General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I Can!

Message started by Midnightrider on 11/25/13 at 12:22:54

Title: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I Can!
Post by Midnightrider on 11/25/13 at 12:22:54

President Obama’s misguided Middle East polices may have set the table for a war in the Middle East.  

Iran’s leadership wanted a “win-win” in their negotiations to have international sanctions lifted while they continued their efforts toward nuclear power. They have gotten their wish thanks to President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

In open public displays through their land, Iranian’s are praising the deal.  

In a nutshell, the “interim” deal lifts some of the sanctions while allowing Iran to continue to enrich uranium for nuclear energy, but supposedly not for nuclear warheads.

President Obama called the agreement a “great deal” while former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton derided the agreement as “abject surrender by the United States.”

++U.S. Senators are left scratching their heads.

Senator Marco Rubio, speaking on behalf of a group of bipartisan senators who want to increase sanctions against Iran, said…

“This agreement will not ‘freeze’ Iran’s nuclear program and won’t require the regime to suspend all enrichment as required by multiple UN Security Council resolutions. By allowing the Iranian regime to retain a sizable nuclear infrastructure, this agreement makes a nuclear Iran more likely.”

++Worst of all, the deal totally isolates Israel.

Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the deal a “historic mistake” in a statement to his cabinet…

“What was achieved last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, but a historic mistake. Today the world has become a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world has taken a significant step toward attaining the most dangerous weapon in the world.”

New reports are emerging that Israel, Egypt and other Gulf nations are meeting to discuss their own options to thwart Iran’s nuclear proliferation. They see Iran as a looming threat to the sovereignty of their respective nations.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared that Israel can and will take appropriate action if the ongoing threats from Iran against his nation escalate.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/25/13 at 22:57:02

"unintended consequences" does not necessarily translate to
Unforeseeable Consequences

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/26/13 at 04:50:19

If there is one Country which has destabilized an optherwise very peaceful Middle East in 1946, it is not Persia / Iran.

It is Israel.
This is not a political opinion, it is written history.

Israel is an artificial nation created by mass immigration of people essentially from Central and Eastern Europe, with economic and military support by the UK and the US.

The Middle East was at peace under the Ottoman Empire; the breakup of said Empire and the "Protectorates" created by the UK and France created false boundaries, crushed expectations and paved the way towards instability.

Kurdistan is a State that deserved to be created, it had everything political science demands for a "State" to exist:
- a territory,
- a People,
- a sense of national identity,
- a language,
- common heritage and culture.

Upon its creation, Israel had none of these:
- the territory was obtained by cutting a jigsaw of Jordanian territory,
- the People did not exist, because they were immigrants from various European Nations;
- the sense for National Identity was contained only within the Torah and the Mishnah; the Jews within Palestine never strived for a Jewish province under the Ottoman Empire; with all the Jewish Doctors of the Law, Diplomats and Bankers the Ottomans had within their Empire, the demand would have been easily granted, as there were NO anti-jewish sentiments before 1918;
- there was no language; the only "hebrew" spoken by "good religious jews" was the text opf the prayers and the language of the Torah; else, the Germans, Czechs, Poles and Russians spoke their local version of Yiddish, the others simply spoke Spanish, English or whatever ...; the Hebrew alphabet we see today was created in the Middle Ages and is called "carré" (squared off); in the days of Jesus and Herod, the script was an evolution of Egyptian Demotic, very similar to  modern arabic;
- there was no common heritage and culture, as music, poetry and even cuisine were fragmented.

The French Protectorate created Lebanon - the rich twin - and Syria - the poor twin.

Similarly, the British protectorate quelled the push for independence of the "Jordanian West Bank" of the Jordanian Kingdom - aka Palestine - and turned a blind eye to political violence - see Stern, Lehi and Irgun movements - until the situation was so untenable the UK turned the West Bank only - not the entire Kingdom of Jordan - to the newborn United Nations in 1948.

So Israel was created.

That the Middle East was a peaceful region is evident by the fact that three nations - Syria, Jordan and Egypt - could not defeat Israel.
They lacked military experience, military culture in the "European sense" and military doctrine.
On the other hand, the newborn State of Israel was populated by battle-hardened citizens who had just survived WW2, one way or another.

So it was that a nation of Sternbaums, Feldgartners and Bozowievsky populate a region which , for the last few thousand years, had been populated by Iohanna (John), Jaqub (Jacob), Yussuf (Joseph), Mathias (Matthew), Abdallah (Amadeus), Mariam (Mary)  Ada, Eve, and Katharina (St.Catherine was Egyptian)...

So Israel is the destabilizing factor in the Middle East.
Modern Israelis have extremely little in common with the Jews who were driven from Jerusalem in 70A.D.
Even the religion is not the same; they do not sacrifice, nor do they have a Temple, nor do they wish to have it.
They don't even have a Priestly class anymore.

--- --- ---

Back to the original issue... Iran...

Iran is, as I have stated many times over the last few years, the ONLY stable nation in that region.

In fact, it is so stable, it boasts a clear and unbroken line of cultural identity and heritage which reaches back to Kings Darius and Xerxes, both I believe mentioned in the Bible.

Governments come and go, but for a nation to boast 3000 years of national continuity is a characteristic many modern ambassadors struggle to grasp.

Heritage and cultural identity is far stronger than modern technology, and bonds people into a People.

Iran has got the right to do whatever it wants within its borders just as much as Israel, as long as international laws are not broken.

If the AIEA and the UN believe a deal is a good deal, it will take a lot more than a newspaper to make them change their minds.

And I find it extremely hard to believe that with all the bruhaha going on in the Sahel with AlQaeda etc., Israel is happy and content and sitting on its hands, instead of trying to make peace with its neighbors.

--- --- ---

So, does this mean I am anti-Israel or pro-Iran ?  :-?

At first glance, it does.

But if you read what I wrote, again, more carefully, I merely analyse the factors which characterized the creation of Israel, and the factors which characterize the existence of Iran.

I am well aware that "the Jews suffered the Holocaust" - but that should have justified the creation of an Israeli State in Europe, not in the Middle East.

I am well aware that the US (and the US alone among Western nations) is crying out loud against Iran.

But I am merely advocating that "those with a clear, loud voice" try and strive for peace, instead of stirring up yet another war.

Think about it... and set your minds free of the propaganda of Washington lobbyists...

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/26/13 at 05:32:06

I see you’re infected with the soft anti-Semitism bug so many in Europe have. (along with 1600 Pennsylvania Ave apparently…)  You don’t quite have the balls to come out and say it so you peddle it in the form of pseudo – intellectual drivel.

Israel succeeded and prospered after 1948 because it’s people are not dedicated to destroying her neighbors. They’ve maintained their democratic government and are responsible members of the world community. The countries around her are the opposite. Take the oil away, and the other middle eastern countries could just as well be in central African. Full of potential, but burdened by corrupt governments, murderous people and a religion of peace which is decidedly not so peaceful.

