General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> We're Broke?   HUH

Message started by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 01:59:08

Title: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 01:59:08

I have not read of a single dollar reduction in foreign aid as a result of sequestering.
All items cut were for the express purpose of hurting the American taxpayer/working people the most!
DEMOCRATS and[ch65533] Republicans[ch65533]
('different' ONLY in name)

Someone please tell me what the Hell's wrong with All the people that run this country!!!!!!

Both Democrats and Republicans

Say, "We're broke"

And can't help our own

Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless,

But, over the last several years THEY
have provided direct cash aid to.....
Hamas - $351 M,

Libya[ch65533][ch65533][ch65533][ch65533] $1.45 B,

Egypt - $397 M,

Mexico - $622 M,

Russia - $380 M,

Haiti -[ch65533][ch65533][ch65533] $1.4 B,

Jordan - $463 M,

Kenya - $816 M,

Sudan - $870 M,

Nigeria - $456 M,

Uganda - $451 M,

Congo - $359 M,

Ethiopia - $981 M,

Pakistan - $2 B,

South Africa - $566 M,

Senegal - $698 M,

Mozambique - $404 M,

Zambia - $331 M,

Kazakhstan - $304 M,

Iraq[ch65533][ch65533][ch65533][ch65533] -[ch65533][ch65533] $1.08 B,

Tanzania - $554 M,

...with literally Billions of Dollars and they still hate us!!!!

But on the other hand,[ch65533]

Our retired seniors, living on a 'fixed income,' Receive NO aid!

Nor do they get any breaks, while our government and religious organizations will pour Hundreds of Billions Of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food[ch65533] to Foreign[ch65533]Countries!

Someone needs to explain to them that
Charity[ch65533]begins AT HOME!!!

And another atrocity....

We have Hundreds of adoptable
American Children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of
Foreign orphans.

AMERICA: A country where we have

Countless Homeless without shelter,
Children going to bed hungry,
Elderly going without needed medication and the Mentally ill without treatment -- etc.


They will have a 'Benefit' Show

For the people of Haiti , on 12 TV Stations; Ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies.

Now Just Imagine if


Gave 'US' the same support they give to foreign countries.

Sad, isn't it?


The first week of July 2013, President Obama gave Egypt $1,000,000,000 (Billion $ ) with no strings attached.-----WHY-----------???????????????[/]

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by ToesNose on 10/14/13 at 04:44:10

The first week of July 2013, President Obama gave Egypt $1,000,000,000 (Billion $ ) with no strings attached.-----WHY-----------???????????????

Because it's just paper right?  It's ok he'll print more   :-/

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Steddy58 on 10/14/13 at 05:25:59

Don't think for a minute that your government is alone in its stupidity,my government ( UK, although I didn't vote for them ) is just as crap, we send millions in aid to India ( a nuclear power ) and various other n'er do well foreign regimes and governments. The only spending that has gone up in my country in recent years is foreign aid - I'm all for giving someone a hand but buying some despot somewhere a new helicopter or mansion is not my idea of money well spent. Politicians are one of the most useless groups of people on gods green earth , I bet the congressmen/women  senators and representatives are getting their daily bread fed into their bank accounts while the workers are losing out as usual - I'm telling you now REVOLUTION is the only solution - off with all their heads put their backs to wall and string 'em all up - it starts now brother and sisters are you going to be the problem or the solution ( thanks to the MC5 for the quote ) right then time for a cup of tea methinks

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Pine on 10/14/13 at 07:20:46

wrong forum??

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/13 at 07:31:16

Yea, looks like he missed the tall table,, OOOhh well,, no one will die,,someone will be along & move it,
Welcome Steddy.

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by MMRanch on 10/14/13 at 07:51:46

Our presdent sure delivered the "Change" didn't he !  >:(


I'm thinking Tea party ?  :-?   ....  as being "Best of the Evils".  :-/

Our military is way to strong for a shooting war !

