General Category >> The Cafe >> Got Hurt...

Message started by runwyrlph on 10/18/13 at 22:15:36

Title: Got Hurt...
Post by runwyrlph on 10/18/13 at 22:15:36

I was 3 cars back at a light-car in front of line waiting to turn left. 18 wheeler (or maybe a triaxle) right behind me.  Light turned green, truck behind me suddenlydrove forward (3 cars in front hadn't moved yet) . Next thing I knew, I'm sideways facing the side of the road with ls650 under his bumper and over my left ankle. (And hes moving through the intersection pushing me along)!  When he shifted up, I kind of thought I'd had it! A guy in his yard saw and ran into the road (they tell me) got the truck stopped, backed off of me.  Apparently the truck driver couldn't see me over the hood and forgot I was there!  (I was stopped at the red when he pulled up behind and stopped) .  I think that guy in the yard saved my life!  As it is, I'm pretty ok, considering.  Got a "zombie " ankle they say needs some skin grafts, and various bumps bruises and muffler burns.  Not really sure how the bike faired... Only thing I saw was a smashed left foot peg, but I wasn't really looking. :)

Trying to learn from it:  Be aware an 18 wheeler cant see you if he's 3 feet behind!  Be reaady to escape!  If id gunhed it for the curb when he first bumped me I might have gotten out of there.    (Couldn't go forward because cars in front still waiting for left turn, couldn't go left because traffic in that lane.)

Be safe out there all yinz!

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by verslagen1 on 10/18/13 at 22:23:04

holy sh!t, glad you made it out alive.

dumb fock doesn't deserve to drive.

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Serowbot on 10/18/13 at 23:52:05

Temporarily,... known as Limpwyrlph... :-?...
...but,... awful glad yer' still here... ;)...

Speedy healing to you...
Try not to replay it in your mind too much...

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/19/13 at 04:25:08

Always stop aimed at a gap, not a bumper, thats ALWAYS,, & stay Back from that vehicle. My guts just crawl when my wife stops so close behind someone she couldnt spin the wheel & drive past, Besides, no reason to get up so close youre sucking exhaust fumes,
The truck driver screwed up stopping so close you disappeared, YOu screwed up allowing him to be that close. If you had stopped with room between you & the one in front, you coulda pulled up after the truck stopped. I NEED buffer room front & back, I ALWAYS stop either aimed to pass on the left or head for the ditch, Im Never pointed at the car in front of me,

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by LANCER on 10/19/13 at 05:44:24

Wow, thank God you are still alive and kicking...well, at least with the right foot.
Thank you for sharing your experience, this is a really good lesson for us all.  We MUST be vigilant at ALL times because we never know what may happen.

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by ToesNose on 10/19/13 at 06:26:33

Runwyrlph I'm so glad that for all intensive purposes you are ok, a FUBARed ankle is much better then the potential outcome from your accident.  I've seen a number of motorcycle accident videos where the same scenario played out where a truck forgot there was a bike in front of them after a long light, as JOG pointed out it's prudent to leave room in front of you and have an emergency route out. Stopped at a light I'm always aware of what's behind me, especially if there is a large vehicle directly behind me or any vehicle speeding up to the light I'm stopped at.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, and glad that the outcome wasn't the type that left us all wondering what happened to you.

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by WD on 10/19/13 at 06:55:48

You got lucky. And that driver is facing some serious fines and license points... By law, he had to stop far enough back to see the ground behind your rear tire... Many truckers won't do so, because of cars that jump in ahead of them if there is any gap, at all.

I happen to have a Class A commercial license... Come on over for harvest season, crack a couple cold ones, I've got some stories about big rigs and bikes that will put a knot in your "willy"... As you drive around, look at the person behind the wheel of the tractor trailer. Odds are, he's not American-Canadian-western European... be hyper vigilant around rigs these days, the guys who immigrated from Africa, Arab countries, India and Eastern Europe tend to drive like they are still "back home", especially the ones hauling shipping containers.

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Steve H on 10/19/13 at 07:56:28

Glad to hear that you are pretty much ok after that. Have a speedy recovery. It could have been so much worse.

Always try to leave an out for yourself.  But, you don't really think that the guy behind you who stopped correctly is gonna forget about you and just take off.  That's something for all of us to remember...out of sight...out of mind

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by MMRanch on 10/19/13 at 08:26:50


So ....  How much you sueing that crack-pot-Driver for ???

