General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Ratigans career ending show

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/13 at 05:38:56

Title: Ratigans career ending show
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/13 at 05:38:56

Watch, then explain why he is wrong.
Well,, I just killed my own thread, cuz you CANT explain where he is wrong,, cuz he isnt.

Upper left, option to see him explain it all in a calm manner,, meeeh,, Im okay,, I got it.,

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by Pine on 11/14/13 at 06:34:51

Agreed... and someting I have been saying since the 2012 election. The system is BROKE. The system is bought. This is why it made NO difference ( to me) wheather Obama or Romney got the election both are nominated by the powers the be and thus owned ( outright) by them. The same was true of both Bush's.


Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by pgambr on 11/14/13 at 07:26:19

That's why I don't vote.

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by thumperclone on 11/15/13 at 23:03:33

5A4D4B4748582A0 wrote:
That's why I don't vote.

if you don't vote you don't belong in this country

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by Trippah on 11/16/13 at 08:43:09

C'mon you all know that the wealthiest pick the candidates by heavy funding at the primary level, so that by the time the "real election" takes place it doesn't really matter all that much.  If you really want to change the system, get involved in finding honest people and work them up through the system.  Occasionally a good person gets moved up .But I don't think it really matters - you would need a French Revolution Guillotine slicing house cleaning at this point.  Might happen, given that the rich never understand how much wealth they don't need to hoard.

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by old_rider on 11/16/13 at 09:33:56

All in all, your "vote" doesn't really "count", it only shows the electoral colligates who you want in you election selection.

The electoral colligate votes are the ones that "count".

And in florida if you select "independent" as your political choice and there is not an independent running, "YOU CANNOT VOTE" and that my friends is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but will never change because the rep and dem's won't vote for the bill if it was put up.

So now tell me how I'm un-American or don't belong in this country after patriotically serving it for 23+ years and I can't vote for the person I want to see in office?
I say, If you don't serve in the defense of the country, you shouldn't be able to vote!
And if you are disabled, you could perform an office or non-combatant role in the service of your country. bout that? Ready to do four years of service for a right to vote??

LOL...kind of a rant...but oh well, aint this where we are suppose to do that??  

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/16/13 at 10:04:00

2F332E362B3E29383734353E5B0 wrote:
[quote author=5A4D4B4748582A0 link=1384436336/0#2 date=1384442779]That's why I don't vote.

if you don't vote you don't belong in this country

Thats like saying if you wont participate in a rigged game you have no right to complain at the outcome,
Doesnt matter if the criminal I vote for wins, I still lose.
IMO, the only place voting matters is the local stuff,, & even THAT vote is counted by a machine, not eyes,, & I know what can be done to those computerized things that count,,so, I dont trust the outcome of even local elections,

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/13 at 08:36:17

I don't hear anything new here...
Politicians are owned...

The root of the problem is the concept that money equals free speech...

No incumbent politician is going to vote away his funding advantage... further more a majority...
It's up to the SCOTUS...
They must acknowledge their mistake.
Freedom of speech, was intended to give equal voice...
Making money equal to words,.. and corporations into people... puts money above ideas...

Money does not equal speech...
Corporations are not people...
501c non-profit status has become a backdoor money train for buying elections... Political "Think Tanks" and corporate activism, must be excluded from non-profit status...

That's 3 problems for the SCOTUS to correct... to fix this problem...
If you want it fixed, vote in a Democrat President... No Republican will ever appoint a Justice that will overturn these corporate gifts...
...and no 3rd party candidate can win... until these issues are corrected...
So it's up to a Democrat President to appoint more liberal judges that will not equate money to free speech...

The Right-wing manipulates it's voting base with with totems of abortion, religion, racism, and anti-gay issues to keep their corporate shills in the Court...
All they really care about is the money...

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/17/13 at 08:50:59

IMO, you were dead on, right up to the part about the sol;ution being a Dem,, Both sides are in favor of eating the people,,its NOT gonna fix until we do get a 3rd party guy in,, AND we Must eliminate the CFR & other think tanks that are all globalist agenda pushers who are also the source of all the presidents handlers,, errr,, advisers,, sorry.

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/13 at 09:24:40

Then you'll never be part of the solution...
Your candidates can't win in this gamed system... so they will never get to nominate SC judges... Catch-22...

Democrat Presidents do nominate more liberal Justices,.. and it will take a majority of liberal justices to change these rules...
If you ever want your candidates to have a level playing playing field,.. it will take a more liberal SCOTUS...
Voting for a Demo may be against your principals, but it would ultimately further your cause...

You gotta' play the hand your dealt... or you're not in the game... :-?...

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/17/13 at 10:00:22

If a dem candidate had a voting record that would make me believe that they would move in a direction that would benefit America, Id vote for them,, If they actually did it, theyd get the JFK treatment. As would anyone, regardless of party.. I dont see this fixing while the globalists have the clout they have,

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/13 at 10:02:32

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
I don't hear anything new here...
Politicians are owned...

The root of the problem is the concept that money equals free speech...

No incumbent politician is going to vote away his funding advantage... further more a majority...
It's up to the SCOTUS...
They must acknowledge their mistake.
Freedom of speech, was intended to give equal voice...
Making money equal to words,.. and corporations into people... puts money above ideas...

Money does not equal speech...
Corporations are not people...
501c non-profit status has become a backdoor money train for buying elections... Political "Think Tanks" and corporate activism, must be excluded from non-profit status...

That's 3 problems for the SCOTUS to correct... to fix this problem...
If you want it fixed, vote in a Democrat President... No Republican will ever appoint a Justice that will overturn these corporate gifts...
...and no 3rd party candidate can win... until these issues are corrected...
So it's up to a Democrat President to appoint more liberal judges that will not equate money to free speech...

The Right-wing manipulates it's voting base with with totems of abortion, religion, racism, and anti-gay issues to keep their corporate shills in the Court...
All they really care about is the money...

I assume you're referring to citizens United. That case helped to balance corporations versus unions. Should we appoint conservative judges to reign in labor unions? There should always be friction between labor and management. Neither side should get the upper hand legally.

And as far as totems and manipulation go, you would be hard-pressed to find a more ridiculous example than the Democrats constant cry of "war on women"

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/13 at 10:06:16

But you're right about third parties. Voting for a third-party candidate is a waste, at least in a national election.  A third-party candidate in a local election has a better opportunity. I don't view the tea party as a third political party per se. It's more of an attempt to pull back in Liberal Republicans.

Title: Re: Ratigans career ending show
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/18/13 at 15:56:38

Voting 3rd party benefits the dems. 3rd parties are conservatives, & that splits the bub vote.
Waste that it may be, Ill check the box next to the name of the person Iwant. Im not playing ches, Im not looking to elect the "lesser of the 2 evils",, I dont want to endorse evil, even the lesser one, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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