The message today is terrorism pays off. Take advantage of how easily anti-Semitism is passed along and use this as the cover you need.  Trick the foolish Chamberlain’s of our day and build your bomb over the next 6 months.

It an ironic twist; perhaps Israel and Saudi Arabia will join together and turn Tehran into a Smoky the Bear theme park.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/26/13 at 07:48:28

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
I see you’re infected with the soft anti-Semitism bug so many in Europe have. (along with 1600 Pennsylvania Ave apparently…)  You don’t quite have the balls to come out and say it so you peddle it in the form of pseudo – intellectual drivel.

Oh, I have balls, alright, it's just that you seem to confuse "antisemitism" with "a-semitism", as in "I don't give a darn what they did to your gradpa, you have no right to do the same to the arabs these days".

Israel succeeded and prospered after 1948 because it’s people are not dedicated to destroying her neighbors.

Bovine excrements to the umpteenth power. For all the UNSC statements condemning israel for mass murders, genocide and unnecessary violence since 1948... they were ALL vetoed by the US, often by the US alone.

They’ve maintained their democratic government and are responsible members of the world community.

Yes, they are sooo democratic there are three different types of license plates on cars, and three different types of ID cards:
- for Jewish Israeli citizens,
- for Christian/Muslim/non-jewish citizens,
- for non-citizen residents.
That, in South Africa, was called "Apartheid" and the US imposed sanctions.
That, in Mississippi-Alabama-Arkansan, was called "white only" schools, restaurants, cniemas and buses.
But in Israel it's democratic...?  :-?

The countries around her are the opposite. Take the oil away, and the other middle eastern countries could just as well be in central African. Full of potential, but burdened by corrupt governments, murderous people and a religion of peace which is decidedly not so peaceful.

Too bad those failed states in Central Africa hape puppet governments controlled by the big oil giants. Ever been to Nigeria ? Peaceful place untl they started drilling...

The message today is terrorism pays off. Take advantage of how easily anti-Semitism is passed along and use this as the cover you need.  Trick the foolish Chamberlain’s of our day and build your bomb over the next 6 months.

It an ironic twist; perhaps Israel and Saudi Arabia will join together and turn Tehran into a Smoky the Bear theme park.

Oh, gosh, so take away the oil from the Saudis, and they become friends to the Israelis ? How convenient of you...

Excerpt from the resumé of Dr. Henry Kissinger, Sec.y of State to Pres, Nixon:
Henry Kissinger:
He was an early architect of new world order harshness.
He’s considered a notorious war criminal. His rap sheet includes three to four million Southeast Asian war deaths.
He was instrumental in overthrowing Chile’s democratic government. Augusto Pinochet replaced Salvador Allende. Reign of terror arrests, killings, torture and neoliberal harshness followed.
He backed Suharto’s brutal dictatorship. His Kopassus special forces terrorized Indonesians. Their record includes kidnappings, rape, torture, targeted killings, sweeping violence, mass murder, and other atrocities against anyone challenging his authority.
He supported his West Papua takeover. He OK’d his East Timor invasion. Over two hundred thousand East Timorese died. Around half a million more were displaced.
[N.B. the West Timorese are Muslim, the East Timorese are Christian]
In two months, 10% of the population was annihilated. It was prelude for what followed.
Kissinger supported the Khmer Rouge’s rise to power and reign of terror.
He encouraged a Kurdish revolt against Saddam Hussein. He then abandoned them.
He advised Bush and Cheney on Iraq policy.
He backed a 1974 Cypriot fascist coup. He defended Turkey’s brutal invasion.
He was complicit in Operation Condor. Pinochet and other Latin American despots reigned terror against alleged communists and political opponents. Tens of thousands perished.
He supported Pakistan’s “delicacy and tact” in overthrowing Bangladesh’s democratically elected government. Half a million deaths followed.
In 1974, his secret National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) called for drastic global depopulation. Developing nations are resource rich, he said. They’re vital to US growth.
He wanted useless eaters eliminated. He said “Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World.”
He supported involuntary mass sterilizations. He wanted birth control made a prerequisite for US aid. He wanted hundreds of millions eliminated by 2000.
He endorsed the worst of Israeli crimes. He deplores peace. He supports war and state terror. He symbolizes the worst of imperial lawlessness.

Incidentally... may I have ONE historical reason why Palestine was chosen as the "Land of Israel"?
Any of you who claim "King david" etc. are off your mark, the Crusader Kingdom of Christian Jerusalem lasted longer.
Historically speaking, the one nation to have ruled over palestine longest was Turkey.

I speak history, Webstermark, not propaganda.


Read the Bible.
"Israel" was the name of the 2nd born to Abraham.
"Israel" never existed in the book of Genesis, Abraham - Jacob were bedouin sheep herders.
"Israel" never existed in the book of Exodus, it was a people of exiles crossing the desert.
"Israel" was guilty of the most atrocious war crimes under Moses (he waged war his own Father in Law and exterminated his People) Joshua (see Jericho) and on.
"Israel" was sovereign only under Kings Saul, David, Salomon and Rehoboam.
"Israel" had Samaria, not Jerusalem, as its capital city after the death of Rehoboam, when only Judea and Galilee remained under Jerusalem and the other 9 Tribes coalesced as the Kingdom of (new) Israel
"Israel" was constantly at war with all the neighboring nations under the Judges, and was often a feudal state to Ghaza, paying taxes and tributes to the Philistines.
"Israel" never even existed under the babylonian kings.
"Israel" is last mentioned as an autonous political entity around 260BC by Spartan chonicles.
After that, nothing, nothing at all.

King Herod was not even a Hebrew, he was a Bedouin, faithful to Rome, and appointed King of Jerusalem as reward.
He converted to being a Jew only to obtain the crown.

Read the Bible.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Pine on 11/26/13 at 08:43:51

Ahhh Kissinger.... now theres a name from the past. I remember jokes about him being the smartest man in the world. Not my favorite person.

As to taking a side ( Israel/ Iran): I don't feel obligated to side with either. I like reading what MPes wrote... you gotta know you can't just take a chuck of the most important land to the big three abrahamic religions and not piss off a few folks.    

As for the current. meh Seems to me US bought some time to keep us (US) out of war. If Israel wants a shot at them.. thats thier business. On the flip side... it may be the US (powers that be) need to stack up some reasons to go to war. Nothing like a war to redirect the fact your economy is in the crapper.  So now we have two targets: Middle East and China. ( because the war on Terror and the war on drugs dont cost enough..... umm yeah)

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/13 at 09:15:39

Again , Pesci has no "built in" belief system that colors his views. He knows history & sees events. He hasnt been trained that to be critical of Israel is wrong & anyone who honestly evaluates the events with the colored lenses off is a bad person. OHH NOO,, Thats Anti_Semitism! Ohh NOOO!
Well,, let me ask you folks this.

How many people despise the actions of the American government?
How many hate the citizens?
Criticizing the actions of the government isnt hating the people. Learn to separate that.

How many are actually trained to believe what they would never believe had they not been taught all their lives that to criticize Israeli policy is to be antisemitic?

