General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .

Message started by canmabe on 11/04/13 at 11:08:04

Title: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by canmabe on 11/04/13 at 11:08:04

How old is too old to learn to ride?Just got a LS650

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 ,j
Post by youzguyz on 11/04/13 at 11:11:55

Nope.. sorry.. not too old yet!!  Wait about 40 more years.

Look into local MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) courses.
Many states require that you pass a Beginners Class with them to get a motorcycle endorsement on your license.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by canmabe on 11/04/13 at 11:16:04


Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by doctorpc on 11/04/13 at 11:16:14

I am 58 learned last fall and bought an LS650 rode 1500 miles this season As long as your comfortable learning and have good balance go for it

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by Rush-rks on 11/04/13 at 11:38:23

No your not too old.  Like youzguyz said take the MSF course, by all means.  I am 53 I took the MSF course this past July and I bought my 06 S40 in July also.  
I even rode to work this morning..33 degrees!  I've put 1500 miles on that bike in 4 months..probably not many to some standards but I've got the bug bad and I ride my Suzy every chance I can  ;)

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/13 at 12:33:45

Dude,, you are WAAY too old! YOu better sell that thing before you get addicted,, better yet,, give it to ME!

Stay away from traffic, get out in the boonies,, DRESS Right, There are diagrams showing what %age of the time certain parts of the head hit in a crash. The face gets it the most. Full Coverage helmets are important..
I proved it,,got a split lip instead of a crushed face,

Once you start feeling like youve got it down, start piddlin on the outskirts of traffic areas.

Be aware of people who are setting up to turn left. Watch peoples heads. Flash headlite from high to low & weave back & forth across the lane. If they dont see you, theyll run over you & YES they can look (apparently) straight at you & NOT see you. Being in front of a long line makes them wanna rush on & not get stopped. At the rear of a long line theyre frustrated & GO at that last Bumper they see,, those are 2 of the most dangerous places to be,
Welcome aboard.. stay out of the newspaper.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by DavidOfMA on 11/04/13 at 13:09:02

I'm 62 and relearned last year, have several medical issues, but have put 6,000 miles on the bike since then. Unless you are riding with a group that rides hard and fast or riding 300 miles in a day, both of which I do, it's not physically demanding except, as others have noted, for paying close attention to people in cars.

And it's a blast!

I highly recommend the book Proficient Motorcycling and the MSF course. Although I skipped the beginner course, I have taken the advanced one and found it helpful.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by canmabe on 11/04/13 at 13:11:52

Thank you for some VERY good information.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 ,j
Post by Blinky-FSO on 11/04/13 at 13:22:08

647268677A6864671D0 wrote:
Nope.. sorry.. not too old yet!!  Wait about 40 more years.

Look into local MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) courses.
Many states require that you pass a Beginners Class with them to get a motorcycle endorsement on your license.

Started last year at 62 myself. Took the MSF course and then put over 5,000 miles on a S40 last summer and fall. Moved to a C50 this spring and have logged about 4,000 miles so far. I wish someone had hit me with a big stick and told me how much fun this is 40 years ago.

Good luck and keep us posted

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by Burt on 11/04/13 at 14:49:25

As an old Radio guy, I have to say..."but wait-- there's more!
Not sure if anyone mentioned the obvious-- that YMMV. I'm 71 and I've been riding for nearly 50 years, but the cool thing about riding at my age is that if I miss a couple of weeks, I have to relearn everything anyway...   :-[
On the other hand, I've been trying to get my older brother interested in riding for years, but when he brought it up recently (he's 81) I suggested he not tackle this particular new hobby... Reason (which I didn't share with him) is that he's always been an aggressive automobile driver, and I now see evidences of his reflexes slowing significantly-- bad combination for motorcycling. SO IF your reactions are still good behind the wheel (no problem handling crises and avoiding collisions, etc.) you'll probably do fine on a motorcycle!

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by Dodgeman on 11/04/13 at 15:21:03

Age is just a number.   I have met, and talked to a lot of older bikers, that were between 75 to 90. Not all of us will reach 75-90, with the same fitness, health, and mental awareness.  If you feel you're capable of riding, ;) then ride.  First get to know your bike, by sitting on it, getting to know where all the controls are, get the feel of the weight, and try it out in your driveway, or laneway before getting out on the roads.  Motorcycle courses are out there if you feel you need help.  I quit riding back in 1973, when I sold my 750 BMW.  I just started last year at 65, after not riding for over 40 years. I ride an 1983 1100cc Goldwing Standard, which is a lot heavier than my wife's LS 650.  I'm sure you will do fine, if you don't rush at it.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by raydawg on 11/04/13 at 16:47:02

