General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I knew it.. but had nothing to show it- QE "tax"

Message started by Pine on 12/02/13 at 06:41:07

Title: I knew it.. but had nothing to show it- QE "tax"
Post by Pine on 12/02/13 at 06:41:07

Back in the bad ole 1980's.. inflation hit well over 15%. BUT.... grandmaw's and grandpaws everywhere were making out like bandits putting thier hard earned retirement money in nice safe CD's.

In 2008 when QE started up.. I just knew that interest rates would soar and CD's would be back. (and I wanted in on it) But of course it never happend. Instead of "inflation" all the QE money went straight to the banks. The banks are getting the money not the people. -

The federal government has imposed a virtual tax on savers, costing them $360 billion since 2007, according to a new report by the research division of a major management consulting firm.

The Federal Reserve’s “Quantitative Easing” policy has dropped interest rates to almost zero, effectively taxing the flow of interest payments to older people who have diligently saved cash for emergencies or retirements, according to the “discussion paper,” which is titled “QE and ultra-low interest rates: Distributional effects and risks.”

The virtual tax had the effect of quietly transferring $900 billion to the federal government, and also boosting revenue for cooperating big banks by $150 billion, says the report, which was produced by the McKinsey Global Institute, which is run by one of the world’s major management-consulting firms, McKinsey & Company » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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