Some here are..Here,, have a look,,
Its the same game as calling anyone who criticizes Bammy a racist,, that finally wore out, but it didnt have the numbers & the $$ to make it stick,
Antisemitic Did,,

Catching Pesci Wrong takes , well,, I dunno what it takes,, I havent seen it yet,

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Dane Allen on 11/26/13 at 09:18:55

I am pretty sure Isreal was in existance before 1948 and even further back before the time of Christ. What doesn't exist is Palestine, there are no such people as Palestinians. 4,000 years + Israel has existed, it included parts of Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, etc. If you wish to review history then I request you review the whole timeline and not just the last 70 or so years.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/26/13 at 10:51:49

We are not talking about Old Testament history, we’re not talking about Henry Kissinger (where ever the hell that came from) and we’re not talking even talking about license plate procedures that identify the owner of a car from a distance and is done to reduce suicide attacks by those wonderful people who, among their more creative methods to spread peace and joy through the region,  use bombs strapped to children or the mentally ill ….  ( as a side note; to compare that to the ‘whites only’ lunch counter shows your utter, and I mean utter, lack of understand in this area…)  

No, what we are talking about the soft anti-Semitic stand that allows a blind eye to be turned towards a nation which repeatedly calls for the complete and utter destruction of another. Your ‘Iran is the most stable nation in the region’ is the equal of ‘at least Saddam had the trains running on time’. Pathetic.  

Israel has been a positive force in the world since 1948 and the hostilities of that region with regards to Israel could be ended immediately if one side would just stop trying to destroy her.  There is no moral equivalent between Israel and the enemies trying to destroy them. Maybe I’m wrong so help me out here if I am but I can’t remember when a group of Israelis issued a fatwa and sent children strapped with bombs to their chest across the border….

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Midnightrider on 11/26/13 at 15:07:08

Web I agree with you 100%. I bet you thought you would never hear that come from me.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Serowbot on 11/26/13 at 15:13:07


The Jewish faith is the heart of three major religions...
Jerusalem is the birthplace of them...
All three religions agree on this...
The Jews built it... God said it was theirs...

I'm an atheist,.. and even I ain't gonna' argue with God on this one... ;D...

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Midnightrider on 11/26/13 at 15:21:15

Ya keeping score Bot? LMAO!

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/26/13 at 17:31:29

2F0B060C0B050A16100B060710620 wrote:
Web I agree with you 100%. I bet you thought you would never hear that come from me.

I am in shock a bit, yes....

This isn't a religion issue except to the degree that the religion of peace wants to blow the hell out Israel.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Midnightrider on 11/26/13 at 18:52:57

Sit Down, Breathe deeply Web. LMAO I realize what you said. I believe the 12 Tribes Of Israel dissapeared a long time ago through interracial marriges and such. When I was into 9/11 I saw a video of an Israeli Camera Crew sitting up 30 minutes before the first plane hit. When the buildings came down they started dancing in the streets. The detective in me knew somehow they have to be involved. I was really pissed off then the voice of reason took over and told me I couldnt hate a whole oppressed country for the actions of a few. I dont know how deeply those Israelis were involved but one cant help but know they knew it was coming unless the video was a fake which I dont believe it was. The only other choice I had to believe is they were not Israeli's but maybe Arabs that looked a lot like Israelis and maybe the author of the video was trying to stir up some $hit. I prefer to believe the second choice. I really try to look at all sides and investigate eveything I throw out there on this forum because I know someone is going to challenge it. Usually you, still LMAO I hope someday you'll realize I'm not your enemy I'm just writing what I've seen, heard or read and believe to be the truth. I almost hysterical now. I already know your comeback. I should be a reporter for the National Enquirer. Oh $hit, let me out of here Still LMAO!

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 05:58:34

I've never viewed you as an enemy Midnight. I enjoy hearing about your life. I told you once before (and I think Jerry did the same) it doesn't seem to fit that you're so easily duped by these conspiracy theories that can't possibly be true. Your life's adventures should have given you the background to know what's possible and what's not.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/27/13 at 07:25:00

Whew ! There's so much to say it makes my skin tingle.

OK, first things first, Israel did NOT exist before 1948. Ask any Jew. Can't be too hard to find one.

Israel was last independent sometime in the 3rd Century BC. 3rd century BC means some 2400-2500 years ago. in 167 BC ZEUS was worshipped in the Temple in Jerusalem, not YHWH
Ever since then, it was under some foreign domination or other, hence it was NOT a sovereign State.

(as a historical anecdote, in 622 the priest Hilkia discovered "the Law of Moses" =Deuteronomy under King Josiah, but nobody could read it because it was writtenin an alphabet nobody could read anymore)

To claim "Palestine never existed" is like to claim "there's no such place as Texas"  :-?

The name "palestine" is the Greek, then Latin translitteration of the Semitic "Philistìn" or "Philistiniye" from which you have the name "Philistine".

When Moses led the People of Israel to the river Jordan, the land was already inhabited.

The name of the region is Canaan, and the people are thus called "Canaanites" which is a mistake the writers of the chronicles made, for the simple reason they apparently did not speak the local language, and quite possibly had nobody to speak to since the locals, once defeated, were murdered en-masse. It says so in the Bible. Joshua 6:21.

So to call those people "Canaanites" is like calling someone from Washington, D.C. a "Potomachian". :-?

And in Joshua 1:8, Joshua smites Jerusalem ???  :o "Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire."


The Jewish faith is at the heart of the three major religions... major in Europe and the Americas (not in Asia ... you missed out on over 3 billion)

That is not quite correct.

Modern Jewdom is quite different from Jewdom in the days of Zachariah (who was he ? A Priest in the Temple, father to John the Baptist)

Christianity is so embued with classical philosophy that it would be unrecognizable to a 1st Century Christian.
You only have to spend a few months (not days, please) in Europe and do a proper tour of churches, and read the classics, to realize there is nothing in common between John and Paul.
Christianity is so awash with Paul's philosophy, it often contradicts Jesus' own words (starting with Paul's bigot misoginy)

Islam is the fruit of the religious conversion of a merchant who worshipped the Moon Goddess , with the teachings of a Rabbi who taught him to read and write, and those of Muhammad's first wife, a Coptic Christian.

So there you have it.

Incidentally, Jerusalem is NOT the heart of Jewdom, as it was a city-state governed by a Priest King, Melkisedek, when Abraham, a bedouin sheperd, allied his own cameltroops with local "kings" and waged war against other  local "kings";
it's in Genesis 14:18.


As for my "soft, antisemitic stand":

1. I am curious enough NOT to be content with Sunday School teachings, and do my own research.

2. To those who claim "the Palestinians never existed", go ask the Christians who live(d) in Bethlehem, they lived quite peacefully in Bethlehem for 1900 years (including under the Saladin and Muslim rule) until a guy with a Polish or German name came and claimed "this is my home" :-?

