a "flight" is "fled", i.e. from the verb "to flee"?

Also, notice that nobody in the Old Testament has a name ending with " el " except for the Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Rhaphael, Uriel)
and some (not all) Prophets have " el " in their name, such as DaniEL, SamuEL, ELiyah (the "j" is wrong, being a consonantic vowel it should be a "y").

So, I am not advocating to live in the 6th Dimension here (we already have 4 to deal with daily and many claim to master the 5th as we speak) but I am trying to read with "elementary eyes".

Last: please be aware that the Book of Daniel was written centuries after the events actually happened, i.e. in the 2nd Century B.C., and are thus contemporary to the 4 Books of Maccabees.

It is like you and I writing of Capt. John Smith and Chief Powhatan without any source but for oral tradition.

I like to keep it simple.

Now, if you like Biblical puzzles, explain Exodus 4:24-26   ::)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 01/08/14 at 10:04:56

Yes I'm Protestant and yes, I agree with what you and Jerry said earlier about Protestant leaders being far less education on average than their Roman Catholic counterparts.

I can verify that since I am on a personnel committee for my church and we are looking at resumes for a new Pastor. It can be very disheartening to read what some are submitting. Certainly, there are far more desirable traits than being a Pastor than an ability to put together a modern resume (in some sense, that could be the least important ability), but on the other hand, I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to be able to type!

However, the flip side of that my Protestant denomination (Baptist and specifically CBF Baptist) don’t have the same hierarchy as other as other denomination. The benefit of this is its more difficult for false doctrine or even something like the Catholic Priest scandal to spread throughout numerous Churches . Our church is 100% independent. We have a national office for our denomination and they provide service and information, but there is no command center so to speak. We pursue worship as this congregation sees fit.

Again, another however, this same procedure allows for the Westboro Baptist Church to smear the Baptist name. There is no one is charge of all Baptist who can shut them down.

As to your other stuff.....

So, I am not advocating to live in the 6th Dimension here (we already have 4 to deal with daily and many claim to master the 5th as we speak) but I am trying to read with "elementary eyes".

.....I'm not sure if your English translation is coming across very well or if this is an example of your typical condescending self. ....

My bottom line is the story is written exactly as I mentioned. An angel spoke to Daniel and indicated he had been delayed. My personal opinion is you are again trying very, very hard to look for alternative explanations rather than simply what the text says. Maybe you are a Thomas Jefferson follower and can't grasp things beyond what you can see.

As to your other question; i'll look later, but I've got work to do. Off to Northern Michigan tomorrow where surprisingly it is some 25 degrees warmer than here in St. Louis, MO. Go figure.....

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/09/14 at 01:37:56

Again, I am trying not to quarrel,


I do not understand how an angel may accept Daniel's adoration on hands and knees, and then refuse John's adoration in the Book of Revelation:

"I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t! I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brothers who bear witness to Jesus.
Worship God. Witness to Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (The same exhortation is repeated almost word for word in Revelation 22:8-10.)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 01/09/14 at 06:54:19

I do not understand how an angel may accept Daniel's adoration on hands and knees, and then refuse John's adoration in the Book of Revelation:

The Angel in Daniel doesn't. He tells him to 'stand upright'.  

And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. [Daniel rises]

In almost every instance, whenever a  human being is knowingly in the presence of angelic being, they faint or are overcome and fall to the ground.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/12/14 at 09:54:02

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:

I can verify that since I am on a personnel committee for my church and we are looking at resumes for a new Pastor. It can be very disheartening to read what some are submitting. Certainly, there are far more desirable traits than being a Pastor than an ability to put together a modern resume (in some sense, that could be the least important ability), but on the other hand, I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to be able to type!

So if Jesus came back and applied for the position, you would turn Jesus away because he couldn't type?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/12/14 at 10:11:26

332E3B2D3D3F2A312C375E0 wrote:
[quote author=6D7065736361746F7269000 link=1386878892/30#43 date=1388677381]
... I also recall reading that one thing was "the People of Israel", quite another were the nomadic desert dwellers referred to as "Jews".

It was a book describing archaeological research to verify stories of the Old Testament, especially referring to warsm battles and the role of Prophets in those wars. I forget the title and the author, but I'm sure I read it... somewhere...

I must correct myself, those desert-dwelling, nomadic people were not "Jews", they were "HBRW", "Habiru", "Hebrews" as opposed to "Israelites".

They were the descendants of Heber, or Eber. There are a nukber of Ebers in the O.T., one being a grandson of Shem, thus a Greatgrandson of Noah, another being mentioned in Numbers.
Whichever, the HBRW were what you today would call "Bedouins".[/quote]
How do the "Hebrews" of Biblical times relate to the Ashkenazim Khazarians that have occupied Palestine since 1948?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/12/14 at 10:18:26  

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/12/14 at 19:01:15

A Parable:

So Jesus finally returns…. better late than never. He quickly finds out that there is no free lunch…..he discovers that he needs some cash. So he sits under a shade tree and ponders what job is he most qualified for. After some time it comes to him…..he should preach just as he did the last time he was here.

Jesus walks a short distance and comes upon a church…. a Baptist Church……a First Baptist Church....he wonders where do they keep the Second Baptist Church, and all the others.....Being a savior with special super powers....he recognizes this building as his Fathers house…..don’t ask me how…… miracles aren’t my specialty…..I am just a narrator.

There posted on the front door of the church is a “Help Wanted – Pastor” sign.

So Jesus knocks on the door…. He is a polite prophet…..too polite to just barge in. After knocking until his knuckles are starting to hurt along with his nail scars…. the door finally opens and who should appear but none other than Webster. Webster asks the robe wearing, sandal clad dark skinned Middle Eastern looking guy standing humbly at the door what he wants. Jesus replied that he would like to preach again. Webster asks Jesus if he has a typed resume. Stunned Jesus answers that he doesn’t type or write, but he has preached many memorable sermons without notes and that he preaches his father’s words that come directly from his heart. Mr. Webster says, “Sorry dude, you’re not qualified.”
As Webster shuts the door, he says to himself, "Whew! That was scary! I must call Home Land Security and fast..... that guy has to be
an Al Qaida terrorist."

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/13/14 at 12:34:31

Daaang Rat!  Thats funny right there..

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Trippah on 01/13/14 at 14:35:28

To have a knowledgeable pastor who can read, write and think.  Seems reasonable to me.  If you can't spell correctly, and present crap on a resume for a position such as pastor; you should not be surprised you remain unemployed.  Great Pastors also motivate the flock to join in, follow the word of the Lord, and participate in our world in a devout and humble manner. ;)  (Raised a Methodist, salvation through good works -yeah, I am not even close so far).

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 01/14/14 at 03:01:04

695A4F5F545C6C525757525E3B0 wrote:
[quote author=1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 link=1386878892/60#62 date=1389204296]
I can verify that since I am on a personnel committee for my church and we are looking at resumes for a new Pastor. It can be very disheartening to read what some are submitting. Certainly, there are far more desirable traits than being a Pastor than an ability to put together a modern resume (in some sense, that could be the least important ability), but on the other hand, I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to be able to type!

So if Jesus came back and applied for the position, you would turn Jesus away because he couldn't type?[/quote]

Er... sorry, guys, I really cannot agree on this one.

According to the Scriptures jesus was a Rabbi (he is called "Rabbi" more than once, and in our society you don't call someone "Father" unless he is your "A. dad" or "B. reverend or pastor".
So I like to think he was really a Rabbi, regardless of what others (the Church especially) may think.
Incidentally, to claim "in those days Rabbi did not mean rabbi it meant teacher rather sucks, because it is in contradiction with Luke 4:17 when Jesus was given the Torah and he reads from (supposedly) Isaiah.
Again, I say "supposedly" because the verses reported in Luke 4:17 do not match those actually fopund in Isaiah. Anyway, I disgress.

Jesus had been raised in Egypt, and being of a family well-off to the point it could afford to emigrate while still keeping the family business back home, certainly could also afford education for their only son.
So he learned to speak Hebrew (his family dialect) again Hebrew (the dialect spoken in the Delta where his family fled to be hosted by the local Jewish community) and obviously some Egyptian; this also means he learned to write in those languages, namely Hebrew (which in those days was a form of cuneiform Akkadic, not the "carrè" Hebrew we see today) and in "demotic" which was the common form of written egyptian, from which modern arabic derived.

Picture : fragment of Dead Sea Scroll written in "PaleoHebrew"

Other Dead sea Scroll fragment written in Greek

This is the world famous Rosetta Stone; top section written in Hyerogliphic, the Egyptian "sacred scripture"; middle section in Demotic, or "Layman's Egyptian"; bottom section in Greek.

I am certain Jesus also learned to read and write in Greek, because it was the common language of merchants in those days, and because all business calculus was done with greek numerals (letters of the alphabet, but still easier and more practical than egyptian or roman numerals)

So when Jesus forgives the adulteress and "writes in the sand" or "traces images in the sand" as was reported by illiterate witnesses, he was quite possibly writing a passage from the Torah so that "he who has eyes could see".

I am sure that if Jesus came today, he would start preaching, but would not be your everyday television preacher.
He had no horse, he had no chariot, he had no press agent then, I'm sure he wouldn't need them these days, either.


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/08/14 at 12:22:41

Another truth bearing article:

Israel’s “a one-way street” relationship with the US

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/17/14 at 12:37:46

Scrutinizing Israel role in 2001 anthrax attacks

In late September 2001, a couple of weeks after 9/11, the United States was struck with what the Bush regime dubbed a “second wave” of terrorism. Letters laced with deadly anthrax spores arrived in the mailboxes of prominent media figures and two American senators. Five people were killed and 17 others were infected.

A concerted effort was made by the Bush regime and the mainstream US media to present the anthrax attacks as the work of the same people who perpetrated 9/11. They were, in a sense, correct, but the people behind 9/11 and the subsequent anthrax fiasco were not members of al-Qaeda or adherents of the Islamic faith.

A very clear and discernable pattern of propaganda was foisted upon the American public following 9/11. Zionists from Israel and the US took a leading role in assigning responsibility for the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbour. Unsurprisingly, the Zionists immediately pointed fingers at all of their Middle Eastern rivals and adversaries, from resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to countries such as Iraq, Iran and Syria.

Israel’s enemies were being portrayed as America’s enemies too. Together, said the Zionists, Israel and America can defeat “the forces of darkness.” Israel’s crude campaign of innuendo and Orwellian projection manifested within a few hours of the 9/11 attacks. Israeli politicians Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres all made public statements calling on the US and other Western powers to initiate a global “war on terrorism,” a term coined by Likudniks in the 1980s.

Israel’s army intelligence service Aman and the former Mossad chief Rafi Eitan trumpeted brazen disinformation shortly following 9/11, alleging Iraqi involvement in the attacks. In August of 2001 the Mossad delivered a propagandistic “warning” to the CIA alleging al-Qaeda and Iraq were working together and were plotting terror attacks on major US landmarks.  The neoconservatives, who are for all intents and purposes emissaries of the Israeli regime in the US, went straight to work in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, the New York Times and other Zionist-controlled media outlets, attempting to portray Arabs and Muslims generally as the sponsors of 9/11 and the source of all terrorism in the world.

The same pattern of Zionist deception is apparent with the anthrax attacks. Israel’s partisans immediately mobilized a propaganda initiative to link Iraq and al-Qaeda to the anthrax mailings.

On various occasions [former US] president George W. Bush and vice president thingy Cheney told reporters that al-Qaeda was likely involved in the lethal mailings. The docile mainstream media unquestioningly repeated this unfounded assertion. A stunning piece of disinformation appeared in an Oct. 27, 2001, report in the London Times, alleging that an Iraqi official met with 9/11 patsy Mohamed Atta in the Czech Republic in April 2001.  The report went on to suggest that during the rendezvous the Iraqi official gave Atta a flask of anthrax. The origin of this dubious claim was noted in the article: Israeli security sources. The chief of Czech foreign intelligence, Frantisek Bublan, later revealed that this supposed meeting never took place and was nothing more than a propaganda invention of interested parties. “Promoting a so-called ‘Prague connection’ between Atta and [the Iraqi official] al-Ani might have been a ploy by U.S. policymakers seeking justifications for a new military action against...Saddam Hussein,” Bublan told the Prague Post.

When the Iraq/al-Qaeda propaganda narrative fell apart, the FBI targeted two...within the US bio-weapons establishment: scientists Steven Hatfill and Bruce Ivins. The FBI began harassing Hatfill and publicly called him a “person of interest” in the anthrax investigation.

Hatfill vehemently denied the charges and was eventually exonerated. He later sued the FBI and other US government agencies, winning a settlement of more than $5 million in damages. Like Hatfill, Ivins was an unlikely suspect for the anthrax attacks as well.

There was no evidence tying Ivins to the anthrax letters and he had no conceivable motive. The FBI launched an intense campaign of innuendo against Ivins in an effort to convict him in the court of public opinion. Just before he was set to be indicted and stand trial, Ivins allegedly attempted suicide via an overdose of Tylenol while in his Maryland home and died in hospital shortly thereafter.How convenient.

Ivins worked at a US bio-weapons facility called USAMRIID in Fort Detrick, Maryland. This is where the FBI claims the anthrax used in the attacks originated. Since there is no evidence that Ivins was involved in the anthrax mailings, there is likewise no reason to believe the FBI’s claim that the anthrax spores used in the letters originated from that facility.

Another curious event took place during the anthrax affair that garnered little attention from the mainstream press for obvious reasons. An Arab-American scientist who worked at the same Fort Detrick facility as Ivins was the victim of an attempted frame-up. Shortly before the first known victim of the anthrax attacks was confirmed, an anonymous letter was mailed to the FBI that attempted to implicate Dr. Ayaad Assaad as a “potential biological terrorist.”  The author of the letter claimed to have worked with Assaad previously and alleged that Assaad had a vendetta against the US government, urging the FBI to stop him. The letter prompted the FBI to investigate Assaad. The FBI questioned him in early October 2001 and quickly cleared him of any involvement with the anthrax attacks.

Strangely, the FBI seemed uninterested in finding out who sent the anonymous letter implicating Assaad, even though the contents and timing of the letter were amazingly conspicuous, coming just prior to a real bio-terrorist attack. Assaad suspected the letter-writer was involved in the anthrax mailings and opined that his Arab background made him the “perfect scapegoat.”

One possible source of the frame-up letter was a man named Dr. Philip Zack, a microbiologist and Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. Zack worked at USAMRIID alongside Assaad in the early 1990s. Zack and other employees at the lab formed a clique called the “camel club” to bully Arab co-workers, particularly Assaad. One day in April 1991 Assaad found a poem in his mailbox written by Zack and other members of the “camel club” which mocked his Arabic heritage.  Zack and several of his fellow anti-Arab racists voluntarily left the facility when Assaad informed his superiors of the harassment campaign.

In 1992, anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other deadly pathogens went missing from the Fort Detrick facility. An internal investigation discovered that someone was entering the lab late at night to conduct unauthorized research involving anthrax. The inquiry also revealed that Dr. Philip Zack made an unauthorized visit to the lab on Jan. 23, 1992, at a time when he was no longer working at the facility.  Despite Zack’s suspicious past behaviour and harassment of Assaad, the FBI made no effort to pursue him as a suspect in the 2001 anthrax investigation.

A very revealing aspect of the whole affair was the fact that the anthrax-tainted letters were made to look like a Muslim who was angry at Israel and the United States authored them. “Death to Israel, Death to America, Allah is Great,” the letters read.  Whoever was actually behind the anthrax mailings was evidently attempting to lead authorities to believe a Muslim or group of Muslims was responsible.

So where did the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks come from? Researcher Robert Pate posited a plausible theory in an essay entitled, “The Anthrax Mystery: Solved.”  In the paper, Pate suggests Israel is the most likely culprit. According to Pate’s research, Israel had the means, motive and opportunity to secure anthrax spores and deliver them to her targets without being detected. Pate demonstrates that Israel has had a sophisticated chemical and biological weapons program since its inception in 1948. Israel has produced biological agents including anthrax at the Israel Institute of Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziona, located a few miles southeast of Tel Aviv.

