General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...

Message started by Serowbot on 11/20/13 at 22:55:35

Title: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/13 at 22:55:35

I have about $25 in junk silver... current value, $300 or so... (another $20 0f 99% silver dollars)...
... 100 single dollar bills,... and an undisclosed amount of cash, hidden away...
...(total investment is less than big screen TV,.. so it ain't worth killing me for... and you couldn't find it anyway)...

I'm not paranoid,.. but, I have a boy scout mentality (never was a boy scout)...
I figure,.. you don't need to invest your life in these things...
Just take the time to act,.. and have more than the average guy...
...(plus,.. Mercury head dimes, and old quarters, and half dollars, are fun to play with)...

My zombie defense,...(this includes Tea Party'rs)... ;D...
Is a loaded snubby 38,.. and a sweeeeeeet Norinco copy of a Baby Browning 22 semi takedown rifle, with 4 bricks of .22 ammo... (that's a $40 ammo investment)...
Again,... I don't have to be the king,... just ahead of the average...

I'm not a foil hat kinda' guy...
... but, I've always been a "just in case" kinda' guy...
Say,... a minimalist preparedness kinda' guy...
99% of things I have stockpiled, are used and replenished regularly, and this money would be spent anyway...

SO,... What do you really need?... in case of,... natural disaster,... asteroid,.. govn't collapse,.. civil war,.. invasion,.. ecomimic collapse,.. zombie invasion?...

Fun,.. and serious... ;D...
...but,... keep it realistic... nothing the average guy can't do with beer money...
So,.. let's make a list...  nothing outrageous...
Just trim to the essentials...

I have tons of LED lights... a wind-up radio,... over 2,000 .22 rounds,... 3 months of canned goods,... 5 neighbors with pools,... and I feed the local pigeons in my back yard...
(I also have a 177 pellet rifle just for piggies)... ;D...
I have a 40 mpg car, and a 60 mpg bike...
... a stock of aspirin, strong pain killers, and doggie antibiotics that are highly recommended for anthrax...
Several gallons of bleach,.. some white vinegar, baking soda, vodka, salt, pepper, dried peas, beans, lentils, instant mash, rice, flour... (that's a couple of pounds of salt and of pepper...spices were much more valued in days before electricity)...

I wish I had solar power (working on it)... and a wood stove (working on it)... but, I'm new to this house... (and still payin' up on it)...
A ham radio would be nice... but, I might only need to listen...
I also have a good collection of knives,... and fire starting methods...

...and 3 acoustic guitars... ;D...

So,..  tell me where I'm wrong...
what I've left out?...
Add on... what am I missing?... or what have I forgot to list?...

also,.. tell me if I have thought of anything that might add to your preparedness... (just to make me feel good)...
... (I bet,... you're shocked... for a Lib, I got some baddass survival stocks)...

Whatcha' got?...

... 'scuse me,.. while I adjust my foil hat,.. and overcoat... ;D...

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/13 at 05:13:55

Funny but I was just thinking about this. Tornados wiped out Washington IL this week and that's only 90 miles from me. Told my wife we need two 55 gallon plastic drums with supplies. One in the shed and one in the house. Enough food and water for two weeks. A couple guns. 22's (don't need a machine gun) and a pellet gun is a great idea. Tents, blankets, fire starting supplies. Coleman lanterns. Wind up radio and light. Flashlights, bunch of batteries. What else?
The most likely thing to take out the grid and leave me like the Philippians is an earthquake or tornado.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Paraquat on 11/21/13 at 06:16:26

What are you doing?
You're supposed to be the voice of reason in the tall table, bot.


Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/13 at 06:47:09

I think thats a wonderful idea, Bot,, YOu got water filters for dumpin skanky water in & potable coming out the bottom?

Natural disasters Happen,,the same preparation is needed for all the others.

TRip to sams, buy some gallon cans to feed othersmaybe? Its easier to feed neighbors than fight them off..

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by WD on 11/21/13 at 06:57:20

Wood stove, check.

Ammo, check. Pellet gun, check. Single shot .22 and single shot 12g, check (you waste less ammo if every shot has to count).

