General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Heres that economic recovery analyzed

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/13 at 17:26:26

Title: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/13 at 17:26:26

1. What can you say about a nation that has more people getting handouts from the federal government than working full-time?  According to the latest numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of people receiving means-tested welfare benefits is greater than the number of full-time workers in the United States.

2. New numbers have just been released, and they show that the number of public school students in this country that are homeless is at an all-time record high.  It is hard to believe, but right now 1.2 million students that attend public schools in America are homeless.  That number has risen by 72 percent since the start of the last recession.

3. When I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was from a middle class home.  But now that has all changed.  One recent study discovered that nearly half of all public students in the United States come from low income homes.

4. How can anyone deny that we are a socialist nation when half the people are getting money from the federal government each month?  According to the most recent numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau, 49.2 percent of all Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program.

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Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by HartAttack on 10/28/13 at 19:05:36

I believe no one said it better than Thomas Jefferson. "The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those that are willing to work and give to those that would not."

It is actually very frightening.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/29/13 at 07:01:36

Part of this is also due to birth rates among the various sectors of society.  How many middle class families reproduce at anywhere near the rates of those folks at the bottom end of the economic ladder?

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Midnightrider on 10/29/13 at 08:25:20

What do you expect when they ship all our good jobs overseas. I'm not working at Walmart or McDonalds when the goverment pays me more. I know theres some people that will never work. Unemployment rates used to be around 5% and those people never looked for jobs. I've seen too many good people lose their jobs to overseas workers and look for a job that would support them and had no luck for years. I had 2 proud hardworking brothers in that situation. They didnt like taking handouts but they had to to survive. It took both of them 2 years plus to find a decent job and believe me they were pounding the pavement looking.Obama wanted it that way so he would get reelected. Now he's wanting to open the Mexican border and make unemployment even more worse. Does that make any sense or is it part of a big plan?

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/13 at 08:37:33

7F707C767D707B777067727067150 wrote:
Part of this is also due to birth rates among the various sectors of society.  How many middle class families reproduce at anywhere near the rates of those folks at the bottom end of the economic ladder?

Dont forget to consider the illegals who vote.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/13 at 08:39:51

11353832353B34282E3538392E5C0 wrote:
What do you expect when they ship all our good jobs overseas. I'm not working at Walmart or McDonalds when the goverment pays me more. I know theres some people that will never work. Unemployment rates used to be around 5% and those people never looked for jobs. I've seen too many good people lose their jobs to overseas workers and look for a job that would support them and had no luck for years. I had 2 proud hardworking brothers in that situation. They didnt like taking handouts but they had to to survive. It took both of them 2 years plus to find a decent job and believe me they were pounding the pavement looking.Obama wanted it that way so he would get reelected. Now he's wanting to open the Mexican border and make unemployment even more worse. Does that make any sense or is it part of a big plan?

Weve Watched things that make No Sense at all done for decades. WEve seen a steady decline in America. How can anyone bring in a New World Order while things are working fine? Its ( where we are) the result of an agenda. & Schools suck intentionally.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Dane Allen on 10/29/13 at 12:27:13

Unions were the driver that forced jobs overseas and now they are entrenched in the one sector that can't be outsourced, government. We are witnessing the expected and unsurprising fruition of social marxism, the cancer of socialism/liberalism destroys the healthy tissues and then moves on to the next when the current host is all used up.

Marxism/Socialism/Liberalism is a parasitic form of politics. Steal and engulf.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/13 at 19:47:27

Nope,, Nafta was the driving force, If TPTB WANTED us to keep our industrial base, we would have it..Its a game & we are the pawns.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Midnightrider on 10/29/13 at 19:49:21

Dane I respectfully disagree. It was Clinton who signed Nafta. Once it was legal to ship jobs overseas it became the norm. How many $15 an hour non union jobs have been shipped overseas. I guarantee you more of them went overseas than union jobs. Except for the car industy unions have been losing power for the last 30 years and are and have been practically non existent here in the South. We've lost practically all our non union furniture and textile jobs here in NC. I'm sure unions played a small part of it, but not to the extent you believe it has. Blame it on the Goverment and greedy CEO's and upper management. Read how many of the banks we bailed out sent thousands of jobs overseas after we bailed them out. That really pissed me off. One bank sent over 50,000 jobs overseas, all non union jobs and that was after the bailout.  Right now our Goverment is our worst enemy and until more people realise it we are in real trouble.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Gheorghe on 10/31/13 at 06:48:37

How will anyone realize anything when the main topics of discussion, news and water cooler, are the Baseball finals, the upcoming football season, what Miley Ray Cyrus did to her hair and how big Kim Kardashian’s ass is or is not. Oh, and let’s see what’s trending on twitter...

