General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Well here it is....

Message started by old_rider on 11/30/13 at 04:57:53

Title: Well here it is....
Post by old_rider on 11/30/13 at 04:57:53

first no ammo.....then free speech is limited to certain yahoo puts up a professors idea of presidential term limits....

Can you say DICTATORSHIP??

Title: Re: Well here it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/13 at 22:19:44

Bammy is no Washington,,& Im not feeling "served",, Im feelin Serviced..

Title: Re: Well here it is....
Post by mpescatori on 12/01/13 at 08:37:24

My own two cents' worth as an outsider.

Rome was most successful not under the Empire, but during the Republic.

During the Republic, Rome was governed by two (not one) Consuls, who would rule one day each, alternating and lead troops into battle one day each.

This allowed for each Consul to watch upon the other; if the idea was good they would support each other, but if it was bad, whatever "wrong" happened one day would be "righted" the next.
Each Consul was entitled to propose impeachment of his "mate" to the Senate.

It worked for an extremely balanced and successful solution and was only overthrown when Julius Caesar refused to disband the Army, after his victorious after the Campaign in Gaul.
He "marched to Rome" with the Army still holding its weapons and ranks.

To the Senate, it was a coup. It was; Caesar disbanded the Republic and set up the "Triumvirate", a three-man dictatorship, which in turn caused a civil war which ended with the Empire (absolute monarchy).

You have a wonderful Constitution, uphold and defend it.

All the best  :)

Title: Re: Well here it is....
Post by old_rider on 12/01/13 at 08:52:01

I am of a belief that senate and house representitives  only serve one or two terms limited to 4 or 5 years. This would allow for the overpowering of political gain that some of the older representitives hold over the newer ones to be nullified. Alliances of over 15 or 20 years are almost set in stone and the reps seem to be in office for longer....making it almost impossible to sway the party because of the long "friendships" that occur... the "good ol' boy" clubs rule, if you are new, you better vote our way or we will not even consider to vote in your new bill.
If they could cut the lobbies and "gifts" from potential party supporters it would also help to even out the poles for all new proposals.  
Just my belief......wish at least part of it would take place.

Typo correction: The word Reps in the above statement is meant to be representitives not republicans..... i'm not a party favorite one way or the other.....

Title: Re: Well here it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/02/13 at 08:46:56

While the UNelected CFR & TRilaterals, etc fill the presidents cabinet, we will see no policy change. While corporations buy our electeds, no term limits will help. Our electeds are either bought, threatened or blackmailed, but theres no way so many can be so disconnected  from the will of the people to continually pass legislation so unpopular with the people accidentally. AND, once its clear theyve placed laws into effect that the majority didnt want, they never repeal them, They Act like
"WEll,, yea, we messed up,, Oppsies, sorry,, we will try to do better next time"

If your gardener changed up the way you had things set up & you didnt like it, he would put it back, he IS YOUR Servant,, our electeds have become the masters, or so they believe.
OUr elections are a farce,, theres no paper trail, votes are counted by machines that can be manipulated.

Title: Re: Well here it is....
Post by pgambr on 12/02/13 at 08:49:45

But we are FREE!

Title: Re: Well here it is....
Post by Paraquat on 12/02/13 at 09:26:10

0B141215080F3E0E3E06141853610 wrote:
OUr elections are a farce,, theres no paper trail, votes are counted by machines that can be manipulated.

I should've put grand totals on that chart.

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