General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

Message started by Paraquat on 11/11/13 at 15:03:25

Title: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Paraquat on 11/11/13 at 15:03:25

I'm 30.
195-205 lbs.
Non smoker, don't really drink anymore (except socially).
The worst I've had in the last 10 years is a sebaceous cyst removed, sebaceous cyst removed from the same spot after it regrew, and I had to get a septoplasty after a dumb accident 2 years ago.

Aetna just cancelled my insurance.

Day later edit: They cited ACA as the reason why.


Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Midnightrider on 11/11/13 at 17:58:07

Aetna is one of the most crooked insurance companies on earth, I had several rounds with them when they were my primary carrier. They are now supported by a crooked lying goverment. I know its probably gonna hurt you financially if you can ever get on the Obamacare website and get insurance. In the meantime what if something happens to you. Obama will make you pay out of your pocket enforced by the IRS. I'm sorry, I just hope people wise up and realise we are being ruled by a power hungry lying dictator.

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Midnightrider on 11/12/13 at 18:15:24

ObamaCare is turning out to be a mirror image of the Obama administration: It is infected with deception, corruption, cronyism, and socialism.  

Please see my important update below – Mat.


Everywhere we turn, there are new revelations about the deception, corruption, and cronyism associated with the implementation of ObamaCare.

Here are just a few of the headlines in today’s news that only scratch the surface of the damage ObamaCare is inflicting on our nation...

Former President Bill Clinton has reportedly told President Obama that he should make good on his “You can keep it” promises.
Tens of millions of Americans know first-hand that Obama’s promises that they could keep coverage they liked were false after receiving cancellation notices.  Far more Americans have lost their insurance than have been able to sign up on the ObamaCare exchanges!

Since deceiving citizens at least 29 times, the President has since tried to modify his false assurances with a “if your plan didn’t change” qualifier.  
Representative Kurt Schrader (D-OR) has gone on record as saying, “I think the president was grossly misleading the American public…”

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Midnightrider on 11/12/13 at 21:31:07

I wrote Obama a letter yesterday saying if all his buddies can opt out of Obamacare can I be one his buddies?

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Dane Allen on 11/15/13 at 11:19:39

47636E64636D627E78636E6F780A0 wrote:
I wrote Obama a letter yesterday saying if all his buddies can opt out of Obamacare can I be one his buddies?

Let us know how the visit from the Gestapo goes!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/15/13 at 12:57:43

I have said since 2008 that when you elect a president, who is the CEO of the largest business on Earth, what do you expect from a President who has never even run a kid's lemonade stand?
The voters rejected a real businessman last November, and are getting what they deserve.

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Dane Allen on 11/15/13 at 16:52:21

535C505A515C575B5C4B5E5C4B390 wrote:
I have said since 2008 that when you elect a president, who is the CEO of the largest business on Earth, what do you expect from a President who has never even run a kid's lemonade stand?
The voters rejected a real businessman last November, and are getting what they deserve.

I've gone back and forth believing how much impact the President has on the government. Sometimes I think that one guy can't possibly be linked in to such a massive bureaucracy and then Obama comes along and shows that one guy does drive the system.  And Obama is driving the system into the ground. It helps to have a cadre of overly-devoted acolytes but Obama is directly managing the church of government.

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by Serowbot on 11/15/13 at 17:05:04

The rule is,.. the President is basically powerless when your guy is in,...but, he's a one man wrecking ball when the other guy is in...

Trust me,.. I felt the same way about GW... ..and Reagan... :-/...

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by pgambr on 11/15/13 at 18:02:40

What didn't people like about Reagan?  I was in school during that time.

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/13 at 19:10:31

I felt that way about GW, as I do Bammy,, but REagan? He wasnt even in office but a coupla months when he got shot,, after that,, seemed to me like his VP was more of the captain,,but maybe thats just me,,

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/15/13 at 19:51:03

726D6B6C71764777477F6D612A180 wrote:
I felt that way about GW, as I do Bammy,, but REagan? He wasnt even in office but a coupla months when he got shot,, after that,, seemed to me like his VP was more of the captain,,but maybe thats just me,,

The day Reagan got shot, the VP, daddy (Herbert Walker) Bu$h's other son Niel Bu$h, was scheduled to have diner with the shooters brother Scott Hinckley.

