General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Police State anyone??

Message started by Trippah on 11/17/13 at 21:14:54

Title: Police State anyone??
Post by Trippah on 11/17/13 at 21:14:54

Well, I was so pleased to se the New Mexico police shooting at a car full of children whose mother had been stopped for speeding.  I was worried about them kids getting high when they reached the Grand Canyon - why they might fall off the edge.  Of course, the black woman that was driving is from South Carolina, and you do know that black folks feel very safe in that state when stopped by white police on a lonely stretch of road. ;D

Why didn't they just get one of them drones to fire a hellfire missile- oh that's right, they keep crashing (2 this week at 4million each). It's good we trying to cut back on food stamps for the hungry, we might not be able to pay for these drones. ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/18/13 at 19:17:47

Yes, the driver messed up, yes, the boy messed up.,.,
PROFESSIONAL Peace officers HAVE to know you Do Not shoot into a vehicle carrying children, EVER,,

Maybe these idiots have been going to Deming for their training?

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by oldNslow on 11/19/13 at 08:08:32

Rules of engagement for police are supposed to be the same as for everyone else. Deadly force is only justified to protect oneself or others from death or potential serious bodily harm. That was most definitely not the case in this instance.

I don't understand what has happened to the mindset of the police forces in this country in the past 15 or 20 years but it scares the crap out of me. This kind of thing happens pretty much every day now. And there are very seldom any serious consequenses to the cops involved, or to their agencies.

IMO, as long as you are not engaged in some kind of criminal enterprise yourself, you are far more likely to be injured or killed by an out of control cop than by a criminal.

I don't know who is training these guys but there is something seriously haywire going on, and it's only going to get worse unless folks wake up.

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by verslagen1 on 11/19/13 at 08:08:39

These guys are pretty heavy handed.
There have been several routine traffic stops where they bring in the drug sniffing dog who takes a wiff of the seat and falls in love with the driver.
They take the driver for full body cavity search at the hospital, anal probe, xray, the whole 9 yards and find nothing.  Then they have gall to send them the bill.
That gal had what... 6 kids... can you imagine the bill?  no wonder she ran.

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Trippah on 11/22/13 at 21:15:11

Has anyone seen any follow up?  Curious to see who gets charged what.

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Midnightrider on 11/23/13 at 06:02:09

That's one of the reasons my wife retired from Law Enforcement. She got tired of going to control and crowd control classes. They give her her gun and badge and told her she could be called back into active duty anytime. It was in her contract when they hired her. Wake Forest University has its own private police force and she's working part time for them now babysitting the rich kids.

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Trippah on 11/23/13 at 20:28:14

Back in the 60's Wake Forest had a good rep up in New England; hope all is well and no one pukes on the wife's shiny shoes.  We are having snow up here in greater Syracuse, so its hunker down and watch football manana.

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Midnightrider on 11/24/13 at 08:11:54

If I was still doing drugs I would have it made. She takes drugs and alchohol away from the kids and she cant turn them in because Mommy and Daddy are rich. Overall Wake is still a very good school, but you know college kids, they're prone to cut up every now and then.

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Midnightrider on 11/24/13 at 10:40:24

Just read an article while ago talking about corruption in our government. Congressmen are caught every month or two stealing thousands, taking bribes, doing drugs etc. Big banks are caught stealing billions like Goldman Sachs. No one ever goes to jail. Theres a black man in prison right now (cant recall his name) that was caught robbing a service station of $70 and he's got to pull ten years. You talk about corruption and injustice!

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/24/13 at 12:06:11

Midnight -
I'm only going one place in this reply, and that's the robbery issue.  Robbery is defined, loosely because I don't practice criminal law, as theft while the victim is present and in danger.  Armed robbery is one step closer to the ultimate danger to the victim - a robbery committed while the robber is armed with some form of a lethal instrument, usually a knife or a gun.
Robbery has always been considered more serious than is simple theft.  If you steal a can of beans off of the grocery shelf and put no person in physical danger in the process, it's a whole lot less serious that if you accost a shopper and take that same can of beans out of his grocery sack as he walks to his car, and it's even more serious if you wave a knife or gun in the shopper's face as you steal the can of beans from his sack.
So, for the guy in jail for this robbery you mentioned - was it an armed robbery?  If so, let him rot for the full 10 years.
Two years ago this coming Valentine's Day, Feb. 14th, a gas station down the street from my office was robbed by two thugs with guns, about 6 AM in the morning as the clerk was opening for the day.  After they took his money, they put 4 slugs in him.  That is why armed robbery is dealt with very seriously.

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Midnightrider on 11/24/13 at 12:57:46

Jerry, do you think its right for high up govement and bank officials not to have to pull time when they openly rob the citizens.?

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Trippah on 11/24/13 at 19:59:27

You have to break a law, and they are not written to punish the powerful - although The Insider Trading conviction against Martha Stuart was something of a shocker;i'm not thinking it was because she's a woman. ;D

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by verslagen1 on 11/24/13 at 21:27:45

If I remember correctly, insider trading was a minor punishment... couple of years.
But she lied about it, purgery was 10 years

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by old_rider on 11/24/13 at 22:22:27

Is she in jail?

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by Midnightrider on 11/25/13 at 04:36:59

I believe she's out now. I know what would happen if I was caught doing cocaine like that Congressman was. I wouldnt get to go to no country club rehab for a few weeks, my little white a$$ would go to jail!

Title: Re: Police State anyone??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/25/13 at 08:07:04

445740415E5355575C03320 wrote:
If I remember correctly, insider trading was a minor punishment... couple of years.
But she lied about it, purgery was 10 years

She did NOTHING,, especially if you balance it against what our crimninal electeds do. Look at them,, they get in, maybe they have a coupla million,, they stay 12 years & & theyre gazzilionaires,, all on that salary>? Riiight.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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