One of those Christians, incidentally, is my Father in Law.
John Anton David, born in Bethlehem in 1926, and still in good health.
He served the draft as a machine gunner in the Palestinian Infantry when Palestine was, a) a British Protectorate, and b) administered separately from Trans-Jordan by the British.
I have pictures of him and even scans of his papers dating back from those days.

That there are ID cards and license plates in different colors has nothing to do with suicide bombings, this has been routine administrative practice since the end of the 1st Arab-Israeli war.
Please be informed that Christian Palestinians (i.e., Israeli citizens of any Christian denomination, mostly Catholics) do NOT have the same rights and privileges as Jewish Israelis, but are considered and treated on par with Muslim Palestinians.

I know. My FiL's lands and business were taken away and handed over to yet another jewish immigrant in 1958 and they had to emigrate to Beirut, and when Yassir Arafat and the PLO created a civil war in Lebanon in 1972 they yet again emigrated to Rome.
That is how I met my wife of 24 years.

So please don't tell me "I don't know", I do know, painfully well, from 1st hand sources.

As for Europe being "softly antisemitic", please take the time to read this article, it is the mere tip of the iceberg:
"Antisemitism as a political weapon"


As a closing remark... on "antisemitism"...

Arabs are ethnic Semites. Muslim Palestinians are Ethnic Semites.
Christian Palestinians are ethnic Philistines, i.e. quasi-Greeks (it's in the genes, it's scientifically proven, they NEVER cross married with the Jews nor with the Muslims)

Do a DNA test on an Israeli Jew: less than 10% qualify as Semites, the rest are (Indo)-Europeans or Ethiopians (Cushites).

So..laugh your arses off all you want, but watch out where to sit when you're left breathless.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/27/13 at 07:33:08

PS: If Israel deserves to be a sovereign nation, then so does Utah.

After all, God gave Utah to the Mormons, didn't he ?  :-?

Think about it.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 08:04:41

I don’t know if you’re deliberately missing the point or are too biased to get it.
I don’t care about 2000 years ago, I don’t care about the DNA of a Jew; the point is Israel has been a productive and caring member of the world community for decades and continues to do so. That stands in direct contrast to a nation ruled through fear with a stated goal of completely destroying Israel.

Iran’s stance means they have no inherent right to nuclear power. Sorry, but they gave that up when they demanded another nation’s destruction. There is no moral equivalency between the two nations.

I certainly hope Israel identifies Iran’s nuclear sites and turns them into rubble.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/13 at 08:16:01

Web, Im betting that the information youre getting telling you how scary Iran is comes from the media. HISTORY, OTOH, will demonstrate that Iran is a very Old & stable nation, not prone to invasion.. Nothing like the militaristic attitudes being attributed to them OR the history of other nations. YOu remember that rant by Ahmadinejad? YOu know, where he said Israel should be wiped off the map? Well,, those were lies, told to us, by the media. He didnt say the Country needed wiped off the map, he said the REGIME driving the country needed wiped from the pages of history,
IOW, the politicians & their policies, not the people.,
Most Americans are unable to locate the accurate translations & even then, if they had them in front of them, unable to grasp the differences.

People need to understand that WE have black ops pulling dirty tricks in Iran, just BEGGING them to retaliate,, which, Should They,, would be reported as a Brutal , unprovoked Attack on America..The deceit & treachery we live in is just mind boggling,

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by pgambr on 11/27/13 at 08:25:14

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
I don’t know if you’re deliberately missing the point or are too biased to get it.
I don’t care about 2000 years ago, I don’t care about the DNA of a Jew; the point is Israel has been a productive and caring member of the world community for decades and continues to do so. That stands in direct contrast to a nation ruled through fear with a stated goal of completely destroying Israel.

What has Israel done to be bestowed a caring member of the world community?

When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Iran’s stance means they have no inherent right to nuclear power. Sorry, but they gave that up when they demanded another nation’s destruction. There is no moral equivalency between the two nations.

I certainly hope Israel identifies Iran’s nuclear sites and turns them into rubble.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by pgambr on 11/27/13 at 08:26:42

Sorry, my 2 questions ended in the middle of the post.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 09:04:40

Seriously? Look around, do 3 minutes of digging.

I would agree that education by itself doesn’t mean everything but it’s a pretty good indication of world wide contribution, wouldn’t you say? Top 10…..
Top 10 most-educated countries are:
1. Canada
2. Israel
3. Japan
4. United States
5. New Zealand
6. South Korea
7. United Kingdom
8. Finland
9. Australia
10. Ireland

Israel has the highest per capital of scientist in their population.

Since liberals love to point out healthcare as evidence of a failure, I guess it’s worth nothing Israel has been rated 4th best healthcare worldwide.

I believe Israel's economy is larger than all the other middle eastern countries combined minus Saudi Arabia with their oil. In fact, if I recall correctly, Israel has very little oil to export.

Israel contributes to the world community.

Here’s their contribution to the world:

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 09:07:37

When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Missed this question. Given the fact they operate behind the scenes by funding numerous terrorist groups, I'd say the correct answer is daily.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/13 at 09:09:27

So,.. "Palastine", or Israel,... was occupied by nomads, until Moses invaded and claimed the land of Israel...
Then Romans took it,... then Muslims took it,... then all of Christianity fought all of Muslimity ( ;D) for it... (somewhere Alexander sorta' had it, and the Germans sorta' had it)...
... and then the British had it...
Now,.. we should chose an occupier to keep it?...

The Jewish people settled it, and made it what it is... it isn't a patch of dirt... (as dirt, it has practically no value at all)... it's value is in it's religious significance...
All the invasions and occupations throughout history have not been about ownership of dirt... they have been claiming the religious center of the world...
That center belongs to the Jewish people... they made a patch of desert into the center of the world...

You want to give it back to Muslims?... or Syria or Jordan?...
Why not let Rome take back the British isles?...
The British can take back America...

A chronology of invasion and occupation is not a good basis to decide ownership...

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by pgambr on 11/27/13 at 09:11:58

Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/13 at 09:20:35

5344424E4151230 wrote:
Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.

A caring member of the world community?...
What have we done?...
... or Greece?,.. or Holland?... or Ireland?... or Cambodia?...

Second question...
We propped up Saddam in Iraq for decades to push against Iranian incursions...
Apparently we considered that to be important...

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/13 at 09:45:48

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Missed this question. Given the fact they operate behind the scenes by funding numerous terrorist groups, I'd say the correct answer is daily.

& you know about their secret actions HOW? YOu dont mean to tell me youve been told about it by the very same media that lies to us daily, do you? How much of what they do is retaliation for what is being clandestinely done to them? Scientists murdered, ammo dump exploding,, we dont even hear of all the BS being done by black ops in there. Weve been thumbing them in the eye for a long time, just trying to get them to overtly strike back, so we can point to it as a "Brutal & unprovoked attack".. How many wars must we be lied into before people start doubting the news?

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 09:47:38

A caring member of the world community?...
What have we done?...
... or Greece?,.. or Holland?... or Ireland?... or Cambodia?...

seriously? What haven't we done......

we're not perfect, but compared to the next best alternative, the US is a godsend....

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 09:52:11

Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.

