General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Companies to NOT buy from

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/13 at 07:51:06

Title: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/13 at 07:51:06

Of course Monsatan,, & archer daniels midland,

Go see the list that would hide GMOs from us & feed them to us.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by RatdogWillie on 10/20/13 at 08:48:21

Secret slush fund donors revealed
The companies that funneled money into the GMA's money laundering slush fund are:

Abbott Nutrition
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Bruce Foods Corp.
Bumble Bee Foods, LLC
Bunge North America, Inc.
Bush Brothers & Co.
Campbell Soup Co.
Cargill Inc.
Clement Pappas & Co. Inc.
The Clorox Co. (owner of Burt's Bees brand)
The Coca-Cola Co. (owner of Odwalla)
ConAgra Foods
Dean Foods Co. (owner of Horizon milk)
Del Monte Foods Co.
Flowers Foods, Inc.
General Mills, Inc. (owned of Larabar)
The Hershey Co.
The Hillshire Brands Co.
Hormel Foods Corp.
The J.M. Smucker Co.
Kellogg Co. (owner of Pop-Tarts)
Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
McCormick & Co., Inc
Mondelez Global, LLC.
Moody Dunbar, Inc.
Nestle USA, Inc.
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
PepsiCo, Inc. (owner of Naked Juice)
Pinnacle Foods Group, LLC.
Rich Products Corp.
Shearer's Foods, Inc.
Sunny Delight Beverages Co.
Welch Foods, Inc.

Share this list with others and encourage them to boycott all these brands, too.
These are companies that actively participated in an illegal slush fund deception to try to buy the I-522 election by deceiving voters.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/13 at 09:52:17

Thanks, Dawg

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by pgambr on 10/20/13 at 14:39:46

What's left?  Just grow your own?

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/13 at 15:10:28

As much as ya can,, doesnt take a lot to start a garden,, except sweat & time & $$$.. the first year youll spend more than ya save

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by raydawg on 10/20/13 at 15:34:12

Shoot, what you guys all a whirl over enhancing food.....
I've been stumped trying to figger out who's breast have been re-engineered  :-[
Not that it matters none  :-*

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/20/13 at 17:18:11

Ha, half those companies are my customers! I've been in dozens of their plants. You eat their food almost everyday and have been for years. You don't know what you're talking about.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Midnightrider on 10/20/13 at 18:25:43

655750414657407F534059320 wrote:
Ha, half those companies are my customers! I've been in dozens of their plants. You eat their food almost everyday and have been for years. You don't know what you're talking about.
  I worked in a cigarette plant for 37 years and have smoked for 41 years. Does that mean that cigarettes dont harm me?

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by ZAR on 10/20/13 at 19:22:51

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
Ha, half those companies are my customers! I've been in dozens of their plants. You eat their food almost everyday and have been for years. You don't know what you're talking about.

Mark I worked for a major farm supply company for years,selling everything from seed to feed and everything between. It truly scares me what goes into our food supply now.

And the most scary part is the patents held on GMO grain make it close to impossible the grow "non-GMO" grain because of the nature of pollenation of plants. No way to protect non-GMO plants from being cross-pollenated with GMO. By law you can't save that seed for planting next year. The bastards have us over the barrel!

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/20/13 at 19:24:42

I'm not worried about it.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by ZAR on 10/20/13 at 19:37:19

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
I'm not worried about it.

That's your choice Mark,and your right. But many of us across the country,and world,are worried about it. And we should have the right to choose. Sadly,with the GMO BS,by it's nature we have no choice.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by raydawg on 10/20/13 at 19:39:28

Can't wait till they come out with an organic, kosher, soylent green.....YUM  :-?

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/20/13 at 19:46:02

It's yet another "sky is falling" story in a long line of stories.....
I like my odds of surviving this apocalypse too.....

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Serowbot on 10/20/13 at 22:45:49

The real scare isn't in the consumption of modified grains...

It's in the consolidation of the variety of grains being grown...
Historically,.. there have been microbial plagues that attacked crops, causing famine... but, some varieties always survived...
The variety of staple food DNA... is being consolidated...
One crop plague could devastate the planet...

