General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Wow, do we want this to happen?

Message started by old_rider on 12/08/13 at 13:14:11

Title: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by old_rider on 12/08/13 at 13:14:11

Seen this on yahoo news, I know yahoo, but its a report from real reporting just that yahoo picked it up.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/08/13 at 13:56:11

As far as Im concerned, A/stan is wrongly invaded & Iran is threatened in the same manner. Should they form some alliance I wouldnt blame them,
We have & never HAD any business in A/stan, or Iraq, or Libya, & we have no actual reason to involve ourselves in Iran,, UNLESS we stop kidding ourselves & admit why we are there. Its not about terrorism. Its about centralizing power & harvesting resources, THEN there is reason to be there. But, those things wont benefit We the People. It will benefit the warmongering elite who want the wars.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by pgambr on 12/08/13 at 14:34:47

I read somewhere recently the US is planning on staying in Astan till 2024.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by WebsterMark on 12/08/13 at 16:49:45

Its not about terrorism. Its about centralizing power & harvesting resources,

This is so ridiculous ..... If we wanted it, we'd take it in five minutes.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by Trippah on 12/08/13 at 19:42:12

wage war, not wage you can tell the rulers from the rest.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by Serowbot on 12/08/13 at 22:54:32

We originally inserted ourselves in Afghanistan to fight the Russians during the cold war in the late 70's... amped it up drastically in the 80's...
I suppose it did cripple the "commies" economically,... but as a side effect, it taught Al-Qaeda how to cripple a regimented army...

I think, the old adage,.."the enemy of my enemy is my friend", is outdated...
We need to start standing for right,... and quit playing checkers...

Our subterfuge tends to come back, and bite us in the butt...

I think, all of us, would like to see America stand for righteousness over self interest...
History happens every day...  eventually the truth becomes clear,... and we must live with the consequences...

We created Osama Bin-Laden, and Al-Qaeda,... and Saddam,...and Gaddafi...
We prop up our puppets until they grow teeth...
Then we pay the price...
Mostly,.. for oil...

We serve the teat that feeds us...

I hate to demean a culture,.. (and a once great culture),.. but, were it not for oil,... what would we care?...
Muslims hate us because we earned it...

We defend Israel,.. because it is the center of our religious culture...
But, the only reason we need to defend it, is because of the enemies we've made...

... I have no point...
... it's just a sad mess...

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by mpescatori on 12/09/13 at 03:06:21

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
Its not about terrorism. Its about centralizing power & harvesting resources,

This is so ridiculous ..... If we wanted it, we'd take it in five minutes.

Actually, you're quite right.

I remember reading essays on "The fall of the Dollar?" where analysts hypothesized the fall of the US$ if OPEC and China would start asking for Euros, not US$, for their international exports.

Saddam Hussein was so fed up of some nations "teasing" support, then pulling away when that support was needed with most urgency, that it turned elsewhere.
Odd how the UK and the US cried outrage when Iraq "took back" Kuwait, instead of justifying it with events from their own past national history.
Not many of you know Iraq was selling oil for EUROS when the fabricated mess of "WMD" was fed to the "Free World Media".
Actually, the risk was not that of WMDs, because what WMDs there were, were of US manufacture, and had been delivered "ready to roll", preventing Iraq from being able to producing them themselves.
The real problem was that Iraq was selling OIL asking payment in a currency which was antagonist to the US$, and in that day, more competitive than the US$.
If you don't believe me, go back and check the exchange rates Euro/US$ from 2000 (when it was an abstract "reference point") to 2003.

Similarly, Lybia was selling OIL and Natural Gas to Europe for Euros.
It was even easier to start a civil war in Lybia, because within the Country political power had always been split between Tripoli (Tripolitania) and Benghazi (Cirenaica).
Back in older days these were two separate entities, united only by Colonialism.

Now the issue seems to be... Iran... again... (as Forrest Gump would say)

It is a natural thing that two neighboring Shiite Countries, both "Islamic Republics", should shake hands.

Iran is an Islamic Republic since the day the Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile.
Afghanistan, on the other hand, was made an Islamic Republic under ther Taliban Regime, and it stayed an Islamic Republic when the US put Hamid Karzai as the new President.
So I don't see what's "abnormal"... when two "cousins" sitting side by side shake hands.

The best way to make a dog snarl and become hostile at you is to chain it to the wall, and beat it with a stick.

The best way to make a dog be indifferent towards you is to leave it alone.

The best way to make a dog wag its tail at you is to be friendly, and feed it a little from time to time, but not too much, and not too often, lest it expects to be fed "gratis" (for free, and regularly, just because... that's what it's learned)

Just my 2 cents'...

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/13 at 07:29:32

Oil isnt the resource I was speaking of. There are metals we need. TPTB dont want too much oil production. & Ive pointed out what got Saddam killed many times,

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by old_rider on 12/09/13 at 08:25:46

My point being is that when all of the oil producing countries start to shake hands, our gas prices will double, maybe triple.
Because now we have become the dog that relies on the master to feed us, and if you whip the dog too long, its going to bite back.
In other words, they are now biting back, and are with this agreement going to become the owner and us the dogs, but we will end up paying the high price for their product.
But i'm thinking we will be the dog then and will also bite back in about a decade, maybe two, because our powers that be (OPTB) will screw crap up for us and hold the production of environmentally feasible vehicles to a minimum for another 20 years.
I see us going the way of highly populated cities in the other countries in that inner city vehicles will get smaller and lighter and the overland shipping vehicles will get larger and larger.
And hopefully we will go natural gas overland (which we have tons of)and electric in the city, there by putting the oil producing countries on the back burner so to speak.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/13 at 09:55:44

Several years ago I was watching the news. GW Bush was talking to someone & the topic was the high price of gas in Europe. Bush said
"I dont see why we cant have that here."

