General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A little bit about Canadian politics.....

Message started by arteacher on 11/05/13 at 15:20:30

Title: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by arteacher on 11/05/13 at 15:20:30

So our Prime Minister has defied the House twice, which is the equivalent to the President telling Congress to blow it out their rears, and is technically illegal. He played the "in the interests of  National Security" card, forced an election, and won, the first time. ( which made me ashamed to be a part of the electoral process).Then he did it again.
The mayor of Toronto has admitted to smoking crack (only after getting caught on film) and after originally denying it, and refuses to step down from office. One of our members of parliament has been caught with his hand in the till, and refuses to resign.
I used to be proud of our  politics and politicians, but now I'me not.

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/05/13 at 17:16:10

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by oldNslow on 11/05/13 at 17:50:55

I used to be proud of our  politics and politicians, but now I'me not.

Not too many years ago the mayor of Washington DC got caught smoking crack in a hotel room with a couple of hookers. Was arrested and went to jail for a while. When he got out he ran for city council and was elected. He's still a councilman I think.

Most politicians are what they are - always have been;always will be.

It's the dumba**es that keep reelecting them that are the real problem.

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Midnightrider on 11/05/13 at 21:52:02

There are no consequences for their actions just like here. The same globalist running the USA are running Canada and pretty soon we'll be one country along with Mexico. Everything is going perfectly as planned. The politicians are just taking orders which makes them richer while the sheep are waiting to be slaughtered.

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by WD on 11/06/13 at 07:26:25

The USA should have owned both for a long time as war reparations anyway...

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/13 at 10:45:37

Some guy, I wanna say in New York,, Or New Jersey? Got busted for arson, went to the pen, did 2 years or so, & then ran for & was elected mayor of a rather large city..

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Midnightrider on 11/07/13 at 21:06:21

I'd lay money on it John Edwards paid his ex whor to write that book about him saying what a good man he is and you watch it, he'll run again.

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Midnightrider on 11/07/13 at 21:16:08

594A0E0 wrote:
The USA should have owned both for a long time as war reparations anyway...

The USA doesnt own itself. Our goverment is nothing but puppets run by globalist. George W sat in that classroom in Florida for 7 minutes after he was told we were being attacked. Why? He was waiting on orders. If he was in charge he would have immediately scrambled fighters, closed the borders and been on Air Force One sorting things out. Seven whole minutes he just sat there while we were being attacked. What kind of leader is that? Very stupid or one who is not in charge. He had only two fighters escorting Air Force One back to Washington. I think he was being briefed, Bin Laden, Al Quida, Bin Laden Alquida. Remember that or you're expendable too George, all the while thingy Cheney was grabbed and put in the presidential bunker under the Whitehouse where George should have been.

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by old_rider on 11/07/13 at 22:15:48

Ahh... those crack head Canadian politicians....  ;) :o ::) :-/ 8-)

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Trippah on 11/09/13 at 19:40:48

As I recall, 2 of the last major train wrecks in the US ,the engineer was found with marijuana in their system.  Same Same....... ;D ;D

I had always hoped Canada might be a bit more civilized, having stayed closer to the Queen but appears you'all ARE like us. ;)

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/13 at 20:41:44

I wonder if Bammy has pot in his system.. He has engineered a few trainwrecks himself

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/11/13 at 06:43:29

Arteacher -
I obviously am not a student of Canadian politics, and having said that, your country baffles me.
Banning handguns completely, in a nation with more open and wild territory than in the U.S.
Socialized medicine decades ago - I forget the exact year.
The constant crap with Quebec and the mandate, again years ago, that everything be bilingual.
Back in the 1970s were we on vacation in the Bahamas, and I was sitting on the beach talking to a president of a Canadian bank, and a smart guy he was.  He predicted, which didn't come true, that by the year 2,000 Canada, being so beset with division, would cease to exist as we know it.
He predicted that the maritime provinces would go their own way as a separate country, aligned with Britain, that Quebec would finally secede, become its own little country, with its French culture and language.  He thought that present day Ontario would be all that would be left of Canada, because he thought that the western provinces, whose people are westerners and have far more in common with the western U.S. states like the Dakotas and Montana than they do with Toronto and Montreal, would secede and apply to become U.S. territories.
Not all that far fetched.  And with our wonderful diversity crap in the U.S., it just shows how people think once they fail to remain "one nation".

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by arteacher on 11/11/13 at 08:52:48

Jerry- we are a nation of diplomacy. Most of our expansion was the result of negotiation, rather than conquest. The French were allowed to keep their traditions (and later on impose them on the rest of Canada) in order to keep the peace and keep them a part of Canada. In Canada the provinces have far more political power to run their own affairs than individual states do in the U.S. This has had the effect of neutralizing a lot of the reasons why a province would want to leave the Commonwealth.
And up here, if you see someone with a handgun you know right away he or she is either a cop or a criminal- no guesswork involved.... and it makes it real easy for a cop to identify a criminal. ;)

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/11/13 at 09:10:49

Arteacher -

There was an interesting novel written back in the 1960s called "If the South had Won the Civil War", hypothecating about what North America would look like in the 20th century if our Union were dissolved as a part of the South's having won.

Basically, the book went on to theorize, the westward expansion of the U.S. would have stopped at the Mississippi River, with only Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado becoming part of the U.S.  The author said that  Arizona, New Mexico, and California would have all remained part of Mexico.  His theory then said that the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Washington and Oregon would have been Canadian territory.

Of course, under this scenario, Alaska remained Russian.  His theory was that both the U.S. and the Confederacy eventually healed the emotional wounds, and were allies in both WW I and WW II.  But at the peak of the Cold War, when the book was written in the 1960s, both were having re-unification discussions, to face the USSR, and the Soviet missiles in Alaska pointed at the rest of North America.

Interesting hypothesis.

Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by mpescatori on 11/12/13 at 08:11:33

0516520 wrote:
The USA should have owned both for a long time as war reparations anyway...


...on what grounds ?

Was there ever a war against Canada ? The US Continental Army did invade Canada in 1775, but that was to target British troops and to prevent them from being deployed to the Colonies...

If it were to happen today, Canada would invoke Art. 5 of the NATO Treaty and this would mean the disruption of NATO.
China wouldn't just sit and watch, there's far more good business exporting to Europe than there is with the US.

So drop that thought.

As for Mexico... Texas was part of Mexico until the American redneck farmers out in the countryside outnumbered the civilized Mexican cityfolk to the point a war ensued.

Same thing happened in Kosovo a few years back, and the US was "ooops, can't say it" enough to back the Albanian Kosovar push for independence, so that the legitimate Serbian community is now a minority in their own home.

Watch out for what you sow, you never know what is going to happen in 20 years' time when all the US-born mexicans register to vote...


Title: Re: A little bit about Canadian politics.....
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/12/13 at 08:19:28

During the War of 1812, called by many historians The Second Revolutionary War, U.S. naval forces engaged the British and Canadian naval forces in the Battle of Lake Erie.  This was the battle in which Commodore Perry gained his fame.  There was a re-enactment of the battle just a couple of months ago near Port Clinton, Ohio, a city on the lake shore where the actual battle was fought 200 years ago.
The International Peace Monument, typically called Perry's Monument, was erected at Put-In-Bay on one of the Lake Erie islands to commemorate the battle, and to the proposition that it should remain the last battle between the U.S. and Canada. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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