“With the help of Jewish scientists from the former Soviet Union,” Pate opines, “Israel’s bio-weapons research has probably surpassed that of all other nations. The Soviet Union’s bio-weapons program had 32,000 scientists and staff working in 40 different research and production facilities. Two thousand of these scientists worked exclusively on the Soviet anthrax program. A significant number of these scientists may have immigrated to Israel and become employed in her bio-weapons programs.”

Pate cites a research paper by Dr. Avner Cohen titled “Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control” which outlines Israel’s biological and chemical weapons capabilities.  Anthrax is certainly in Israel’s biological arsenal. In the paper, Cohen also describes how Zionist militants poisoned Palestinian water supplies with deadly pathogens during the 1948 ‘Nakba,’ wherein Zionist gangs completely destroyed and depopulated more than 500 Arab villages in order to birth...[Israel entity] . Historical examples of Zionist biological warfare noted by Pate, in addition to Israel’s penchant for false flag terrorism against its “allies” such as the Lavon Affair and USS Liberty attack, lead him to believe that Israel was willing and able to commit a biological attack in the US – a classic false flag operation to frame her enemies for political gain.

“A motive for the anthrax attacks would be to blame Arab terrorists or a ‘rogue nation’ for this atrocity and to help launch the United States into war against Israel’s enemies,” writes Pate. “[Israel’s motive] in launching the anthrax attacks would be to bring America into war against Iraq and to remove that country as a potential threat to...[Israel].”  As noted earlier, Israeli intelligence contrived a false story to implicate Muslims where they claimed to have observed a meeting between an Iraqi official and alleged al-Qaeda ringleader Mohamed Atta in the Czech Republic in which an exchange of anthrax is said to have occurred. If Israel had nothing to do with the anthrax attacks, then why did they propagate lies with the intent to implicate Iraq and al-Qaeda? American authorities admit that no Muslim or Arab was involved in the anthrax mailings, so who else but Israel and corrupted Americans in the Bush administration could have been behind this obvious false flag?

It can be said without doubt that some members of the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks. Press reports revealed that White House officials including Bush and Cheney went on a steady regimen of the drug known as Cipro, a powerful antibiotic effective against anthrax infection, weeks before the anthrax-tainted letters were first discovered.

The theory that Israel and its accomplices in the Bush administration launched a biological false flag operation as a “second phase” of the overarching 9/11 deception is well within the realm of possibilities regarding 2001’s anthrax attacks in the US. It is certainly far more plausible than the FBI’s flimsy and still-unproven case against Bruce Ivins who conveniently died before any evidence could be aired in the courts.

But it would be foolish to place any hope on President Obama -- a committed servant of the Israeli-American empire -- to launch a new, independent investigation into any of these troubling matters.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/28/14 at 18:32:12

June 28, 2014
Israelis in denial of their inhumanity
Israel can’t force-feed occupation to those who hunger for freedom

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth

For more than a month Israel sought to wriggle off a hook that should have snared it from the start. Two children, 17 and 16, were shot dead during Nakba Day protests near Ramallah, in which youths threw stones ineffectually at well-protected and distant Israeli military positions.

Hundreds of Palestinian children have lost their lives over the years at the end of a sharpshooter’s sights, but the deaths of Nadim Nuwara and Mohammed Abu al-Thahir in Beitunia were not easily forgotten. Israel was quickly cornered by an accumulation of physical and visual evidence.

Israel’s usual denials – the deaths were faked, video footage was doctored, Israeli soldiers were not responsible, the youths provoked the soldiers, no live ammunition was used – have been discredited one by one. Slowly Israel conceded responsibility, if only by falling into a grudging silence.

Murder on film

A CCTV camera mounted on the outer wall of a carpentry shop provided the most darning evidence: it captured the moments when the two unarmed boys were each hit with a live round, in one case as the youth can be seen walking away from the protest area (see video below).

But rather than come to terms with the world as it now is, Israel wants to preserve the way it once was. It believes that through force of will it can keep the tide of accountability at bay in the occupied territories.

There has been no admission of guilt, no search for the guilty soldiers and no reassessment of its policies on crowd control or the use of live fire – let alone on the continuation of the occupation. Instead, 20 soldiers arrived last week at the store in Beitunia, threatened to burn it down, arrested the owner, Fakher Zayed, and ordered he remove the camera that caused so much embarrassment.

According to Israel, the fault lies not with a society where teenage soldiers can choose to swat a Palestinian child as casually as a fly. The problem is with a Palestinian storekeeper, who assumed he could join the modern world.


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/14 at 06:21:50

Again Rat; simple solution: Palestinians simply quit kidnaping people, launching rockets and strapping bombs to kids. Actually try living in the real world, contribute to the world and pull your standard of living slightly above the level of poop floating in a toilet. The ENTIRE solution is in their own hands. They sure as hell don't need anymore people like you egging their fight on.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/14 at 06:25:56

So now all the cool kids have decided Israel is a bully state that should no longer be eligible for international investment because of its so-called oppression of the Palestinians.

The Divest Israel campaign has captured the zeal of the cultural and academic elite, who place a Jewish State borne out of the Holocaust in the same category as apartheid South Africa. They want Israelis marginalized as once were the Afrikaners.

Last week at its convention in Detroit, a committee of the Presbyterian church voted to request a boycott of three American companies who supply material and technology to the Israeli Army.

Outside Cobo Center, where the church was meeting, a line of well-heeled protesters held signs condemning Israel and touting the divestment movement. The demonstrators included one young man wearing a yarmulke and a t-shirt that read, “Another Jew for Divestment.” Nice touch.

What is it they want Americans to divest from? A rare, functioning Middle East democracy that operates under the rule of law and treats all its citizens — men, women, Arab, Jew — with justice and respect.

A nation enduring an average of nearly one rocket attack a day launched by Palestinian militants and their supporters; many of those rockets are targeted at schools and residential neighborhoods.

A nation forced by an international community that purports not to negotiate with terrorists to sit across the bargaining table with those who have slaughtered their children in vicious terrorist strikes.

A nation surrounded by neighbors who are pledged to its extermination, and yet is blamed for all of the instability and unrest in its region.

And still under today’s bizarre hierarchy of victimhood, it’s the Palestinians who wear the mantle of the oppressed.

Israel is blamed for the stagnant peace process, even though the Palestinians have repeatedly broken the conditions established for resuming talks, most recently by forming a unity government with Hamas, the terrorist group that controls Gaza — the primary launching pad for those rockets.

Even the United States, supposedly Israel’s best friend, is ignoring its own law against providing support for any nation that aligns with terrorists by continuing to fund the Palestinian Authority to the tune of $440 million this year. With Hamas in the PA fold, that’s a direct subsidy of terror.

The Palestinians pioneered and perfected terrorism as a means of gaining political leverage. They’ve strapped bombs to their own young people and sent them forward to murder other young people. And for this they’ve been given a seat at the table, where they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the right of the Jewish state to exist.

Israel has provided a substantial return on international investments in the form of cutting edge technology and lifesaving biomedical breakthroughs.

The Palestinians have taken the money the world has given them and used it to fund hate and violence.

Maybe we should divest in them.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/29/14 at 06:59:17

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
Again Rat; simple solution: Palestinians simply quit kidnaping people, launching rockets and strapping bombs to kids. Actually try living in the real world, contribute to the world and pull your standard of living slightly above the level of poop floating in a toilet. The ENTIRE solution is in their own hands. They sure as hell don't need anymore people like you egging their fight on.
Well Mr. propaganda parrot, see if you can spot the real terrorists in this article:

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/14 at 07:14:11

Rat, this entire episode is yet one of thousands that all have the same origin. If the Palestinians just quit trying to kill people and tended to the needs of establishing their own identity, their own nation,  none of this would happen. Simple bottom line for this problem to go away: if the Palestinians stop trying to kill Jews, peace will follow. It's ALWAYS the  Palestinians  that break peace, always.  

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/29/14 at 08:15:16

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
A nation enduring an average of nearly one rocket attack a day launched by Palestinian militants and their supporters; many of those rockets are targeted at schools and residential neighborhoods.

Have you ever bothered to ask yourself this most important question, "Who Benefits?"
These rocket attacks always give Israel an excuse to use force in retaliation.....YIPPEEE! for the IDF!!!! Really a sucky situation for the oppressed.  Now let's consider the rockets. The don't seem to explode when they land.... the stick in the ground. So people that have their land stolen, houses either stolen if an Israeli wants it, or knocked down if it isn't nice enough to steal, people that have their crops and trees destroyed so they can't earn a living....people that have their water contaminated with Israel sewage....people that are routinely beaten and harassed in hopes they will just up a go to some far away country because they are in the way of the expansion of Greater Yisreal.....people that are shot while in captivity by the you say it is these people that are going to shoot basically what amounts to bottle rockets in order to bring extreme pain on themselves by the people that specialize in false flag deception....rockets that never seem to hit anything of importance....... and what became of the billion$ that the United States spent on a sophisticated missile defense system?

Of course the Israel media always seem to have proof that Hamas is guilty almost immediately after these bottle rocket attacks.....the proof comes from photos of scarey looking Arabs launching these pretty painted rockets that become rust buckets before they land......good thing the "terrorists" are nice enough to supply pictures.

Retaliation from the zionists is always swift and fierce...


........BUT I am certain Bibi Satanyahoo and his Fourth Reich ZioNazi's would be happy to know that you are a big fan of them and support collective punishment....(a war crime!)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/14 at 15:48:02

Okay, so your dog in this fight is that this is all being perpetrated by the US military machine interested only in keeping this conflict going?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/29/14 at 18:37:09

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
Okay, so your dog in this fight is that this is all being perpetrated by the US military machine interested only in keeping this conflict going?

........your response proves that you:
1. Do not read what others post... or.....
2. Have no grasp on reality... or.....
2. Both of the above.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/14 at 05:24:45

That's a bit harsh Rat.....especially so since it's not close to being true.
1) I read your post
2) grasp on reality? Rat, you posted a video a 9/11 hoax video a 3rd grader could spot as fake. You think it's feasible "Mission Impossible" style plastic surgery was used so "undead" 9/11 plane victim Barbara Olsen could rejoin her husband under a different identity.

I'm going to go out on a lime here and say when it comes to recognizing reality, you might want to check with so some other than yourself.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/30/14 at 06:17:27

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
That's a bit harsh Rat.....especially so since it's not close to being true.
1) I read your post
2) grasp on reality? Rat, you posted a video a 9/11 hoax video a 3rd grader could spot as fake. You think it's feasible "Mission Impossible" style plastic surgery was used so "undead" 9/11 plane victim Barbara Olsen could rejoin her husband under a different identity.

I'm going to go out on a lime here and say when it comes to recognizing reality, you might want to check with so some other than yourself.

There you go just said nothing that relates to the subject of this thread or even to defend how your statement about the US military machine interested only in keeping this conflict going had anything to do with anything I said. You just attempt to change the subject because you are thought challenged. Yes I posted a 9/11 video that turned out to be fake and I removed it and apologized as soon as I found out. That was a long time ago on a thread that was controversial and was “accidently” erased and flushed down the memory hole. BUT now that video that showed flashes in the windows of Building seven has become your only armory is really quite pathetic.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/14 at 07:40:16

All you do is show photos of grieving Palestinians  who in fact started this mess and continue this mess.  

My point has always been there is only one side who can stop this instantly and that's the Palestinians. All they have to do is stop trying to take over Israel and build their own country. That's it; that's all they have to do.
(actually, if Israel wanted and if they had the same blood thirsty habits the Palestinians have, they could end this tomorrow too.....)

The video is not the thing per se Rat. Sure, anyone can fall for a hoax but in this case, part of the hoax was that a camera was found lying around for 10 years that just happened to have a film in it that you desperately needed to prove your conspiracy. Reality check; that's a bit too convenient isn't it. A hoax video put up shortly after the event is one thing, but out of a camera lying around for 10 years and that didn't raise you alarms?

But you didn't mention you actually told me that plastic surgery was a possible explanation for Ted Olson not being sufficiently mournful over his wife's death because in reality, she assumed the identity of someone else and 'remarried' Ted after plastic surgery.

sorry dude but that pretty much removes you from the pool of those of us in reality.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/30/14 at 08:54:34

615354454253447B57445D360 wrote:
All you do is show photos of grieving Palestinians  who in fact started this mess and continue this mess.  

So you are claiming that in 1948 the Palestinians invaded a country already occupied by Ashkenazi Khazarians, then started a Nakba, (ethnic cleansing). These Palestinians attacked the current long standing resident Khazarians in cities and villages throughout Palestine. Now to justify their evil actions, the Palestinians claim to be eternal victims and everybody always is picking on them for no reason and they claim to be the chosen favorite pets of the invisible playmate in the sky and if you say anything bad about then you are anti cement or some such BS......yeah sure they started it.....NOT!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/30/14 at 08:59:43

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
My point has always been there is only one side who can stop this instantly and that's the Palestinians. All they have to do is stop trying to take over Israel and build their own country. That's it; that's all they have to do.

Take over Israel???? really are delusional and history challenged.

where is Israel on this 1849 map?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/30/14 at 09:07:38

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
sorry dude but that pretty much removes you from the pool of those of us in reality.

Thank goodness I am not part of the concept that you consider "reality"!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/14 at 12:44:11

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found

well, the $hit's gonna hit the fan now.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/01/14 at 13:25:34

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found

well, the $hit's gonna hit the fan now.

Calm down Webster, I already know that you approve of collective punishment  (a war crime and israel’s official policy of harming the innocent)…..but you seem to be orgasmic about it.

In the past two weeks in occupied Palestine, the three Israeli settler teens disappeared and were killed. Also in the same 2 weeks 10 Palestinians (including a 7 and 15 year old) were killed. Dozens of Palestinian homes were demolished in the past two weeks. Over 570 more Palestinians were kidnapped in these two weeks making more than 6000 abducted Palestians languishing in Israeli gulags. 1500 Palestinian homes invaded without due process. 12 million native Palestinians still await their freedom from colonial occupation and displacement. And Israeli leaders are promising to “do more” revenge.

Satanyahu and his government have shamelessly exploited the disappearance of the settler boys to break up the tentative steps by Hamas and the Fatah organization of Palestinian Authority President Mamoud Abbas toward forming a “national unity” government, ahead of elections next year. The agreement, struck in April and signed on June 1, was intended to end the current division of the Palestinian territories between the Hamas-controlled Gaza and Fatah-controlled West Bank.

Satanyahoo does not want peace, he wants their land……. So in April, Satanyahoo cancelled negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on the grounds that Hamas refuses to officially recognize Israel …….but Israel refuses to define its borders….so any recognition now would be recognizing a state without borders…..a state that fully intends to expand and absorb all Palestinian land (a country that was already there to begin with). Well, Satanyahoo states that there will never be a 2 state solution….the Palestinians must either leave or be subject to continuing brutality.

Satanyahoo has not provided any proof that the killings were done by Hamas or the Palestinian Authority….or anybody…..they are merely guilty by accusation…….but of coarse that is good enough for a rabid Zionist like you…..right Webster?

It matters not to you or Satanyahoo that HAMAS.....which was created by Israel ......has in fact denied any connection to the three teens. The reality is that actually makes sense when you think about it. After all, HAMAS and FATAH need world support for their new unity government. A stunt like kidnapping and killing three teenagers destroys the very public support the unity government needs. This is clearly something HAMAS is not going to do, but of course is perfect for Israel to do. Then Israel gets to attack HAMAS……and all of Palestine.....which allows Satanyahoo to fulfil his promise to wreck the unity government. .....I ask you again......WHO BENEFITS?????

Would the Israeli government kill to get its way????......... yes…..remember  the Lavon affair, and Israel's attack on the USS Liberty. In both cases, Israel tried to frame Egypt for actions carried out by Israel. On the basis of that history alone, prudence demands skepticism of Israel's claims.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Pine on 07/01/14 at 20:01:23

I have never been hypnotized... but I did drool a bit when Bo Derek walked by...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 07/02/14 at 01:32:01

11282F24352E33410 wrote:
I have never been hypnotized... but I did drool a bit when Bo Derek walked by...

