General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> More on the spying on us

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/13 at 11:24:17

Title: More on the spying on us
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/13 at 11:24:17
YES, Its that dreaded Infowars. Yes, Jones is a rabid man, screaming about the condition we are in,, BUT, HE DIDNT WRITE what this says. There links in the article to PROOF of the content.. Enjoy!

Title: Re: More on the spying on us
Post by ahernandez74 on 11/08/13 at 08:32:14

I love hearing about these things, but honestly. I hate hte way that some of it is presented. Infowars is always a little bit too dramatic in the presentation. I do think that it's quite the retarded cycle for the CIA to pay AT&T 10 mill for our informaiton and call logs. We pay AT&T for a service and what not... and expect our privacy while they go out and sell our information behind our backs. Quite ridiciulous.

Title: Re: More on the spying on us
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/13 at 10:56:36

Yea,, really,, cant be having earthshaking info presented in any manner other than the calm, hypnotic manner that we've been taught is right & proper by the paid propagandists on network news. Passion & anger & exasperation have NO place in this society! Only the calm, soothing voice is allowed in any news presentation,, anything else is simply not professional,, How many even realize the level of mind control we've all been subjected to? The only time its okay for a boy to be exhuberant & display his strength & agility & toughness is after the ball is hiked & before the whistle blows,, Calmness is the only accepted manner of expression,, anyone not calm isnt to be heard,, theyre to be shunned..
How do you want to awakened when your house is on fire? By someone whispering? Our house is on FIRE,, its no longer time for calm observation,, OUr ability to even FEEL outrage has been trained out of us,, Think about that a while,,

Title: Re: More on the spying on us
Post by verslagen1 on 11/08/13 at 13:39:06

2E272A3D212E212B2A35787B4F0 wrote:
I love hearing about these things, but honestly. I hate hte way that some of it is presented. Infowars is always a little bit too dramatic in the presentation. I do think that it's quite the retarded cycle for the CIA to pay AT&T 10 mill for our informaiton and call logs. We pay AT&T for a service and what not... and expect our privacy while they go out and sell our information behind our backs. Quite ridiciulous.

probably a technicality, but the fee probably was a service charge for printing out the data.

Title: Re: More on the spying on us
Post by old_rider on 11/08/13 at 14:35:14

I hate to tell you this, but ALL phone calls and internet posts are monitored for key words.
Just that there have to be folks to process the information that the servers save to be looked into more indepth.
Can you imagine being one of the filter heads sitting at a console listening to 300 or so calls an hour that were taped because of the majic keywords? and having to process the most important ones up to higher level management for them to determine what threat level it is?
They are trying to make software capable of sorting the info automatically into threat catagories so that the filter heads will only have to check a small percentage of them to make sure the software is working right.
Go to sleep, its alright, what? you said president...... terroists and kill in the same conversation on the phone? Don't worry , they won't come knocking at your door... Jeffery the nerd caught the conversation.... or did he?

Title: Re: More on the spying on us
Post by Paraquat on 11/11/13 at 09:26:50

I can remember when I got my first phone. A Nokia brick.
My friends and I would joke in high school and end calls with "See you later you terrorist bomb Oklahoma City assassinate the President."
Juvenile, yes but we were 16 or 17 at the time and had assumed super computers were listening in.
If only we knew it was true.

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