General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!

Message started by Boogieman on 10/11/13 at 19:03:04

Title: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/11/13 at 19:03:04

Alright so I feel pretty crappy. I was in my shop staring at the carburetor and thought "hey I haven't checked the oil in a while let's see how dirty it is.." And that's when I realized there was next to no oil in my bike! WTH! Do I really deserve a woopin for not checking my stinking oil every single time I get on it or did somebody let the oil out and put the drain plug back in? Is my bike drinking it? It runs clean. Then again it has been a long time since I check the oil level. Poop!!!¡

This sucks, I really love this bike. I mean it runs better now that I put the T6 i had left in it but son of a...  So hand it to me straight! what did I do to the inside of my bike?what needs to be replaced? The engine sounds great I mean, i was going back and forth from Riverside to Laguna like once a week. Plus all my around town driving cause its my only vehicle and I haven't checked the oil since psh.. a while.
Anyway besides all that I have this leak somewhere in my carburetor that's also killing my performance. I sealed up pretty much everything from the outside Do to process of elimination. I took the carb apart and looked it over And everything looks fine. Its like air whistling past the butterfly with every inhale. I think there may be something internally with the choke cuz pulling the knob out seems to make the sound go crazy loud. Even though I can't pull the knob rite now cause i sealed the whole area off with silicone.
 Anybody got any clue what that is?

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/13 at 19:20:06

Too little info...
-What is "some weird kinda' petcock"?...
-Did the whistley carb coincide with the disappearing oil?...

Is this a chicken and egg,.. an egg then chicken,... or a duck and a walrus?...

It's either a goner or it ain't...  I'd put oil in it,.. and see what happens...
If it seems fine,... pray...
If it don't seem fine,... I don't think prayer will fix it...
Try cussing...
That won't fix it either... but, you'll feel better...:-?...

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by WD on 10/11/13 at 19:28:17

If it still runs, at most you overheated the valves a touch. I ran mine clean out of oil the first time I put synthetic in it. Couple hundred miles and it lost a full 2 quarts. Has still never needed the valves adjusted or the rings replaced, and that was in 2000 or 2001. In Mississippi, in August, at a bike rally, so lots of very low speed high heat "put your feet down to stop because you had to dial back the idle the roads were so packed you could crawl backwards faster" riding. Exhaust pipe turned glowing red type engine temps, with a couple ounces of oil in it and the engine survived just fine.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/11/13 at 19:33:55

Nah it runz fine, better now that she's got some oil in her.
I don't know exactly what petcock it is. On, off, reserve, no vacuum connection, screen in the tank side... never caused me a problem before.
Unfortunately I really can't say whether the whistling carb coincides with the disappearing oil. I suppose it's possible. There's no concrete evidence against the theory.
What am i praying for? You mean now that it's been low on oil there's a greater chance of it throwing a rod or a bearing or something?
  What I am most curious about is whether or not the savage drinks oil. I have never ever noticed a decrease like this in oil, that's why I didn't check it for so long its just never been a problem. It doesn't leak anywhere. It doesn't seem to be burning it, the tailpipe is actually really clean.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/11/13 at 19:46:53

WD - yeah I've gotten the feeling that this is a pretty "die hard" little engine.
I'm curious though... I've never noticed a decrease in oil like that,, and its not coming out the tailpipe so its not being burnt. Huh...

The carb thing has me totally perplexed though. Verslavy payed me a visit not that long ago and we were spraying around the carb and noticed a decrease in rpm when spraying over that seal with the e clip over it that's supposed to be one arm of the butterfly, starboard side. I also noticed a decrease in rpm when spraying over the choke knob area. I sealed all that crap off good with silicone but I still here the whistling coming out of my cone filter. That's why I suspect there's something going on in the inside. I noticed nothing visually when taking it mostly the whole way apart. The only part of the carb i havent gone thru is the float assembly, and it seems to work fine.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/13 at 19:56:07

On fresh oil, just normal riding, no highway stuff, no winding it out,,mine didnt use oil much at all,, but, put it on the Big Road & crank the handle, it'll suck some oil. The more miles on the oil, the more it goes away,,or so it was with me,,

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by WD on 10/11/13 at 19:56:16

Some bikes flat out do not like synthetic oil. Mine is one of them. It will magically lose a full sump in under 300 miles, regardless of brand or weight. Dino juice it doesn't lose but a couple tablespoons in a year, and that is because it leaks like an old Ironhead Sportster or an old Triumph. I learned my lesson, my bike gets real oil, none of that hydrocracked or true synthetic crap has been in the sump in close to a decade.

The whistle is your pod filter coming apart. Look for a crack under the retainer band.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/11/13 at 20:13:52

Huh... crazy. So my bike does drink oil, and possibly more so because its synthetic. And yes, I have been flying back and forth on the freeway so that may contribute as well.
I'll check the cone tomorrow morning in the light, see if I can find anything.
Its been like this for a couple of months. I noticed a decrease in performance along with the appearance of the rhythmic whistling.
  What is Dino juice?