;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 07/02/14 at 01:52:14

A rare, functioning Middle East democracy that operates under the rule of law and treats all its citizens — men, women, Arab, Jew — with justice and respect.

Webstermark, allow me to say this "rare, functioning Middle eastern democracy" is such only if...

a) you are an Israeli Jew,
b) hold a US/Canadian passport,
c) hold a European passport
you weren't born in the Middle East.

Case Study #1:

Dr. Mariam Patricia David, born in Beirut (hence, clearly NOT Jewish) and EU Citizen, visits family in Lebanon (a nation torn between civil wars started by external belligerents) and two years later wants to visit the US with the family.
Her ticket and immigration clearance are approved and she flies happily from Rome to Amsterdam, where she is detained by US Immigration officials for interrogation (in the Netherlands? WTF???) for four hours before being released...
... only after her husband called the Italian Embassy for assistance.
Why ? Oh, she must clearly be a terrorist...

Case Study #2:

Dr. Nawal Christiane David, born in Beirut (hence, clearly NOT Jewish) and EU Citizen, flies in from Luxemburg, where she holds a top position with Hewlett pakard, to Israel for a business meeting with the local branch:
she is detained and interrogated for 8 hours.
Why ? Oh, she must clearly be a terrorist...

Case Study #3 :

Ms. Marie Antoinette David, b. 1935, worked as an Admin Assistant at the Caritas Children's Hospital in Bethlehem all her life, never married, and is now retired. She suffers an eye ailment and requires medical treatment.
Everytime she boards the bus to ride to Jerusalem (a 15 minute ride if you're Jewish) she is stopped at the "international boundary checkpoint" (???) and withheld until it is clearly too late to make it to hospital.
Why ? Oh, she must clearly be a terrorist...
She is now in Italy hoping to save at least the other eye, as one is already completely blind.

These case studies are absolutely true, and describe real-life incidents by a) my wife, b) my sister-in-law, c) my father-in-Law's younger sister (who is now age 79...)

Not once, I say, not once since 1946 have Christian Palestinians ever been involved with PLO terrorism, or with Al-Fatah or with Hamas.

So... why persecute Christian Palestinians ?  :-X

The day Israel will provide a credible answer, I will be happy to consider it.

Until then, Webstermark, Israel IS guilty of apartheid. And the US ... IS behaving like Israel's puppet state.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/14 at 04:08:41

No one persecuted those three people. "Persecuted"? Really? That's what you're going with? That's your definition of persecution?

They unfortunately got entangled by a security system trying to stop certain individuals such as suicide bombers who try to blend in and look normal.

I traveled not long after 9/11 and got pulled out of lines for extended searches. My colleague at the time (born  and raised in Illinois) had a dark complexion,and a naturally sinister look.  (We nicknamed him Charlie Manson) he missed a few flights because he was checked especially close. He didn't consider himself persecuted and I don't either. But my guess is us midwest boys are a bit more worldly than your snobby family. I think we see the bigger picture better.

Whose fault was it really that this "persecution" (still cracks me up you think that's persecution....) happened to them? Muslim fanatics. You figure out a way to stop them, go ahead.... Put yourself in the shoes of Israel and tell me how you stop maniacs from walking into a pizza parlor with a bomb strapped on them....

And to use the word apartheid as a description for Israel is both pathetic and disgusting. You use that word as an attempt to compare the methods Israel uses to protect itself to South Africa's brutality against blacks. F'd up man, that's f'd up.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/02/14 at 05:08:22

794B4C5D5A4B5C634F5C452E0 wrote:
had a dark complexion,and a naturally sinister look.

Figures that you would 'judge a book by it's cover' .

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/02/14 at 05:10:18

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
But my guess is us midwest boys are a bit more worldly than your snobby family.

Conceited are we????

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/02/14 at 05:11:49

4B797E6F68796E517D6E771C0 wrote:
I think we see the bigger picture better.

Conceited??? ..............most definitely!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/02/14 at 06:03:43

7A484F5E59485F604C5F462D0 wrote:
And to use the word apartheid as a description for Israel is both pathetic and disgusting.

Apartheid is an appropriate term. Israel makes no attempt to hide it's claim that it is a "Jewish State"........anybody else is a lesser person. If you are an Ethiopian Jew (dark skin)....then you are still a lesser person, even if you practice Judaism to a tee.......Yes racist apartheid is correct.
"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov

"We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs and we are building here a Hebrew, a Jewish state; instead of the Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You even do not know the names of those villages, and I do not blame you because these villages no longer exist. There is not a single Jewish settlement that was not established in the place of a former Arab Village." ­ Moshe Dyan, March 19, 1969, speech at the Technion in Haifa, quoted in Ha'aretz, April 4, 1969.

" The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig,

"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969

Ben Gurion also warned in 1948 : "We must do everything to insure they ( the Palestinians) never do return." Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. "The old will die and the young will forget."

"We must do everything to ensure they (the Palestinian refugees) never do return" David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948

"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'" -Yitzhak Rabin

"We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist... There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969

"We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters" Uri Lubrani, PM Ben-Gurion's special adviser on Arab Affairs, 1960.

"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism,colonization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands." Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.

"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them." Ariel Sharon

"We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not...You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world." - Chaim Weizmann, Published in "Judische Rundschau," No. 4, 1920

"It is essential that the sufferings of Jews. . . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends" - Theodor Herzl - modern founder of Zionism

On November 10, 1975 the United Nations General Assembly adopted, by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), Resolution 3379, which stated that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."

However, on 16 December 1991, it was rescinded by Resolution 4686, with a vote of 111 to 25 (with 13 abstentions). The resolution 4686 was acheived under a severe pressure from US and Israel. Israel made it a condition to participate in the Peace process in the Middle East.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/14 at 07:08:45

The only way to be correct, to even have Hope of it, is to challenge every belief we hold. Those attitudes that we carry that were instilled by dad or society ,like,say,Israel good, really need a close look.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/14 at 08:36:04

Apartheid is an appropriate term. Israel makes no attempt to hide it's claim that it is a "Jewish State"........anybody else is a lesser person. If you are an Ethiopian Jew (dark skin)....then you are still a lesser person, even if you practice Judaism to a tee.......Yes racist apartheid is correct.

That's just the stupidest thing have no idea what you're talking about.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/14 at 08:45:12

The parallels are easily observed. Note my other post , study the WHY of your thinking. Realize we Got here with grandparents and parents reading papers, watching news, Trying to make good decisions.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/02/14 at 13:08:55

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
That's just the stupidest thing have no idea what you're talking about.

Why is it stupid??? ....explain yourself.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/14 at 16:24:47

It's stupid because it is in conflict with the whole mystique that surrounds Israel. Just as the mere suggestion that America may not really Be the Land of the free and home of the brave was before it became undeniably obvious. Just as it was STUPID to believe the Bilderbergers exist was when I started talking about them...  Now, everyone knows they exist,but they're just a sewing circle. CoffCoff.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/14 at 17:46:36

No, it's stupid because it is false and over the top, a product of an imagination that sees patterns in randomness. Jog and Rat both take a pair of scissors to make puzzle pieces fit the picture already in their head.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/02/14 at 20:44:09

162423323524330C20332A410 wrote:
No, it's stupid because it is false and over the top, a product of an imagination that sees patterns in randomness. Jog and Rat both take a pair of scissors to make puzzle pieces fit the picture already in their head.

You are making accusations without any offering proof.

You are just in can not prove that Israel is not an apartheid have been brainwashed in to believing that Israel is something religiously holy and the current occupiers are creatures from biblical times and are "chosen" by your fantasy deity..........
Well I am here to set you straight.......You can thank Allah/Moloch/RA/Thor/Apollo/Horus/Amen/Amon/Amun/Isis/Neptune/Buddha/
Shiva/Dionysos/Zeus Katakhthonios.......whatever for that ......because any god that would choose war loving apartheid zionists for its favorite pets isn't worthy of worship.

The zionists would consider you a useful idiot......a goyim. You remind me of John Hagee, the founder of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas and creator of Christians United for Israel ........a fanatic cheer leader for zionist evil.....(send money.....his life style requires millions!)

You do subscribe to the belief that  Israel must get whacked with a case of the armageddon blues in order for a zombie Jesus to comeback from the heavenly side of the twilight zone....don't you? Hagee is a mega christian zionist cult leader ..... and a warrior for Rambo Christ........ a Christian rabbi for the synagogue of Satan. Hagee teaches creation science.... creation ex nihilo.......that's what you believe isn't it?

Gam-bakakasha..... Umm-harakashaka...... do speak in tongues ..... don't you??  Maybe you should try might get lucky and say something that actually makes sense for once.......can I get an amen?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/14 at 05:04:05

Mark doesn't need to Prove its not,just explain why the comparison is faulty.
Who doesn't know there is a great difference between the minds and hearts of the people of a country and the leaders?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/03/14 at 05:32:36

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
Mark doesn't need to Prove its not,just explain why the comparison is faulty.
Who doesn't know there is a great difference between the minds and hearts of the people of a country and the leaders?

I'm sure that there are some Israeli's that do not agree with the rabid leadership of Satanyahoo and the Zionist Sideshow Murder Circus, but reading the comment sections of Israeli newspapers show that they seem to be a minority.  The Israeli press is as controlled as the US media. Many of the Israeli commenters display fanatical levels of hatred and Klingon like lust for blood.  If the media in both countries were free to speak truthfully without being propaganda tools of the two enities pretending to be governments, people including Webster would have a much different perspective.

Yes, I do want to read what Webster has to Webster, why is Israel not an apartheid state?....what proof do you have to offer that supports your statement?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/03/14 at 09:39:35


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/03/14 at 10:21:28

Revenge of the Chosenites

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament]

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/14 at 19:44:45

That opinion applies to us.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/14 at 04:30:40

I'm calling bu!!$hit on that quote Rat.... I think you've been duped again. You're gonna need to prove that is real.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/05/14 at 05:14:06

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
I'm calling bu!!$hit on that quote Rat.... I think you've been duped again. You're gonna need to prove that is real.

Which quote? ........the Menachem Begin in a Hebrew speech to the Knesset??????
......that quote has been widely reported ..... of course zionists do try to deny they always do......Why did Begin refrain or offer his own explanation or definitive denial???? .....just silence.....

.....of interest .......

Your turn.....

..........I am waiting for you to back up your statement that Israel is not an apartheid me some proof.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/14 at 07:14:59

Mark,the attitudes are really there. That's a FOR REAL deal. It's part of the religion. They are able to lie ,cheat and steal and be blessed by it.
If YOU didn't come to YOUR understanding of Israel by digging into it, if you Learned what your opinion is built on through just casual observation then you're like everyone're just one more guy,subtly duped. Just like all the others who believe that the Federal reserve IS Federal. .  Man,that's no slap at you. The media,schools, everywhere,,, it's all proisrael,,so, it takes a real effort to develop an attitude other than that.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/14 at 20:11:38

Rat, Begin did not say that. You are predisposed to believe things that are so obviously not true.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/14 at 06:06:08

Apartheid is almost universally associated with South Africa.  Your attempt to link two dissimilar events having nothing to do with one another is a typical practice of yours as I learned over and over when we discussed 9/11.

Were Black South Africans lobbing rockets across the border? Were they strapping bombs to children and to the mentally handicapped with instructions to head to populated areas? Did Black South Africans reject peace offer after peace offer by more terror? I could go on and on, but why? I can predict your response already.

You hate Israel with a hatred that you really can’t define anyway, it’s disturbing. There is no logic to your hatred. I feel like I might open a newspaper and see you in cuffs. So I’m done with this particular thread for the good of all. Post whatever you want, I won’t read it or respond and I hope no one else does either, but to each his own. I’ll not bring this topic up again for fear of throwing another log on your already bright fire.

To quote Rooster Cogburn (the new version); I bow out.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/14 at 06:09:01

596B6C7D7A6B7C436F7C650E0 wrote:
Rat, Begin did not say that. You are predisposed to believe things that are so obviously not true.

No, you are predisposed to defend zionists with a mere statement without any proof. just as the other commentators that try to defend Menachem Begin by saying that he did not make the statement… or no one else can translate what he meant to say. He said it to his Knesset…..other Zionists that shared his views.

I am not sorry to burst your bubble….but the Zionists are the worst scum parasites pretending to be human on Earth.  You live in a fantasy matrix build by propaganda designed to hide the evils of Zionism, designed to portray Jews in general as poor hapless victims, remember the holohaux……DO NOT EVER FORGET……SEND $$$’s…… look…..we have movies, books, museums…….. SEND MORE $$$’s……….we are god’s chosenites……..SEND more money…..and weapon’s………..what’s with this measly eight and a half million dollars every dam day??……… send MORE!....Just ignore the Glenn Act and the Symington Amendment.....REMEMBER, we are gods chosen and therefore you should send more…….and weapons….we have lots of neighbors we hate and have to kill……don’t forget the Nazis…….Send more money………We are a Democracy…anyone can vote in our elections….well anyone that is a Caucasian Jew that is….. We have special license plates for Caucasian Jews so they are allowed to drive on the nicer paved roads……… did I mention Iran?..... They are going to build a nuke……go kill them for us…..and kill all the Arabs for us…..did I mention that god loves us the best…..WHAT?....ignore DNA and history…..we really are Israelites……Did I mention Nazis yet?????......SEND MONEY……and on and on and on………

Was Menachem Begin the only one to display such an opinion? No…..See Reply #97…or Google “Zionist quotes”……… but whatever you do…….DO NOT SEARCH “Satanic Verses Of The Talmud “ ……that is forbidden knowledge for goyim such as yourself.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/14 at 06:13:31

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
Apartheid is almost universally associated with South Africa.  Your attempt to link two dissimilar events having nothing to do with one another is a typical practice of yours as I learned over and over when we discussed 9/11.

To quote Rooster Cogburn (the new version); I bow out.

Apartheid is not inclusive to South Africa… happens in other places, including the United States and in Palestine.
You are not “Bowing Out” if you refuse to defend your pro-zionist opinions….You are Chickening Out.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/14 at 06:25:37

576562737465724D61726B000 wrote:
Were Black South Africans lobbing rockets across the border? Were they strapping bombs to children and to the mentally handicapped with instructions to head to populated areas? Did Black South Africans reject peace offer after peace offer by more terror? I could go on and on, but why? I can predict your response already.

Please go on and on……. I really do enjoy reading your views.

So tell me, if a foreign invader occupied the town, state, country you lived in, and that foreign invader was was well armed and had dis-armed you and your people, then this well armed foreign invader beat you regularly, killed members of your family, friends and neighbors, bulldozed your homes to the ground…..tell me Mr. Mark Webster that you would not seek ways to fight back…..would you? ....probably not... no you would get on your knees, fold your hands and ask the imaginary man in the sky to forgive them for their trespasses and to forgive you for any doubts that you may have been thinking when his favorite pets were kicking the crap out of you.

All the so called 'peace offers' made by the zionists have insisted that the Palestinians except that Israel is a "Jewish State".... that means an apartheid state that excludes them. The zionist 'peace offers' insist that the original inhabitants, the Palestinians except a foreign invader under terms that do not define Israels borders…..that means no matter what, the zionists are free to take whatever Palestinian territory they desire in the future until none remains.......such a deal! NOT!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/14 at 06:32:46

457770616677605F736079120 wrote:
You hate Israel with a hatred that you really can’t define anyway, it’s disturbing. There is no logic to your hatred. I feel like I might open a newspaper and see you in cuffs. So I’m done with this particular thread for the good of all. Post whatever you want, I won’t read it or respond and I hope no one else does either, but to each his own. I’ll not bring this topic up again for fear of throwing another log on your already bright fire.

I can define my logical hatred for Israel…….I hate the Zionist government. I hate a people that have long term plans to dominate the world. I hate these people that believe themselves to be godlike……you see, I don’t worry about threats from imaginary gods…..but these monsters do exist.

