General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Midnight

Message started by WebsterMark on 10/17/13 at 04:38:11

Title: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/17/13 at 04:38:11

Where did ?Midnight go? He said he ran into trouble with a moderator and now he's not around.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/13 at 06:59:20

He dropped me a line, gave me his email. Said a Mod told him to not come here,, said he told them to wipe his\account.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/17/13 at 07:14:18

can you send me a message with his email?
what Mod and why?

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/17/13 at 07:26:48

He's not banned...  I sent him a PM as a friend, he took it as being banned...
I Apologized for the misunderstanding and told him he's not banned

From there,... he's just creating drama...

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/17/13 at 08:33:55

Okay, thank you Sew.
I disagree with you on almost everything, but i think in this regard, you most likely acted  reasonable.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Paraquat on 10/17/13 at 09:08:59

I didn't mind him.
I want to hear more rock 'n roll life style stories.

How about Srinath.
He should be finished moving by now.


Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/17/13 at 10:33:12

Srin last logged in on Sunday, Oct 14th, .. but didn't post...

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/17/13 at 18:31:16

darn Sew, you work for Hopey's NSA department?.....

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/17/13 at 18:42:21

I work for SS.Com...  
Even scarier, huh?...  :-?...

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/17/13 at 21:07:10

Thanks for the Emails and PM's guys. Bot just asked me to stay off the TT.  He's afraid one of my comments about a civil war will get the Forum in trouble. One of our Congressmen (I think his last name is Warren) made the statement last week in Congress that we are as close to a civil war as we were in the last one. Its a shame in this country a man no longer has a right to speak his mind, practice the First Amendment on the forum. I've called certain politicians names but I've always been courteous to all the members, even the ones I disagree with. I've never threatened a politician which is against the law.Things have really changed for the worst.Old timers remember the talk of a public hanging for the mass murderer Bush which acording to the law is illegal . No one to my knowledge was ever warned about that. In the period of 5 years the goverment has made some of us scared to be able to speak what we think? Thats one of the points I was trying to make. This country needs fixing. Dont wanna hear pack your bags ang get out, this country is worth saving if I have to go to prison or worse. Bot I never got mad at you, it just made me realize how that much more this free country is going downhill and I've been right all along. You've proven what I've been trying to get across. My reply to MM's post about the military was just what I thought might happen, never even give a second thought about posting it. A Congressman can talk about it in Congress, thats why I never gave it a second thought. Bot I sent out a couple of PM's wishing some members I really care about goodbye and I gave them my email address. I told them you wanted me to stay off the TT , I never told anyone you deleted my account. I just said I havent done anything illegal. I told them I told you without giving out your name to delete my account. I have not told anyone I was kicked out or my account  was deleted by a mod. Once again I never mentioned your name though several people asked me for it. Your opinion was between you and I and I was going to keep it that way. To prove my point I sent JOG and Webb an email and if you'll look at what they posted above that proves I never mentioned your name. If I were the drama queen you acuse me of being I would have told everyone you were the mod and start whining.  Bot I have no ill feelings towards you and I wish you only the best.  Over and Out, Midnight

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/13 at 21:27:38

Glad to see ya back..

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/17/13 at 22:39:56

Glad you posted back, Midnight...
My concern,.. is just that the TT has taken a turn away from political discourse...  and entered a realm of subterfuge and intrigue, that involves sinister plots and counterplots that might be misinterpreted by outside eyes...

I intended to recommend that this be toned down for your sake, and all participants...
In this age,... these things are not taken lightly... and rightfully so...(don't blame Obama, this is since 911)...
If any of you sincerely believe these things to be true,... and I know some of you do...  I would think it even more prudent to be more subtle about your comments...
Huff and puff talk will not fix anything,.. but it may get you in trouble...
It's not intended as any kind of decree by a Moderator... ... just think about it...

I took a break from the TT...  I personally decided it just wasn't making my life better... (and you know, it wasn't changing any minds)...
What you say here... doesn't change minds...   it is just vocalization...
I don't knock it,... I just don't enjoy it right now...

I just say,.. be careful...  
We can be misinterpreted...  


Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/18/13 at 00:39:37

Web check your PM's. I've sent you my email.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/18/13 at 01:17:16

Steve, a so called friend of mine posted this I built a home studio years ago and recorded this. I played all the instruments and did all the vocals. My wife demanded I write a song about her. The song is about how we met and the lyrics really dont mean much except to me and her her. If we pull off the Skynard tour this winter I'm sure there will be video's all over You Tube. If that happens I'll direct them to you. My Dad is a huge country music fan. He wanted me to write him a country song. Dont cry in your beer!

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/18/13 at 07:21:25

Sew; I understand  your point, but I would encourage you to read the column below from Mark Steyn and understand the implications and lessons it gives.  A little background. Steyn was sued under a since abolished Canadian law that left the decision of what was an insult and subsequently libelous, up to government bureaucrats. Predictably, a liberal government appointed liberal bureaucrats and, if this was a sitcom decision, hilarity ensued. However, it wasn't funny when conservative writers were sued. In a magnificent (and sadly rare) victory for free speech, Steyn won the suit and got the law and agency abolished.

But the lust for absolute power over speech does not die easily and the fight goes on. My point is to use extreme care when suggesting what others say. It's long, but well worth the read.

Five years ago, I and my fellow rightwing blowhard Ezra Levant were in the midst of a spirited campaign to rid Canada of its disgusting censorship laws and restore a centuries-old tradition of free speech to a land that, in the name of “human rights,” had surrendered it too easily. The Canadian Islamic Congress had brought simultaneous complaints before the federal, Ontario and British Columbia “human rights” regimes against Maclean’s magazine for publishing an excerpt from my book. Despite the advantages of triple jeopardy, they struck out all three times, and at the federal level their suit so damaged the reputation of “Section 13” (the national censorship law with a 100% conviction rate) that last year Parliament finally repealed it.

But the urge to litigate disagreement is never far from the surface in contemporary discourse. So both Ezra Levant and I find ourselves back in court yet again. In my case, I’m currently being sued in the District of Columbia by Dr. Michael Mann, the eminent global warm-monger, for mocking (in America’s National Review) his increasingly discredited climate-change “hockey stick.”

So Dr. Mann has sued for what his complaint to the court called “defamation of a Nobel prize recipient.”
In fact, Dr. Mann is not a “Nobel prize recipient.” But, as Donna LaFramboise recently pointed out in these pages, he has spent many years passing himself off as one. The nearest he got to a Nobel was as one of several thousand contributors to one of various reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which in 2007 shared a Nobel Peace Prize. So Dr. Mann is a Nobel laureate in the same sense that my mother is: She’s Belgian, and Belgium is in the European Union, and the European Union was collectively awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last year.

My mum does not claim to be a Nobel prize winner, but Dr. Mann did, on an industrial scale, including in his publicist’s bio, his book jackets and his website — until, in the wake of his false complaint, the Nobel Institute in Oslo declared that he was not a Nobel laureate at all. In that sense, Dr. Mann is, indeed, a fraud. It is a fascinating legal question whether a man guilty of serial misrepresentation can, in fact, be defamed. But it’s not that fascinating, and certainly not worth the court’s time and seven-figure legal bills.

Other than that, it’s a pretty basic free speech case. Dr. Mann, whatever his other gifts, is an inveterate name-caller. Consider his recent Guardian column defending his “hockey stick” from the bad case of brewer’s droop it’s acquired over the last 15 years of non-warming: Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish professor named (unlike Mann) by Foreign Policy as one of the “Top 100 Global Thinkers,” is dismissed as “career fossil fuel industry apologist Bjorn Lomborg”; Judith Curry, a member of the National Research Council’s climate research committee, winner of awards from the American Meteorological Society, and co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, is billed by Dr. Mann as “serial climate disinformer Judith Curry”; and anyone else who has the impertinence to disagree with him is lumped under the catch-all category of “climate change deniers.”

As masters of devastating put-downs go, Dr. Mann isn’t exactly Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, plonking and leaden and witless as his insults are, he has a perfect right to make them. Unfortunately, he’s one of those pathologically insecure types who feels he should be able to dish it out but that he shouldn’t have to take it. So he is suing because he didn’t like being described by Rand Simberg of the Competitive Enterprise Institute as, metaphorically, “the Jerry Sandusky of climate change” (a line I quoted). Jerry Sandusky is the Penn State football coach currently serving 30-60 years in the slammer for sexual abuse of children.