Are you ever too old to laugh, or fish, sex....OK, 2 outta 3 ain't bad  :-*

I rode years ago, then life took a twist. At 58 I needed a different mode of transportation as I moved to an island and took a job on the mainland, I had to commute via a ferry. Lines in the summer, holidays, etc, could be hours to load, motorcycles, right to the front, and its about 75% cheaper too (fare). I took the class, loved it, learned much. I got a Rebel, but quickly realized it was just a little too small (CC wise). I bought the S40, have put 9000 miles on it in a year and still love it. Weather here can change quickly. I have been caught in the snow, etc, but have not fallen because she is so forgiving.... Heavier bikes have gone over, getting on and off the ferry, the slow speed and poor conditions (ice and steel decks, HELLOOOOO) I just skate her  ;D

Practice braking, that is a game changer, be smart, don't rush intersections, stay out of blind spots, don't tailgate, etc, and never take your concentration away from the can keep you in the game safely....but remember to relax, riding tight leads to over reaction and fatigue, diminishing the joy of riding....    

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by Dave on 11/05/13 at 03:11:56

Recently I made attempts to get my wife to learn to ride, and it did not go too well.  We may have made the jump from riding around the yard in first shifting and riding in second a bit too soon, as she crashed pretty hard.  She was attempting to slow down and turn at the same time, and the coordination had not yet become familiar to her.  She applied front brake and throttle simultaneously.....not a good combination on any motorcycle.  The good news is that it was just an 80cc bike and other than a few thorns in her hand....she was fine.  The bike hit a tree and needed more repair than she did.

In hindsight......she should have done far more learning on the clutch, brakes and throttle at slow speeds before we got to the shifting process.  My wife is also not all that comfortable on a bicycle.  When we go for rides she does fine pedaling down a straight and level road - but when we get to a place we need to navigate around an obstacle, cross an uneven pavement, climb a curb.....she has to concentrate and work hard at it.  She does not really know which brake is front and which is rear and she just grabs them both, and she struggles to adapt the gear shifting to the hills.  A motorcycle is a huge leap for her abilities, she is just not a "natural" on two wheels.

We have come to the conclusion that my wife would not be safe on a motorcycle...regardless of her age.  She is not comfortable on one, she is not horrible strong, she is fighting osteoporosis, and her reflexes are not wonderful.  So.......all this rambling is to say that although age most certainly will be a consideration at some point - so is natrual ability.  We were a at a party visiting with some old friends, and the subject came up.  His wife has a horrible limp, and we found out that it was because she tried to learn to ride a motorycle later in life, and she had a crash that sent her underneath a guard rail while her leg folded up over the guard rail.  The man was obviously very sorry that he had let her attempt to learn so late in life....he claims that she was just not a natural rider and they learned too late.  She was just going around a simple corner and a normal speed she lost control. He still has a lot of guilt for not recognizing that they may have hit the open road far too soon....and that he did not recognize that she was not yet in control.

I also believe that the Savage is not a great bike to get your first lesson. It is a bit heavy when compared to a smaller bike, it has a bunch of torque and if you twist the throttle a bit too much....things can happen very fast.  Those first couple of hours while you are learning the clutch/throttle/brake/balance functions......would be far easier and safer on a smaller and less powerful bike.  When you grab a bit too much throttle on a small have a far better chance of surviving than you will not a big torquey single where things can go wront realy fast.  My wife may no longer be alive if she had done the same thing on the Savage that she did on the 80cc bike.    

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by jcstokes on 11/05/13 at 03:27:00

I recently helped a ninety two year old get a basic handling certificate, he was trained by a professional instructor on a 125cc bike and just scraped through. He had been a dispatch rider in WW2. He wasn't able to progress his paper work and I lost touch. It's important to get professional training at your age, I never regretted a professional refresher course after returning to motorcycling at 57 after a twenty seven year absence. The S40 shouldn't be too hard to learn on as it isn't a heavy bike and not that powerful. The low seat height should also help.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by DavidOfMA on 11/05/13 at 06:08:29

Here's how I re-learned (except I didn't take the intro MSF course), and I think it's a pretty good method.

1. Start out in an empty parking lot and just drive around in first gear until you are comfortable with turning, countersteering (see Proficient Motorcycling), braking with both brakes, starting and stopping. Then, progress to first and second gear and do the above in first and second until you are comfortable with shifting between the two, including downshifting when you slow to a stop. Then third, same drill. At this point you can go 30+mph, which is about as fast as you can probably go in a parking lot unless it's very big.

Practice quick stops and slow-speed figure eights until you can do them comfortably.

Take a break, or wait until the next day.

2. Next step is to find a "practice road," that is, a road where there is almost no traffic. Ride the bike up and down that road at varying speeds until you are comfortable doing that.

Take a break, or wait until the next day.

3. Identify a low-traffic neighborhood where you can practice checking for danger signs, stopping at stop signs or red lights, making left and right turns. Ride in that neighborhood until you are comfortable doing all those things.