The sheep need to be lead and lead they are. As long as people vote on what the television and the newspapers tells them then the machine is running like a Swiss watch. It is a bit too late to turn anything around now without drastic actions. And it is not just Obama’s fault or Bush or Clinton, we voted pawns in office. The agenda would have marched and will march on no matter who is or was in office.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/13 at 07:05:06

Ohhh Look out there Gheorghe.. YOure reading between the lines & seeing whats not there with 20/20 vision.. Thatll get a guy a tin foil hat..
Ive been given quite a few, I can loan ya one till someone gets you your very own collection started if ya need one right away..
Once they killed JFK & started with the think tank people for the presidents cabinet, it was all over,, the unelecteds are making policy, our electeds are puppets, & they play along or theyre destroyed politically or financially or both & if that doesnt get them in line, they die.. How Ron Paul managed to get in & get out alive Ill never know,,They sure screwed Jim Trafficant. Right after he made a speech on the house floor about the federal reserve, All his "Illegal activities"( the same things everyone did to try to stay in office) he went to prison.,.,

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by pgambr on 10/31/13 at 15:26:35

I think the line in the sand with Trafficant was when speaking at / to congress he said:

"Beam me up scotty, I'm surrounded by idiots." :o

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/13 at 17:07:31

Im leaning more towards his factual account of the fed being what brought them down on him, THAT is simply not allowed.. They woulda sunk Ron Paul had they had the ammo to do it with,, Thats how I see it, anyway.
As for his statement,, Beam me up/Surrounded by idiots,, Kinda hard to be angry at him for making a spot on observation,, well,, unless its about you, then, it mite be a bit of a pisser,,

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by pgambr on 10/31/13 at 17:12:04

You're correct, it is a bit difficult to express satire while typing.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/13 at 05:45:52

Yepp,, seems that tone & inflection are just danged near imPossible with typed letters..

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/13 at 14:40:20

check this out:

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Midnightrider on 11/01/13 at 16:00:11

I watched the whole video. Central banks do not print money, that is a lie. The Federal Reserve does which was only mentioned once. Why is the Federal Reserve determined to not be audited?

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/13 at 16:10:26

The fed is out central bank. Thats whay its called, Its a privately owned cartel that charges us a %age on every dollar they loan us,, they sell bonds & theyre sold worldwide,, many have ceased to buy,so the fed has been buying.. which is tantamount to you needing $$$ & sitting down & making up bonds to sell to raise the $$ & buying them yourself,, yea,, hard to grasp, innitt?

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Dane Allen on 11/04/13 at 11:01:50

5E7A777D7A747B67617A777661130 wrote:
Dane I respectfully disagree. It was Clinton who signed Nafta. Once it was legal to ship jobs overseas it became the norm. How many $15 an hour non union jobs have been shipped overseas. I guarantee you more of them went overseas than union jobs. Except for the car industy unions have been losing power for the last 30 years and are and have been practically non existent here in the South. We've lost practically all our non union furniture and textile jobs here in NC. I'm sure unions played a small part of it, but not to the extent you believe it has. Blame it on the Goverment and greedy CEO's and upper management. Read how many of the banks we bailed out sent thousands of jobs overseas after we bailed them out. That really pissed me off. One bank sent over 50,000 jobs overseas, all non union jobs and that was after the bailout.  Right now our Goverment is our worst enemy and until more people realise it we are in real trouble.

NAFTA was just to tool used to break the logjam, unions were/are out of control and NAFTA was the inevitable conclusion of artificially high wages. Now the pendulum has swung (for many sectors, not government) where the poor in other countries are pressed into service. Their governments have seen what protecionism has done in the US and fight it vigorously.