In court, our notably unimpressive judge Natalia Combs-Greene declared, even before we got anywhere near the trial, that she was with Dr. Mann: “The court agrees with the arguments advanced by Plaintiffs. To place Plaintiff’s name in the same sentence with Sandusky (a convicted pedophile) is clearly outrageous.”

So what? It’s equally outrageous to call anyone who disagrees with you a “denier,” a slur with a very particular pedigree, and one which would be distressing to any critic of Mann with family who died in the Holocaust. And in the case of Dr. Mann, he was in fact (which is what courts used to concern themselves with) a colleague of the pedophile Sandusky at Penn State University for six years. So it’s not in the least bit “outrageous” to put Mann and Sandusky in the same sentence, even if only when compiling the Penn State faculty list, or drawing up guest invitations for its now indicted president’s Christmas cocktail party. If Dr. Mann doesn’t like being linked to Penn State’s scandals, he should get a new job.

There are 7-billion people on this planet, which the environmental crowd thinks is way too high. But, until they do as a U.S. weatherman and Dutch artist recently did and start having vasectomies and tying their tubes to reduce their carbon footprint, all seven billion are entitled to insult Dr. Mann, just as Mann is entitled to insult me and Judith Curry and anyone else who has the temerity not to prostrate themselves before him. It is remarkable that an American jurist is too obtuse to grasp this, and to presume that her court has the right to adjudicate who can and can’t be “placed in the same sentence.”

Getting to trial is rarely a speedy business in Canada’s courts, but a libel case that starts Tuesday in Toronto is exceptional for how much has changed since it was launched nearly five years ago, in the heat of Canada’s first online culture war.

Pitting a Regina lawyer against a nationally known television personality who describes himself as “one of Canada’s premier advocates of free expression,” Khurrum Awan v. Ezra Levant is one of several defamation suits that arose from the fight over hate speech bans in human rights law.

Court documents indicate this week’s trial will turn on Mr. Awan’s claim that Mr. Levant, on his blog in 2009, “variously described [him] as “Khurrum Awan the liar,” “stupid, a “fool,” a “serial, malicious, money-grubbing liar,” and “unequivocally implied that he was an anti-Semite and perjurer.”

Meanwhile, my old comrade Ezra Levant is back in court, at the behest of Khurrum Awan, a plaintiff in the Maclean’s suits. These days, Mr. Awan is a solicitor at the impeccably respectable Regina law firm of MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman, and has been named by CBC Saskatchewan as one of its “Future 40,” which is not an accolade ever likely to befall Levant or me.

But he’s suing Ezra for calling him a “liar” half-a-decade ago. Awan was the key witness in the Maclean’s trial at the British Columbia “Human Rights” Tribunal. On cross-examination, Julian Porter, QC, did indeed reveal that Awan had been guilty of telling an untruth about one of the central facts of the case. This was reported by dear old Ezra under the headline “Khurrum Awan the Liar.”

Reasonable people can disagree whether it might have been more sensitively rendered as “Khurrum Awan the Untruth Teller” or “Khurrum Awan the Dissembler”; Colby Cosh in this newspaper opted for “inventing details.” But, in a technical sense, Mr Awan said something that was not so and was exposed in court for so doing, and in a free society Ezra ought to be well within his rights to characterize such a person as he pleases.

What else? Awan complains that Levant called him an anti-Semite. Big deal. Awan called Levant a racist. He’s called me and my book racist, Islamophobic, virulent and hateful. Likewise: big deal. One could argue that Ezra was more responsible than anybody else for getting Rahim Jafer, a Ugandan-born Muslim elected to Parliament, which isn’t the usual thing your average Ku Klux Klan Kleagle spends his time doing. One might also argue that Mr. Awan spent many years as a member of an organization headed by Mohammed Elmasry, a man who declared to Michael Coren on Canadian television that every Israeli over the age of 18 was a legitimate target for terrorism — which, to put it at its mildest, indicates a certain breezy insouciance toward Jew-haters.