2 surface acre stocked pond and a water purification system, check.

Couple of crazy Kentucky hillbilly friends who can identify and prepare all of the wild edibles on our 54 acres, check... and absolutely priceless if for nothing more than comedic value...

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/13 at 08:02:53

4C7D6E7D6D697D681C0 wrote:
What are you doing?
You're supposed to be the voice of reason in the tall table, bot.

I'm hoping I still am.. ;D...

I'm not talkin' about stocking 100,000 rounds of AK-47 ammo and a bazooka, with trip wired grenades and wearing camo underwear...

Just fairly low cost, simple items, that you might have on hand for any situation...
Tornado, hurricane, flood..
...or what if there was a viral outbreak in your town?... a bad flu, smallpox, or even anthrax (might want to stay home and hunker down for a couple of weeks)...
Possibly, a fuel crisis, or even trucker strike... (a good stock of non-perishables)...
Power grid outage?...
Even a sudden run on banks... (mostly due to mass hysteria)...

These are all realistic possibilities...
I just have a little stash put away to be one step ahead of rest...
Here in S.AZ,... water would be the biggie... and I don't have a simple, easy method to deal with that... except to borrow/barter/swipe water from neighbors pools... (that's where some silver, or cash, might come in handy)...

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/13 at 08:21:35

A gravity water filter, Bot,, they can take ditch water & make it potable.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/13 at 08:35:22

I forgot... I also have a smallish 12v fan that I could run off a car/bike battery... (a solar panel would be cool)...
...and my home BBQ grill is camping size and stainless steel, adapted to a 5 gallon tank... (big ones are inefficient,.. I think mine is 8 or 10k BTU, but still big enough for a chicken or a few steaks and veggies)...
...or pigeons... ;D...

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Ed L. on 11/21/13 at 13:08:45

Small 4k generator and 15 gallons of gas just to keep the freezer going till all the food is used up. Inground pool for water, lots of pasta and sauce thanks to my wife's coupons along with maybe 2 weeks of other dried food. For fire arms and ammo I'm good with a 30-06, 7.7 Jap along with a bunch of black powder muzzle loaders in .50 caliber. Also have a collection of .22's and 2-3k of .22 ammo and two BB guns. For hand guns I've a Colt Woodsman and a Ruger .380 ACP. Been reloading for all the centerfire guns and have more than enough ammo for them but if it comes to a shooting war I would probably be out of luck.
 Can cook on the grill and have a small 2 burner camp stove which can be run off a bigger tank. Can alway use my travel trailer if i need to bug out or downsize till the emergency is over but I would rather stay home and "bug in".
also have a little coin silver and some gold which is just for emergency use in case everything goes south bigtime. Strange I never thought of myself as a prepper but almost sounds like I am. :o

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Pine on 11/21/13 at 14:10:50

I just got a 8hp Colman generator going ( circa 1990). Cost all of $25 for a carb rebuild kit and $7 for a new hose and filter. The plan though is to get it working on propane and nat gas, as one can be stored ( without eating the carb) and the other has a tendency to stay flowing even through bad weather and such.

I am not so worried about zombies or bank runs.. but having dealt with Katrina ( the hurricane) and other such weather (we had 7 homes destroyed last of fellow church members.. one is still re-doing his roof), I already know how REAL that is.

I have some silver... but thats a hobby; buy and sell.  Guns, duh... and press. Generally food and electricy are the issues. My wife likes to shop at Sams every month or two.. so if needs be we have a ton of chicken broth, and tomato sauce.. also rice ( I like rice) and coffee ( she needs to let up on the coffee... I think we have like 4 pounds!)

5 gal buckets with working lids can be bought at Home Depot. These are useful for storing food stuffs, med kits, whatever.

What I cant/wont keep is wood... 2*4 and plywood. These also seem to dissappear during storms. But keeping them cause roaches and worse ( termites). Got pleanty of nails and screws.

The other thing we have is her moms home.. which is out on 40 acres in the middle of no-where. If its not a storm thing ... then I ship them there and try and keep the home front for a bit I suppose.  