I think I did. As I stated, I wouldn't say education level is the be all to end all, but it certainly says something, wouldn't you say? Probably a better indicator is comparing economies. People do business with people they trust and are stable. Israel's economy dwarfs Iran. I think you would have a hard time coming up with any category where Iran would be considered a more valuable member of the world. (assuming you leave out terrorism)

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 09:53:37

& you know about their secret actions HOW?

and you know otherwise HOW? yet another youtube video..... another conspiracy theory....

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/13 at 10:23:02

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
A caring member of the world community?...
What have we done?...
... or Greece?,.. or Holland?... or Ireland?... or Cambodia?...

seriously? What haven't we done......

we're not perfect, but compared to the next best alternative, the US is a godsend....

Most of the world hates us for it...

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 10:52:56

Yea, that's why we have an illegal immigration problem, cause they are all dying to get someplace they hate...

I don't care what most of the world thinks, they're wrong anyway.

Until they need us and then they come begging.

But I've never found that to be true, that they hate us. I've been to 6 other countries and I work for an international company where I deal with my European counterparts often, I don't get that feeling.

I think that's a misconception that's built up more than it is. Now, do terrorist countries hate us? Yep, and they should.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/13 at 11:05:34

People are coming here because they have a better chance of surviving here,
America has invaded & destroyed for no reason, so many places,, & the masses chant
Spreadin Democracy,,

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by pgambr on 11/27/13 at 11:05:59

645651404756417E524158330 wrote:
& you know about their secret actions HOW?

and you know otherwise HOW? yet another youtube video..... another conspiracy theory....

I didn't say I knew of any otherwise.  I posed two questions in the course of the debate.  Of which the context of your conversation was re-directed to the point of belittling statements toward myself.  I believe it is a well-known fact regarding the statement made by pesci about the license plates.  How would you like to live somewhere where your license plate is different because of your religious beliefs?  

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 11:56:50

That statement about youtube videos was directed at Jog; not you. He understands what I mean. If I sound belittling to you it is because I sense yet another terrorist apologist.... Not sure what rock you guys all climb out from under....  Not sure what's so hard about seeing the difference between Iran and Israeli. If you can't, yea, I've got a problem with you.

I believe it is a well-known fact regarding the statement made by pesci about the license plates.

No, I don't believe it is well known......   License plates are used in Israeli to help identify the likely driver of the car from a distance away. Different plates have different rights to roads. Different plates get treated differently. I don't have a problem with that.

How would you like to live somewhere where your license plate is different because of your religious beliefs?  

Stop blowing people up then. Pretty simple solution.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/13 at 12:05:22

7B6C6A6669790B0 wrote:
[quote author=645651404756417E524158330 link=1385410975/15#29 date=1385574817]
& you know about their secret actions HOW?

and you know otherwise HOW? yet another youtube video..... another conspiracy theory....

I didn't say I knew of any otherwise.  I posed two questions in the course of the debate.  Of which the context of your conversation was re-directed to the point of belittling statements toward myself.  I believe it is a well-known fact regarding the statement made by pesci about the license plates.  How would you like to live somewhere where your license plate is different because of your religious beliefs?  [/quote]

How about historical evidence coupled with the continual media onslaught painting them as bad? Common sense tells me. I have a long, established history of being correct & I believe what I believe based on many things. I tend to shy away from what I see the media & politicians trying to get me to believe. I USED to buy into it, I USED to believe the prevailing views. After seeing them turn out to be horse crap, time after time, I have become very skeptical. I remember Viet Nam, Iraq., I remember the 80's, when we saw our military roll thru S. America, unseating leaders. I remember the drugs pouring into America.. Gee,, It ALMOST looked like we went thru S. America, removing those who wouldnt allow drug manufacturing & transport to America & out in those who would not only DO that, but would invest profits in Wall Street & have the $$$ laundered in American banks,,
The world is a lot more like a James Bond flick than the "Ohh, we are the worlds Boy Scouts", rollin thru the world, just doin good, helpin "the oppressed" people in those other countries.
Look at what we did in Libya!~ Those people had the highest standard of living of any in Africa,, & today, the place is a wreck, infrastructure, society, economy,

People need to read what it was like there,
Note, also that there are videos of Gaddafi riding thru town, standing UN-Protected, up out of the roof of the car, while Citizens were all over the place,, waving & crowding in on the car,,
If he was so hated, how did he survive like that?
If he was so hated, how did he survive like that?
If he was so hated, how did he survive like that?
If he was so hated, how did he survive like that?

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by pgambr on 11/27/13 at 12:52:11

You will know them by their deeds.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 01:07:46

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
I don’t know if you’re deliberately missing the point or are too biased to get it.
I don’t care about 2000 years ago, I don’t care about the DNA of a Jew; the point is Israel has been a productive and caring member of the world community for decades and continues to do so. That stands in direct contrast to a nation ruled through fear with a stated goal of completely destroying Israel.

Iran’s stance means they have no inherent right to nuclear power. Sorry, but they gave that up when they demanded another nation’s destruction. There is no moral equivalency between the two nations.

I certainly hope Israel identifies Iran’s nuclear sites and turns them into rubble.


Israel is mass irrigating its fields with such intensitym, it is sucking the Jordan river dry.
It is not an accusation, it is the statement by the Israeli Department of Agriculture.

So what do they do ? They go to water. Where is water ? River Litani, deep within Lebanon. So they invade southern Lebanon.

Mind you, this is not like the Israeli at war with Syria and keeping the Golan Heights, that has military justification.

OPERATION LITANI was an unprovoked unilateral invasion of a neighboring nation whose sparse troops were already struggling
with a civil war between the Government troops, the Muslim Druse Battallions and the Christian Maronite Phalanxes on one side,
and Muslim Palestinians on the other (PLO) who had Syrian, not Iranian backing.

So Israel simply took control of the river the way a hood would snatch at a lady's purse.

Next, please !

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 01:09:57

506265747362754A66756C070 wrote:
I don’t know if you’re deliberately missing the point or are too biased to get it.
I don’t care about 2000 years ago, I don’t care about the DNA of a Jew; the point is Israel has been a productive and caring member of the world community for decades and continues to do so. That stands in direct contrast to a nation ruled through fear with a stated goal of completely destroying Israel.

Iran’s stance means they have no inherent right to nuclear power. Sorry, but they gave that up when they demanded another nation’s destruction. There is no moral equivalency between the two nations.

I certainly hope Israel identifies Iran’s nuclear sites and turns them into rubble.

Monsanto's production of GMO seed is already contaminating European fields, where GMO are banned.

Would your statement justify preemptive bombing of Monsanto plants in the US by European forces ?  :-?

Would you care to speculate ?

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 01:27:51

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
Seriously? Look around, do 3 minutes of digging.

I would agree that education by itself doesn’t mean everything but it’s a pretty good indication of world wide contribution, wouldn’t you say? Top 10…..
Top 10 most-educated countries are:
1. Canada
2. Israel
3. Japan
4. United States
5. New Zealand
6. South Korea
7. United Kingdom
8. Finland
9. Australia
10. Ireland

Israel has the highest per capital of scientist in their population.

