General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who said it?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/13 at 12:38:01

Title: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/13 at 12:38:01

No cheating!

The reason we vote to elect one man or another to Congress is that we believe that our particular candidate has a system of values pretty much like our own.  Therefore, when our candidate is in Congress and a new law is proposed, he will vote for or against that law just like we would because his system of values is just like ours.

However, if your candidate doesn’t even read the bills he votes for or against, what difference does his system of values make?  We could just as easily vote in a child molester, a serial killer or a chimpanzee.  Their system of values makes no difference if they don’t read the laws they vote for or against.

More, if your congressman doesn’t read the laws he votes for or against, how does he know how to vote?  Because he doesn’t actually read the bills, he’s not making up his own mind, so who does?  Who tells your congressman or senator whether to vote for or against a particular bill?  The Psychic Hotline?  The Daily Horoscope?  Voices in his head?  Or could it be some particularly powerful individual or institution in Congress?

Whoever tells your congressman how to vote, it’s not you or me or the people of your district.  Whoever tells your congressman how to vote on legislation he has not even read is the person or entity that your congressman truly represents in the Congress.

A congressman who votes on bills he hasn’t even read is controlled by some entity other than himself who does his thinking for him.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Pine on 10/25/13 at 13:23:34

he listens too:

1) who ever gives him the most cash in hand
2) his party
3) lobbists

This looks like a simple list.. but of course each group can just around, sometimes in very sneaky ways. The lobbist can move to #1 by paying for a trip to Cancun... the party can donate to the warchest or reciprocal votes on another bill. Note that constituents only have one way... pay cash.  Nothing else counts.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/13 at 16:57:18

Rand Paul

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/27/13 at 00:18:23

The only way to stop it is have each state's people grade their Congresspeople every 6 months and if they fail boot em out with no benefits. Now who could we get to introduce that bill and get it to pass?

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/27/13 at 06:35:24

I think we need a "No Lie Bill",, Anyone who can be SHOWN, based on video & audio evidence to have lied
To get a bill passed & What the bill Does isnt what they Said it would do, Then, the bill is repealed & whoever pushed it thru is fired, no pension,

Be plenty of empty seats up there..

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Paraquat on 10/27/13 at 16:27:43

You know what I hate? I read about this a long time ago and it's just one of the things that stuck in my craw.
When they don't vote in favor, or against... I forget the official word.
It's a vote that says they don't take a side but they were present that day.
You are hired to make the big decisions and then cop out.
If you're not going to do the job, step down and let someone who will in.


Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/13 at 08:38:38

They Abstain,

& they wait till the votes are made up by others so they dont have to upset their constituents by taking an unpopular stand, they ( those who abstain) are able to keep their cards a little closer to the vest that way. No need tipping off the electors to what they really want,,
If the vote is a runaway & their vote wouldnt affect the outcome, then they do that when theyre hiding their thinking.. I agree,, its BS.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/28/13 at 16:48:58

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
I think we need a "No Lie Bill",, Anyone who can be SHOWN, based on video & audio evidence to have lied
To get a bill passed & What the bill Does isnt what they Said it would do, Then, the bill is repealed & whoever pushed it thru is fired, no pension,

Be plenty of empty seats up there..
The people would have to vote mine or your solution in and how are we gonna do that? I still love the idea of grading them, they can lie all they want to when a video camera isnt present but they cant lie about their vote. Its all wishful thinking. All they are concentrating on is taking what power we have away, not giving us more.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/13 at 18:07:43

Nobody Takes power with the intention of relinquishing it,

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/29/13 at 20:25:53

Very true my friend! Now for the good news           35 STATES SO FAR.....IT'S GROWING  Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention.

This is an idea that we should address. For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. The latest is to exempt themselves from the  Healthcare Reform that passed ... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law.  I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever.  The self-serving must stop.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators, Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ..."  We've got to stick together no matter what. I'm glad we have some decent Govenors out there who are sick and tired of the Feds and all their unconstituional laws.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/13 at 10:35:07

I cant remember where it was, but one state recently filed suit against the feds to make them pay for housing illegal aliens in the jails.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/30/13 at 10:51:05

Rather than espouse far fetched ideas, why not just realize that Representatives are graded every two years - it's called the election.  Senators get their grades every 6 years.