I am all for industrial safety and the part unions have played but the problem we are talking strictly about the wages and rent seeking by the unions. We are going so far as to import slave labor through Amnesty, open boarders and a decayed public school system.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Midnightrider on 11/04/13 at 15:12:10

Dane where you live unions could have been a problem but they've always been practically non existent in the south except for the coal mines in West Virginia. Its no hidden secret unions have been steadily losing power the last 30 years. Nafta is a part of the New World Order. Every president since Bush Sr has mentioned it, Obama more than the rest. They want a one world goverment and now they have the balls to talk about it. I'm sorry but most of the jobs shipped overseas were non union. I know you hate unions but thats the least of our problems now. google New World Order, the Georgia Guidestones, find out all you can about the Federal Reserve, The Illuminatis, The Bilderburgs, Fema Camps, NSA   . They are not conspiracies they are here.Clinton could have shut down the unions like Walker did but common sense should tell you the politicians are and were recieving kickbacks and votes from what was left of the unions. Why would they want to stop that?. The politicians loved unions. Nafta had nothing to do with unions, it was the startup of something bad to come. Obama is going to bust his a$$ before his term runs out to open the Mexican border and disarm us. The reason why is the first thing the New World Order wants to do is make Mexico, the US and Canada one country. Thats just a start. Why would anyone want to legalise all the illegals with the shape this country is in? Give me one good reason. There's a few humanitarian liberals that want it but the the New World Order is pulling levers behind the curtain in Washington along with the Council of Foreign Relations, The Bilderburgs and the Illuminati. The Illuminati mainly consist of Jews who own most of the World Banks. Crime has been steadily decreasing the last 15 years and all of a sudden they want guns banned, just another part of the plan. The media is sensationalising the Lone Wolf killers. Rupert Murdolph owns over half the news media and he decides what you see and hear. He's a Bilderburg and suspected Illuminati member. Sensationalizing the Lone Wolf killers gets people all stirred up beyond reasoning. I hate that Columbine, The Batman Movie Theater, Gabby Giffords, New Haven and all the rest were gunned down in cold blooded murder except for Gabby surviving for which I'm thankful. I have prayed for those people and their families. Gabby is one hell of a lady, but why punish me for what some kid on psychotic drugs addicted to violent videos did? Whats the real reason for wanting my guns. I just started a thread on what happened in Australia to the crime rate after the gun confiscation. The criminals get their guns illegally and are not going to turn them in which leaves the law abiding citizens helpless to the criminals, not to mention a tyrannical goverment. There were over 270 million people directly killed in the 20th century because of gun confiscation. Our beloved Nobel Peace Prize Winning president has given himself the right to imprison or murder anyone without a trial. He and his drones have killed many more kids than Adam Lanza. He's gotta new trick now called Double Trouble. He sends two drones in. The first one clears a path taking out buildings and innocent citizens and the second one hits the target. The only thing unions are responsible for are kickbacks and election dollars for crooked politicians.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Dane Allen on 11/05/13 at 13:46:21

2D09040E090708141209040512600 wrote:
Dane where you live unions could have been a problem but they've always been practically non existent in the south except for the coal mines in West Virginia. Its no hidden secret unions have been steadily losing power the last 30 years.

Partly because they drove companies out of business before they could flee the country, if they were big enough to flee in the first place. Without artificially high wages then there is no need for NAFTA, unless you are just out to wreck the country...

Nafta is a part of the New World Order. Every president since Bush Sr has mentioned it, Obama more than the rest. They want a one world goverment and now they have the balls to talk about it.

I can see your point here.

I'm sorry but most of the jobs shipped overseas were non union.

Will have to look into this but you need to take into account industries that transfered to foreigh companies such as Pontiac, Mercury, Ford, etc. that lost market share to Toyota, Honda, etc. It's not that jobs moved, it is also grass roots competition doing things much cheaper than our domestic counterparts. Mom & Pop metal fabrication for example. Also, Unions made cost of business greater in the anti-business initiatives they got made into law. Rules that apply to everyone, even non-union. Call centers for example.

I know you hate unions but thats the least of our problems now.

With a passion, especially now that they are entrenched in government and are bringing society down through fiscal destruction.

New World Order, the Georgia Guidestones, find out all you can about the Federal Reserve, The Illuminatis, The Bilderburgs, Fema Camps, NSA   .

Will do, but at this point, as I have told the other prepers, the assigning of blame now is mostly moot. I will be focused on the armored guys breaking down my door. What ever group they are associated with, they are in for a rough time.

e not conspiracies they are here.Clinton could have shut down the unions like Walker did but common sense should tell you the politicians are and were recieving kickbacks and votes from what was left of the unions. Why would they want to stop that?. The politicians loved unions.

100% correct. It's a symbiotic relationship between unions and politicians that parisitically share us as hosts.