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by verslagen1 on 11/21/13 at 14:29:41

A sling shot and enough nuts and bolts to keep a walker mega-pack at bay.

A solar array, but as soon as the grid goes down I'll have to rewire it and use mobile inverters.  I have to look for a solar island type inverter.

The makings for a solar oven, rice and canned food for a month.

in ground pool and a drinking water filter.

I probably won't wait that long to bug out though.

After a few days those that can will take advantage of the weak.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by pgambr on 11/21/13 at 15:33:29

Katrina went directly over where I live.  I remember seeing the eye and thinking I made it.  Three 60 ft trees fell in my yard and one clipped the house while I was in it.  You never know.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by old_rider on 11/21/13 at 15:43:06

Living on the gulf coast (4 blocks from the water) we have to be prepared for hurricanes, so we always have a kit, just in case.

100 rnds of 9mm ammo for the pistols
200 rnds of 22 cal for pistol
100 rnds .177 pellets for the pellet guns
8  31" carbon arrows/w target & hunting heads for bow
numerous hunting and flip knives
5 ea. 5 gal plastic containers for gas (8500 watt roll a round generator)
1 ea. 12" x 15" flat electric grill
1 ea. 2 burner electric grill
2 ea. 5 gal collapsible containers for water
4 ea. small propane bottles for campstove and lantern
2 ea. shake'm up flashlights (requires no batteries)
1 ea. wind up lantern (can charge different cell phones with adapters)
1 ea. wind up flashlight/warning light with am/fm  weather radio
3 portable coolers from lunch box size to monster size
In the way of foods, we always have 4x as much can goods as we need
we always have canned meats and non-refridgerated meals (Hormel makes some good ones, just heat'm up in micro or drop them in a pan over a fire)
Lotsa noodles and rice and instant taters and such
If we get hit, we could last for at least 3 weeks or more if we knew for sure so we could go down to one meal a day and snacks and last for about a month.
The problem is in this society, if there was a meteor, bomb , war what ever most folks would want to grab everything they could and horde it in the house they live in. However I would not, I know enough folks in places that are rural, that I would probably pack up and go to one of them to get away from the craziness that would follow.
I doubt we would make it farther than Alabama, but that is as far as I would need to go for the "first shelter"

Have a plan, realistic or not make one, always plan for the worst that you could imagine, that way if its not that bad, your golden, and if it is, you at least be prepaired.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Trippah on 11/22/13 at 21:13:07

A good dog to spend your last days with; if you die first he'll bury your bones. ;)

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Midnightrider on 11/23/13 at 12:34:53

I've got too many guns to list, I collect em. My prize is a Colt AR15. Have 400 rds of ammo for it. Got a new Mossberg pump 12 gage that shoots 3 and 1/2 inch shells. My wife can shoot a lot better than I can and she's got two Glocks. I aint going to no Fema Camp without taking a few of em down!

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/23/13 at 15:16:19

Batteries, toilet paper, shovel, hand saw, playing cards, can openers, candles, lots of matches, pretty/fun woman.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Midnightrider on 11/23/13 at 17:00:17

You’d better realize that and you better prepare for what’s coming, because inevitably, when this Ponzi scheme of stealing from our future in order to pay for fraudulence now comes to an end it is going to lead to the largest financial collapse this planet has ever seen… and most people will be blindsided by it.

Read more:

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by 45acp on 11/26/13 at 07:55:31

i think a good bycycle is a necessary emergency equipment. you dont have to spend $1000 bucks on one. just have one thats not a rust pile in the back yard. they dont use fuel, and you can move about almost unnoticed. you might not always want to fire up the savage just to go look around. i also have chickens. i figure an egg a day will be worth its weight in gold during the apocalypse. oh yeah. get some seeds too. even if you just plant in a planter on the porch. you could also use them as a trading tool. just a few things i could think of that havent been mentioned.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/13 at 06:05:25

A bicycle is a great point. Simple emergency transportation.
Cabelas has a $500 old style mini-bike advertised for Black Friday with a couple of racks welded to the frame. For some reason, I think this might a handy toy to stick in the shed. Sure you could pick up a used one two.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by old_rider on 11/27/13 at 21:30:59

actually, that is not a bad idea...