I sure hope its enough so that :
    Guys around the truck stops say ... Did you hear about that idiot that ran the biker guy over and the Hundreds of Thousands of $$$$$$$ it cost the company ?  ;)

    The company that driver worked for cans his but !  >:(

    But mostley so the next one pulls up behind me has you on his mind !  :P

Glad your recovering ;  But do go talk to a Lawyer first thing when you get out of the hospital ... Doin't put it off !!!! and doin't say "I'm OK now! "   The defence lawyer will probley get your post from this site to use against you !  :o

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Serowbot on 10/19/13 at 08:50:48

One thing,.. if someone pulls up too close behind you at a light...
Stand up, and turn your body around... look them in the eye...
..(you don't have to get off the bike or be threatening,... but, just making them see that you aren't comfortable with what they did will keep you in their focus during the light cycle)...
... and hopefully, make them not do it again...

...(works especially well if you wear a smoked faceshield)...
I wear one for the intimidation factor... and also the shade... ;D...

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/19/13 at 09:11:59

Yep, Rowboats right,, YOu gotta make them know youre there,,
& yes, you OTTA sue that clown,, & yes, he is Supposed to stop so he can see the ground behind you,, Its stupid to pull up on someone so theres only a foot or two between,

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by prechermike on 10/21/13 at 04:49:35

WOW Glad your as OK as you are.

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Dave on 10/21/13 at 05:03:46

Glad you made it through in one are very lucky.

JOG gave good advice about leaving some escape room.

About 20 years ago I had a GMC Safari van and I was on I-71 headed north of Cincinnati with my wife in the passenger seat.  Traffic was moderate and moving along at the normal interstate speeds....when suddenly there was a complete stop in the traffic flow.  I came to a stop with plenty of room to spare....and I looked in my mirror and saw a semi behind me in my lane approaching fast and he did not look like he was slowing down.  I kept watching and as he kept getting closer without slowing down....I then saw smoke billowing out of his wheelwells as he slammed on the brakes.  I watched just a bit longer and when I felt he was not going to get stopped in time......I hit the gas and headed up the berm for about 5 car lengths.  My wife and all the drives looked over at me like I was crazy......but about then the truck had come to a noisey stop just a few feet behind the car that had been in front of me.  Then all the smoke drifted over them.....and they all understood what had happened.  I still remember that day and how that one bit of attention and action has saved my wife and I from being hit by a big truck.

Car, motorcyle, bicycle........leave some escape path and watch those mirrors when you come to a stop. (I had never thought about a truck starting back up after having come to a stop......that would be a tough scenario to react to in time).       

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Pine on 10/21/13 at 07:45:18

Angel on your shoulder for sure.  Heres to speedy recovery!

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Skid Mark on 10/21/13 at 17:23:30

Good to hear you are ok. Enough to make yo want to smack that driver upside the head for being such a dumba$$

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Starlifter on 10/21/13 at 18:57:43

Good to know that you will be okay... Lawsuit?

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/22/13 at 06:27:01

Id have a new bike & some $$$ for my pain,, not talking tons, but a few thou wouldnt be bad,

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by kimchris1 on 10/23/13 at 10:59:31

I am so happy to know you will recover.
That must have really scared the sheet out
of you.
Like others have already advised you, leave
an out and watch your mirrors when stopped.
That is what I do at least.
You may end up having to retain an attorney
as seems that is the only way to deal with these
All the best and again so nice to hear your going
to recover and get back in the saddle.
I do recommend you getting back on and ridding
as soon as you can. Hugs, :) kim

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Fish on 10/23/13 at 21:12:11

Man, that really sucks. Glad to hear it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. On the bike I always watch who is approaching in my mirror. I definitely do not watch who is already stationary behind me, but I will from now on.

Like the other guys have said and it's what my Dad taught me growing up, always leave yourself an out for every situation.

Heal up well.

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Midnightrider on 10/23/13 at 21:53:19

Glad you made it out semi OK! When I was growing up truck drivers were the nicest drivers on the road. I've seen them stop and help people with broken cars or flats. Now it seems like they're big bullies. Maybe its just the fact the companies they drive for are pushing them harder. Heal quick my friend!