This is why nature has so many varieties...
We're homogenizing mother nature...

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/21/13 at 05:15:16

My history's a bit fuzzy here, but when has there been, other than the potato famine, a mass starvation due to a pathogen based plant die-off?

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by ZAR on 10/21/13 at 06:41:36

Sorry,I can't quote chapter and verse,but the Bible mentions locusts destroying complete crops and causing famines.  There's your start.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 07:38:33

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
Ha, half those companies are my customers! I've been in dozens of their plants. You eat their food almost everyday and have been for years. You don't know what you're talking about.

No, Its YOU who knows not..

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 07:40:23

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
My history's a bit fuzzy here, but when has there been, other than the potato famine, a mass starvation due to a pathogen based plant die-off?

Sooo,, because it hasnt happened, it cant, right? Ill bet the starving Irish were shocked when it happened.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Midnightrider on 10/21/13 at 08:36:32

The pollen from Monsantos corn is flying in the wind. The farmers next to them have their crops contaminated and several of them have lawsuits against Monsato. I hope they screw Monsanto into the ground but that aint gonna happen.. I knew when I voted for Obama the first time I screwed up royally. One of the first things he did was put a big wheel from Monsanto on his board of directors or whatever they call it. That company is responsible for hundreds of deaths and practically wiped out a whole town. Its just another plan in the big scheme of things. It would look a lot better if they poisoned us than mowed us down in the streets.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 08:48:37

The first concept the global elite teach their children is

The second is

Soft Kill

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/21/13 at 09:04:44

Sooo,, because it hasnt happened, it cant, right? Ill bet the starving Irish were shocked when it happened.

Hell, anything can happen, but let's be reasonable.

Two problems I have with the anti-GMO buffs.

1) we've had GMO for years if not decades.
2) the same people buying into the 9/11 nonsense are the same people buying into this GMO crap too. (as well as a dozen other conspiracies) You guys are hard-wired into believing almost anything as long as (as far as I can see) two criteria are met. 1) Rich guys benefit 2) it requires impossible cooperation from a large number of individuals and groups.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 09:13:02

& youre hard wired to believe in what the corporations say is good. LOOK at the HEALTH issues in America, & explain them.. You admite weve been being fed GMO, theyre not allowed in other countries. But dont ask yourself why. Eat em up, Mark. Pay no attention to the HAIR growing in the mouths of the animals, Pay no attention to the 3rd generation being sterile,

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by danjray on 10/21/13 at 10:14:53

I'm not for or against GMOs, because I've never heard a solid argument against them however based on their idea I am leaning toward being for them. Other than being genetically modified, what makes them bad?

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 10:17:55

Click the link, go look. Lab animals are STERILE the third generation,,

Has anyone noticed how many people cant have babies?

We are Number ONE!
In Cancer

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Pine on 10/21/13 at 10:32:25

unfortunately.. I must buy from them ( for now) but you can be sure that I would never INVEST in them.

I am very upset about how the courts have decided that GMO cross-pollenated seeds then become property of the designer. It seems to me I should be able to plant what I want.. and if my seed stock is "infected" by GMO then I should be able to sue.
Fine don't let me keep and replant... but the GMO maker now OWES me free (non-GMO) seed plus free (non-GMO) produce.  

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Paraquat on 10/21/13 at 11:07:11

What about the waves of bees that keep dying off?
Or the bees that are confiscated after cross pollinating GMO products?

Why so secretive that you must destroy everyone elses crops to protect your own?

How long does the FDA stall drugs from entering the market? How long did they stall GMO products?


Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 12:09:31

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Midnightrider on 10/21/13 at 12:48:00

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
Sooo,, because it hasnt happened, it cant, right? Ill bet the starving Irish were shocked when it happened.

Hell, anything can happen, but let's be reasonable.

Two problems I have with the anti-GMO buffs.

1) we've had GMO for years if not decades.
2) the same people buying into the 9/11 nonsense are the same people buying into this GMO crap too. (as well as a dozen other conspiracies) You guys are hard-wired into believing almost anything as long as (as far as I can see) two criteria are met. 1) Rich guys benefit 2) it requires impossible cooperation from a large number of individuals and groups.