Since liberals love to point out healthcare as evidence of a failure, I guess it’s worth nothing Israel has been rated 4th best healthcare worldwide.

I believe Israel's economy is larger than all the other middle eastern countries combined minus Saudi Arabia with their oil. In fact, if I recall correctly, Israel has very little oil to export.

Israel contributes to the world community.

Here’s their contribution to the world:

OK, if you mean "the nations with most universities", you're off the mark.
If you mean "the naitons with the most university graduates", you're missing the point.
As an example, there are diplomas you can obtain in US/UK Universities, as B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) which equate to a 5-year High School Diploma in Italy and other Mediterranean Countries;
one being BSc Economics (Bookeeping and Business Accounting) the other being BSc in Geology and Surveyor.

BUT if you mean "the nations with the best/most literate High School Curricula" then I don't know where you got that statistic, nor who wrote it and with what data, given that not ONE Country from Continental Europe is mentioned.

Israel has the highest per capital of scientist in their population

True, it is also true they have the BIGGEST chem/bio stockpiles in the Middle East, that dwarf Syria, but nobody's complaining.
Too bad that with all their MILITARY scientists, they have developed just about every possible bio hazard one can think of, but not the cure for cancer, nor for the common cold?
Er, it's not an opinion, and I pleade Chatham House Rules for my sources. But they are official.

I believe Israel's economy is larger than all the other middle eastern countries combined

Your beliefs are ill-informed. Israel's GDP originates by a good 50% from voluntary contributions by the Jewish Communities worldwide, and by unilateral (not bilateral) business deals with the US (i.e., you buy their grapefruit even though they're more expensive than US-grown produce)

In other words, perhaps 40% of Israel's GDP is actually "local economy". If those funds were to stop flowing, Israel would implode.
That is not my opinion, it is the opinion of politico-strategic analysts
(Sources: IISS, RUSI, SSI, George C. Marshall Center)

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 01:44:53

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Missed this question. Given the fact they operate behind the scenes by funding numerous terrorist groups, I'd say the correct answer is daily.

1. The US supported and backed the Shah's regime in Iran. Iran was a civilized nation, but also corrupt and perhaps too highly westernized according to the right-wing religious zealots.
It was THEY who backed Imam Khomeini's return to Iran (after he had been sentenced and exiled by the Shah for inciting rebellion and revolt).
The Shah fled and Khomeini decrlared the Islamic Republic (dictatorship) in Iran.

2. The US backed Saddam's regime in Iraq. Iraq was THE most industrialized nation in the Middle East (Iran is not Middle East, it is Central Asia).
After the downfall of the Shah in Iran, the US egged Saddam into starting the Iran-Iraq war. Iraqi artillery repeatedly shelled borderside Iranian villages "by mistake" until Iran could stand it no longer and declared war.
Unfortunately, Iran's Islamic regime had executed all military intellighenzia, and the Army was literally in the hands of the political leaders, who only understood full frontal infantry attacks.
On the other hand, Iraqi military leadership (trained in the US and UK) was so appallingly poor, with all the technology they had they could NOT defeat foot infantry.
The result was an apocalyptic bloodbath and stalemate.

3. Iran has never declared war on anybody since 1738, when Persia was attacked by Pashtun tribes (Afghanis) and drove them out, eventually attacking and defeating their Indian sponsors..
Persia was attacked by Russia and the UK in the 19th Century during the "Great Game" (I suggest you read some Kipling, such as "Kim" or "The Man who would be King") and again by the UK during WW1.

On the other hand, I have studied many a war started with a stratagem and a scapegoat... ::)
I have worked with many a colleague who resigned "on paper" to go work as "civilian security contractors".
Funny, mercenaries are outlawed in "civilized" countries, or so I thought.  ;)

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 01:50:57

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
[quote author=5344424E4151230 link=1385410975/15#24 date=1385572318]Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.

A caring member of the world community?...
What have we done?...
... or Greece?,.. or Holland?... or Ireland?... or Cambodia?...

Second question...
We propped up Saddam in Iraq for decades to push against Iranian incursions...Apparently we considered that to be important...[/quote]

Actually, no, it was quite the other way around.

You propped up Saddam to carry out incursions into Iran, hoping to find a way to topple the Islamic Republic and reinstate the Shah.

It's in history books, at least in this Continent. Of course, in your Continent world history may have taken another turn.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 01:55:57

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.

I think I did. As I stated, I wouldn't say education level is the be all to end all, but it certainly says something, wouldn't you say? Probably a better indicator is comparing economies. People do business with people they trust and are stable. Israel's economy dwarfs Iran. I think you would have a hard time coming up with any category where Iran would be considered a more valuable member of the world. (assuming you leave out terrorism)

I think you would have an interesting time reading about CASPIAN OIL which is currently drilled and explorted by :
- Kazakhstan (through Russia)
- Azerbaidjan (through Georgia and Turkey)
- IRAN through the Hormuz Straits.

I think you do not realize Iran is so busy rebuilding its own infrastructure, and struggling with US-imposed sanctions, it has a hard time having an economy at all.

Itran had a better economy under the Shah, who was backed by the US. Come Imam Khomeini, the US imposed sanctions, and the economy was strangled.

The economy is just another way to wage war.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 01:58:42

Overall, please give me credit for posting facts, just hard facts, which are objective, and not posting opinions, which are subjective.

I simply hear the news, do research. My job helps in this aspect.

Else, were I to post opinions, I'd have somebody busy calling me a turd... again...

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/28/13 at 06:32:08

I read through your post and all I see is a Jew-hater searching for some justification.

I think you do not realize Iran is so busy rebuilding its own infrastructure, and struggling with US-imposed sanctions, it has a hard time having an economy at all.

Aw.... The poor butchers are struggling after sanctions for killing women and children......  

Wake up mpesc, you are trying hard to equate Iran on the same level with a democratic Israel. You better stop and ask yourself why you are working so hard at this.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 06:36:49

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
That stands in direct contrast to a nation ruled through fear with a stated goal of completely destroying Israel.

Iran’s stance means they have no inherent right to nuclear power. Sorry, but they gave that up when they demanded another nation’s destruction. There is no moral equivalency between the two nations.

I certainly hope Israel identifies Iran’s nuclear sites and turns them into rubble.

You continuously highlight your ignorance every time you post, but this one takes the cake! Iran never called for the destruction of another nation. You parrot the corporate controlled lie were Ahmadinejad, quoting an Ayatollah said zionism couldn't survive. Even Israel’s minister of intelligence and atomic energy, Dan Meridor said the wipe of the map media quote was not true. But of course you believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories like "wiping israel off the map" and religious Arab fanatics on a mission to meet Allah armed with razor blades flew planes into buildings after partying with alcohol and strippers the night before.