TPTB didnt have us invade to PUT that oil on the market, but to crimp supplies. WE had to stop Saddam from selling oil for euros, Gaddafi was working on something along the same lines, goin around the dollar,,SO, Americans had to be told what an eeeevil man he was,, & he had to die.

Take not that the countries we have invaded were announced as targets before we even went into Iraq, also, to date, none of those countries weve invaded are using the world bank, etc. Their economies are based on real money, not fiat crap,. That makes them economic terrorists to the globalists.Theres more to the reasoning behind war than is to be found in the news,, we wont be told WHY,, We are Lied to, every time,
WWII may have been a straight deal, IDK how we got into Korea, but after that? Loads of lies,,  

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by Pine on 12/09/13 at 11:30:24

Libia was pressing for a new gold Dinar and for oil to be traded in Dinars.

I am not so concerned about likes of Astan and Iran warming up to each other. I would be more concerned with China and Russia moving off the Dollar for oil trade. Such a thing is being hinted at and would be disasterous for the dollar.

Still even then,,, Like others on here have pointed out using the military might of the US to keep oil prices down was never smart.. and it wont ever be smart.  Time for the US to do right and stop beating dogs with sticks.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/10/13 at 13:08:10

What you guys don't get is that the U.S. is very close to producing enough oil for our own needs now, thanks to modern technology.  Some oil pundits even predict that by 2016 we'll be a net exporter of oil again.  All unless the tree huggers screw it up.
So, oil is no longer a motive, if it ever was, for foreign interventions.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by pgambr on 12/10/13 at 13:16:43

That's right. A friend that has been in the drilling business for 35+ years said we have enough oil for 300 years if we were aloud to get it.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by Pine on 12/11/13 at 09:05:27

59565A505B565D515641545641330 wrote:
What you guys don't get is that the U.S. is very close to producing enough oil for our own needs now, thanks to modern technology.  Some oil pundits even predict that by 2016 we'll be a net exporter of oil again.  All unless the tree huggers screw it up.
So, oil is no longer a motive, if it ever was, for foreign interventions.

I don't think there is any question that oil was a motive for actions in the middle east ( in the past).  I truely hope you are correct and oil as an import becomes a non-issue for a long time to come. Though, I don't think that will prove to be the case. As to the tree huggers... its not them that should worry you... it's those darn pesky HUMANS that can't stand for methane to come out when they open the water tap.
I am not convinced that Fracking is the best thing since sliced bread. I would be MORE ok with it.. it those that directly benefitted from it.. had to pay those that were directly were hurt by it. That isn't something that often happpends and will not happen in this state, as state law is very much in favor of resource extraction to the detriment of any thing else.

If it could be proven that (insert resource extraction here) proved deadly to 20,000 people a year.. the state would be good with that. Everything has a cost.. and sucks to be you .. is the common mantra. For example how close can an oil rig be to a house? 100 feet. Don't like it .. move! Don't got the money to fight or move? Sucks to be you.  

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/13 at 09:14:13

I didnt say oil to put ON the market was the goal,,shutting their production down to prop prices UP AND protect the dollar, protecting the dollar was higher in priority,

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by verslagen1 on 12/11/13 at 11:23:03

I think getting the oil from the mid east now is a good strategy.
when they run out, we'll still have reserves.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/11/13 at 16:11:02

That Sounds good, but people dont even know what it costs to do that. WE could have vehicles that deliver much better MPG, produce our own fuels, & have a healthy economy,, its a corrupt system that is keeping all that from happening,
Who protects the Saudis? Who pays to protect the oil tankers? Add that to the cost of oil, which THEY produce for Far less $$$/barrel than we do.,,
Have you looked at the price of oil at the store? Ive been buying gallons of 15/40 for years. Gas? Gas goes Up & Down,, all because the price of "Oil" goes up & down,, & the 15/40? Its been right on $13.00 for the last few years,, There are more paper barrels of oil sold daily than there are real barrels of oil, Markets are manipulated,, accidentally or intentionally, doesnt matter. People speculating on the futures market affect what we pay at the pumps.

In Saudi Arabia the average oil well doent have a pump jack on it, it just has a valve. The gas pressure in the top of the dome drives the oil up the production tubing,

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by old_rider on 12/14/13 at 01:57:14

I hear ya there.... some dang shiek comes down with a cold and BLAM the price per barrel goes up.
A wind storm goes through lower Louisiana or Alabama along the coast and the gas prices go up.

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by old_rider on 12/14/13 at 05:35:10

Here we go again.... do we want this to happen? :-/

I like how they say "cannot be verified"... like our awac's or satellites hanging over the area can see a rocket being launched. Hell we can read what it says on an ID card from up there and we can't verify that a 300 ton missile just took off?

Title: Re: Wow, do we want this to happen?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/13 at 10:22:29

YOu cant trust anything youre being told about Iran. The same liars who told us about the WMDs in Iraq who later said "Ohh Gee,, he musta took them to Syria!", BUT, didnt SEE it happen with the satellites OR didnt catch him & NEVER should have suspected that as a potential response, OHH NO,, why, Theyre just supposed to act like the threat of invasion over these WMDs will NOT make Saddam want to move them.

REally? WE pay these war gaming generals who supposedly talk thru all scenarios, but we somehow managed to let Saddam ship tons of WMDS to Syria & we have not one SHRED of evidence to show it? You BUY that? I dont.
Dont trust one thing you hear about Iran,,Stop & think, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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