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/13 at 22:32:09

I have a bicycle... it's just that I neglect it so much, the tires and tubes keep rotting off...
...(I really need to get riding more regularly)...

A mini-bike?... naaa... they aren't much more efficient than a Savage...
I've thought about a 50cc 4 stroke moped type machine... something resembling a Honda Cub,... but, again,.. it don't do much that a Savage won't... (and I wouldn't ride it enough to keep it running)...

I'm gonna' get tires and tubes for my pedal bike...

I'll promise myself to keep up with it... ride it a few times... and watch the tires rot off again...
Maybe I'll paint it flat black (it's orange with spatters now)...
Maybe I'd ride a flat black one more... :-?...

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by old_rider on 11/28/13 at 02:58:09

I end up giving my bicycles away to the nephews to go to work on, and they keep destroying them, about every 2 years. So I stopped buying bicycles and they walk to work or take a bus, uncle bill ain't supporting 30year old loosers anymore.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/28/13 at 06:23:03

Probably the best to get foe small transportation is one of the top 10 all time great bikes with two wheels and a motor, the Honda Trail 70. Can't believe I let mine go ......  Most fun on two except the time me and a girl ......etc.....

I want one again. Actually, I want both of those things again now that I think about it.....

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/13 at 10:24:36

5F495E435B4E43582C0 wrote:
I have a bicycle... it's just that I neglect it so much, the tires and tubes keep rotting off...
...(I really need to get riding more regularly)...

A mini-bike?... naaa... they aren't much more efficient than a Savage...
I've thought about a 50cc 4 stroke moped type machine... something resembling a Honda Cub,... but, again,.. it don't do much that a Savage won't... (and I wouldn't ride it enough to keep it running)...

I'm gonna' get tires and tubes for my pedal bike...

I'll promise myself to keep up with it... ride it a few times... and watch the tires rot off again...
Maybe I'll paint it flat black (it's orange with spatters now)...
Maybe I'd ride a flat black one more... :-?...

YOu need one O these..

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by Trippah on 11/28/13 at 20:10:45

All you need is a tall cliff........leaping like lemmings. ;D

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by old_rider on 11/28/13 at 22:40:17

This would come in handy if you had gas......well and if power generating were still possible.

Its a black Friday special

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/29/13 at 00:53:19

Ive got one thatll pull the major appliances & some lites,,IN the process of converting it to propane,,Got it several years ago, power had been out for 3 days, wanna say Hurricane Ike,,went to Sears, bought the last generator they had that was of a decent size, got home & Violas! POwer was on,, BUt, Ive used it here a few times, storms knock trees across lines, we have had power off 2 days a few times here,,not much lately, tho.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by 45acp on 11/29/13 at 19:43:26

i tried the 50cc convert a bike to a moped kit. didnt work. well it worked for about a week. i was riding it to work one morning in the dark. the engine mounts ripped off the engine and the whole thing slapped my leg wrapped up the chain and brought me to a dead stop. tore up the bike pretty good, but it was just a junker for the expirement. pretty scary though in the dark. thought for a second it was a badger the way it was growling. it was fun while it was going though.

Title: Re: Seriously,... be prepared... no, seriously...
Post by old_rider on 11/30/13 at 05:36:18

382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 wrote:
Ive got one thatll pull the major appliances & some lites,,IN the process of converting it to propane,,Got it several years ago, power had been out for 3 days, wanna say Hurricane Ike,,went to Sears, bought the last generator they had that was of a decent size, got home & Violas! POwer was on,, BUt, Ive used it here a few times, storms knock trees across lines, we have had power off 2 days a few times here,,not much lately, tho.

Yup, I got a great big roll-a-round one that can power a house....but the smaller advertised one only weighs in at about 30lbs and you can take it anywhere cause of its size. Good for a bug-out type generator, or for camping. :)

Couldn't stand it..... ordered the little 63cc one from harbor freight...$101.00 with shipping. Now I got a camping/tailgating generator. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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