Take another break or wait until the next day.

4. At this point, you are competent enough to actually take the bike place, building your skills as you go, never exceeding what you feel comfortable doing. If you can find a local Meetup motorcycling group that has rides for beginners, go on one or more, as then you begin to see how other riders ride and they can see how you ride, and if something does go wrong, they will be there to help.

Have a blast!


Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by Pine on 11/05/13 at 11:45:39

If you can get your leg over the seat..... your not too old.

The Savage is a dream bike to learn on. Its light and best of all has lots umph (torque).  Torque lets you be very off on shifts and yet still pull through. Its rather spoiled me from other bikes, which I stall.

I do find that riding gets me tired very quick ( in traffic).. why??? I am attempting to be completely situationally aware. Once your on a bike you are invisable to "cagers" ( folks in cars). So your not just trying not to wreck ... your trying to stay away from those around you. That said ... its very doable and adds a level of enjoyment to even the ole daily commute.  

To reduce that stress, find a nice country lane... and enjoy!

optional pants

I refuse to ride without my face covered... too many bugs!

have fun and let us  know!!!

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by Steve H on 11/05/13 at 15:25:36

It appears that I am one of the youngsters on here.  I'm turning 50 next month.  I've been riding since I was 10 or 11.  Started riding a friend's CB125.  I've had several bikes since then.  I don't know when bikes got tiny.  I've had smaller bikes (engine size) that were considerably larger and heavier and more comfortable for long rides than the Savage/S40.  Having said that, the savage seems to be a great bike to learn on.  Smooth power delivery, lots of torque, easy and gentle road manners, light weight.  I had to change the handlebars to something that wouldn't have my carpal tunnel numbing my hands in 5 to 10 minutes.

I believe you're never too old as long as your reflexes, reaction times, and balance are acceptable and you have the desire.  Try it...worst that can happen is you decide it's not for you.

Take an MSF course.  You'll get to ride some smaller lighter bikes.  You'll really appreciate the power you've got after riding those.  They'll teach you all sorts of good stuff that many of us had to find out through experience since there were no classes when we started riding. They'll show you correct way to do many things that you might self-learn incorrectly. If you hadn't already bought the bike, it would be a good way to see if you really wanted to spend the money to buy one.

In short, if you feel mentally and physically capable.  Do it!  It's always great to have a new rider.  It's loads of fun.

Be safe and enjoy yourself.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by Ragnar444 on 11/05/13 at 16:10:51

Watch the movie The Worlds's Fastest Indian with Anthony Hopkins. It should answer any questions whether or not us old folks should ride.  8-)

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by jcstokes on 11/05/13 at 16:55:04

Sorry Ragnar444 it should be, The World's Fastest Indian, if I'm lucky I may be at The Burt Munro Festival in Invercargill NZ at the end of the month. It will be my longest trip on the little S40.
Canmabe, you have three friends in motorcycling, your two mirrors and the big gap in front of you, most other humans , animals and inanimate objects are real or potential enemies. Don't let this stop you enjoying your riding, just be aware that what I say is true.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by swedishbiker on 11/05/13 at 22:52:30

I will be 58 this week. Did call on a BMW for sale this summer. The man who was selling say he is 84 and feel that it was time to stop riding.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by ToesNose on 11/06/13 at 04:41:01

Sound body + Sound mind = Able to learn to ride.

Age is just a number.....

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by HAPPYDAN on 11/06/13 at 12:50:00

Welcome to our world! You're going to love it! I agree with all the advice given thus far. I came back to riding at 55 after a 30 year lay off. Couldn't pass the endorsement test, so I took the MSF course. Great. Do it. Now I'm 62, retired and ride every chance I get. Now MY advice: Concentrate on riding, especially in traffic. Car drivers will, on a consistent basis, (1) Follow too closely, (2) Ignore your turn signals, (3) Pull out in front of you and turn left in front of you, and (4) Try to pass you without changing lanes. So, ride defensively, smile and wave at the other riders. We are a brotherhood (and sisterhood, sorry!)

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by DavidOfMA on 11/06/13 at 15:49:20

Somebody needs to do a poll of the ages of members of this board. I had no idea there were so many old guys like me here! If nobody else has done it, when I have the time I'll figure it out and put it in the Cafe section. Just curious.

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by old_rider on 11/06/13 at 16:57:28

Here ya go DaveOfMA

Pole taken already, except I don't know who is older than GOD's dog....

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by jcstokes on 11/06/13 at 21:53:45

The question about the poll could be, did Suzuki deliberately target the Savage/S40 at the indigent male menopause to indigent elderly male market?

Title: Re: how old is too old to learn to ride?I am 67 .
Post by latony007 on 11/07/13 at 13:49:22

id get a can am, just so much less to worry about. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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