But it shouldn’t be necessary to do this, and certainly not in a court of law: These days, calling someone totally racist is totally gay. These are the playground insults of the diversity sandbox. I hasten to add, before he reaches for m’learned friends, that I’m not implying Mr. Awan is a practicing homosexual: In 2005, he testified to the House of Commons against same sex marriage. For all I know, some gay guys would call him “homophobic.” Again, big deal.

As the comedienne Sarah Silverman likes to say, “I mean ‘gay’ like ‘retarded.’ ” I hasten to add, before he amends his complaint, that I’m not implying Mr. Awan is mentally ill. And yes, Sarah Silverman is a sinister Jewess, but the point is that suing over the back-and-forth of public discourse turns the entire citizenry into an enfeebled child: To litigate every offense is to give a not especially distinguished judiciary the power to micro-regulate social relations.

I feel rather as I did when David Gest, in his petition for divorce from Liza Minnelli, claimed Liza had beaten him up

In his own complaint to the court, Khurrum Awan says that as a result of Ezra’s characterization of him he has been “shunned by his friends.” Oh, dear. He’s the loneliest man in Saskatchewan’s “Future 40.” But who’s to say his friends aren’t shunning him for his attack on free speech? Or his public stand against gay marriage? Or maybe he’s a lousy dancer, and a dull conversationalist. I feel rather as I did when David Gest, in his petition for divorce from Liza Minnelli, claimed Liza had beaten him up: There isn’t enough money on the planet that could make me confess to being beaten up by Liza Minnelli, and there certainly isn’t enough money in an Ontario court judgment to complain that Ezra Levant turned me into a social loser.

But this poignant complaint inadvertently makes a useful point: In free societies, the appropriate restraint is social; if you go around shrieking insults hither and yon, your friends may indeed decide to shun you — and that is as it should be. But it is ridiculous for what in Canada is an already sclerotic court system to adjudicate the rougher asides of vigorous debate on matters of public policy, whether climate change or speech censorship.

If you’re going to be a partisan warrior in the public arena you need, as the Toronto blogger Kathy Shaidle likes to put it, “insensitivity training.” Miss Shaidle also argues that the matter of honour was better handled before the libel laws replaced dueling. When a fake Nobel laureate and a frontman for a terrorism-sympathizer are suing for their “reputation,” I’m inclined to agree. If Dr. Mann’s up for it, how about hockey sticks at dawn?

National Post

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/18/13 at 09:00:29

Noop,... won't read it...
That Mark Steyn has a way with wooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooords... in,.. too many to say nothing...
I got better things to do...

Like chew tinfoil or pass a kidney stone... ;D...

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/18/13 at 09:07:26

Well then, you do make a perfect moderator for today's world...

We wouldn't want to upset anyone by saying something revolutionary or inflammatory now would we?....

Learn your lesson Midnight; stay within the predefined lines and you can have all the freedom you're allowed to have.....

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/18/13 at 09:15:15

When IM calling for justice for "them" I preface it with
we need investigations, indictments & trials,,that way no one can interpret it as inciting or promoting vigilante action. That decares a desire for legal, lawful actions & only the guilty can be bothered, but even then, they cant pretend Im making a terroristic threat.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/18/13 at 09:36:01

0C3E39282F3E29163A29305B0 wrote:
Well then, you do make a perfect moderator for today's world...

We wouldn't want to upset anyone by saying something revolutionary or inflammatory now would we?....

Learn your lesson Midnight; stay within the predefined lines and you can have all the freedom you're allowed to have.....

I'm your moderator,.. not Mark Steyn's...
Some things I have to read,.. some I don't...
Like I said,.. I got better things to do...

Now, y'all go on about yer' ranting,.. and I'm goin' fer' a ride...
Play nice... ;D...

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/18/13 at 10:10:17

If you had bothered to read my post, you would already know what my answer is.

I'll "play" however the hell I feel like playing. And if you don't get that, shame on you.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by LostArtist on 10/18/13 at 14:49:29

744641505746516E425148230 wrote:
If you had bothered to read my post, you would already know what my answer is.