…….caught ya……you are reading this.....BTW, are you happy that you are paying a tax to the zionists for nearly all the food you eat?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/14 at 07:40:06

Israel police beat American teen

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/14 at 10:39:47

Mark has yet to be able to make the distinction between Zionist and Jew. Apparently he didn't take my prompting to study his opinion to see from whence it came. He exhibits the same behavior as the TAUGHT By society crowd.
Knowledge is basically painless.Mark. Getchya some,man
We will share what we have.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/14 at 14:17:54

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
Mark has yet to be able to make the distinction between Zionist and Jew. Apparently he didn't take my prompting to study his opinion to see from whence it came. He exhibits the same behavior as the TAUGHT By society crowd.
Knowledge is basically painless.Mark. Getchya some,man
We will share what we have.
When your head is in the sand.......and your mind has been zio-programmed..............dam the facts...... all you can do is state the other person is wrong.........wash....rinse.....repeat....then retreat.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/07/14 at 09:27:46

Ads Against Apartheid ‘ONE WORD’ ad campaign launched in Boston

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/08/14 at 15:37:14

 People, coming to a, ‘New’, country.
 North America.  Settling in. Deciding it is their, ’new’, home.
Displacing  the, ’Native’ Americans,  called,  “Savage Indians”.
Fighting, many, YEARS, of disputes. Creating a, Calvary,  to,
Dispel, Calm, Subdue, etc., the, ’Savage Indians'.
Forming, ‘home guards’.  Making Forts.
And, ‘Clamming land’,  Not just from Indians, but from,
Mexico, Spain, England, France, etc..

How is that different, than:


And, a list of names, from long before that.  And a list of names, after that.  And a list of names, going into the future?
It is NO, different than the, Israel/Palestine conflict.

What is ‘different’ ????  Both of those, ’sides’,
Get,  YOUR MONEY.  !!!!!!!
STOP,  ‘YOUR’, money from going to  BOTH, sides.
And let, them, sort it out.

Gee, how long did it take for, ’North America’, to get sorted out. ?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/08/14 at 15:53:13

4764597A7863646D0A0 wrote:
 People, coming to a, ‘New’, country.
 North America.  Settling in. Deciding it is their, ’new’, home.
Displacing  the, ’Native’ Americans,  called,  “Savage Indians”.
Fighting, many, YEARS, of disputes. Creating a, Calvary,  to,
Dispel, Calm, Subdue, etc., the, ’Savage Indians'.
Forming, ‘home guards’.  Making Forts.
And, ‘Clamming land’,  Not just from Indians, but from,
Mexico, Spain, England, France, etc..

How is that different, than:


And, a list of names, from long before that.  And a list of names, after that.  And a list of names, going into the future?
It is NO, different than the, Israel/Palestine conflict.

What is ‘different’ ????  Both of those, ’sides’,
Get,  YOUR MONEY.  !!!!!!!
STOP,  ‘YOUR’, money from going to  BOTH, sides.
And let, them, sort it out.

Gee, how long did it take for, ’North America’, to get sorted out. ?

Are you trying to justify a wrong with other wrongs?  Do you believe that 2 (or more) wrongs actually make a right?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/08/14 at 16:03:33

0D2E133032292E27400 wrote:
It is NO, different than the, Israel/Palestine conflict.

What is ‘different’ ????  Both of those, ’sides’,
Get,  YOUR MONEY.  !!!!!!!
STOP,  ‘YOUR’, money from going to  BOTH, sides.
And let, them, sort it out.

The Israelis receive Billions of dollars in weapons from the US every year. The Palestinians receive no armament from the US.

The US government is littered with dual Israeli/American citizens that assist with policy making....there are zero Palestinian/Americans in the US government.

I am all for stopping money going to Israel for purposes of creating war and stealing land. The US should be spending it's money within the US borders on legal US citizens.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/08/14 at 16:04:21

Their is no,  'Wrong', to it.

If you believe in one way, or the other,
That is,  YOUR, Right !!!!!!

Then,  YOU, take money, out of, YOUR, Pocket.
So support the side you want to support.

DO   NOT,    EXPECT, ME, to take money out of MY  Pocket.
To support, YOUR, believes.

STOP,  taking, Money, (out of MY Pocket), to  BOTH, Sides !!!!!!!!!!!!
They, YOU can, can take money, out of  YOUR pocket,
And give it to, WHOEVER, YOU Want to !!!!!!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/08/14 at 16:09:02

794A5F4F444C7C424747424E2B0 wrote:
[quote author=0D2E133032292E27400 link=1386878892/120#123 date=1404859034]  ... The Palestinians receive no armament from the US.  ...  

In your world,  what color are your glasses ?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/08/14 at 16:16:04

If someone gives someone else, 'guns'.

And if that same person, gives someone else, 'money',
  (And thy 'buy' guns, with it)

How is that different ?

I, don't want to  "PAY", for ETHER !!!!!!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/08/14 at 16:16:44

1D3E032022393E37500 wrote:
[quote author=794A5F4F444C7C424747424E2B0 link=1386878892/120#125 date=1404860613][quote author=0D2E133032292E27400 link=1386878892/120#123 date=1404859034]  ... The Palestinians receive no armament from the US.  ...  

In your world,  what color are your glasses ?
Why do you ask?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/08/14 at 16:18:28

01221F3C3E25222B4C0 wrote:
If someone gives someone else, 'guns'.

And if that same person, gives someone else, 'money',
  (And thy 'buy' guns, with it)

How is that different ?

I, don't want to  "PAY", for ETHER !!!!!!
Read reply #125 ....last sentence.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/08/14 at 16:32:04

BOTH, ’sides’, have their head up their arse.

Both sides are, stubborn, and say:   “God is on MY Side”

Both sides, will NEVER solve this, until they put their *>#$&’S, in their pants, and   ‘REALLY” Talk !

I am saying.   I  and   TIRED, of,  PAYING, for BOTH sides to argue !!!!!!!

You, are  FREE, to,  Pay to what ever side you want.
Do NOT ask ME to pay for it !!!!!!!

And, yes, I agree, if the USA,  did, NOT, pay money,
to BOTH, sides. It could be spent, a  WHOLE lot Better, here.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/08/14 at 16:46:20

Ya know, if you wanted to,
‘Atone for the sins of your forefathers’.

You could really easily,  ’sign over the house/land, you own’.
to a American Indian Tribe.  (Pick one,  Probably several close)
I am sure they would be happy to have that  piece of land,
you have been paying on, ‘given’ to them,  
(So it is part of the, ’Sovereign Nations”, once called, ‘reservations’.
because you are atoning for the sins of your forefathers.

Again, POINT IS,  I do NOT want to PAY, for ETHER !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 07/09/14 at 01:54:18

183B0625273C3B32550 wrote:
 People, coming to a, ‘New’, country.
 North America.  Settling in. Deciding it is their, ’new’, home.
Displacing  the, ’Native’ Americans,  called,  “Savage Indians”.
Fighting, many, YEARS, of disputes. Creating a, Calvary,  to,
Dispel, Calm, Subdue, etc., the, ’Savage Indians'.
Forming, ‘home guards’.  Making Forts.
And, ‘Clamming land’,  Not just from Indians, but from,
Mexico, Spain, England, France, etc..

How is that different, than:

And, a list of names, from long before that.  And a list of names, after that.  And a list of names, going into the future?
It is NO, different than the, Israel/Palestine conflict.

What is ‘different’ ????  Both of those, ’sides’,
Get,  YOUR MONEY.  !!!!!!!
STOP,  ‘YOUR’, money from going to  BOTH, sides.
And let, them, sort it out.

Gee, how long did it take for, ’North America’, to get sorted out. ?

Hello MnSpring, I have read this post and do not understand your comparing Augustus Caesar, or Charlemagne, or Tuthmose... with the Israeli/Palestinian situaiton.
I will not comment the other famous laders because this is not an academic seminar.

The Romans expanded their dominions, but never displaced the inhabitants. Never. Not once.
Their motto was "you live your life, adore your gods, but pay MY TAXES and fight in MY ARMIES".
Adoration of the Emperor as such came very late in the Empire, there was no adoration of Octavian Augustus Caesar (the first Emperor in the days of Jesus)

Charlemagne was the elder of two  brothers, and when his father, King Pipin the Brief (of few words) died he left in his will that the Kingdom should be divided between his sons.
The result was that one strong and powerful kingdom was split into two smaller, more vulnerable entities.
King Charles was the only one to realize the danger and proposed to reunite, but was met with polite refulas by his brother. As was common in those days, war ensued and Charlemagne won.

Tuthmose... Egyptian King (Pharaoh was a greek word) warred against the Hittites and the Hurrites and other peoples of the North (i.e., anatolian highlends and presend-day Kurdistan) but did not "export" egyptians to the new lands.

The point is, only the anglosaxons followed the custom of warring against other peoples and exporting their own to settle the conquered lands, because England was, de facto, starving.
There is plenty of evidence of this in the occupation of Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
Why, the English even exported their own to the Falklands !!!

Fast forward to 1946.

After WW2, jews of all sorts of nationalities emigrate to Palestine in such quantities that they soon outnumber the native population.
One of the victorious nations of WW2 is only too happy to help with this emigration process... the Soviet Union.
One of the victorious nations of WW2 has a long history of not keeping promises and creating messes... the United Kingdom.
One of the victorious nations of WW2 was itself born of immigrants who outsted the natives using all sorts of tricks and tactics... the United States.
One of the victorious nations of WW2 was actually guilty of collaborationism with the Nazis during their military occupation... France

So it is obvious that, with France badly in need to launder its reputation and conscience, and the other three seeing the creation of Israel out of thin air as a win-win scenario,
the Jordanian Province of Cis-Jordan (i.e., from the West Bank of the river Jordan to the sea) was destined to a a hopeless invasion.

Now... imagine... the Navaho/Sioux/Cherokee (your favorite here) Nation discover their reservation hides the world's only vein of molecular unobtanium, and strike it rich... incredibly rich, that they strike a deal with the the rich investment bankers in China and India and Brazil and Russia (who cares for Wall Str.? It's too volatile anyway...)

Imagine they strike it so rich they hold the international stock market by the balls...

Imagine they become so powerful they demand their lands back - and China, Brazil, India all second their motion...

Would YOU protest ? After all, your family has been living there for how many generations... ?


On what ground can "Israel" claim to have a right to return to "Palestine" (or Canaan, if you will) when the last sovereign government of the Kingdom of Judah is quoted in the Old Testament and was contemporary to Sparta, before both were conquered by the Romans ? (Read the four Books of maccabees as a historical source)

On what ground can "Israel" claim to have a right to return to "Palestine" (or Canaan, if you will) when the "famous, glorious and powerful" Davidid Dinasty lasted a mere three generations ?
(David, Solomon and Roboam)

On what ground can "Israel" claim to have a right to return to "Palestine" (or Canaan, if you will) when the above mentioned Kingdom is dwarfed by the duration of Roman presence, Crusader presence, not to mention Turkish rule from 1520 to 1920?

It's too late to go back now, there's no turning back.

But just as the Old Testament clearly describes Jewish Kingdoms to be short lived and established through war, and through war disbanded, so I believe that the day when the USA will not have the funds, Israel will have to start thinking "Peace" very, very quickly, or quite simply starve and whither.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/09/14 at 04:55:00

DicE magazine weighs in...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/09/14 at 06:29:14

And now a message from one of the Sponsors.....

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by old_rider on 07/09/14 at 15:28:30

I've heard worse from drunkin' rednecks.....
Everyone seems to think the land belongs to them, and probably did at one time or the other over the last 3 thousand years.
Who held it the longest? Conflict there too...... seeing as most written records are illegible or cannot be interpreted correctly, after all, who can read all hieroglyphs without error? or stone carvings? or all ancient writings?
If you didn't grow up there you probably are not even close to being able to say what exactly is happening between the different ethnic groups over there, just guessing as to what reports are coming out, and each side gives a different story to make it look like they are right.
Crap has been going on sooo long and we are just adding fuel to the bon-fire.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/09/14 at 18:47:12

To: Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.

  I don’t understand, why you don’t understand.

Point is, and AGAIN, I say, (Which you are NOT listening)
I,  do NOT want to PAY  for it !!!!!!!!

Just have to comment on two of the outrageous assumptions you have made.

You Said:
…but pay MY TAXES and fight in MY ARMIES…

And when the,  CONQUERING, Emperor/self exclaimed God/King/Conqueror, Does, NOT,
get their  outrageously inflated, ’Taxes’,
(Which the, ‘collectors’, took 1/3 of),
Then what happens  ?????

You said:
… Imagine they strike it so rich….  
(They have already done this, It’s called,  ‘CASINOS” )
Which are, COMPLETELY,  Different rules than the ones in, Las Vegas.
 (Seeing as how they are a, ’Sovereign Nation”,  NOT bound by USA rules).

… Imagine they become so powerful they demand their lands back…
(Already Doing that !)

…Would YOU protest ?…  
(Already am, with Thousands of other people).  
  BUT I don’t,   Shoot or Bomb, anyone  !!!!
And, when a piece of land is worth, 50,000.00, and the Indians pay 250,000.00, people sell.

Point is, and AGAIN, I say, (Which you are NOT listening)
I,  do NOT want to PAY  for it !!!!!!!!

Let, THEM, ’Stand up to the plate’, and sort it out.

BUT, as long as they,  BOTH,  get money, it will go on !

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 07/11/14 at 02:16:44

...which leads me to understand you, too, will one day sell...

Anyway, the Navajo/Sioux/whatever Nation is "Nation" only in its own words.

They will never be acknowledged the right to print their own money, have their own Army, and print their own Passports.
They will never be acknowledged as a Nation with its own sovereign territory and its own sovereign legislative powers by the USA, not to mention the UN.

YOU (the USA) claim such right, to the point that (I have read) some Reservations were "invaded" by the IRS and other "tax-related LEOs" because of Casino regulations.

That is why I used the Palestine/ Navajo example.

However, you ARE correct when you say "as long as there's money to be made, the conflict will continue".

But you should read a little more history. In ancient times, defeated Populations were seldom deported or cleansed.
The Gospels and Acts of the Apostles are witness to this, there is no mention of "a Roman farmer ousting a local to seize his olive grove."
So why should the UK, the US defend Israel when the confiscate land after land piece and parcel from the Palestinians ?
Read books, not newspapers.
Palestinian terrorism is the reaction, not the cause.
And look up LEHI, STERN and IRGUN on Wikipedia.


The Irgun was a Zionist paramilitary group that operated in Mandate Palestine between 1931 and 1948... Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war.
The Irgun is also referred to as Etzel, an acronym of the Hebrew initials, or by the abbreviation IZL.

The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky.
"Every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state"

Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin Massacre, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948.

The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts. In particular the Irgun was branded a terrorist organisation by Britain, the 1946 Zionist Congress and the Jewish Agency. The Irgun believed that any means necessary to establish the Jewish State of Israel, including terrorism, was justifiable.

During the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine against the Mandatory Palestine, the militant Zionist group Irgun carried out 60 attacks against Palestinian Arabs and British soldiers. Irgun was described as a terrorist organization byThe New York Times, the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry, prominent world figures such as Winston Churchill and Jewish figures such as Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs describes it as "an underground organization." The New York Times at the time cited sources in an investigative piece which linked the Haganah paramilitary group to the Irgun terrorist attacks such as the King David Hotel bombing.

Irgun launched a series of attacks which lasted until the beginning of World War II. All told, Irgun attacks against Arab targets resulted in at least 250 Arab deaths during this period.
Following is a list of attacks resulting in death attributed to Irgun that took place during the 1930s. [omissis]
Irgun conducted at least 60 operations altogether during this period

The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party.
Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977


Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ch712]le[ch967]i]), commonly referred to in English as the Stern Gang, was a militant Zionist group founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in the British Mandate of Palestine.
Its avowed aim was forcibly evicting the British authorities from Palestine, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state

Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine. On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis. During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles". After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move it towards support of Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union. In 1944 Lehi officially declared its support for National Bolshevism.