If you study Monsantos history they wiped out 2/3 of a town , I beleve it was in Missisipi. Its been 2 years since I read the article. I dont believe in murder for profit. Wasnt there a true TV movie where a female lawyer in that same town died while trying to sue Monsanto. I only hate rich people who murder, steal and dont pay taxes. There are some good rich people like Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, even Howard Hughes changed the aviation world but none of them didnt murder or poison people to do it. Web get over your hate rich people allogations. I hate the ones who steal, murder and lie to get rich and expect us to bail them out. There are some good rich people who have contributed a lot to society and I'm thankful for them.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 17:45:08

GE engineering for insect resistant (IR) crops

Sections of the DNA from the bacteria known as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are isolated and inserted into the plant cells by a process known as genetic transformation. The entire plant is then regenerated from the transgenic plant cells. There are thousands of different Bt strains that produce proteins toxic to insect pests. Particular strains are chosen to target specific plant pests. The resulting plant contains the Bt toxin in its cells. When the plant is eaten by the target insect the toxin binds to receptors in the insect’s gut, causing the gut wall to break down and allowing toxins and normal gut bacteria to enter the body. As the toxins and bacteria proliferate in the body, the insect dies.

Could it be coincidence that this is the exact description of “Leaky Gut syndrome”?

Leaky Gut syndrome

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, “Leaky gut syndrome is not generally recognized by conventional physicians, but evidence is accumulating that it is a real condition that affects the lining of the intestines. The theory is that leaky gut syndrome (also called increased intestinal permeability), is the result of damage to the intestinal lining, making it less able to protect the internal environment as well as to filter needed nutrients and other biological substances. As a consequence, some bacteria and their toxins, incompletely digested proteins and fats, and waste not normally absorbed may “leak” out of the intestines into the blood stream. This triggers an autoimmune reaction, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes, and autoimmunity.”

Can Leaky Gut be caused by the Bt crops?

According to the producers of the Bt insecticide crops, the portion of the Bt DNA that is used does not survive the digestive process in humans. This may be true for the bare DNA strands, but the Bt proteins do survive. Aris et al. found these Bt toxins in the blood of pregnant women and their fetuses which they reported in the journal of Reproductive Toxicology (2011). Even so, say the manufacturers, there is no cause to worry because the toxins are selective and only bind to receptors in the insect gut. Humans don’t have these receptors.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/13 at 17:46:00

I was afraid Id get smacked as a spammer if I put this with the part of the article above

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by danjray on 10/21/13 at 20:43:51

JOG, I did follow the link, but there is no actual evidence other than on the blog itself, do you have an actual scientific article to back up those findings? All I can find with a search is the exact same article from the blog.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/22/13 at 05:30:30

danjray; I can answer that for JOG; the answer is NO.

You will find a bunch of you tube videos with clever speakers, articles filled with innuendo, evidence that amounts to "I know a guy who knows a guy who's brother in law said he saw .......".

We've been eating GMO crops for decades. Obesity and low IQ have nothing to do with GMO crops other than lowering the cost of food.  

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/22/13 at 05:58:55

I Wonder how they got that hair to grow next to those teeth?
I also wonder why so many countries have banned GMO..
America, number one in cancer. Look at the overall health of the people. Our medical issues are so different than from when I was a kid. I know Waay too many sick people. When I was a kid, healthy folks were the norm,,Gee,, cant be the food, noooo,,

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Paraquat on 10/22/13 at 06:11:22

Other countries have banned food dyes too.
Not the US, no sir, no way.

Do they have smarter, or more cautious scientists?
What do they know that we don't?
What do we know that they don't?


Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by danjray on 10/22/13 at 08:04:09

This is the first conversation I've had about GMOs so I'm actually curious, JOG has there ever been another credible study done which yielded the "hair in the mouth" results? And Mark, have there ever been any conclusive test showing there is no distinct correlation to GMOs and adverse health side effects?