I'll "play" however the hell I feel like playing. And if you don't get that, shame on you.

yeah, the first amendment doesn't really apply here, this is a privately run forum, you can say anything you like, but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences, just like in real life. your choice to play here or not, to play along with the moderator/s or to bash them, it's their choice to let you, this isn't constitutionally protected free speech here

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/18/13 at 15:24:05

Even Constitutionally protected free speech has its consequences. But not supposed to be from government. Say things, express ideas that the people find disgusting & they will shun you, at least.
As long as what is said here is not a personal attack & is trying to express a concern or convince someone to change their mind, then I see no reason why anyone should be given a hassle by a mod,,

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Dane Allen on 10/18/13 at 15:40:16

4D6E7275407375687275010 wrote:
[quote author=744641505746516E425148230 link=1382009891/15#19 date=1382116217]If you had bothered to read my post, you would already know what my answer is.

I'll "play" however the hell I feel like playing. And if you don't get that, shame on you.

yeah, the first amendment doesn't really apply here, this is a privately run forum, you can say anything you like, but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences, just like in real life. your choice to play here or not, to play along with the moderator/s or to bash them, it's their choice to let you, this isn't constitutionally protected free speech here[/quote]

For review:

No TT means this stuff spills over into the Cafe
Not everyone is equiped to handle this level of discourse
The TT it acts as a "heat sink" to protect the other sub-forums
Squeeze the TT and you alienate a group of members
Fewer members means less expertise for your questions
Some members may go start a competing site, diluting the "brand"
It is better to give everyone an outlet to keep the member numbers up
Ad revenue for server costs stays up, which I am all for!!
Thus, you can play the private forum card but censorship would wreck the experience for everyone
Want proof? Watch how things change with Midnight gone, he was a political moderate and a prolific thread starter

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/18/13 at 17:39:40

Thanks Dane. I dont know what Web has against me, I've always been nice to him when other prople havent. I've sent him nice PM's. He asked for my email this morning and I PMed it to him. I havent threatened anyone or broken any Irst amendment rights, all I did was give an opinion. If a Congressman is allowed to talk about the possibility of a civil war during an official Congressional session I should be able to talk about it too legally. I guess its just a power thing to him, he cant take it because he's not in charge. I have nothing against Web or anyone on this forum. I post a lot of things just to hear the other side because I'm human and I'm not always right. No matter what anyone tells you the only way to make an informed decision is to hear both sides. I would really get bored quick if we all agreed. Bot was just doing what he thought was best for the forum, he might think different but as far as I'm concerned him and I are still friends. Webb made a statement about three pages back that JOG and I have never been discourteous to him, now he's attacking me like a two headed snake for saying something that is perfectly legal to talk about unless I threaten someone which I will never do. We all know I will call Politicians name's LOL, but thats legal. He has 2 very polite  PM's from me in his inbox. I remember one of them I told him I enjoyed sparring with him because I wanted to hear both sides. I admitted to Webb I was wrong on one ocasion and I'm not always right. I dont know how I could ever have been any nicer to him. I'm man enough to admit I dont always have the correct answer for everything, thats what I like about this forum. My doc told me I had the body now of a 70 year old man, I've lost most of my strenght but I hope I never lose the ability to learn and I thank all you guys for helping me with  that.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/18/13 at 18:02:53

LA as to my knowledge I've never broken the First Amendment here. If I interpret it right you have to threaten someone bodily harm which I have never done. If I am wrong please correct me.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/18/13 at 21:20:12

5A4C5B465E4B465D290 wrote:
Noop,... won't read it...
That Mark Steyn has a way with wooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooords... in,.. too many to say nothing...
I got better things to do...

Like chew tinfoil or pass a kidney stone... ;D...
I agree with Bot! I have not comitted any crimes acording to the first amendment. I've always treated you with respect and everyone else on the forum even though I often disagreed. You wanted my Email this morning and I sent it to you immediately. I've congratulated you several times on being a sucessful business man,even today in a PM. If the truth be known I've been nicer to you than anyone on this forum. Now tell me what Canadian law or the Nobel Peace Prize has to to with this forum. As far as my limits go the Constitution and The Bill of Rights decided that, not you.You have no right to even try to control what I say. As far as I'm concerned this is America, Land Of The Free and as long as I dont threaten anyone I'll say what and when I want to. I may not have the business or money you have but my maturity is worth a whole lot more to me. Time after time you've pitched temper tantrums on this forum and called good people names like a 3 year old child. Hope you enjoyed that because I didnt call you names. threaten you and once again I proved you dont control my limits.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Dane Allen on 10/18/13 at 22:10:51

7D59545E595758444259545542300 wrote:
Thanks Dane.