Lehi and the Irgun were jointly responsible for the massacre in Deir Yassin. Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine. On May 29, 1948, the government of Israel, having inducted its activists members into the Tzahal, formally disbanded Lehi, though some of its members carried out one more terrorist act, the assassination of Folke Bernadotte some months later, an act condemned by Bernadotte's replacement as mediator, Ralph Bunche. Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on 14 February 1949. In 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration in "award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel," the Lehi ribbon. Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.

...  ::) ...  :-? ...  :-X ...

Now go on and tell me those poor Israelis are a poor, peace-loving lot.

THEY started it decades before WW2 - against the British and the Palestinians - Christian Palestinians too.
They murdered Christian civilians for political reasons.
I can in no way defend them today.  :-X

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/11/14 at 04:51:30

The Bombing of the King David Hotel

Just like on 9/11/2001, they "documented" the event.

Another Bomb In Jerusalem: 91 DEAD

July 2, 1946: The King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed. Killing 91 people
Menachem Begin planned the destruction of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin. Ex prime minister, Shamir, was originally a member of the Jewish "terrorist" gang called Irgun, which was headed by none other than Menachem Begin. Shamir later moved over to the even more radical "Stern Gang," which committed many vicious atrocities.

     Shamir himself has defended the various assassinations committed by the Irgun and Stern gangs on the grounds that "it was the only way we could operate, because we were so small. So it was more efficient and more moral to go for selected targets." The selected moral targets in those early days of the founding of the state of Israel included bombing of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin.

     April 9, 1948: A combined force of Irgun and Stern Gangs committed a brutal massacre of 260 Arab residents of the village of Deir Yassin. Most of whom were women and children. The Israeli hordes even attacked the dead to satisfy their bestial tendencies. In April, 1954, during Holy Week, and on the eve of Easter, The Christian cemeteries in Haifa were invaded, crosses broken down and trampled under the feet of these miscreants, and the tombs desecrated. The Israeli military conquest, therefore was made against a defenseless people, who had been softened up by such earlier massacres as Deir Yasin {250 Arabs; men, women and children were massacred there}.

     The Jew, Weizman, referred to the massacre as this "miraculous simplification of our task" and Ben Gurion said "without Deir Yasin there would be no Israel." Americans are not told that 10% of the Arabs killed by the Israeli's in 1948 were Christian and that 10% of the Arab property confiscated belonged to Christians. Nor are they told the fact that Israel's massacres and military actions forced 100,000 Christians to become refugees.

Accounts by Red Cross and United Nations observers who visited the scene, said that the houses were first set on fire and the occupants were shot down as they came out to escape the flames. One pregnant woman had her baby cut out of her stomach with a knife. Reminiscent of the acts committed by their brother Jews in Russia during and after the Bolshevik {Jewish} take over. The head of the International Red Cross delegation in Palestine, Jacques de Reynier, drove into the village and was met by a detachment of Irgun terrorists. In his report of the massacre the previous night, he wrote: "All of them were young, some even adolescents, men and women armed to the teeth: revolvers, machine-guns, hand-grenades, and knives, most of them still blood-stained. A beautiful young girl with criminal eyes showed me hers {knife} still dripping with blood, she displayed it like a trophy."

     May 1948: The U.S. appointed Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden to mediate between the Arabs and the Israelis. In his first progress report (of Sept. 16, 1948) he recommended that the U.N. should affirm "the right of the Arab refugees to return to their homes in Jewish controlled territory at the earliest possible date." The Israelis responded in their own quiet way. The following day Bernadotte was murdered in Jerusalem.

     The spectacular assassination which caused an International outcry was claimed, the, by an unknown "Fatherland Front," but that was a cover for Shamir's Stern Gang. Yoshua Zeitler and Meshlam Markover of Stern told Israeli Television earlier this year {1989} that, they respectively directed and led the operation that killed the Swedish diplomat and his French aid-de-camp. Zeitler, 71, said he decided to speak now because of fear that the U.N. and the "goyim" {non-Jews} are again trying to force Israel into concessions.
more ..........

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/14 at 09:40:29

Unless you KNOW who actually did something,you just don't Know. I believe that more wars are started by false flag attack than anything else.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/12/14 at 08:36:38

US defends Israels right to "defend' itself

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/12/14 at 08:40:43

US media one defends Israel

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/12/14 at 08:45:41

Albert Einstein defends Palestine.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/13/14 at 10:36:59

23 second video message to the world from a Palestinian "terrorist"

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by raydawg on 07/13/14 at 10:54:35

Grab some popcorn rat, pour on extra butter.......

Enjoy the spectacle, it is a biblical epic unlike anything Hollywood can script or produce.

Care to guess the ending?  :-?

Hint: hate, even ones "justified" hate....begat hate. Total annihilation being the only fleshy repair...... even if one destroys himself in the process, his "goal" is accomplished, insanity buffers until the embers burn to nothing, extinguished forevermore     :-*

epilogue: accept destiny for what it is, or buffer yourself with reasoning that will never prove sustainable..... choose.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/13/14 at 13:56:42

70637B66637565020 wrote:

Care to guess the ending?  :-?

I don’t have to guess the ending. The Israelis will kill hundreds of innocent people and continue until the people of the world become sick of it and demand Israel cease. That will take longer than it should because of the one sided reporting, or should I say distortions by the media.  Dianne Sawyer reports on Israeli victims while actually showing Palestinians

The media never show the Palestinian victims and identifies them as Palestinians. Here is what some of them look like:


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/13/14 at 14:11:55

392A322F2A3C2C4B0 wrote:
Grab some popcorn rat, pour on extra butter.......

Enjoy the spectacle, it is a biblical epic unlike anything Hollywood can script or produce.

No thanks on the popcorn.......... I do not find the Israeli murders a source of entertainment as do these Israelis:



Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by raydawg on 07/13/14 at 14:55:42

1B283D2D262E1E202525202C490 wrote:
[quote author=392A322F2A3C2C4B0 link=1386878892/135#145 date=1405274075]Grab some popcorn rat, pour on extra butter.......

Enjoy the spectacle, it is a biblical epic unlike anything Hollywood can script or produce.

No thanks on the popcorn..........

Then please enjoy whatever it is you get from investing yourself into the troubles of the world, which, have been with us ever since man realized he could gain power over another by killing him....perhaps your quest of posting pictures will finally reach mankind to the folly of this idea, or not.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/14 at 15:15:35

“WORLD”   Peace  ??????

Never gonna happen.   Never !
Aline yourself with whichever side you believe in.

Even If, this,  ‘WORLD”, was invaded by, “Men from Mars”.
For a, ‘while’, people/tribes/countries/etc will put aside their differences.
And if successful, will,  ‘go back’ to the petty fighting.

It has happened since the, ‘Dawn of Man’
from one ‘cave man’, fighting the next, ’tribe’, for ‘rights', to the meat.

And it will,  Continue, to the future!  

The only thing, WE can do,  is Vote,
and Make SURE, the people that were, Voted for,
DO, what they were voted for.
To, Preserve, what,  WE, have now!

That is until, a, ’tribe’ from, ‘Alfa Centauri’,  Invade, this, World.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/14/14 at 03:40:06

45665B787A61666F080 wrote:
[...]It has happened since the, ‘Dawn of Man’
from one ‘cave man’, fighting the next, ’tribe’, for ‘rights', to the meat[...]

Is it natural for humans to make war? New study of tribal societies reveals conflict is an alien concept
Steve Connor, Science Editor, 18 July 2013
The Independent (UK)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/14 at 03:52:35

It's not difficult to see how a group would rather move on than risk loss AS LONG AS there are sufficient necessities for life available.That's using a small population as a model.And consider how leaders are chosen AND what determines their tenure.
After WWII we never Stopped building War Machines. People are getting Rich when we use them.
There's not a lot Natural about the state of the world now.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/15/14 at 20:11:58

The Gaza Bombardment - What You're Not Being Told
15.Jul.2014 | SCGSCG
The corporate media isn't just distorting the facts on the Gaza assault, they're flat out covering them up.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/15/14 at 20:19:30

American Tax Dollars are used to do this......

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/16/14 at 05:40:14

Don't look at me like
I am a monster
Frown out your one face
But with the other
Stare like a junkie
Into the TV
Stare like a zombie
While the mother
Holds her child
Watches him die
Hands to the sky crying
Why, oh why?
'cause I need to watch things die
From a distance

Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies
You all need it too, don't lie

Why can't we just admit it?

Vicarious (2006) Tool

/wiki/Vicarious_(song) (

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/18/14 at 08:18:47

CNN forced to film Israelis cheer Gaza strike

CNN’s Diana Magney was put in a very uncomfortable position indeed for a mainstream reporter. She had to acknowledge the delight a large crowd of Israelis on a hilltop near Sderot were taking in watching missiles hurtling into Gaza. The israelis can be loudly cheering in the background of her video report as a missile explodes and she has to explain what the noise is on camera.



Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/18/14 at 11:31:12

Did the ladies dress up or bring picnic baskets? Both Northern and Southern civilians did so while they enjoyed the spectacle of war during the rebellion.

"It is a popular, almost legendary, story that innumerable civilians armed with picnic baskets followed the Union Army out from Washington in July 1861 to watch what everyone thought would be the climactic battle of a short rebellion."

Spectators Witness History at Manassas

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/18/14 at 15:07:48

1635383D3A33033D2631540 wrote:
Did the ladies dress up or bring picnic baskets? Both Northern and Southern civilians did so while they enjoyed the spectacle of war during the rebellion.

"It is a popular, almost legendary, story that innumerable civilians armed with picnic baskets followed the Union Army out from Washington in July 1861 to watch what everyone thought would be the climactic battle of a short rebellion."

Spectators Witness History at Manassas

Does that make it acceptable to you?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/18/14 at 17:07:11

CNN = Chicken Noodle News

They were called that, Before,  the first war in Iraq.
And they would have disappeared, except for the,
One and Only,  Very LUCKY thing.
They were in Iraq for the first conflict,
had a SAT phone, and sat on the top of their hotel,
and sent back photos of little lights in the distance.

EVERY Time, Chicken Noodle News, broadcasts,
Edward R. Morrow,   SPINS in his grave.

They always have been, and always will be,
one of the most, ONE SIDED, Spinning, ’news’ reporting, networks, ever !

Now, ALL, news stations/networks,  ’Spin’,
but Chicken Noodle News, SPINS the MOST !!!!!
They Out and Out, LIE.
They, LIE, by omission of Fact !

‘Why’ did that reporter, choose that site?
Because it was Safe. She knew this ! Because it was a high place, and the cameras could see the, ‘Rockets Red Glare”. She knew this. Because she knew, she knew she could get, ‘extra, mileage, with, ‘people’ in the background watching.

-  Now this is not to, comment on ‘One side or the Other’. -
That conflict has been going on a long time,
and will, CONTINUE,  as long as,  BOTH sides get money !

Take away the money, they will talk!

Just had to comment on: “Chicken Noodle News”.
And if one, believes, Chicken Noodle News,
actually, ‘Reports’, not Fabricates.
Then let me sell you some Ocean front Property in MN.

I believe, Chicken Noodle News, just as much, as I believe,
5 (+/-) year old Girl, Who was given a, ’Script, then ’someone’, put it on the net.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/19/14 at 08:27:39

Does that make it acceptable to you?

I'm not going to take upon myself the task of censuring the morality of folks who enjoy watching violence in horror movies, stare at "if it bleeds it leads" television every night, or want to gawk at gore as they drive by wrecks, or find inspiration in the rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in air in real life.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by old_rider on 07/20/14 at 00:00:31

Posted this in another line of stuff about Israel.....

So who is this guy...and is he telling the truth or lying?
I'm not political or religious.... but after seeing this, well...
You decide.....I kinda think he is being one sided, but if its true...
Let me know if it works eh??? never copied a facebook link before...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/20/14 at 10:09:26

5D5E56405B565740320 wrote:
Posted this in another line of stuff about Israel.....

So who is this guy...and is he telling the truth or lying?
I'm not political or religious.... but after seeing this, well...
You decide.....I kinda think he is being one sided, but if its true...
Let me know if it works eh??? never copied a facebook link before...

That man is Dennis Prager a pimp shill propagandist for Israel. Prager is a talk radio host and columnist who claims that he is a bridge between Christians and Jews and unites them in radical hatred of Islam. He hides under the pretext of "American exceptionalism", but Israel is his only true interest. His "Prager University" isn't a university at all. It's simply a vehicle to spread his own twisted, biased, fear-mongering propaganda.

In this video, Prager begins by showing an animation of “One side wants the other side dead”. The animation shows an grave with the Israeli Star of David on it. Right away in plants the notion that Palestinian bad….Israel good. Then he states that Israel recognizes the Palestinians right to have their own state……WTF??????.......why then the occupation?

Prager the claims that the problem is that the Palestinians and other Arabs refuse to recognize Israels right to exist as a Jewish state…..Well….NO Shi….CRAP!  Is the Chinese were to occupy the U.S. and force you and your family out of your homes, beat, murder your friends family and other American, claim that they have a right to this country because a deity that you can’t see, hear or smell told them it was okay….. just take their word for it …. Historically ….their relatives were here along time ago …..unlike the Ashkenazi “Jews” , the ancient Chinese most likely were here along time ago…….Well these brutal occupiers claim that you must recognize the former US is now NEW CHINA …..and New China is a Buddhist nation……..all other persons that  are not Chinese are lesser persons and will not have privileges of the chosenites Chinese.

Pager claims that in 1947 the newly created UN voted to make Israel a Jewish state. Lets go back to the above Chinese senerio……. The Chinese occupiers got permission to occupy portions of the United States by the newly created UNION OF EARTH GOVERNMENTS….there that makes it hunky dory…..can’t nobody ever complain now!... …doesn't matter that the current occupants, the Americans didn’t vote for it.

Well the Chinese weren’t happy with the portion size the UNION OF EARTH GOVERNMENTS gave them, so they bulldoze Americans homes because the owners don’t have a Chinese issued building permit, the Chinese keep the nicer homes for themselves…. so, move on Americans or literally get killed.

Prager goes on to give false history about the 6 day war. Israel knew there was no threat from Egypt as outlined in this CIA report to Lyndon Johnson:

and this article:

The truth still remains…. Israel does not now nor has it ever wanted peace. Israel wants land….all of Palestine and beyond. That is why in all of the peace talks are stillborn….Israel refuse to define it’s borders.

Prager claims that the motto of Hamas is We love death as much as you love life. This is a deceptive propaganda distortion of the actual motto which is “Allah is its Goal / The Messenger is its Leader / The Qur’an is its Constitution / Jihad is its methodology, and / Death for the sake of Allah is its most coveted desire.” Prager makes no mention of the Israeli motto, “By way of deception thou shalt do war. "

Prager states that there are 22 Arab states in the world and only one Jewish state……note he did not state 22 Islamic states or one Zionist state….let’s not confuse the goyum by distortion between religion and race……naw….let’s do if it brings about the desired sympathy.

Finally Prager asks, what would  happen if Israel decided to stop fighting and what if the Palestinians laid down their arms and stopped fighting. These are hypothetical questions, but history has proven that Israel has all along been the aggressor and expanding Israel territory ….it will not stop. Historically when the Palestinians stop resisting Israel just takes more territory more quickly and resumes it task of ethnic cleansing.  

Prager also parrots the Zionist quote that there was never a Palestinian State……that is easily proven false by history and maps.

Pragers claim that one side wants the other dead is too simplistic….after 67 years of occupation, murder and theft, both sides now want the other dead and gone.

I can easily recognize Dennis Prager as the fraud that he is from his belief that claim that without religion there are no absolute rights and wrongs? It does not take threats of going to hell or heaven for me to do what is morally correct. I am able to do what is right because I respect myself and I live with myself. I realize that if I were to go against my own principles, then I would be forced to live with the self inflicted pains of my own feeling of guilt. I do not need an ominous deity as a babysitter for myself. That is just me….if someone else requires a god thing to keep themselves from doing wrong….then so be it.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by raydawg on 07/20/14 at 10:53:26

You are a funny guy......

You say, " I do not need an ominous deity as a babysitter for myself. That is just me….if someone else requires a god thing to keep themselves from doing wrong….then so be it."