As far as the banning of GMOs in other countries, do they list why they ban it? ie) lack of testing, poor manufacturing practices, potential for crops to get out of control, bad health side effects, etc

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Midnightrider on 10/22/13 at 09:57:17

Frogs changed sex. This is for real.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/22/13 at 10:31:48

Frogs changed sex. This is for real.

Midnight, that's from Jurassic Park....

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/22/13 at 10:39:14

America number 1 in cancer etc.....

Jog, health stats from the past, # of cancer cases etc... Has to be viewed carefully. For examples, it appears tornados have dramatically increased over the past few decades. The reality is every local news station has Doppler radar now so what used be thought of as a bad thunderstorm or straight line winds can be verified to be a small tornado using Doppler. Same with cancer rates. The us medical system can ID cancer better than say Hungary for example.

Dank ray, there are several scientifically controlled studies done on GMO crops. Look for studies that are peer reviewed. Be suspicious about ones that are not.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Midnightrider on 10/22/13 at 16:08:24

Web I've never seen Jurrasic Park but I did read in a GMO study it caused frogs to change sex. Cant prove it unless I find that study I read months ago but its no secret that man is slowly but surely destroying the earth and everything on it if he can make a buck. Thats one of the things I like about some of the Liberals. They are trying to protect us from evil companies like Monsanto, Obama excluded. No response necessary, a few post back and you weren't worried about it.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by LostArtist on 10/22/13 at 17:00:54

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
I'm not worried about it.

that's how I feel about a lot of things you panic about too. thanks for re-affirming that attitude is acceptable to you  8-)

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/22/13 at 17:40:59

its no secret that man is slowly but surely destroying the earth and everything on it if he can make a buck

yea, that is a secret.....

Monsanto is not evil anymore than Suzuki Motor Company or Ben and Jerry's for that matter.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by WebsterMark on 10/22/13 at 17:41:49

that's how I feel about a lot of things you panic about too.

well played Lost; well played! I like a clever dig.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Midnightrider on 10/22/13 at 17:55:44

685A5D4C4B5A4D725E4D543F0 wrote:
its no secret that man is slowly but surely destroying the earth and everything on it if he can make a buck

yea, that is a secret.....

Monsanto is not evil anymore than Suzuki Motor Company or Ben and Jerry's for that matter.
 You need to do some homework or are you running for office? Never knew that Suzuki or Ben and Jerry's made Agent Orange and killed thousands, maybe millions and even our own are still dying from it. At the time Monsanto claimed other than damaging foilage it was perfectly safe. Read about what happened to the Americans who worked at the Agent Orange factory. Practically wiped out the whole town. Even Wilkapedia list all the foreign countries sueing Monsanto.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/22/13 at 18:31:41

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
America number 1 in cancer etc.....

Jog, health stats from the past, # of cancer cases etc... Has to be viewed carefully. For examples, it appears tornados have dramatically increased over the past few decades. The reality is every local news station has Doppler radar now so what used be thought of as a bad thunderstorm or straight line winds can be verified to be a small tornado using Doppler. Same with cancer rates. The us medical system can ID cancer better than say Hungary for example.

Dank ray, there are several scientifically controlled studies done on GMO crops. Look for studies that are peer reviewed. Be suspicious about ones that are not.

Ahhh,, so tumors & growths & all the signs of cancer are beyond those Primitive people to find,, like autism,, its hundreds of times more common now than when I was a kid,, & kids are expected to take many more shots than when I was a kid, but the reason for the increase in number is our advanced ability to diagnose it,, PHHHHT,, kids sittin in a corner pissing on themselves doesnt take a lot to figure out,& thew Amish have uhh, no autism, except in their adopted kids that have been hit with shots.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by Midnightrider on 10/24/13 at 21:12:28

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
its no secret that man is slowly but surely destroying the earth and everything on it if he can make a buck

yea, that is a secret.....

  Mr Al Gore (I'm gonna save the planet Gore) has  just invested a ton of money into fracking, but thats a secret.

Title: Re: Companies to NOT buy from
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/26/13 at 02:43:29

Yeaaahhh! & Gates put tons into vaccines.. Anyone heard how many people in INdia who were paralyzed last year? Like 60,000 or something I think,, Lets give out More POlio shots! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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