General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> just curious- group buy

Message started by Pine on 11/13/13 at 14:23:26

Title: just curious- group buy
Post by Pine on 11/13/13 at 14:23:26

So I use to dabble ... as in very little dollar value in playing with silver. As it sits right now my meager stack is very much upside down (I paid more than I can sell for). So what to do?? Buy more! I have looked over the web and I am very much satisfied with a certain site, as providing the best value: Northwest Territorial Mint.  The problem is that the better price point is a minimum 50 ounce purchase. Thats in excess of $1100. Which is doable but, more than want to do all at once. So I was curious if there would be interst in a group buy of at least 50 ounces. Prices today have been between $20.50 and $20.92 with a $1.45 markup per ounce and free shipping. Other sites are very tricky and either make up for cheap prices with high shipping, or only offer free shipping on much larger orders  ( $5,000).

While $20 is waaaay high from pre 2008 levels, it is right there at a three year low level. There is room for it to come down more, though $18 seems to be best/worse case. Silver bulls are suppecting the metal will go back up after Christmas. They also suspect that once it  does ( go back up), we may be looking at the last of the metal at anything near a $20 price (with expectations for intrest rates to go up).  

Note this is all VERY speculative and I am not an expert.    

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/13 at 16:47:21

Of Course you arent an expert. The only "experts" are the ones pulling the strings.. Latch on to whatever ya can, JUnk silver is great to have. An old quarter? or dime? Hey,, thats gonna be handy to have one day,,1 oz slugs? Yea, theyll be good, too, but having some "change" to round out the transaction? Priceless..

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by Ed L. on 11/19/13 at 18:03:39

The Dow is going up and silver prices are dropping right now. Expect the economy to grow a little bit because of holiday spending which will keep siver prices down. After the holidays things will slow down and silver prices should go back up. Don't know what Obamacare will do to everybody next year, too many variables but if you can stockpile some away go for it. I've a small stash just in case.

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by ZAR on 11/19/13 at 19:36:03

Pine I wish I had the means to go in with you. I used to buy a 1/2 bag or a bag when I was flush,but that was long ago! I did get lucky and sell a couple of bags at 28-1 back around 1980.

As usual,JOG hit on the "junk" silver....circulated coins in decent shape but with no collectors value. As long as the face is readable you're ok,and if TSHTF the collectors value is out the window anyway. The only value is in the metal,and standard coins represent a easily definable value.

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/20/13 at 18:30:54

Naaaah,, I dont have a clue what Im talking about,, you just agree cuz youre crazy too..

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by WD on 11/21/13 at 06:48:32

I buy old silver and solid copper coins from work at face value... All of our old plumbing scrap is saved for "just in case", as soft copper and lead are in high demand.

Gold is a waste of time, money and effort, unless you are using plated electrical connections for their high corrosion resistance and high conductivity. And at that, a "world breaker" event is going to render those useless/valueless as well...

Silver? Don't get the attraction, just like gold, it's too soft to be much good for anything important.

Ammunition, bulk powder and shot, percussion caps, primers... if you "have" to "invest" in something, those, vacuum packed dried foods, plastic lined canned goods, and treated water are actually tangible assets in a time of crisis.

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/13 at 06:54:38

Pennies,, some are actually copper.. 82, IIRC, is the last copper one,
\new ones are zinc. once hyouve done it a while you can sort them w/o really looking at date, some will fool ya, but generally, they jusy=t have a different patina

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by Pine on 11/21/13 at 14:21:00

776C7F2D0 wrote:
Pine I wish I had the means to go in with you. I used to buy a 1/2 bag or a bag when I was flush,but that was long ago! I did get lucky and sell a couple of bags at 28-1 back around 1980.

As usual,JOG hit on the "junk" silver....circulated coins in decent shape but with no collectors value. As long as the face is readable you're ok,and if TSHTF the collectors value is out the window anyway. The only value is in the metal,and standard coins represent a easily definable value.

Yep... thats when I started .. in high school! Oh I didnt get rich or anything.. but I did turn a profit.  Later, I bought a bunch of "walkers" on the cheap. I loved them. something to clanck together. Then just a year later silver went nuts and I sold almost every one on ebay. I think I had about 40 of them.  I had also bought Silver Eagles which are new and sooo pretty. I kept those ( well the ones I didnt give away). But they are not something I would easily sell.
lastly, were the 1 0z bars. These came from another venture, and are the profits from that, so I got into them at low cost. Its these i want to add to while the price is down, as they canbe sold on ebay very easy and there is no dicering on the coin value.

anyway... price is still dropping... so this might be fun.    

Title: Re: just curious- group buy
Post by Paraquat on 11/22/13 at 11:09:06

If it gets much lower I'd be in for 3-5 bills, thereabouts.

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