So I would hanker to guess what you do NEED is pointing out others intelligence deficits, and reasoning, by your incessant posting of this subject with a bit of smarmy attitude at those you find in opposition.

Dude you is just as much a tool to your thoughts and beliefs as you claim others are to theirs  ;D

Here.....I can do smarmy too  :-*

“It does take great maturity to understand that the opinion we are arguing for is merely the hypothesis we favor, necessarily imperfect, probably transitory, which only very limited minds can declare to be a certainty or a truth.”
Milan Kundera

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/20/14 at 11:39:26

71627A67627464030 wrote:
You are a funny guy......

You say, " I do not need an ominous deity as a babysitter for myself. That is just me….if someone else requires a god thing to keep themselves from doing wrong….then so be it."

So I would hanker to guess what you do NEED is pointing out others intelligence deficits, and reasoning, by your incessant posting of this subject with a bit of smarmy attitude at those you find in opposition.

Dude you is just as much a tool to your thoughts and beliefs as you claim others are to theirs  ;D

Here.....I can do smarmy too  :-*

“It does take great maturity to understand that the opinion we are arguing for is merely the hypothesis we favor, necessarily imperfect, probably transitory, which only very limited minds can declare to be a certainty or a truth.”
Milan Kundera

Aww come on….. you really do not appreciate my humor…… or you would not have commented.

We all pick and choose the issues that concern us. I make no apologies for being concerned about one of the greatest issues that concern and affect us all......the evils of Zionism. It is my hope... that just maybe my posts will serve as an education for some, maybe not you…..but maybe even you. I do apologize if I come across as a snob….that certainly is not my intention. My intention is to educate others on a subject that I happen to understand, but sources are not readily available without some effort.

Zionism is the greatest evil that the world faces today. It has infested the United States government and other countries governments. It has control of the media and only Zionist favorable propaganda receives exposure. American media is certainly not fair and balanced.

I do have selfish reasons for opposing the Zionist order of control, as well a patriotic reasons. I do not support the United States giving a country that has a better economy than ours the equivalent of 8 and a half million dollars in foreign aid every dam day. I do not like paying a tax to a foreign entity for nearly everything I eat (the Kosher Tax). I hate deception …... small and grand scale. Patriotically, I desire a country that has a government that follows the U.S. Constitution and the path set forth by George Washington and the other founders. I hate a government that is more loyal to another country and politicians have to prove that they are good for Israel in order to get elected to office in this country.  

I make no apologies for this or other threads that I start in the Political section.  I suggest if that you find the subject matter too offensive, then do as Webster....... self censor yourself and don’t click on the link…..But hopefully you will be inspired to further study the subject at hand.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by raydawg on 07/20/14 at 12:46:52

I take no offense and welcome challenge to my beliefs......
It either strengthens them, or shows their weakness, however, not predicated on who I sway to my POV, as proving them as truth.

I was born into this world alone, and that is how I leave, everything  between those two events are subject to interpretation, and change neither.

Your just cause is no greater, or lessor, than that of the man standing next to you in line at the market, or urinal.....
You just happen to assign it, as such.

I play poker very well, its not always the cards that win, its the persons aptitude at finding clues to read, that often rake the pot.....
Your reply judges me as you retreat behind the guise of humor, then return full force with another revealing assumption with: I make no apologies for being concerned about one of the greatest issues that concern and affect us.
Us, what, an absolute, state this as fact?
Or, as with a bible thumper,who knocks on my door to tell Jesus loves me......?
And too, "I" not "we" am sure he only wants to educate me the media noways loves to deny Jesus, only running negative stories and articles holding him responsible for death and destruction carried out by a zealous individual, as representing him..... or an outright censoring and absence of him in total.

But hey......hopefully you will be inspired to further study the subject at hand and find a different god :-?

Of note: Personally I don't feel the need in god we trust on our currency as it is a lie for them to assert "WE" just as I find your use of "US" as an assumption and a verbal tool to lend your belief more credence. I welcome a separation of church and state, for I believe no one comes between them and their belief. Freedom of expression however, should never be denied, for tolerance is a two way street.

As you were........  ;D


Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/14 at 16:54:50

Show me,IN the Constitution,a reference to Separation of church and state.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/20/14 at 17:25:58

"Separation of church and state" (sometimes "wall of separation between church and state") is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson and others expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state_in_the_United_States (

I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, January 1, 1802

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/14 at 17:51:34

And do you read that to say No Christmas stuff at school?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/20/14 at 18:57:30

My guess is that you'd disagree with Jefferson's opinion of religion's place in state schools and colleges, as he demonstrated through his policy at the University of Virginia:

In spite of substantial pressure, he refused to hire a minister to teach religion at the new university, arguing that the school was state-owned and therefore could not constitutionally promote or endorse any particular religion. Jefferson argued that religion should instead be taught as part of philosophy and ethics. Under pressure he accepted the notion that religious services might occur in a public building on the university's grounds, but insisted that such services be unofficial and access to buildings be pursuant to "impartial regulation," or open to all religious services and other public speakers.

Also, Jefferson expressed to John Adams his hope that Americans would quit believing in the Christmas magic show.[1]

"And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors." ~Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

I myself am a Christian such as Jefferson was,[2] not believing in the silly supernaturalist "heathen mysteries"[3] that the "imposter" Paul[4] cut-and-pasted from the time's pagan dying-rising solar-deity religions ( onto Jesus' ethical teachings.

The church closest to Jefferson's beliefs is the Unitarians.[5]  I'd join one myself, except they'd hound me out of the congregation because I, like Jefferson, believe strongly in the Second Amendment.

So on Sunday I stay home, rather agnostically[6], and read my Jefferson Bible (, in which he edited out the biblical bullshit (well, ok, he called it "dunghills."[7]) It's wonderfully short.

[1] R. Lee Ermey's term for Christmas services in Full Metal Jacket

[2] "To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Benjamin Rush, May 21, 1803

[3a] "...I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus, very different from the Platonists, who call me infidel, and themselves Christians and preachers of the gospel, while they draw all their characteristic dogmas from what it’s Author never said nor saw. they have compounded from the heathen mysteries a system beyond the comprehension of man..." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Charles Thomson, January 9, 1816

[3b] Regarding what Jefferson meant by supernaturalist "Platonists," see: Gregory Lawrence Knittel (1993) The Euthanasia of Platonic Christianity: Thomas Jefferson, Plato, Religion and Human Freedom. San Jose State University. (

[4] "Of this band of[ch65279] dupes and impostors, Paul was[ch65279] the great Corypheus, and first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus." ~Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson's Works, Vol. ii.,[ch65279] p. 217)

[5] "I rejoice that in this blessed country of free inquiry and belief, which has surrendered its conscience to neither kings or priests, the genuine doctrine of only one God is reviving, and I trust that there is not a young man now living in the United States who will not die a Unitarian." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, June 26, 1822

[6]  "Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787

[7] "The whole history of these books [the Gospels] is so defective and doubtful that it seems vain to attempt minute enquiry into it: and such tricks have been played with their text, and with the texts of other books relating to them, that we have a right, from that cause, to entertain much doubt what parts of them are genuine. In the New Testament there is internal evidence that parts of it have proceeded from an extraordinary man; and that other parts are of the fabric of very inferior minds. It is as easy to separate those parts, as to pick out diamonds from dunghills." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, January 24, 1814

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/20/14 at 19:13:11

65766E73766070170 wrote:
Your reply judges me as you retreat behind the guise of humor, then return full force with another revealing assumption with: I make no apologies for being concerned about one of the greatest issues that concern and affect us.
Us, what, an absolute, state this as fact?

Absolute Fact! Zionism affects us….including you…whether you are presently aware of it or not.

Zionism is often confused with Judaism.... a religion of many centuries. Zionism is a 117 years old political entity that pretends that it is merely for Jewish folks to have a land of their own .... well now they do (Jews and those that claim to be and are not). But the Zionists want more.... very possibly eventually control the world…. Most certainly the worlds economies which it attempts to control thru the use of usury and debt, and monetary funds such as the IMF and federal Reserve. Opinion is controlled thru media and the education system. All though it may be difficult to understand, wars are most often fought for the benefit of Zionists.

Rather that write many words here, I offer a well worthwhile read at this link:

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/14 at 19:47:19

The State has no business TEACHING religion. 1st Amendment makes certain we can exercise Faith,anywhere,as anytime.
No problem with a religious play on public property.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by raydawg on 07/20/14 at 20:07:11

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
The State has no business TEACHING religion. 1st Amendment makes certain we can exercise Faith,anywhere,as anytime.
No problem with a religious play on public property.

JOG.......this issue is still being fought in the courts. I will guess it will be for some time to come too.
Bet most folk would just let people live and express their lives as they see fit, but you have the activist on each ends of the spectrum who feel their views and beliefs are trump......
Trying to drag everyone else into the fray.

I think its fair to say its more about them, than it is the issue they fight over.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by raydawg on 07/20/14 at 20:12:46

162530202B23132D28282D21440 wrote:
[quote author=65766E73766070170 link=1386878892/150#164 date=1405885612]Your reply judges me as you retreat behind the guise of humor, then return full force with another revealing assumption with: I make no apologies for being concerned about one of the greatest issues that concern and affect us.
Us, what, an absolute, state this as fact?

Absolute Fact! Zionism affects us….including you…whether you are presently aware of it or not.

Zionism is often confused with Judaism.... a religion of many centuries. Zionism is a 117 years old political entity that pretends that it is merely for Jewish folks to have a land of their own .... well now they do (Jews and those that claim to be and are not). But the Zionists want more.... very possibly eventually control the world…. Most certainly the worlds economies which it attempts to control thru the use of usury and debt, and monetary funds such as the IMF and federal Reserve. Opinion is controlled thru media and the education system. All though it may be difficult to understand, wars are most often fought for the benefit of Zionists.

Rather that write many words here, I offer a well worthwhile read at this link:


Well I guess if my neighbors wife gains 5 more pounds it will effect me too, as the world will spin slower  :P

Go ahead, do what you feel you need to do.......
I'll just set back and live each day on its own accord.
I like things simple, less energy needed to get er done.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/21/14 at 04:09:41

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
No problem with a religious play on public property.

That is "respecting an establishment of religion" which the First Amendment prohibits.

Remember, we have a beautiful monument in our nation's capital dedicated to hostility towards the clergy's schemes of religious evangelism, which Jefferson regarded as tyranny.

"The returning good sense of our country threatens abortion to their hopes, & they [the clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. But this is all they have to fear from me: & enough too in their opinion, & this is the cause of their printing lying pamphlets against me..." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Benjamin Rush, September 23, 1800 (

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/14 at 06:49:04

193A3732353C0C32293E5B0 wrote:
[quote author=445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 link=1386878892/165#170 date=1405910839]No problem with a religious play on public property.

That is "respecting an establishment of religion" which the First Amendment prohibits.
NO,IT'S NOT..As long as Anyone can do whatever they want.

WELL you may be right.. it does appear to be a ruling that Violates the,yes.

Remember, we have a beautiful monument in our nation's capital dedicated to hostility towards the clergy's schemes of religious evangelism, which Jefferson regarded as tyranny.

"The returning good sense of our country threatens abortion to their hopes, & they [the clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. But this is all they have to fear from me: & enough too in their opinion, & this is the cause of their printing lying pamphlets against me..." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Benjamin Rush, September 23, 1800 ([/quote]

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/21/14 at 07:58:50

As long as Anyone can do whatever they want.

Anarchy is another concept Jefferson opposed.

"Let this be the distinctive mark of an American that in cases of commotion, he enlists himself under no man's banner, inquires for no man's name, but repairs to the standard of the laws.  Do this, and you need never fear anarchy or tyranny.  Your government will be perpetual." ~Thomas Jefferson, Manuscript, c. 1801

"The voluntary support of laws, formed by persons of their own choice, distinguishes peculiarly the minds capable of self-government. The contrary spirit is anarchy, which of necessity produces despotism." ~Thomas Jefferson, to Philadelphia Citizens, 1809

"Our falling into anarchy would decide forever the destinies of mankind, and seal the political heresy that man is incapable of self-government." ~Thomas Jefferson, to John Hollins, 1811

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/14 at 08:59:35

Oh sh1t,,REALLY? I am offended that you choose to read what I said and pretend I support anarchy. You can't see what I was saying? Not JUST one Religion can use public property..see?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/21/14 at 11:57:57

Not JUST one Religion can use public property..see?

As long as you're cool with other religions using the public's tax money to push their religious agenda and evangelize other people's children.  However, it never works that way in real life. Adherents the dominant religion allow only one religion to push its agenda on public property without a huge commotion ( when another religion tries to do the same school evangelism.

Fundamentalist Christianity has the same agenda as Fundamentalist Islam: take over the thinking of the whole world, just like the fundies have already taken over the Republican Party, as one of the few sane voices in the Republican Party admits:

"This Republican Party of Lincoln ( has become a party of theocracy." ~U.S. Representative Christopher Shays, R-CT, (New York Times 3/23/05) (

Republican theocrats despise Jefferson's "wall of separation (" exegesis of the First Amendment as much as Democrat Maoists ( despise Jefferson's "let your gun therefore be the constant companion (" view of the Second Amendment.

I stand with Jefferson's views on the two beginning Amendments within our Bill of Rights.  Keep your religion tucked in your pants, and keep a revolver tucked in your pants too.

P.S. And there's no need to flaunt either in public.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/14 at 13:21:31

You jackass,I said attendance was mandatory?You're either confused or intellectually dishonest.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/21/14 at 14:47:01

I said attendance was mandatory?

You conjure a new issue which I never previously addressed.  But I will, now—in the context of whether "school prayer" is voluntary or mandatory.

The courts have decided time after time that using public facilities is interpreted as making that religion to some degree "mandatory."

Which is why we have the court decision Engel v. Vitale, in which "the Court rejected the defendant's arguments that people are not asked to respect any specific established religion; and that the prayer is voluntary." /wiki/Engel_v._Vitale (  Also see /wiki/Wallace_v._Jaffree (

You jackass

"Then forgive me." ~Bill Hicks

Perfect reaction to angry Christians

"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ~verses 14 and 15, chapter 3, The Jefferson Bible (

"Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven." ~verses 14 and 15, chapter 7, The Jefferson Bible (

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/21/14 at 15:01:50

Lest We Forget… these things were predicted in the Bible.........

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by old_rider on 07/21/14 at 22:00:39

Are there really any good "links" that tell the "real truth"???? not some biased opinion of a few people who "claim" that they are the authority?
Not just about the last post.....but all the posts.... so many are one-sided.....and tell the reporters "point of view".
History is so miss-construed that who can really decipher what is really the "truth"???
So you read it on the internet? and the sources are "pinpointed"?
Are you so sure?
No one was there when Christ went to trial... well...anyone alive today
No one was there when Rome fell....
Or when Gengis Kahn took over the Asian contenant...
Or when Noah, talked to God....
Crap... I would hate to be our future great, great, great grandkids.....
Spindoctors all of us!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/22/14 at 05:21:39

77747C6A717C7D6A180 wrote:
Are there really any good "links" that tell the "real truth"???? not some biased opinion of a few people who "claim" that they are the authority?

I have posted many....dud you bother to read them. The massacre is not's not somebody's opinion that Israel is as they like to refer when they do their bloody ethic cleanse of Gaza...."mowing the grass'.

So, does it bother you that a large group of humans are slaughtered for false reasons by a group of people that are conquering a country using false reasoning...... does it bother you to see the innocent people whose bodies are mutilated and you realize that this isn't some reporters fantasy..... maybe what bothers you and should is that you only get one sided reporting from the corporate networks that claim Israel is the victim.....never the aggressor.......yes. maybe that is what bothers you as you did state that there are so many are one-sided.....and tell the reporters "point of view".

