General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Is it the food?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 18:31:15

Title: Is it the food?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 18:31:15

Is it society? WHY is America suffering a decrease in IQ?

Yea,, We ARE Number ONE! Stay proud & stay LOUD!  

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/21/13 at 22:54:01

Spend a day in a public school and compare it to when we went to school. You'll get your answer.

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by mpescatori on 10/22/13 at 03:04:51

50747973747A75696F7479786F1D0 wrote:
Spend a day in a public school and compare it to when we went to school. You'll get your answer.

+1 Same here  :P

I see my 11thGrade son study latin, they don't teach grammar any more, it's just "hey let's read Cicero".

The result is people think they know... as long as the tests are made easy peasy... testing made to prove insufficient schooling is just enough, anyway.

I dread to think what it'll be like when our grandchildren will be a generation of sub-averages governed by a generation of "Swiss Grammar School - Eton educated aristocrats"


Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/22/13 at 05:59:51

Is IQ dependent on education?

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/22/13 at 10:45:35

I guess you're born with it and I got off on the subject of learning.

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/22/13 at 11:14:22


No, IQ isn't dependent on education, except for the testing methodology.

It's been shown over and over again that lack of education affects the test scores.  There is no real way to test for bare IQ, separate and apart from either verbal or numerical questions and answers.  When you can't read, or do basic math equivalent for a kid's age group, his IQ score will suffer, even if he has native intelligence.

Take a person who lives in a stone age culture and society, like aborigines or even American Indians 150 years ago - without verbal and math skills, there is no way to measure their IQs, even though we all know those populations have their bright folks, and the less bright, but we just can't test for it, due to their lack of what we know as education.

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by Trippah on 10/22/13 at 13:18:09

Someone way back was brilliant, they invented the wheel and then the motorcycle to go with it. :D

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/22/13 at 18:27:54

555A565C575A515D5A4D585A4D3F0 wrote:

No, IQ isn't dependent on education, except for the testing methodology.

It's been shown over and over again that lack of education affects the test scores.  There is no real way to test for bare IQ, separate and apart from either verbal or numerical questions and answers.  When you can't read, or do basic math equivalent for a kid's age group, his IQ score will suffer, even if he has native intelligence.

Take a person who lives in a stone age culture and society, like aborigines or even American Indians 150 years ago - without verbal and math skills, there is no way to measure their IQs, even though we all know those populations have their bright folks, and the less bright, but we just can't test for it, due to their lack of what we know as education.

Correct, & I know that. So, whats the deal? Our people are illiterate? To the point they cant comprehend the words in the questions of an IQ test?

If thats true, then everyone who hasnt listened to Charlotte Izerbyt's Deliberate Dumbing Down of America interviews really needs to,because it proves her point,

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by pgambr on 10/22/13 at 18:33:17

In a single word - "Sheeple"

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/22/13 at 18:36:50

What I am about to say will insult a few, mainly teachers, but I think it's true.
Gender employment opportunity has worked to dumb down education.  Back in the 1950s, what two occupations were open to bright, educated women?  Teaching and nursing.  I recall want ads in the newspaper for Help Wanted Male, and Help Wanted Female into the early to mid 1970s.  The female jobs were sales clerks and clerical office workers.
Today, those same women who became teachers in the 50s and 60s can now be anything they want to be- doctors, engineers, dentists, accountants, business executives, etc.  So the less ambitious folks, or the ones who can't cut it in a college program for engineers and doctors become teachers.
Now, of course, there are many exceptions, but I think that general statement is valid.
And, with our PC culture, no one can really fail anymore.  Kids are passed from one grade to the next who should have repeated a grade, like they did in the 50s and 60s.
So, yes, we have dumbed down American education.

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by pgambr on 10/22/13 at 18:42:30

What kind of effect will Common Core have as well?

