General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords

Message started by Midnightrider on 11/10/13 at 16:51:15

Title: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Midnightrider on 11/10/13 at 16:51:15  Isnt it great being free and having a 1rst amendment I have watchwords for you. Barrack Hussein Obama and US Congress

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/10/13 at 17:02:30

I think homeland security is the BOMB!
Shoot if I know why!
It just KILLs me to know what I know.
It just explodes my mind.

Okay,, 2 more & I get a visit/./.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by pgambr on 11/10/13 at 17:42:29

You may be right? :-X

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/10/13 at 17:44:22

Ehh,, who cares? Im already on the red list..

OOPS! Thats 1,,

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by pgambr on 11/10/13 at 17:51:50

Red as opposed to?

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Midnightrider on 11/10/13 at 19:38:45

Blue where you're imprisoned without a trial. Red they just kill you automatically without a trial.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/11/13 at 08:01:22

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Serowbot on 11/11/13 at 08:53:56

I'm pretty sure the NSA isn't going to let you know what words trigger a watch list...
It would kinda' defeat the purpose...

Once again,.. you're reading silly made up stories from dopey blogs sites...

... and, if you actually believed the doom scenarios of imprisonment and murder,... you'd be very foolish to toy with these words...

Let's replace this danger with a rabid grizzly bear.... do you run towards it?.. run away from it?... or tease it?...
In a barroom conversation, you might say you'd do any of those...
If this fear was real,... if you really believed it,... any rational person would would get away from the bear...
So,.. your behavior is either insanely irrational,.. or, you don't really believe the BS from these conspiracy sites...

I prefer to think you aren't insane....
So, I believe, deep down,.. you know this is BS...

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by WD on 11/11/13 at 09:17:32

It IS entertaining though...  ;D

Right up there with RFID chips in vaccines, and how once you "get chipped" any further "immunizations" are just saline or Ringer's lactate...  ::)

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Paraquat on 11/11/13 at 09:35:20

I'm curious what em es one three is.
Too scurred to google it.


Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/11/13 at 13:49:36

Actually, Row, I do believe there are those lists. You let them declare martial law & start putting people in fema camps & then we will know for sure,,but I DO know that the IRS, Dept of education, Homeland security, are all armed & they have stockpiled enough hollowpoint bullets that cant even be USED in a war to last for a Very long time,, The words that would trigger the software to raise a flag arent that hard to guess at,,really,,What would you think theyre looking for? Girl Scout Cookie?
Having been watching the steady decline in freedom & the constant ramping up of the militarization of police,, now they are getting AMRAPS,, Geeze Louise! Really? So, Yea, with NDAA & the "I can send a drone & kill people", dude, we dont live in the USA we grew up in,,
toss a gun rack in the back window of the pickup & put a rifle in it & a shotgun & see how long ya last w/o a cop finding a reason to talk to you..

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Midnightrider on 11/11/13 at 13:50:20

Bot chill out, whether its true or not what does it matter? If you're scared you've already lost your first amendment.  Half the sh!t I throw out is for entertainment, just to see who thinks what. If you really want to get excited and it tears me up also is they're already using the Fema Camps so we know thats a reality. A subsidiary of good ol Haliburton is busy building them left and right with no other bids allowed. You heard about some of the homeless being locked up in them, national news, Columbia SC. The only recourse we have is to keep mouthing off and maybe they will back down for a while. PS Grizzly bears cannot climb trees.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Serowbot on 11/11/13 at 14:02:49

Chill out, really?... do I sound at all excited?...

I assure you, I'm not...
I'm mind-numbingly bored... :-?...