So it maybe that you are waking up to the fact that CNNFOXANCCBS...ETC.... are government propaganda mouthpieces and news there.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/22/14 at 05:33:23

66656D7B606D6C7B090 wrote:
History is so miss-construed that who can really decipher what is really the "truth"???
In the past the "powers that be"could get by with writing false history. Thanks to the internet....that is no longer true.
9/11 is a good example... the government created a story and the media reported it ...Osama bin Laden in a cave directed 19 religious party hardy fanatics to attack America because they hated our freedoms..... Yep! ...believable ...... well to some.

You are correct ....moch of history is false.

A good history book is Howard Zinns, "A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present"..... it's on Ebay for 10 bucks.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by BalingWire on 07/22/14 at 06:48:09

No one was there when Christ went to trial... well...anyone alive today


Which means the Apocalyptic Rapture bus is never coming. The rapture-ready crowd may as well quit waiting and start walking on their own two feet.

• Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. (Matthew 16)
• Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (Matthew 24,  Mark 13, Luke 21)

Jefferson cut that bullpucky—his exact word was "dunghills ("—out of the Bible for good reason: it's a proven false prophecy.

As to end-times book Revelations, Jefferson said, "It is between fifty and sixty years since I read it [the Apocalypse], and I then considered it merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to General Alexander Smyth, Jan. 17, 1825

• ...the time is near. (Revelation 1)
• ...the things which must soon take place. And behold, I am coming quickly...Behold, I am coming quickly...Yes, I am coming quickly(Revelation 22)

Again, proven false, if the word quickly retains the slightest shred of any meaning.

But we've got Americans who fervently hope for disaster, war, death, and destruction.  It's some seriously sick stuff. "Ravings of a maniac" in Jefferson's terms.

"End Times theology declares that the Jewish people must maintain control of Israel and Jerusalem, and retake the Al-Aqsa Mosque (a/k/a the Dome of the Rock), or Jesus won't return. Period. Understand, they are talking about mankind's ultimate salvation. And if that means embracing foretold disasters and wars including the Battle of Armageddon, so be it...Thus comes the central political reality explored in Waiting for Armageddon: that Evangelicals risk creating what the Rev. Barbara Rossing calls 'a self-fulfilling prophesy of death and destruction.'"
~David Heilbroner | Evangelicals, Israel, and the End of the World

“'There’s no place for that mosque. It has to be removed.' At a Pre-Tribulation conference, in which hundreds of evangelicals gather to discuss the state of Israel and the end of days...'And so when Israel, either as a nation or as a people, or Jews as a people, are a pawn in someone else’s theology, then we get into dangerous territory.'"
~ Will Wlizlo | Evangelical Christians Wait for Armageddon

Basically, evangelical fundamentalists are willing to make the Jews into their "pawns" and push Israel into politically suicidal policies to help crank up their Rapture bus' rusted engine.

Thomas Jefferson characterized the hate-hell-destruction-Armageddon "Christians" of his day as being actually Atheists:

"I can never join Calvin in addressing his god. He was indeed an Atheist, which I can never be; or rather his religion was Daemonism. If ever man worshipped a false god, he did." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

A false god indeed! The evangelicals' malevolent bronze age skygod is nothing close to the "Nature's God" that Jefferson wrote into the Declaration of Independence.

David Voelker (1993) Who is Nature's God? The Hanover Historical Review. (

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/22/14 at 17:17:22

Truth, in ‘reporting or recording’ something.

History is written by the Victor. Always has been, always will be.
(What part about being a, “VICTOR”, do you not understand)

Recently, ‘History’ has been re-written, or tried to be, ‘re-written’,.
News about a religious group, saying the, “Holocaust”,  never happened.
Some even have said:  “911 never happened”.

So, guessing this is not a, ’NEW’, invention ?
Ya think someone has done this before ?

In 1969, Man, landed on the Moon.
It was a HISTORIC event !!!!!
Timed to coincide with something that happened in 1869,
which was ALSO, watched by the WORLD, (just not as fast).
The First Transcontinental Railroad in North America.  
(The, ‘Golden Spike’, was driven)

Back to 1969. The Lunar Landing Module, disconnected from the Lunar Orbiting Module.
In 1969 the LLM, had a State Of The Art Computer on board,
which the highly  intelligent scientists worked 3  years creating.
(Which today is surpassed in computing power,
by the 9.99  Digital watch you can buy at a mart-mart)

   This is  WHAT Happened !!!!!!!!
As the LLM made it’s decent,  
LLM said: "Huston, we have a problem, computer has overloaded”
Huston: “LLM Abort, I say again, Abort landing”
LLM: “ Huston taking manual control”
Huston:  “LLM Abort Landing, I say again, Abort Landing.
             Fire Retro Rockets, I repeat, Fire Retro rockets”.

  (A Pause)
LLM:  “Huston, the Eagle has landed”

This is ALL  the  WORLD heard:
  “The Eagle Has Landed”.

In the mid 70’s. had got,  the state of the art,
new fangled com put ers, in the office.
Some one had a, (and again very new state of the art),
this new thing called a,  CD, which with lots of fenGLAING,
got it plugged into the back of the computer, and working.

The CD’s, (I think their were 12 of them)
were of a, ‘encyclopedia ’.
On them, THAT, is what we all heard !

Let’s see if you can find that today.    LOLOL

History, is, rewritten, according to the,
Victor, Political Power, or Religion, who ever has the means to do it.

Just a note, as the LLM lifted off the moon,
I was in a gas station, they had the Radio on,
it was broadcasting the lift off.
(I was their buying gas for 32.5 a gal,
as up the street they had gas at 32.9, “Gas Wars”)

A Elderly gentleman was talking,
I said:   “Shuss, I want to hear this”.
He was quiet. After it was over, he turned to me and said:
“Ya know, dant ant real ya know,  they tried to fool me,
saying da Marchins were invading, I fell for it,
found out later, it vasdn’t true, so yous don’t  get fooled,
its all ust a sim o lation’.

Stop  the money, coming to, BOTH sides,
from Several Countries, and they will talk.

And who is right and who is wrong?
Heck if I know, but stop the money, THEY will sort it out!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 07/22/14 at 17:29:57

What is happening in, Ireland, today ?

Is, one Religious  group still bombing the other,
and Visa Versa ?

How about, in the 1700’s, the Catholic priests in south Canada,
against the Puritans, in North America.

Or how about, King Somalian, and his ’slaves’, in his salt mines.
Are they all still at each other, ‘fighting’’. ,

Or have they, ’sorted it out’ ?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 07/31/14 at 20:14:56

This is a good site. I have no quarrel with Israel, but I am getting tired of the killing. The numbers go against Israel. Here is another side.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 08/01/14 at 01:24:00

Thank you.

This clip is dedicated to all those who believe Palestine is a mere geographical notation and that the area was uninhabited, semideserted wasteland before the Jews emigrated into ... Palestine.


Incidentally, my In-Laws are from Bethlehem, a once 80%Christian town which is now 90% muslim... My FiL's surname is DAVID.

David of Bethlehem.

There are currently ONE living, surviving DAVID left in Bethlehem.
Once my aunt (my FiL's junior sister) dies, there weill be no more Christian DAVIDs left in their home town, a town in which the family has been living for the last 3000 documented years.

They survived deportations, foreign dominations and wars of all sorts.

Indifference and ill faith has wiped out one of the most ancient bloodlines.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/01/14 at 06:16:48

Israel is engaged in de-arabizing, or ethnic cleansing. The goal is to remove all of the palestinians. For that reason they avoid negotiation and choose war. They point out that they are "victims" so that the world will turn a blind eye. Behind it is a land grab, and an opportunity to profit. It is a case of apartheid all over, simple racism.
Callous killing.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/01/14 at 08:23:48

Really creely?ethnic cleansing? Israel could wipe out everyone in Gaza tomorrow if they wanted, but they do not. They have the technology to do, but here's a question for you useful idiots out there who cry for the poor Freedom Fighters of Hamas: do you doubt for one second if Hamas had the arsenal Israel has they wouldn't hesitate more than a second to blow Israel off the map? They'd do it in a heartbeat, regardless how many Palestinians were killed too as long as they killed those dogs, the Jews.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/01/14 at 10:34:57

Oh gee..... Look at that....Those fun loving Hamas freedom fighters broke the truce and kidnapped a solider. Now there's a surprise......

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/01/14 at 16:14:31

Watch the youtube video I posted above. Hamas is at war with Israel. Palestine is at war with Israel. Now look at the body counts for both sides. Look at the Israeli wall surrounding the Palestinians.
Mortars + suicide bombers vs jets, tanks, and a standing army (all payed for by the US).
It looks like ethnic cleansing to me. Part of the myth is "poor victim Israel". Israel likes that myth, it provides an excuse for them to do what they want. They have a wet rope around Palestine, and every day it shrinks a little more in the sun. Slow and easy.
No wonder Hamas lobs motars, builds tunnels. Look at the body count.

I'm tired of wasting tax dollars on Israel when we need the money here at home.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/14 at 16:31:00

Palestine, has a population growth rate of 3.7%... birth rate of 30 per 1,000, vs death rate of 3.8 per 1,000...

If Israel is conducting a program of ethnic cleansing... it clearly ain't working...
Hitler was doing ethnic cleansing... during that time, the Jewish population was not growing... it was being wiped of the map...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by oldNslow on 08/01/14 at 17:04:57

It looks like ethnic cleansing to me.

It looks like winning the war to me.

This aint a T-ball game between six year olds. When you are fighting a war, running up the score is how you win and how you get it over with. And when one side does that everyone is better off in the long run. Unpleasant, but true nevertheless

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/14 at 20:31:01

Israel CREATED Hamas. Can't have a war without an enemy. Look it up..

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/14 at 05:01:45

The us government spends 10 billion dollars a DAY. How much aid does the us give to Israel a year?

About 8 1/2 hours worth. One typical work shift. I'll take that.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/14 at 05:04:19

6573647961747962160 wrote:
Palestine, has a population growth rate of 3.7%... birth rate of 30 per 1,000, vs death rate of 3.8 per 1,000...

If Israel is conducting a program of ethnic cleansing... it clearly ain't working...
Hitler was doing ethnic cleansing... during that time, the Jewish population was not growing... it was being wiped of the map...

As everyone knows, it's ethnic cleansing 101: drop leaflets warning the population you are trying to wipe off the face of the earth to leave the area to avoid danger. Yes sir, those Israelis sure are trying to kill them all....

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/02/14 at 09:47:22

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
[quote author=6573647961747962160 link=1386878892/180#193 date=1406935860]Palestine, has a population growth rate of 3.7%... birth rate of 30 per 1,000, vs death rate of 3.8 per 1,000...

If Israel is conducting a program of ethnic cleansing... it clearly ain't working...
Hitler was doing ethnic cleansing... during that time, the Jewish population was not growing... it was being wiped of the map...

As everyone knows, it's ethnic cleansing 101: drop leaflets warning the population you are trying to wipe off the face of the earth to leave the area to avoid danger. Yes sir, those Israelis sure are trying to kill them all....[/quote]

Germany started that way, concentrating the Jews in certain localities they could not leave without papers, after taking their property from them first. South Africa created nations within a nation.

Hitler said they were the "master race". Some in Israel refer to themselves as the "chosen people". When you do that, you tend to narrow your choices, and employ ruthless means to achieve your ends.

Israel is fighting on our dime, wasting our money.  Every shift worker put the time in to earn that money, and they didn't work an 8 to 10 hour day for Israel to get a freebie.

Waste, it's hard enough for the US to pay its bills as it is. Run up the US credit card some more, saddle our kids with some more debt.
Give Israel some more tanks and missiles.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/14 at 10:27:54

Creely, I'm glad to see a good liberal posting regularly. And like a good liberal, you ignore facts, bring in other topics, make outlandish claims and the like.

You really think Israel is herding Palestinian civilians into specific areas so it's easier to kill them in mass? You think Israel, who have nukes and an overall military superiority of about 100 to 1, have been putting up with Palestinian attacks for all these years as part of some grand "final solution" type plan that they aren't quite ready to put into motion yet?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/02/14 at 11:55:33

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
Creely, I'm glad to see a good liberal posting regularly. And like a good liberal, you ignore facts, bring in other topics, make outlandish claims and the like.

You really think Israel is herding Palestinian civilians into specific areas so it's easier to kill them in mass? You think Israel, who have nukes and an overall military superiority of about 100 to 1, have been putting up with Palestinian attacks for all these years as part of some grand "final solution" type plan that they aren't quite ready to put into motion yet?

I try not to ignore facts. I always try to support my claims. I think the issue that gets in the way is how a liberal interprets events vs how a conservative might interpret the same events. The hassle is that all of the information we have comes through someone else. People in government and positions of power know how to "spin". So who has the real truth?
That is why I use the "body count numbers" - those are real. I don't like killing, and I don't believe fighting is always the last resort. I would like to see Israel and Palestine work out an agreement where fewer people die.
I look at South Africa's reconciliation process as a possible way to go. Who knows, but I don't want to contribute my tax dollars to war. Tired of it and nothing good comes of it.

Read accounts of Israel's wall and how they police it.
They would do better to give equal rights to the Palestinians and treat them like fellow humans. The violence would fade.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/14 at 13:18:40

283731362B2C1D2D1D25373B70420 wrote:
Israel CREATED Hamas. Can't have a war without an enemy. Look it up..

Trying to figure out what is going on is great. Remember,our parents and grandparents used the same sources of information to make up their opinions. Unless you DIG for information and consider things that are repugnant to the average person,you're never gonna even get close.
We created All CIAduh,Israel created its enemy.

BUT,BUT That doesn't make sense!Well,no,not to the mind of a peaceful,moral, decent person. BUT,once you've dug into the ways,the Goals,of the global elites,then sickness makes a twisted kind of sense.
I don't know what is coming next or just when,but I DO know our economy is NOT coming back. The dollar is not going to recover. The immigrants are NOT a Surprise. This was planned and is part of the North American Union implementation. Bush,Fox and the Canadian PM signed it.
Look at the trade agreements and look at what they did to us.You really believe our Best and Brightest got snookered by the lawyers from the other countries? Those"Unintended Consequences"were the GOALS.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/14 at 05:40:35

I try not to ignore facts. I always try to support my claims. I think the issue that gets in the way is how a liberal interprets events vs how a conservative might interpret the same events. The hassle is that all of the information we have comes through someone else. People in government and positions of power know how to "spin". So who has the real truth?
That is why I use the "body count numbers" - those are real. I don't like killing, and I don't believe fighting is always the last resort. I would like to see Israel and Palestine work out an agreement where fewer people die.
I look at South Africa's reconciliation process as a possible way to go. Who knows, but I don't want to contribute my tax dollars to war. Tired of it and nothing good comes of it.

Read accounts of Israel's wall and how they police it.
They would do better to give equal rights to the Palestinians and treat them like fellow humans. The violence would fade.

Calling this ethnic cleansing as a fact when it is demonstrably not is ignoring facts. Using South Africa as an example is a poor one because the black underclass of South Africa were not attacking from another location and they did not have the complete destruction of whites as their goal. There is very little on common between the two situations.

Israel manages their wall in a manner that keeps them safe. If the Palestinians want to be treated like humans, they should start acting like humans. They, and they alone, are to blame for all this. This heavy on and off again fighting has been going on for 30 - 40 years. That's a long time to begin building an identity for your own nation but instead they have spent the time building suicide vest and digging tunnels.   They've had plenty of opportunities to accept peace, even in this latest event, but they reject it and continue fighting. The blood of every civilian rest on the hands of Hamas leadership and the Palestinian population that allows them to exist.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/03/14 at 09:03:19

A series of maps of land possession between Israel and Palestine.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 08/04/14 at 00:46:56

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
[quote author=6573647961747962160 link=1386878892/180#193 date=1406935860]Palestine, has a population growth rate of 3.7%... birth rate of 30 per 1,000, vs death rate of 3.8 per 1,000...

If Israel is conducting a program of ethnic cleansing... it clearly ain't working...
Hitler was doing ethnic cleansing... during that time, the Jewish population was not growing... it was being wiped of the map...

As everyone knows, it's ethnic cleansing 101: drop leaflets warning the population you are trying to wipe off the face of the earth to leave the area to avoid danger. Yes sir, those Israelis sure are trying to kill them all....[/quote]

You don't need guns to kill people, especially an entire population.

