General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 09:08:50

Title: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 09:08:50

explain how the quote works and i'll use it. have no idea. I usually bold someone's comments i'm specifically replying to.

I feel like we are close to finally proving a point to either Jog or Midnight.

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
PS... these threads would be easier to follow, if everyone would take the time to learn to use the "Quote" button...
;D ;D ;D...
(to do this,... click the "Quote" button at the upper right , of the post that you want to quote,... instead of going to the bottom of the thread and hitting reply)...(I usually edit the quote to show only the part that I am responding to, to make the post shorter and more to the point)...

Title: Re: Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attac
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/13 at 09:19:01

Web,  see above... I was adding an instruction while you were posting...

Look for the "Quote" button on the post you are referencing....

Title: Re: Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attac
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 09:26:31

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
Web,  see above... I was adding an instruction while you were posting...

Look for the "Quote" button on the post you are referencing....

like this?

Title: Re: Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attac
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 09:27:05

okay, how can you post a photo from another webpage?

Title: Re: Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attac
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/13 at 09:48:09

704245545342556A46554C270 wrote:
okay, how can you post a photo from another webpage?

Right-click on the pic... look for a menu item that says something like, "copy image location"... click it...
Then, come here and click the 3rd menu icon, (if you hover on it, it should say "insert image", click it... paste the copied image address between the image brackets...
It should look like this...


... and appear like this when you preview...

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/13 at 09:55:45


Feel free to practice  quotes, and picture inserts in this thread...

Ask any questions you like... I'll try to make clear "how to" instructions...


Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 10:20:16


bike I traded my Savage in for.

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/13 at 10:23:03

That's a lot of bike... :-?...

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 10:58:10

It will sure haul the mail no doubt about that.

Two things I don't like about it. 1) it's like parking a big pickup. You just don't zip into a parking lot and look for the first place. Nope, you've got find a place level or slightly uphill so you can use the center stand as the kickstand is absolutely worthless.  Too short, stands the bike almost straight up and it's too easy to knock over. At 678 lbs or something like that, it ain't like grabbing a Savage and yanking it back up.

2) its a sport-touring bike meaning it's not like a Goldwing for example. I've gone 240 miles (one full tank) without stopping and it's not as comfortable as it should be.

But, man on man, it will hug curves like you can't believe.  Top speed is 120+, but I've never come close to that;  95 and it's as stable as a train. Acceleration is great, can get you away from crazy drivers in the blink of an eye. Just remember to hold on. Two hard cases on the side and a top case means I can take work tools and overnight stuff. I've taken it on  a couple overnight work trips.

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/13 at 14:18:13

But, man on man, it will hug curves like you can't believe.

I dont really wanna see that

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 14:28:13

ha ha! good catch!
let me correct that, man OH man....

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by mpescatori on 11/04/13 at 00:32:58

He was describing "pillion riding".

REAL men have been doing it for centuries...

;D ;D ;D

Oh, and, by the way, the BMW "RT" range... is comfortable as can be, as long as you don't have a Barbie butt...
After years of monkeybutt my BMWbutt can still get sore, but it gets sore at twice the distance and goind twice as fast !

"RT" meaning "Renn Touring" or "fast touring".

I ride the "ST" which is the "Sport Touring"...  :-?

Just like the RT but originally with clipons... now tamed with a higher windshield and more civilized bars...   8-)

Twice as fast as the Savage, twice the carrying capacity, twice the range and half as noisy... twice as heavy... TransEuropExpress  ;D

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by WebsterMark on 11/04/13 at 04:51:50

The adjustable windshield is something I never thought about but would be hard to have another bike without one. I use it all the time now.went out for 50 mile ride yesterday on interstate, two lanes and city streets, different height for each one.

Yea, the handlebars suck for any length of time. Took it on a six hour ride once and I found myself turning on the throttle lock and free handing on flat straights to give my arms a break. I put risers on it, which helps but not enough. You can buy a bracket that allows the use of round bars which I could do, but then you gotta get new brake cables etc...

All in all, it scores a solid 8 out of 10 on my scale. But, I'll trade it in this winter for something else, just not sure what yet.

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/13 at 07:55:29

5543544951444952260 wrote:

Feel free to practice  quotes, and picture inserts in this thread...

Ask any questions you like... I'll try to make clear "how to" instructions...


You can Rely on Rowboat! He can show ya HOW,,;_ylu=X3oDMTBscWN2ZnBjBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=1p0ke3l66/EXP=1383609114/**http%3a//;_ylu=X3oDMTBscWN2ZnBjBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=1p0ke3l66/EXP=1383609114/**http%3a//

Its why we let him get away with saying

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/13 at 08:03:40

I just taught JOG a new way to make fun of me... :-?...

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by Dane Allen on 11/04/13 at 10:47:11

7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 wrote:
I just taught JOG a new way to make fun of me... :-?...

;D ;D ;D No good deed....

Title: Re: A lesson in how to do Quotes, and post pics...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/13 at 12:47:49

Ohh,, Ive known HOW,, I just needed another good reason,,
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