General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> As Aaron Russo said

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/13 at 15:20:24

Title: As Aaron Russo said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/13 at 15:20:24

( Not because HE decided, but because one of the Rockefellers Told him a Big Event was coming & from that we would be able to justify invading A/stan & Iraq) 9/11 was an inside job for the express purpose of transferring tremendous wealth. The GOLD that was stored under one of the towers was, for the most part, hauled away thru the tunnel system. & of course we have the wars,, the elite get rich from expending shells & planes ,, hell with the bodies.

Now, an excerpt & Boy is that some fact O the Matter..

& think on this a minnit..

The government’s not demanding an investigation into an event that is the greatest embarrassment to a “superpower” in world history is a complete give-away that 9/11 was a false-flag event.

The goobs had to be dragged kicking & screaming into authorizing an investigation,, & the guy they TRIED to put at the head of it was drummed out by the uproar of the people, knowing his connections.
Then, the guy who Did get the job, resigned, because he said it was being controlled & set up to fail. IIRC 4 of the members have gone on record saying the same,
Wise UP, folks;

n a recent interview on my radio show, Dr. Roberts explained why the US mainstream media, as Seymour Hersh said, lies about everything:

“One of the worst things that ever happened (to America) was when President Clinton allowed five companies to concentrate the American media. That destroyed its independence. And ever since Clinton permitted that, which was totally against all American tradition, and totally against the antitrust law ... but in the United States, as we've seen, law doesn't mean anything anymore. The minute these five conglomerates concentrated the media, the independence of the media disappeared. It's no longer run by journalists, it's run by corporate advertising executives. The value of these media conglomerates resides in their federal broadcast licenses. And so they can't dare offend the government. Their licenses may not get renewed, and the entire multi-billion-dollar value of the companies would disappear. So, the so-called mainstream media is no longer the media. It doesn't tell you anything. It's a propaganda ministry - the Ministry of Propaganda. Gerald Celente calls them 'presstitutes.'”

The rest is here

NOTICE,, Finally mainstream reporters are on board,

Title: Re: As Aaron Russo said
Post by Midnightrider on 10/20/13 at 18:50:56

He wasnt the only one told beforehand. The sad part is the perpatraitors will never be punished in this lifetime.

Title: Re: As Aaron Russo said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 07:35:52

When people started asking "Who placed all those shorts on the companies affected by 9/11?" Bush said, with a Straight FACE,, KNowing that wouldnt get us any closer to the bad guys.  REALLY? When did "Follow the Money" stop being a crime solving tactic?

Title: Re: As Aaron Russo said
Post by Midnightrider on 10/24/13 at 21:04:26

I think its going to be a tight race between Bush and Obama as to who is the worst president ever. Bush does get extra credit for killing thousands but Obama is not through yet. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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