Bulldoze their farms and pour concrete into their water wells.

Impose a naval blockade and shoot at "enemy supplies" (=foreign humanitarian aid) (see the Turkish freighters that were attacked and members of its crew killed)

Impose a ban on anything imported by land, including medicines and vaccines. Those only arrive from Egypt.

Impose time consuming searches on anybody and anything that crosses the border into Israel so that any worker will be forever late to work, or have to show up at the border at 3a.m. to reach the workplace by 9...
...and search them again when they go home so they reach their families no earlier than 9p.m. ... starve them of their sleep...

Make sure you have "a friend in Paradise" who will veto any and all UNSC Resolution when you are clearly, blatantly and shamefully violating human rights... the USA will always veto any UNSC Resolution condemning Israel...

Make sure the USA will also veto any request to have UN Peace Observers in Gaza and/or the West Bank, so that "what happens in Palestine, stays in Palestine".

Now, tell me... if a goose-crazy individual were to pour a few hundred ebola viruses in the Mississippi, or in Lake Superior, or in the Colorado River... thus affecting the drinking water supply of half the US population...
... would that classify the act as terrorism ? Is bulldozing wells and sealing them in concrete... terrorism ?

As I said, you don't need guns to kill people.

I loathe Hamas and despise those who fund Hamas (Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Qatar) but nobody will take any actions against the fund-raisers... >:(

Do not confuse cause and effect. Go back to the end of the 1st Arab-Israeli war, study what happened since... since the 1950's...
Ask yourselves what happened to the hundreds of thousands of Christian Palestinians who were the richer, more educated half of ther population...

Now watch my Youtube clip again, ask yourselves what happened to those villages, to those people.

:-[ That, ladies and gentlemen, IS ethnic cleansing.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/14 at 01:48:24

How many times have we been lied to  By the media? When I see that same media telling me how the Palestinians are hiding behind civilians and I'm not there to see it,and the same Jewish state that has BRAGGED about the fact that they RUN our country is touted as Just Protecting Themselves,I have my doubts...

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 08/04/14 at 03:14:45

"the Palestinians are hiding behind civilians "

This is another "induced mistake" created by the media.

First of all, it is definitely difficult to find a safe place for cover when the Gaza Strip is the most densely populated place in the world, and they bomb ... even UN HQs and Safe Havens...  :P
"A United Nations inquiry into attacks on UN personnel or facilities during the Gaza War concluded that Israel had fired on U.N. personnel or facilities on eight separate incidents. The Board found no evidence that U.N. facilities had been used to launch attacks against the IDF. However, the Board's findings conclude only that violation of the inviolability of U.N. premises had occurred..."

Secondly, one hears about "Palestinians" and is made to think "terrorists!", when the word simply identifies a person of a certain ethnic, or cultural, or historic origin.

Actually, there are quite a few famous Palestinians who interact with our lives every day...

Emily Jacir, my wife's cousin, is the first who comes to mind.

Said Musa, believe it or not, is/was the Prime Minister of Belize

You know this guy ?

DJ Khaled... born in New orleans of Palestinian parents... not to be confused with DJ Khalil...  ;)

How about THIS GUY ?

He was born in Jaffa... and his family fled after the Six Days' War.
Lucky for him, he was Christian, his parents emigrated to Canada.
Many consider him the New Simon Magus...

I will omit listing all the Israeli Palestinians (i.e. who live within the confines of the State of Israel and are Israeli passport holders) who are actually Israely Congressmen.

All the leading Clergy Officials (all denominations Christian) in the Middle east are ethnic/cultural palestinians...
...even Preacher Benny Hill !!!

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/04/14 at 04:59:20

Talking about a historic Palestine means nothing. I'm living on "historic" Indian land (as are you) and I'm not moving anytime soon. Part of that "historic" land you point out was "lost" during brief wars when the victors took the land. You have plans to send Texas back to Mexico?

Bottom line (which you are still ignoring) this is not ethnic cleansing nor anything close to it. Saying stuff like that is a lie with the purpose of defeating Israel in the court of public opinion, which is your goal of course.

Your golden boys Hamas, executed 5 (other reports say up to 20 suspect
ed of spying) Palestine civilians for protesting Hamas. This is what's so pathetic and frustrating dealing with you Jew-haters; you suspend logic and grant murdering scum like Hamas equal status. I ask before and of course you didn't answer, but if Hamas had a large chemical weapon or even a small tactical nuke, would they fire it at random into Israel? You know they would, it a heartbeat.

Israel, on the other hand, could quite literally send every Palestinian to see Allah tomorrow if they really were the monsters you idiots make them out to be.

Some of you guys harbor a deep hatred towards Jews for reasons you can't explain yourselves. It's the only explanation why you see a country under constant attack as the victim. In no other case do you view things on a similar manner.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by oldNslow on 08/04/14 at 05:19:37

Board's findings conclude only that violation of the inviolability of U.N. premises had occurred..."

An investigation conducted by the UN came to that conclusion. No possible bias there, of course.

And what exactly makes a UN facility inviolate ? Pretending that Hamas doesn't use places like that - along with mosques, hospitals,schools etc. to shelter their weapons and fighters is simply denying reality. Do you honestly believe that an organization that that recruits and uses teenage suicide bombers as weapons cares about it's civilian population.
Hamas wants dead civilians. They are a public relations bonanza.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/04/14 at 11:08:43

Before you "feel sorry for victim Israel", look at the body count numbers" since 1948. That tells the story of suffering.
Israel- birthed through the holocaust- I never thought that Israel would adopt the same stratagems that Hitler made use of.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/04/14 at 13:39:37

I never thought that Israel would adopt the same stratagems that Hitler made use of.

Here's my point, absolute nonsense of a statement. That's like comparing an elephant to a mouse.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/14 at 10:34:31

no, its not,, when things are made up of the same elements, they are similar. size, notwithstanding.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/14 at 13:23:21

3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 wrote:
no, its not,, when things are made up of the same elements, they are similar. size, notwithstanding.

oh yeah? A firecracker made of a couple of grams of gunpowder is the same as a bomb made out of 50 pounds of gunpowder? I don't think so.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by verslagen1 on 08/05/14 at 14:38:30

The funny thing is... if there were no Jews (or Christians) there, there would still be killing each other as it would 1 sect vs. another.  We just wouldn't be hearing about it.

I think the Jews learned from the Arabs.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 08/06/14 at 06:16:11

6A796E6F707D7B79722D1C0 wrote:
The funny thing is... if there were no Jews (or Christians) there, there would still be killing each other as it would 1 sect vs. another.  We just wouldn't be hearing about it.

I think the Jews learned from the Arabs.

Actually, it's the other way around.

The PLO in the 1960's adopted the same strategies used by the STERN and LEHI Groups (Armed Zionism) in the 1910s-1940s.
Wiki LEHI, you'll be surprised.

The only one reason why Israel became a nation is the UK, which were administering a Protectorate in Palestine, were failing very badly to ensure public order and enforce the law, and left, abandoning Palestine in the hands of the newborn United Nations... who in turn asked the US and UK what to do with Palestine, and "Presto!" Israel was born.
Had British Intelligence and British Police been more efficient, we would have had one Jordanian Palestine with many Jews living there in peace, no Arab-Israeli wars, no PLO, no Hamas...  ::)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 08/06/14 at 06:32:11

526067767160774864776E050 wrote:
Talking about a historic Palestine means nothing. I'm living on "historic" Indian land (as are you) and I'm not moving anytime soon. Part of that "historic" land you point out was "lost" during brief wars when the victors took the land. You have plans to send Texas back to Mexico?

Are you referring to me?  :-? To ME ?  ;D Goodness gracious, man, I LIVE IN ROME, ITALY, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FRIKKIN PLANET !!! (as for Texas, you only need a vote... ;))

Bottom line (which you are still ignoring) this is not ethnic cleansing nor anything close to it. Saying stuff like that is a lie with the purpose of defeating Israel in the court of public opinion, which is your goal of course.

I don't care for your opinion; throw a baseball through a window, you break the window, regardless whether it was on purpose or an accident, regardless of whether the homeowner is a good guy or the neighborhood disgrace.

Your golden boys Hamas, executed 5 (other reports say up to 20 suspected of spying) Palestine civilians for protesting Hamas. This is what's so pathetic and frustrating dealing with you Jew-haters; you suspend logic and grant murdering scum like Hamas equal status. I ask before and of course you didn't answer, but if Hamas had a large chemical weapon or even a small tactical nuke, would they fire it at random into Israel? You know they would, it a heartbeat. ]

My deputy here in the office is... Jewish ! How do you like that ? How do you explain it ?  ;D

Israel, on the other hand, could quite literally send every Palestinian to see Allah tomorrow if they really were the monsters you idiots make them out to be.

Some of you guys harbor a deep hatred towards Jews for reasons you can't explain yourselves. It's the only explanation why you see a country under constant attack as the victim. In no other case do you view things on a similar manner.

Let's imagine you hear someone calling your name, you turn around and see five people in five separate places all looking towards you.
Before you can say "Huh?" you hear you name called again, and befor eyou understand who is really calling you you get tasered "for resisting arrest".
Question 1: Why did they tase you ?
Question 2: Who tased you ?
Question 3: What arrest ?
Question 4: What were the charges ?
Question 5... shut up you fr*ng ethnic minority this is MY land because 2000 years ago my ancestors were beaten in the last war they fought and we lost it all
but now we're taking it back because we have the world's most powerful bankers backing us up!

Now... that was not a nice read, was it ?
What is... what if it were all actually true ?


Why should the Israeli Police in Jerusalem attack a COPTIC (=CHRISTIAN) PRIEST who is simply trying to keep the congregation and the Police separate ?
In a Christian (not Jewish) Holy Site ?
Is Judaism more important to you than Christianity ?  :-X

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/06/14 at 10:36:32

Greed rules Israel, they like what they can take from the Palestinians.
But they really like taking $money$ from us.
As someone posted earlier, the step-child needs to grow up.
We need to stop enabling the step child.  ;)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/14 at 20:50:38

6A585F4E49584F705C4F563D0 wrote:
[quote author=3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 link=1386878892/210#211 date=1407260071]no, its not,, when things are made up of the same elements, they are similar. size, notwithstanding.

oh yeah? A firecracker made of a couple of grams of gunpowder is the same as a bomb made out of 50 pounds of gunpowder? I don't think so.[/quote]
Similar,,, you continue to amaze.  You don't know how to see what's in front of you. You're trained by society that Israel is good,always,and any criticism is just antisemitism.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/07/14 at 07:00:56

No, I' wasn't speaking to you mpesc, I know where you live.
Jog, you are the most well trained lapdog I know. Whatever the situation, you look for the most ridiculous explanation possible.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by mpescatori on 08/08/14 at 01:49:14

4C7E79686F7E69567A69701B0 wrote:
No, I' wasn't speaking to you mpesc, I know where you live.
Jog, you are the most well trained lapdog I know. Whatever the situation, you look for the most ridiculous explanation possible.

::) Oh... sorry... :-X

One thing is to reply (or even rant away) at someone for a good reason,
quite another to rant away because of a misunderstanding.  :-X

Next beer's on me... but... when will I actually get to fly over ?  ;)

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/08/14 at 05:05:29

Make it a Peroni. Had one for first time a little while ago, not bad.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/08/14 at 11:36:26

Web, its on.y ridiculous to people like you, unable to see that criticism of Israel isnt "hating Jews" any more than my criticism of American policy is "hating Americans". I am against creating an enemy in order to justify war. And your inability to grasp that THAT IS what has been done, over & over ib history is what makes you unteachable.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/08/14 at 12:37:58

I'll gladly take an F in your class, Professor.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by MnSpring on 08/08/14 at 15:07:46

I am agreeing with what JOG2 said.
This is,  NOT,  taking a side one way or the other, As I have said many times before, BOTH are wrong.  and when BOTH, stop ‘getting’, money.
They will figure it out.

This is about, agreeing or disagreeing with a position,
Which is, is ONLY Just that !!!!!!!! It is about the position !!!!

This strikes home, Because. I have been involved in ESS.
(English Springer Spaniels), for a number of years.

As I am involved in AKC ‘Field Trials’.  And Many local Clubs doing Field Trials.
I have been Very  Vocal, about those dogs.

I have said for the last 20+ years, and will continue to do so,
“They Are Two DIFFERENT Dogs”
Yet, whenever I meet a ’Show’ person.
They say:  “Oh That’s the Guy that HATES us, and our Dogs”.
NOT the Case, have  NEVER said that, never will.
In fact I have some good friends that are, ’Show’ people and have, ’Show’ dogs.

So the statements:
“… criticism of Israel isn’t, “hating Jews”…”
“ … criticism of American policy is not, “hating Americans”…”

Are 110% CORRECT.  Just the same as saying, a breed of dog, is NOW two different dogs, because two groups have decided to do, two different things with them. And the, ‘controlling group/club, not acknowledging it.

The Last, ‘Dual Champion’ in ESS’s, was in 1947.  (That is a AKC, ‘Champion’, in a Field and Show, Judged event)
Even though, the ‘Parent Club of the ESS, Controls the ESS. All events.  (90% Show/10% Field members).  They are, TWO, Different dogs!  The, ‘Field Bred’, ESS.  And the, ’Show’, bred ESS.  They have been bred different, they have different standards. They don’t look the same, (similar, but NOT the same). And the ’Show’ bred, ESS, can’t find a pound of hamburger in a dark phone booth.  The ’Show’ bred dog is, ’tested’ to receive the highest AKC award, on LOOKS  ONLY.  The ‘Field’ bred ESS, is tested  in AKC Field Trials, On, Performance, Mouth, Stamina, bid ability, Bird finding, Control, etc., and LOOKS has NOTHING to do with it!

Before 1965, the  ECS, (English Cocker Spaniel), was basically taken over by the, ’Show’, group. In 1965, the Breed was, split, and a ’new’ breed, called the ACS, (American Cocker Spaniel) was formed.

Today 99%, of the ACS, are, ’Show’. While 80% of the ECS’s are Field.
That is what SHOULD happen with ESS.  But the ‘Parent club won’t do it, because the name would probably be:
(American Springer Spaniels)    {{ Spell out the acronym}}   ;D

If your into reading, or considering a ESS, and want more about the, Difference, go here:

Anyway, criticizing, a, policy or events, or actions.
Is NOT criticizing  a ‘ general populous or people’.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by WebsterMark on 08/08/14 at 16:37:52

Okay fine. Let's stop helping Israel so they'll "get it".
Hamas wipes them out. Feel better now?

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/08/14 at 21:11:33

No,you're playing a stupid game. Get the point.

Title: Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Post by tcreeley on 08/11/14 at 09:00:45

Isis- in the news. When The US and Israel and France were making use of distraction politics and power plays in the mideast by funding rebels to take on Syria. a third non-puppet entity was being formed, ISIS as it is called today. They are opportunists who made good on their goals as the US and France funneled in weapons and supplies for use against Syria. Saudi Arabia contributed the nerve gas.
But the "good rebels" were swept aside by Syria and ISIS leaving the US working with Iran to bolster Iraq as ISIS gained control over a region they are carving out.
The US really does not care what happens, other than as a means for profit and of course, a way to distract the world from the horrors Israel is inflicting on Gaza. So we get inflammatory headlines and we stop looking for articles on Israel and Palestine.
War is always horrible. There is never a good war. War is about atrocities. When we went after Hussein in Iraq, we upset a balance. When we went after Gadolphi in Libya, we upset another balance. When we went after the Taliban, we upset another balance. We created wars and suffering. The body counts from our interventions are greater than if we had never acted. But we are not after peace, we want money and opportunities for profit. Good money is made in the industrial arms arena. US tax payers have to be spun headlines so that they don't object to coughing up tax dollars. That is what attacking Isis is all about.
Remember "Evil Red China" - now our source of capitalist goods!
Our foolish non caring politicians are haggling over who has the nicest sneakers- GOP or Dems when it comes to ISIS. Meanwhile Israel and their atrocities in Palestine fade from view.
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