What is worse is your hopes for a horrible holocaust as you cheer/wish for a nuclear attack on Iran. You have to be one of the sickest persons I never meet.  You actually call for the destruction of these people:

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 06:55:22

Mark Webster is not interested in what you say. You speak too much truth. He is like a little wind up toy parrot programed with government propaganda.

677A6F79696B7E6578630A0 wrote:
Whew ! There's so much to say it makes my skin tingle.

OK, first things first, Israel did NOT exist before 1948. Ask any Jew. Can't be too hard to find one.

Israel was last independent sometime in the 3rd Century BC. 3rd century BC means some 2400-2500 years ago. in 167 BC ZEUS was worshipped in the Temple in Jerusalem, not YHWH
Ever since then, it was under some foreign domination or other, hence it was NOT a sovereign State.

(as a historical anecdote, in 622 the priest Hilkia discovered "the Law of Moses" =Deuteronomy under King Josiah, but nobody could read it because it was writtenin an alphabet nobody could read anymore)

To claim "Palestine never existed" is like to claim "there's no such place as Texas"  :-?

The name "palestine" is the Greek, then Latin translitteration of the Semitic "Philistìn" or "Philistiniye" from which you have the name "Philistine".

When Moses led the People of Israel to the river Jordan, the land was already inhabited.

The name of the region is Canaan, and the people are thus called "Canaanites" which is a mistake the writers of the chronicles made, for the simple reason they apparently did not speak the local language, and quite possibly had nobody to speak to since the locals, once defeated, were murdered en-masse. It says so in the Bible. Joshua 6:21.

So to call those people "Canaanites" is like calling someone from Washington, D.C. a "Potomachian". :-?

And in Joshua 1:8, Joshua smites Jerusalem ???  :o "Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire."


The Jewish faith is at the heart of the three major religions... major in Europe and the Americas (not in Asia ... you missed out on over 3 billion)

That is not quite correct.

Modern Jewdom is quite different from Jewdom in the days of Zachariah (who was he ? A Priest in the Temple, father to John the Baptist)

Christianity is so embued with classical philosophy that it would be unrecognizable to a 1st Century Christian.
You only have to spend a few months (not days, please) in Europe and do a proper tour of churches, and read the classics, to realize there is nothing in common between John and Paul.
Christianity is so awash with Paul's philosophy, it often contradicts Jesus' own words (starting with Paul's bigot misoginy)

Islam is the fruit of the religious conversion of a merchant who worshipped the Moon Goddess , with the teachings of a Rabbi who taught him to read and write, and those of Muhammad's first wife, a Coptic Christian.

So there you have it.

Incidentally, Jerusalem is NOT the heart of Jewdom, as it was a city-state governed by a Priest King, Melkisedek, when Abraham, a bedouin sheperd, allied his own cameltroops with local "kings" and waged war against other  local "kings";
it's in Genesis 14:18.


As for my "soft, antisemitic stand":

1. I am curious enough NOT to be content with Sunday School teachings, and do my own research.

2. To those who claim "the Palestinians never existed", go ask the Christians who live(d) in Bethlehem, they lived quite peacefully in Bethlehem for 1900 years (including under the Saladin and Muslim rule) until a guy with a Polish or German name came and claimed "this is my home" :-?

One of those Christians, incidentally, is my Father in Law.
John Anton David, born in Bethlehem in 1926, and still in good health.
He served the draft as a machine gunner in the Palestinian Infantry when Palestine was, a) a British Protectorate, and b) administered separately from Trans-Jordan by the British.
I have pictures of him and even scans of his papers dating back from those days.

That there are ID cards and license plates in different colors has nothing to do with suicide bombings, this has been routine administrative practice since the end of the 1st Arab-Israeli war.
Please be informed that Christian Palestinians (i.e., Israeli citizens of any Christian denomination, mostly Catholics) do NOT have the same rights and privileges as Jewish Israelis, but are considered and treated on par with Muslim Palestinians.

I know. My FiL's lands and business were taken away and handed over to yet another jewish immigrant in 1958 and they had to emigrate to Beirut, and when Yassir Arafat and the PLO created a civil war in Lebanon in 1972 they yet again emigrated to Rome.
That is how I met my wife of 24 years.

So please don't tell me "I don't know", I do know, painfully well, from 1st hand sources.

As for Europe being "softly antisemitic", please take the time to read this article, it is the mere tip of the iceberg:
"Antisemitism as a political weapon"


As a closing remark... on "antisemitism"...

Arabs are ethnic Semites. Muslim Palestinians are Ethnic Semites.
Christian Palestinians are ethnic Philistines, i.e. quasi-Greeks (it's in the genes, it's scientifically proven, they NEVER cross married with the Jews nor with the Muslims)

Do a DNA test on an Israeli Jew: less than 10% qualify as Semites, the rest are (Indo)-Europeans or Ethiopians (Cushites).

So..laugh your arses off all you want, but watch out where to sit when you're left breathless.
Mark Webster is not interested in what you say. You speak to much truth. He is like a little wind up toy parrot programed with government propaganda.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/28/13 at 07:25:33

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
I read through your post and all I see is a Jew-hater searching for some justification.

I think you do not realize Iran is so busy rebuilding its own infrastructure, and struggling with US-imposed sanctions, it has a hard time having an economy at all.

Aw.... The poor butchers are struggling after sanctions for killing women and children......  

Wake up mpesc, you are trying hard to equate Iran on the same level with a democratic Israel. You better stop and ask yourself why you are working so hard at this.

You are improving, you omitted an adjective to Iran, that's very mature of you. Brownie points galore !  8-)

On the other hand, please be informed "Republic" does not equate to "Democratic".

If you do not believe ME, OK, I can live with that.

Go to the website of RUSI, SSI, IISS, George C. Marshall Center (with whom I have collaborated in the past) and see what THEY say.
Hey, they're either official US line of political analysis, of official UK line of political analysis, they can't be too far from YOUR line of political analysis.
Hmmm... which brings me to ponder...
Which are YOUR sources ? I have quoted mine, may we please have yours ?
If you have any, of course, any at all, other than your Sunday Preacher...

As for being a Jew-hater... I have said over and over, I do not post propaganda, I post historical facts and facts which are verifyable through properly informed press.

As the US do not have a "government-owned" TV network like we have in Europe, may I suggest you check with the BBC ?
May I suggest you go and read the TIMES ? Certainly they must be well informed, they have journalists on site, real journalists, not webcams and cellphones from Abu Dhabi describing what they think is  going on in Teheran.

I am NOT an Iran-lover nor an Israel-hater.

I just believe I have studied more world history than you, have read and studied political science and political relations more than you,
take the trouble to go and look for enough consisent sources to provide the same version to each other, whatever I may personally like or dislike, in order to be informed of what is REALLY going on, not just what Fox or CNBC want me to believe.

I close my comment with yet another hard fact.

Dedicated to all those who insist "PALESTINE NEVER EXISTED" (sorry I can't post sound with pictures)

Palestinian coins minted in 1934, under British Protectorate (if they allowed it to be made like this, who am I to disclaim it?)