Sure thing, I have really enjoyed your posts and threads!! You have very much contributed positively to the TT.

....that JOG and I have never been discourteous to him, now he's attacking me like a two headed snake for saying something that is perfectly legal to talk about unless I threaten someone which I will never do.....

I don't think you read his post right, I've been back over it several times and, unless I missed something, he is taking Sero to task...

Edit: I think I see, it was Lost Artist, not Webstermark that made that post...Web's on your side.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/18/13 at 23:18:33

Yes,.. Web was digging at me...
I just don't need to read a whole copy/paste book to hear that I'm a pompous bully... (I can just scan 2 or 3 words per paragraph and get the jist)...
... besides...
It's already in my resume'... ;D...

PS.. Lost was just pointing out that it's my job to be a pompous bully...
I just hope I'm not too pompous or bullying...
I do have my reputation as a slacker to protect...

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/19/13 at 02:32:55

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:
Okay, thank you Sew.
I disagree with you on almost everything, but i think in this regard, you most likely acted  reasonable.
Dane this is Web talking about Bot supposedly kicking me out which was never the case. I've bent over backwards being nice to him. Web has his own side and thats it period.Once again Web says"  If you had bothered to read my post, you would already know what my answer is."

"I'll play however the hell I feel like playing. And if you don't get that, shame on you." Just another couple quotes from Web.  Its just Web's way. no matter how nice you are to him. He's not lacking in self confidence LOL. Dane I'll try to keep some good threads rolling for ya! Thanks for the compliments.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/19/13 at 06:46:56

What the hell are you talking about midnight?! I'm not against you on this. When I found out what you said that got you "censored", I didn't think it was called for. I incorrectly gave Sew (hereafter known as "the pompous one) the benefit of the doubt for being reasonable which I was clearly wrong to do.

And yes, I'm aware this is not a first amendment issue per se, but then again, it brings to light how easy it is for liberals to casually restrict speech.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Serowbot on 10/19/13 at 09:18:31

Web,.. I know it's irresistible to you...
.. but, I could construe "The Pompous One" as a personal insult...

If I say it about myself,.. it's self deprecating humor..
If you say it.. it ain't.. it's an insult...


Besides that... there's a little "pot,kettle" action going on here... ;D...

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by WebsterMark on 10/19/13 at 18:41:03

Easy sport, just a joke on your joke.

Title: Re: Midnight
Post by Midnightrider on 10/19/13 at 21:15:07

526067767160774864776E050 wrote:
What the hell are you talking about midnight?! I'm not against you on this. When I found out what you said that got you "censored", I didn't think it was called for. I incorrectly gave Sew (hereafter known as "the pompous one) the benefit of the doubt for being reasonable which I was clearly wrong to do.

And yes, I'm aware this is not a first amendment issue per se, but then again, it brings to light how easy it is for liberals to casually restrict speech.
      I did make a mistake the first paragraph above. You didnt mention my name and I got confused and I thought you wanted me thrown out. My Bad! I take 18 pills a day plus chemo once a week. I even take a pill for my memory which seems to not work. Ah hell, that reminds me I forgot to take it today. What I'm saying is sometimes I get turned around and if I do correct me, I dont mind. This is the third page and I aint worth that much trouble. Web I will tell you this. There's some dam good liberals out there and some on this forum. I can feel like pure sh!t and Bot's sick since of English humor makes my day. Theres several more and some good ones have left. There's only 3 Congressmen I would trust and 2 of them are liberals. The last 2 Presidents screwed this country into the ground and massive debt. Both of them bailed out crooks, have been caught in numerous lies, killing of innocents and if I had my way they both would be living at the North Pole. Anything you say bad about a left wing can also be said about a right wing. When it comes to Washington there is no right and wrong, its just their way or the Highway. There's a major lesson to be learned from our last 2 presidents. One is Republican, One is Democrat. One is a southerner, one is a yankee., One is white, one is Black. They do share one thing.They're both wrong! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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