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by runwyrlph aka limpaway on 10/24/13 at 04:21:48

Thanks everybody.   I appreciate the prayers and good wishes. Still in the hospital, but it looks like I'll make it.   :)

Still not sure about the bike as far as damage... I had it towed to a (car) repair shop near my home, and my wife stopped to look at it, but she couldn't tell me any more than I saw myself while waiting for EMTs

I think Ive heard of people buying a crashed bike from the insurance co. for cheap to fix it themselves?  Anybody ever tried that?

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by runwyrlph aka limpaway on 10/24/13 at 04:27:40

53777A707779766A6C777A7B6C1E0 wrote:
Glad you made it out semi OK! When I was growing up truck drivers were the nicest drivers on the road. I've seen them stop and help people with broken cars or flats. Now it seems like they're big bullies. Maybe its just the fact the companies they drive for are pushing them harder. Heal quick my friend!

Haha "semi" OK?   ;D

I love a good pun!

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/24/13 at 07:27:36

7E6977797975631A0 wrote:
Thanks everybody.   I appreciate the prayers and good wishes. Still in the hospital, but it looks like I'll make it.   :)

Still not sure about the bike as far as damage... I had it towed to a (car) repair shop near my home, and my wife stopped to look at it, but she couldn't tell me any more than I saw myself while waiting for EMTs

I think Ive heard of people buying a crashed bike from the insurance co. for cheap to fix it themselves?  Anybody ever tried that?

Ive seen people buy the total back. Theyre just gonna sell it to a scrap yard. YOu can offer to buy it. Save them the time of contacting the buyers, shipping it, YOud be doing them a favor,, YOu shouldnt have to pay what a scrap yard would pay. Youre taking it off their hands & saving them trouble,If its totalled, you otta be able to buy it for no more than #$200.00 Id think,, & it IS totalled, because anything over about 50% of the retail value is IT.. & you cant get much done on a bike for $1,500.00. I doubt its a $3,000.00 bike, right? YOu mite get made whole, yet,,
Remember, youll be buying it from the same insurance company that will be paying your medical bills, you can include it in the settlement, just a decrerase in what they pay you. I think youre due lost wages, pain & suffering & punitive damages. YOu mite be able to wiggle a new bike out of them, but youd problee be ahead to wiggle as much cash out of them as possible, buy your bike back, fix it & ride it, even if you never get it "all the way" pre-crash in the looks department,
Someone ask ya what caused the dent or scratches & you tell a semi rolled up on ya & dragged ya a ways,, thats a conversation starter..

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by old_rider on 10/25/13 at 10:09:31

My neighbor Mark got hit by a car while making a left hand turn on a green arrow, the guy ran the red light and T boned him.
Broke his leg (femur) and fractured his pelvis, he was outta work for a year recovering.
Ten months after his accident he settled, he now owns his house ($155k) and a new H3 humvee, don't know how much else he got outta it, but he says he won't get back on a bike again.
Oh, and his wife left him and took half  >:(  ... he still has the house and the humvee. :)
He bought his bike back $200 and sold it for a grand because of add-ons.

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by kimchris1 on 10/25/13 at 20:14:38

After my accident, hit from behind after turning left.
I had cleared the intersection. Short story is that
Elderly lady ran the stop sign and nailed me.
Any way that over 3.5 years ago.
My bike was only 8 months old. Insurance paid
it off and we bought it back for $200.00
So it is possible.
Also lots of help from the guys here past and present
members, let me buy parts cheap and we were able
to put her back together.
She rides like new..
Best of luck to you. Give yourself time to recover though.
All the best. :) kim

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Serowbot on 10/25/13 at 23:02:01

Limpaway!... ;D ;D ;D...
...only temporary...

PS.. git outta' that hospital... it's full of sick people!...

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by Serowbot on 10/25/13 at 23:12:32

5A5951475C515047350 wrote:
My neighbor Mark got hit by a car while making a left hand turn on a green arrow, the guy ran the red light and T boned him.
..he settled, he now owns his house ($155k) and a new H3 humvee, don't know how much else he got outta it, but he says he won't get back on a bike again.

Shheeeiit!... I got t-boned and got 5k and a new pair of pants!...
... and I had to fight for the pants... :-?...

Title: Re: Got Hurt...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/26/13 at 02:52:56

Hadda fight over the pants? Why? Did they say you shoulda used the bathroom before you got on the bike & its not the clients fault theyre ruined? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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