Letter to Brazil, stamped "Jerusalem", with postage stamps reading "Palestine" and the Mosque of the Rock

Post Card

You won't believe this, the letter of a wine merchant based in Cairo, owned by a Jew, addressed to a customer in Gaza, Palestine (Front and rear)

Palestine Airways

Thomas Cook's (English tour operator to this day) Travel Guide to the Middle East$(KGrHqRHJCoFHK5fnHieBR6f,Wgvsw~~60_35.JPG

Come, o ye Jews, to Palestine !

And... some of the hard truth... from one Jew to another...

In e-Book preview format,

Your call.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 07:27:37

013334252233241B37243D560 wrote:
Israel has been a productive and caring member of the world community for decades and continues to do so.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 07:35:52

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Missed this question. Given the fact they operate behind the scenes by funding numerous terrorist groups, I'd say the correct answer is daily.

Proof??? Links?

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by WebsterMark on 11/28/13 at 07:47:11

Aw....the Rats come out of the woodwork..... Rat, I don't read your crap. Anyone stupid enough to think plastic surgery could have been used to cover government involvement in 9/11 is too delusional to pay attention to. Plus, your hatred of Jews has been demonstrated before.

Mpes why don't you get this? I don't care about 500 year old history or the Persian history, I'm talking about today. Iran has a stated goal to destroy Israel. They repeat it often as was done several times this week. You can't get away from that, you can't justify that. No one should try to justify that by bringing in ancient history as some kind of excuse.

Iran should not be allowed to pursue nuclear technology. Period. If an attack to destroy facilities is warranted, so be it.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 07:48:19

457770616677605F736079120 wrote:
Yea, that's why we have an illegal immigration problem, cause they are all dying to get someplace they hate...

Illegals sneaking into the US from south of the border for a better life due to US taxpayer funded government handouts does not compare to the just hatred created by a paranoid government that spies on everybody in the world and prefers conquest of resources to fair purchase.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 07:50:25

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
I don't care what most of the world thinks, they're wrong anyway.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 08:04:21

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
Rat, I don't read your crap.

and you prove that you don't read what I post with this statement....
0E3C3B2A2D3C2B14382B32590 wrote:
Anyone stupid enough to think plastic surgery could have been used to cover government involvement in 9/11

.....and this one
467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
your hatred of Jews has been demonstrated before

...that got my girl friend laughing again (yes, she's Jewish, but not Zionist).

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 08:14:38

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
Rat, I don't read your crap.
And why would you? You don't want the truth. Heck, you are ready know all you need to know. Your brain is full..... filled to the maximum with propaganda. If if the the whole disagrees with you, no problem for you because you know the whole world is wrong.... ;D

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/28/13 at 08:28:36

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
Iran should not be allowed to pursue nuclear technology. Period. If an attack to destroy facilities is warranted, so be it.

The world (that’s the world that Webster claims to be wrong ::)) understands that Iran, which does not have nuclear weapons, has signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and allows all IAEA inspections, is playing by the rules, while Israel, a wretchedly apartheid theocracy, which has nuclear weapons, and tried to sell clandestine nuclear weapons to South Africa, refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and refuses all inspections, is not.

Under the Symington Amendment to the Foreign Appropriations Act and the Glenn Act, it is illegal for the US Government to send our tax money to any nation in possession of nuclear weapons technology that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or allow IAEA inspections. Yet the criminals that occupy Washington and serve the virus state of Israel continue to give more that 8 and a half million borrowed taxpayer dollars to the zionist parasites every day...yes every day...weekends and holidays included.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/13 at 10:32:39

I couldnt spend time with Webby. My palms & legs wouldnt be able to take the pain. I can only tolerate a certain amount of knee slappin hilarity.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/13 at 11:10:28

6A77627464667368756E070 wrote:
OK, first things first, Israel did NOT exist before 1948.
Israel was last independent sometime in the 3rd Century BC. 3rd century BC means some 2400-2500 years ago.

Do these two statements disagree?... :-?...

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/13 at 18:49:22

No, it m,akes the point that prior to the governmental creation of Israel after WWII, Israel had ceased to exist a Looong time ago. So, For all intents & purposes, Israel didnt exist prior to the end of the war,
You can split hairs, if ya like, but the points are made for those who want to Communicate.

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/29/13 at 08:04:17

I don't care about Israel as a Nation any more than I care about Iran... or Finland, for that matter.
But I am sick to shreds when I hear people claiming "Israel has a right to be there, it was there 3000 years ago!"
As if nobody lived there ever since ?

As a parallel case, you may have heard of the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer.
Well, although Troy was on the east coast of the Aegean Sea, it was still a Greek city... just like Ephesos, Byzanthium, Pella... see map.

The Ancient Greek world 500 BC

That is a well known fact among scholars, it is proven by Homer himself who has the key characters all speaking the same (greek) language.
Well... imagine the guffaws if Greece went and claimed half of modern Turkey and half of modern Italy
because in the days of Aristotle (or St.Peter and Paul, for that matter) those cities spoke greek and "were" Greek...

As I said... that very theorem wants Utah an independent Mormon Nation, and Texas, California and all that is inbetween back to Mexico... pardon, back to Spain...

Somehow, I don't see that happening... ::)

Title: Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Post by mpescatori on 11/29/13 at 08:21:57

6C5E59484F5E49765A49503B0 wrote:
Aw....the Rats come out of the woodwork..... Rat, I don't read your crap. Anyone stupid enough to think plastic surgery could have been used to cover government involvement in 9/11 is too delusional to pay attention to. Plus, your hatred of Jews has been demonstrated before.

Mpes why don't you get this? I don't care about 500 year old history or the Persian history, I'm talking about today. Iran has a stated goal to destroy Israel. They repeat it often as was done several times this week. You can't get away from that, you can't justify that. No one should try to justify that by bringing in ancient history as some kind of excuse.

Iran should not be allowed to pursue nuclear technology. Period. If an attack to destroy facilities is warranted, so be it.

The act you advocate is known as the "preventive attack/strike".

For your information, such act is NOT to be confused with a "pre-emptive attack/strike".

Where is the difference ?

Pre-emptive strike = strike  launched in anticipation of immediate enemy aggression

Preventive strike =  strike that is commenced in an attempt to repel or defeat a perceived threat;

In other words, if the US had had any idea of Pearl Harbor, the US Navy could have launched a pre-emptive attack in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
They would have "broken the peace", but would have had good reason to.
But they didn't.
So the Japanese did and had the upper hand in the Pacific Ocean for 1942 and 1943.

On the other hand, a preventive strike is launched when "you think" you might be in dange,m and prefer to bully up against your competitor. This is done daily in business and commerce.
Sometimes smaller companies risk being bought out by large corporations, and launch a preventive all-out purchase of the smaller components of the corporaiton,
until they have enough stocks to barge in the CEO's office and slam them on the table "I'm in charge now"

But you can't do this in the military environment. Not without getting the world pointing their finger at you.

I should know, it's my job.

There have been far too many instances where "good cop" becomes "neighborhood bully" because good cop goes against UN decisions.

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