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/13 at 08:52:47

Tea Party IS the answer,, now,, the question is, WHICH Tea Party?
So many neocon types stood up & Said they were Tea Party LEADERS it ruined the peoples perception of what the T party is. Understand Ron Paul, you understand T-party

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Paraquat on 10/14/13 at 11:08:14

I'm just waiting for someone to take up arms... someone to throw a Molotov cocktail... anything to kick off the party.


Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 11:08:18

Jog I want Ron Paul for President, wrote him in but I'm scared of the Koch bros. When I found out they were funding the Tea Party that really turned me off.

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 11:09:46

Thanks mod for moving it. I'm capable of anything at 5 in the morning  ;D ;D

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 11:20:06

The LAST people I would wanna piss off is the vets. Well he's done that now. Have you seen the picture of whats going on in Washington. I saw one of a Vet with no legs struggling to help remove a barricade. Almost brought tears to my eyes. These monuments cost the taxpayers almost nothing except a little maintenance once in a while. They're bought and paid for. Obama is a low life Bastard for barricading them and he should be kicked out of this country. Instead he considers me an enemy of the state!

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/13 at 11:29:47

Probably costs more to barricade and man them then to provide for maintenance.

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/13 at 11:33:10

5E7A777D7A747B67617A777661130 wrote:
Jog I want Ron Paul for President, wrote him in but I'm scared of the Koch bros. When I found out they were funding the Tea Party that really turned me off.

I really dont know what to make of them,, One thing I consider now,, The negative press, the hatred dumped on them by the left.. makes me think they may just be the good guys,,You see the left pissing on Monsanto? No,,

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/13 at 11:34:24

756671706F6264666D32030 wrote:
Probably costs more to barricade and man them then to provide for maintenance.

Probably? Some of those arent manned on a daily basis, some are not even owned by the feds, theyrs closing privately owned businesses b/c they share a Parking LOT w/ the park service.

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 12:19:34

I just called my Senator's office, Richard Burr and his office cant take calls because of the shutdown. Obastard doesn't want us to be able to communicate . Jog I think the Koch Bros. are in it to get environmental rules relaxed. They do not have a good record of restoring the damage they've done to the environment. They strip forest and if they would replant I don't have a problem with that, not to mention what they've done to the water. None of the parties are right, they have no common sense and greed rules the country. They bail out crooked banks who kicked people out of their homes because their job was shipped overseas. Crooked mortgages designed to fail. They get a free ride while we have to foot the bill.

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/13 at 12:31:09

Id need to see just what EEevil theyre up to.. till then, Im thinking theyre into freedom & prosperity for the common guy. Anyone with info that would run counter to thaT, Ill have a look at it.,

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 12:36:48

3001120111150114600 wrote:
I'm just waiting for someone to take up arms... someone to throw a Molotov cocktail... anything to kick off the party.


I wish it could be done peacefully but Obastard has no longer any business running this country. He's picked on the helpless and finally he's pissed off the wrong people. I don't believe in any of the wars we've had in my lifetime but I believe in the men and women who sacrificed all. I would hate to be in the military right now because I know whose side I would be on and I would probably get a dishonorable discharge. If I was in Washington I would have abandoned my post and help remove the barricades. I cant see the military not defending the Constitution and hurting the seniors who paved the way for them. Dumbass cops, yes.

Title: Re: We're Broke?   HUH
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 17:49:26

485A485A57444B464D050 wrote:
Our presdent sure delivered the "Change" didn't he !  >:(


I'm thinking Tea party ?  :-?   ....  as being "Best of the Evils".  :-/

Our military is way to strong for a shooting war !

Mike its a crying shame we have to vote for what we think is the "best of the evils" I wonder whether the military would fire on us, the thought often crosses my mind. After all they took an oath to uphold the Constitution and they know Obastard is trying to turn it into a worthless piece of paper. The ones that went overseas come back screwed up knowing they did wrong killing innocent people, too big a percentage of Veteran suicides are taking place. I know the cops would shoot at us, don't know about the military. I'm afraid the situation we're in cant be settled peacefully. Just look at the demonstrations this week. I also know they take an oath to defend the enemies foreign and domestic but are we really the enemy trying to defend the Constitution? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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