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/11/13 at 20:17:26

Oh right,, rotting dinosaurs. So your bike doesn't leak much When using real oil is what you're telling me huh? I do have a lot to learn. I thought that synthetic was better.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/13 at 22:28:14

Mine don't use a drop... unless I go over 70mph for a bit... then it just churns so hard, it throws some out... (I don't think it's burning it,... it's just violent seas in that little box)...

Synth oil is so good... it can sneak past places that dino wouldn't...
It's almost a good penetrating oil...

... and again,.. I'm going to agree with WD... a cone filter is out in the open...  you may hear whistles of suck that would be masked in a airbox...

It's like you riding a bike with no helmet and yer' mouth wide open...
You gonna' make some weird noises... :-?...

I know some guys that did oil changes,.. but forgot the oil part, or the plug part...  and their engines gave up in 50 to a few 100 miles...
... or they didn't...

If it does,.. just get a another low mile engine... and put it in...
Trying to fix what got toasted is just a waste of time...
What you can't see damaged, is just damage that hasn't shown symptoms yet...

Fingers crossed... ;)...

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by WD on 10/12/13 at 02:26:36

If it will stay in the engine, yes, synthetic is usually better. If it disappears, it is about as useful as having water in the sump.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by HondaLavis on 10/13/13 at 09:05:58

I was also going to recommend looking into your pod filter.  Mine has made easily audible whooshing and whistling noises since the day I installed it.  I like it, lets me know it's working.  :)  If you really want to narrow it down, throw your stock airbox on or just run it without a filter for a minute.  See if the noise goes away or changes.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Oldfeller on 10/13/13 at 12:19:25


Are you still running the stock vac petcock?    

Jest curious if you are or did you have some "running out of gas" events that caused you to change it to a Raptor?


What you describe is what we call "sudden onset oil consumption".

It is fairly common on these bikes between 15,000 and 20,000 miles.

Same general mileage range as the petcock going bad, so we ask questions to each new person that has SOOC to see if we can connect any dots about what they have seen, or done to their bike at about the same time the sudden oil consumption began.

Once your bike starts sipping oil, you have to check the oil every time you put gasoline in it.

Check out the references to the List Sidestand Oil Check Method, you may well now be a candidate for that little trick.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/14/13 at 17:11:07

Exactly yeah, I'm just in the habit of checking oil all the time now.
I don't have a stock air box in fact I don't really have stock anything. I have is a cone filter, and it has no cuts or slices for whistling. I have always had this setup you see before you. I don't remember exactly when the whistling started but I'm pretty sure it wasn't in conjunction with something else.
No I believe something is going on inside the carburetor that's making the whistling and It is not just the sound of vacuum across the butterfly valve. If i were to pull the choke out the whistling would get really loud. Almost makes me think that the choke might not be seating correctly, but everything looks kosher when I dig into it.

Oh, And I've been having the sound of winding bearings when I use the engine to slow the bike down... Its almost non-existent now that I removed the old synthetic and put new synthetic in.
Do any of yall use motor honey or that thick STP stuff? Or should i just go dig around in the other forum to find that information?

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/13 at 17:25:03

5F52525A5458505C533D0 wrote:
Do any of yall use motor honey or that thick STP stuff? Or should i just go dig around in the other forum to find that information?

No that stuff causes the clutch to slip

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/14/13 at 18:06:40

Gotcha! No motor honey clutch death.
So no more bearing whining with oil change leads me to believe that:
A.) The whining started as the engine oil got low and I just didn't make the connection.
B.) The whining is due to a poopoo bearing. Fresh oil only delayes the whining.
C.) First A then B
D.) Sorcery

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/14/13 at 20:16:10

Wait.. now it's whining again. Really?!? Great.
Can anyone tell me why that happened? Seriously, there has to be an answer and a solution.
I forgot how nice it was to have a bike that doesn't whine like a fat bored housewife or one of them little retarded dogs that everyones got now adays... chihuahua! That's it, a chihuahua. I hate those *#$&@%ing dogs!

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/13 at 21:14:10

believe me, it'll only get worse.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/14/13 at 22:31:20

Lol gee thanx Verslagen. So what is the short version anyway.. versy...verslavy...
Gets worse until i change the bearing yes?
This is a link to the diagram of our transmission.
So this bearing we're talking about here... is it that $50 bearing? And I'll probably have to get the seal too.

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/13 at 23:28:37

only way to replace any of the bearings is to split the case.

you'll have to inspect all the bearings to find the bad one(s)

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/15/13 at 13:47:13

Well I knew I was going to have to dig into it some day.

This whistle from the carburetor still has me stumped. The rhythmic squeaking that I hear (intake stroke of course) increases in tempo with rise in engine rpm, but the pitch does not change,, ie. Unaffected by engine rpm.    Any guesses?

Title: Re: Does my Savage drink oil? internal carb leak!
Post by Boogieman on 10/16/13 at 09:23:43

And do u think the bearing whine would subside with a heavier weight T6?
Does a heavier weight T6 exist?
I tried searching for the big discussions about oil but I'm horrible at looking for stuff like that.
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