General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Was FEMA "training" in LA today?

Message started by Paraquat on 11/01/13 at 13:57:27

Title: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Paraquat on 11/01/13 at 13:57:27

They have an odd way of conveniently being where the action is.
I'm genuinely curious if they were out that way today.


Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/13 at 14:21:48

Be interesting to know the wherabouts of the shooter for the last coupla weeks & whether or not he is,, well, WAS, on any psych drugs from a pharmacy,,

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Paraquat on 11/01/13 at 15:47:47

... Farkin CBS...
"The suspect pulled an assault rifle — possibly an AR-15"


Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/13 at 15:58:52

I think it was an ar

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Midnightrider on 11/02/13 at 12:43:04

I hardly ever watch the bought off controlled news. I must have missed what happened in LA. Could someone fill me in?

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/13 at 21:09:37

Some TSA guy started shooting TSA people.,He walked thru the airport & would ask people if they were TSA,, if they said yes, he shot them,. Why he needed to ask escapes me,, dont they wear uniforms? But, I heard a guy who SAID he was there interviewed & he Said he was cowering in a corner & the guy walked up & asked him if he was TSA, he said no, the guy walked on.,*& he said he saw a TSA guy scurry into the bookstore, wounded, in a TSA uniform,, the shooter must not have seen his escape, he was not reported to have followed. IDK if the guy being interviewed was in the same county,, I wasnt there,,

Check that,, I HEARD he was TSA,, Now, Im doubting that,,

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by RatdogWillie on 11/03/13 at 11:18:38

With any of these high profile shootings the first question that should be asked is was the accused shooter seeing a psychiatrist? The second question would be what psycho-active drugs were prescribed?  
The TSA shooting at LAX appears to be a staged incident to demonize guns, gun-owners and anyone with that doesn’t think lock step with the government. Just watch as a media effort increase to demonize “truthers”  “conspiracy theorists” and everybody that questions anything that the current Reich regime occupying Washington D.C. does. There will be an effort to ban the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution along with the current efforts to ban the Second Amendment.  Only government sanctioned “news” reporting will be allowed “for public safety”, it’s that give up your freedoms to get some governments gonna protect you thing. That ought to make sheeple folks like Webster happy.

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Midnightrider on 11/03/13 at 16:06:45

Rat I more than applaud you on your first two lines. Crazy people kill other people, it doesnt make a dam what tool they use!

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Midnightrider on 11/03/13 at 16:36:31

Its funny when most people hear AR. They become instantly scared or upset. I've got a Ruger Mini 30 that looks just like a hunting rifle but it will take a 30 round clip and shoots a lot bigger bullet. At close range I  would rather have someone point an AR at me than a double barrel 12 gauge. Thats how much people who want guns banned know about them. If someone broke into my house I would grab my 12 gauge magnum pump that shoots 3 and one half inch shells before I would even think about my AR. AR's just look like the violent video guns.
  My prayers and condolences to everyone and their families involved. I keep praying for a better and safer world.

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Midnightrider on 11/03/13 at 16:38:56

Steve your next door neighbor could be Fema. How many insider military forces has Obama created?

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Pine on 11/04/13 at 07:01:01

142732222921112F2A2A2F23460 wrote:
With any of these high profile shootings the first question that should be asked is was the accused shooter seeing a psychiatrist? The second question would be what psycho-active drugs were prescribed?  
The TSA shooting at LAX appears to be a staged incident to demonize guns, gun-owners and anyone with that doesn’t think lock step with the government. Just watch as a media effort increase to demonize “truthers”  “conspiracy theorists” and everybody that questions anything that the current Reich regime occupying Washington D.C. does. There will be an effort to ban the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution along with the current efforts to ban the Second Amendment.  Only government sanctioned “news” reporting will be allowed “for public safety”, it’s that give up your freedoms to get some governments gonna protect you thing. That ought to make sheeple folks like Webster happy.

Thats already being done. Congress has already looked at only allowing "real journalists" to be allowed to cover news.

Freedom of speach is already gone. Ask the kid who "shot" kids in the lunch room with his "gun shaped" pizza slice. Or the kid suspended from school for shooting a BB gun in his front yard. The list goes on and on. Kids are being targeted - you keep quite and follow rules or else.

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/04/13 at 07:09:41

The TSA shooting at LAX appears to be a staged incident to demonize guns, gun-owners and anyone with that doesn’t think lock step with the government. Just watch as a media effort increase to demonize “truthers”  “conspiracy theorists” and everybody that questions anything that the current Reich regime occupying Washington D.C. does

are you guys saying the LAX shooting was staged? This guy was paid or recruited to kill someone so the gun control crowd would have more, pardon the pun, ammo to use against the 2nd amendment crowd?

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/13 at 07:24:29

Early reporting was, by eyewitness, a man, dressed as a TSA agent. The pic of him shows a guy in regular street clothes,,did he change clothes or was the eye witness that wrong? Or was there someone else involved?
There was a shooting recently & they wouldnt Tell us what meds he had been taking. The pills they sell to Help are very dangerous,,so far, all but one or 2 of these shooters down thru the years have been on meds or recently stopped them,, The Tower shooter in Texas years ago had a brain tumor,
The Boston guys were set up. There IS a game afoot to demonize armed citizens. Nothing is "Out of bounds" when political agendas aare involved.

Title: Re: Was FEMA "training" in LA today?
Post by Midnightrider on 11/04/13 at 08:26:55

Web I dont know enough about it to say anything but from what I've heard I dont think it was staged. Contrary to what you may think I dont believe the goverment is behind every evil act. Theirs some crazy evil people in this world and with this country on the downhill slope it is because of our so called leaders its going to get a lot worse. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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