The Hinckleys and Bu$hes had long ties together. The Bu$h and Hinckley families go back to the oil wildcatting days of the 1960s in Texas and even farther in a genealogical sense, since the have a common ancestor in Samuel Hinckley, who lived in the late 1600s. Daddy Bu$h, Herbert Walker, and daddy Hinckley were neighbors for years in Houston. Daddy Hinckley was a big campaign contributor to daddy (Herbert Walker) Bu$h's runs for political offices.  When daddy Hinckley's oil company, Vanderbilt Oil, started to fail in the 1960s, daddy (Herbert Walker) Bu$h's, Zapata Oil financially bailed out Hinckley's company.

The story of the Bu$h-Hinckley connection was reported on the AP and UPI newswires and in some newspapers, including the Houston Post, which apparently originated the story. It was also reported in Newsweek magazine. Then the story about one of the strangest coincidences in presidential assassination history simply disappeared, flushed down the memory hole.

What makes this all so much more suspicious is CIA agent daddy Bu$h's visit to Dallas during the time frame that JFK was assassinated. Of course he later couldn't remember what he was doing or were he was when JFK was killed.  

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/13 at 20:08:13

Of course he later couldn't remember what he was doing or were he was when JFK was killed.

The only guy in America who cant remember where he was when Kennedy was killed.

Title: Re: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/16/13 at 08:58:05

More people go to Walt Disney World every day than have signed up for Obamacare. The park averages 130,000 visitors per day.

Eight times more Americans have pierced their genitals than have registered for Obamacare. 887,800 Americans have genital piercings.

Nearly twice as many people signed up for a one-way trip to Mars as have signed up for Obamacare – 202,586.

Over one thousand times more people watched the Superbowl than signed up for Obamacare - 108.4 million people tuned in to watch the 2013 game.

108,713 people went to Cowboys Stadium in Dallas to attend the 2010 NBA All-Star Game.

119,230 people jump out of perfectly good airplanes every two weeks than have registered for Obamacare.

More people get nailed with a speeding ticket in America every day than have signed up on - 112,000 citations are written up daily.

Almost triple the number of people attended Justin Bieber’s 2012 Mexico City concert – over 300,000 people were there.

139,661 people signed a petition to pardon Edward Snowden.

On average, more people ride the DC Metro’s Red Line each Saturday than have signed up for Obamacare – the public transit system boasts 113,742 passengers on Saturdays.

More people worldwide belong to Mensa than have signed up for Obamacare - 110,000.

121,666 people under age 18 smoke their very  first cigarettes each day than have registered for Obamacare since the exchange opened
More than triple the number of babies were born each month in the US than adults who have registered for Obamacare - 333,333 infants come into the world every month.

More people have had a leg amputated this year than have signed up for Obamacare - 113,000 lower limb amputations take place annually.

7 times as many people have their vehicles stolen each year than have signed up for Obamacare - 734,226.

More people attend Comic-Con conventions than have purchased government healthcare – 126,000.

More people visit Wikipedia every day than have registered for Obamacare – 156,668 on average.

15 times as many Americans eat a Big Mac every day than have signed up for “affordable health care” – 1.5 million of the burgers are sold each day.

Over one thousand times more Americans suffer from a venereal disease than have signed up for Obamacare – more than 110 million Americans have a sexually transmitted disease.

Triple the number of American women get breast implants each year than people who have signed up for government health care – over 340,000 chests are enlarged every year.

More people get caught shoplifting in the U.S. than have signed up for Obamacare – 166,666 get nabbed each month.

8 times as many people buy a car than have signed up or health care – 833,333 purchase a vehicle each month in America.

Twitter has more new members join every day than people who signed up for Obamacare in a month – 135,000.

142,682,240 believe in ghosts – that’s 1,343 times more people than signed up for health care.

There are 316,600 living centenarians (people over age 100) worldwide. That’s almost 3 times as many people than have signed up for Obamacare. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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