If the voters re-elect incompetents, crooks, or anyone else, so be it.  It would not be any different under any of your radical proposals.  Voters are dumb in many instances, and changing the system won't cure that.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/30/13 at 12:46:39

Look at who gets chosen to run. You cant blame it all on the people. There are a few, very few people in Washington I believe are honest but they're never chosen to run. The last two presidents have practically ruined this country, thats why rebels created the Tea Party. I dont believe the Tea Party is the answer but time will tell. George Bush put us in debt up to our eyeballs fighting the wrong war, Obama has just added to debt while trying to take away the Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Twenty years ago Obama would have been impeached and labeled a traitor. He'll spend the rest of his time in office trying to legalise Mexicans and confiscate our guns.  Both parties are dead wrong. They cry about every penny they spend on American citizens while giving away billions overseas. They ship all our middle class jobs overseas and cry about unemployment and food stamps. Thats their mentality. They expect us to live on $8 an hr jobs at Walmart. The Federal reserve is printing useless money that devalues more every day. They refuse to be audited just like Congress refuses to go on Obamacare. The last 10 years proves that voting doesnt work period. You have to have good canditates for voting to work.The goverment has a 23% rating, the lowest in my lifetime and everyone in this country is not dumb.

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/13 at 15:59:20

They SAY what theyll do when they get into office.. Then they dont. & bammy LIED like the dog he is,

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by Midnightrider on 11/05/13 at 23:12:51

3C333F353E3338343324313324560 wrote:
Rather than espouse far fetched ideas, why not just realize that Representatives are graded every two years - it's called the election.  Senators get their grades every 6 years.

If the voters re-elect incompetents, crooks, or anyone else, so be it.  It would not be any different under any of your radical proposals.  Voters are dumb in many instances, and changing the system won't cure that.
I respectfully disagree. The system is failing more everyday and Washington now has way too much power and absolutely no consequences for their actions. Our Constitutional laws are being broken by a so called American that put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold them. He has given himself the power of a king, imprison or kill anyone he wants to without a trial. Congress should veto this but they refuse to. He is trying to force us to sign up for a way too expensive health care plan that Congress who voted for it will not sign up for. The laws being passed are more socialist every day. There's no such thing as a private phonecall or email anymore. Drones are overhead watching our moves while smartmeters are going to be installed in our homes so they can tell if we're there. Black boxes will start being installed on cars starting next year. Unemployment if the truth was known is about as high as it has ever been since the Great Depression. Millions of illegal immigrants are trying to be legalized while millions of our own people are out of work while very few jobs are available that pay liveable wages  Many of the illegals are dangerous criminals and drug smugglers. We have more debt that cant be paid off in three lifetimes and its getting higher. The Federal Reserve is sending money everywhere behind our backs and devaluing the dollar everyday. They refuse to be audited for a reason. Obama keeps creating more internal military and police forces while buying up over 1.6 billion illegal bullets. Cameras are on every steet corner watching our every move. The last 2 presidents would have been impeached 20 years ago but instead we let them get away with murder, real murder. There are not as many dumb voters as you think, all they'll tell you anymore is they're trying to choose the lesser of the two evils and evil is what they are. Our Veterans are being treated like 3rd class citizens, given no respect and humiliated by the current administration. Fema Camps are being built everywhere by Haliburton and Columbia SC just proved they are a reality. Rupert Murdolph owns most of the news media and he decides what we need to see and hear. The system is failing more and more every day and when you have a Congress and a president that breaks the laws and directly breaks the Cconstitutional laws they need to be thrown out immediately!

Title: Re: Who said it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/13 at 06:46:23

Yep,, Unemployment is a LOT higher than the goobs admit,, When the unemployment insurance is done ,, that person is no longer counted as unemployed,,Riiight! Thats Gotta be accurate! Now, those inflation numers,, Theyre just as big a load of crap.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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