Nafta had nothing to do with unions, it was the startup of something bad to come. Obama is going to bust his a$$ before his term runs out to open the Mexican border and disarm us. The reason why is the first thing the New World Order wants to do is make Mexico, the US and Canada one country. Thats just a start. Why would anyone want to legalise all the illegals with the shape this country is in? Give me one good reason. There's a few humanitarian liberals that want it but the the New World Order is pulling levers behind the curtain in Washington along with the Council of Foreign Relations, The Bilderburgs and the Illuminati.

Along these lines, another reason for removing borders is so there is no where to flee and everywhere else is just as bad as where you are. France is getting screwed because its citizens can look at Russia and other countries and see how much better off they are. When there is one world government then everywhere will be a dump, except where the oligarchs live, of course.

The Illuminati mainly consist of Jews who own most of the World Banks.

Not the Jews that we all think of when we talk of Jews, but the American East Coast Jews (Just like the Liberal "Catholics" Pelosi and Boxer, etc. who aren't real Catholics)

Crime has been steadily decreasing the last 15 years and all of a sudden they want guns banned, just another part of the plan. The media is sensationalising the Lone Wolf killers. Rupert Murdolph owns over half the news media and he decides what you see and hear. He's a Bilderburg and suspected Illuminati member. Sensationalizing the Lone Wolf killers gets people all stirred up beyond reasoning. I hate that Columbine, The Batman Movie Theater, Gabby Giffords, New Haven and all the rest were gunned down in cold blooded murder except for Gabby surviving for which I'm thankful. I have prayed for those people and their families. Gabby is one hell of a lady, but why punish me for what some kid on psychotic drugs addicted to violent videos did? Whats the real reason for wanting my guns. I just started a thread on what happened in Australia to the crime rate after the gun confiscation. The criminals get their guns illegally and are not going to turn them in which leaves the law abiding citizens helpless to the criminals, not to mention a tyrannical goverment. There were over 270 million people directly killed in the 20th century because of gun confiscation. Our beloved Nobel Peace Prize Winning president has given himself the right to imprison or murder anyone without a trial. He and his drones have killed many more kids than Adam Lanza. He's gotta new trick now called Double Trouble. He sends two drones in. The first one clears a path taking out buildings and innocent citizens and the second one hits the target.

No argument here.

The only thing unions are responsible for are kickbacks and election dollars for crooked politicians.

This is where we disagree, the very last sentance. ;D Unions are just a subset of the groups fighting over our future carcasses. Separating unions from the rest is like separating Bonnie from Clyde.

They are all social Marxists and they are about to cause the greatest suffering ever seen in history, worldwide. It is happening, has been happening and will soon break loose. Obama is not one for giving up or respecting power.

I've been holding off speaking the truth like this on-line as I fully expect to be persecuted for protesting against the liberal corruption. But, as I said, it is coming either way so it doesn't really matter now.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Midnightrider on 11/06/13 at 11:23:46

Dane did you get your PM I sent you? I'm not a prepper. I'd starve in 2 or 3 days LOL. I've read a lot and I've seen a lot of things fall in place just as predicted years ago. Obama is gonna make sure he goes down in history. I had my doubts about Fema Camps . Contrary to what everyone thinks of me I dont believe everything I read. But Columbia SC proved the Fema Camps are true. There's a lot of other things I found out I didnt want to. I'm very sick and I'll be surprised if I live 2 more years. Its not gonna effect me that much but I believe I owe it to other people to spread the word. Everything I say I have proof of and I know a crazy website from a real one. If I'm not sure and I'm guessing I'll tell you.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by Dane Allen on 11/06/13 at 13:48:22

7A5E53595E505F43455E535245370 wrote:
Dane did you get your PM I sent you?

Yep, just now  ;) Replied.

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/13 at 15:09:44

Those posts were great,, I really enjoyed that,,

New World Order, the Georgia Guidestones, find out all you can about the Federal Reserve, The Illuminatis, The Bilderburgs, Fema Camps, NSA   .

Will do, but at this point, as I have told the other prepers, the assigning of blame now is mostly moot. I will be focused on the armored guys breaking down my door. What ever group they are associated with, they are in for a rough time.

& then theres This :) Couldnt agree more,, knowing what kind of snake bit ya that was a death sentence is really not much help, is it?

Title: Re: Heres that economic recovery analyzed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/13 at 16:50:24

Uh Huhh,, thats what a recovery looks like, right there..

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