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Midnightrider on 11/11/13 at 14:42:04

There probably is a list because of the NSA. I'm sure they have trigger words. They would have to screening every email and phone conversation they can worldwide.. I'm gonna keep doing what I've been doing and next election vote for the gun friendliest canditates I can. Taxes are always gonna go higher no matter who is in office but someone like we have now trying to do away with the Constitution and The Bill Of Rights signing executive orders behind our backs, building prison camps and killing people without a trial or Congessional approval, watching us with drones, this person we dont need.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Serowbot on 11/11/13 at 14:57:02

I own a few guns... They're fun,.. and I can defend myself against a burglar...
Taking on law enforcement or the US government is not in my plans...
They have a phrase for that game,.. it's "suicide by cop"...
You don't win that one... :-?...

If you want them to pry your guns from your cold dead fingers... they will...

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/11/13 at 16:16:21

Nobody is listening, software is. Every call, everything, all runs thru the screening system,,If someone uses words the software is set to key on, then it gets recorded & someone listens later,,

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Midnightrider on 11/11/13 at 16:54:54

7563746971646972060 wrote:
I own a few guns... They're fun,.. and I can defend myself against a burglar...
Taking on law enforcement or the US government is not in my plans...
They have a phrase for that game,.. it's "suicide by cop"...
You don't win that one... :-?...

If you want them to pry your guns from your cold dead fingers... they will...
Taking on the Goverment or cops is not in my plans. Protecting myself from them is.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Pine on 11/12/13 at 06:49:26

5741564B53464B50240 wrote:
I own a few guns... They're fun,.. and I can defend myself against a burglar...
Taking on law enforcement or the US government is not in my plans...
They have a phrase for that game,.. it's "suicide by cop"...
You don't win that one... :-?...

If you want them to pry your guns from your cold dead fingers... they will...

Quoted for truth.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by old_rider on 11/12/13 at 07:23:58

5543544951444952260 wrote:
Taking on law enforcement or the US government is not in my plans...
They have a phrase for that game,.. it's "suicide by cop"...
You don't win that one... :-?...

If you want them to pry your guns from your cold dead fingers... they will...

Yeah, but the thought of it being a US citizen or soldier doing it, kinda irks me to think about.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/13 at 08:46:01

Well,, the tree of liberty is about to die from the drought,, It is gonna either die all the way or be watered, I am afraid. Those who have taken power by stealth & corruption didnt do do with the intention of relinquishing it. Theyve built up "laws" ( that are null & void at their inception, w/o being so labeled in a court of law) & built up infrastructure & have been weeding out the military of those who wont fire on Americans & take their guns. TPTB are set up with bunkers & places offshore. As long as the sheeple go along, there will be no fighting, If we can muster sufficient politiocal power, we can take the nation back w/o fighting. Sadly, those who pose a real threat to TPTB & the policies they are driving are marginalized in the media, made to look stupid & Batshit Crazee ( look how they ALL did Ron Paul, The bubs cut his throat as deeply as the dems, because he would have upset the gravy train. BOTH SIDES are playing the same games on us) OR, should they manage to shine brighter than & shine thru the mud & lies & actually get into a position to impact policy & start to do what NEEDS DONE for America & its people, they die in plane crashes, car wrecks, sudden heart attacks, or lead poisoning, a la JFK.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Midnightrider on 11/12/13 at 18:44:52

I heard or could have read it that the NSA is supposed to be the largest   building in the world square footage wise.. I've seen pictures and it looks huge. Spent a lot of money to violate our fourth amendment.

Title: Re: Homeland Security and NSA's watchwords
Post by Midnightrider on 11/12/13 at 18:49:38

71727A6C777A7B6C1E0 wrote:
[quote author=5543544951444952260 link=1384131075/0#14 date=1384210622]
Taking on law enforcement or the US government is not in my plans...
They have a phrase for that game,.. it's "suicide by cop"...
You don't win that one... :-?...

If you want them to pry your guns from your cold dead fingers... they will...

Yeah, but the thought of it being a US citizen or soldier doing it, kinda irks me to think about.

[/quote]  Dont worry Old Rider, the goverment has had UN Troops and Mercenairies over here for months practicing. They dress in American uniforms so you dont know who is who. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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