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/22/13 at 18:43:26

& thats exactly how youll see it till you step back & look at what was done in the schools. Iwatched it. I lived it. I saw good programs cut. My Weekly REader Kicked BUTT,, but they stopped it,,& they stopped it at the very same time they were telling the People
"We have problems in our schools. The solution is that WE be given more $$ & More Control over the system".. The government destroyed the schools by dictating the curriculum. Spend some time listening to her. She was the #2 person in DC. She saw what happened. She knows it was intentional,. just as we were intentionally saddled with huge debt & de-industrialized, WE are being destroyed, & we are not alone. The globalists are sinking Europe, too,

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/22/13 at 18:47:10

Pgambr -

My son-in-law is a state representative here in Ohio, and he is a very conservative Republican.  He is vice chair of the House education committee, so I think he knows what he's talking about; although I don't claim to have expertise in this area.
He says Common Core is being all blown out of shape; and it's no big deal, even though the Tea Partiers what us to think it is.

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by pgambr on 10/22/13 at 18:51:22

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:
& thats exactly how youll see it till you step back & look at what was done in the schools. Iwatched it. I lived it. I saw good programs cut. My Weekly REader Kicked BUTT,, but they stopped it,,& they stopped it at the very same time they were telling the People
"We have problems in our schools. The solution is that WE be given more $$ & More Control over the system".. The government destroyed the schools by dictating the curriculum. Spend some time listening to her. She was the #2 person in DC. She saw what happened. She knows it was intentional,. just as we were intentionally saddled with huge debt & de-industrialized, WE are being destroyed, & we are not alone. The globalists are sinking Europe, too,

Everyone excluding China?

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by pgambr on 10/22/13 at 18:55:24

China's business is business.  

Title: Re: Is it the food?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/23/13 at 18:36:34

I think its a combination of several things. The students are no longer held responsible for their actions. I visited a school a couple of times and I saw a student cuss a teacher out and grab her by the throat. I was gonna break it up real quick but my wife the cop grabbed me and she jumped the student and handcuffed him. Three day supension. Jerry if that kid was in your class would you want to put up with 2 years of him threatening you or one? Here in NC there are special classes for gifted children but like Jog I believe the general population's education has been dumbed down. A lot of it is a large percentage of the kids are raised by single parents who work all hours and arent around to help with learning or homework. True learning starts at home. Kids are allowed to carry calulators into math class, I would have got suspended for that. Ever seen a young person try to count change? The students threaten the teachers and a lot of them just try to get through the day without getting hurt or shot. I know several teachers who took early retirement or just quit, fearing for their safety. I believe the Principles are more to blame than the teachers. Whenever a crime or even a felony was committed by a student the Principle fought with my wife when she tried to report it. Crime reports went against the principle and future promotions. Every principle in the school system hated my wife because she reported the crimes like her job required. If the teacher reports a kid impossible to deal with to the principle there goes the teachers raise and NC teachers are the lowest paid in the union. If my Mom and Dad couldnt get a decent job whats the point in me going to school? I've heard that excuse a lot. Jerry your kids probably went to Catholic Schools, correct me if I'm wrong. They are known to have the best schools in the US. I was willing to join the Catholic Church so my grandson could go to a decent school but in order to do that my grandson would have had to live with my wife and I five days a week and my daughter wouldnt  go for that, cant blame her. The high school in the county that my daughter lives in was built for 350 students. There's 1600 kids going to that school. Blame that on bad government. Thats why I get mean when I hear about all the money sent overseas building schools. Then there's school bullying. The big dumb kids keep the smart nerdy kids who want to learn scared to death. You cant blame it all on the teachers, I know several and they're good people going up against crooked principles, school violence, very overcrowded classrooms, a goverment that refuses to give them space and materials to do their job, students not held accountable for their actions and I could go on. If I could stay in school and probably not get a job or I can quit school and sell drugs on the corner for $500 a day what am I gonna do? I not the greatest at math (it wasnt my teachers fault) but we've ALWAYS got plenty of money for wars but no money to build and support decent schools. We're just reaping what we've sewn. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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