General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Pesci

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/13 at 12:41:52

Title: Pesci
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/13 at 12:41:52

Heres what you may be subjected to if you come,, Forget the first amendment,,
30 seconds.

Title: Re: Pesci
Post by mpescatori on 10/14/13 at 09:50:16

Sorry for not replying any earlier, but youtube is banned at work.
Thank you for the videoclip, I was aware of that.

Here's my own personal experience.

Once... (Norfolk International Airport in Norfolk, Va), while going through the usual array of questions on the safety of my luggage, I cut the lady short and said:
"Ma'am, I know the drill, I am professionally trained, the luggage is clear".

She wouldn't have it, regardless I had identified myself as a professional military.
She insisted I open my bags and show her everything, so I did.
She insisted I open my briefcase to show her the contents, and I politely refused.
"You are not cleared to deal with the contents, which are of a military nature, and I will not unless in the presence of US Military Intelligence authorities".

Boy, was she angry! She called Security, and accused me of not cooperating.
Security came with an annoyed look on their faces and were ready to pull the briefcase from my hands, when I produced my military passport.
"I am a guest of your Government and hail for the legitimate protection of US Military Intelligence!"

They were surprised... normally a troublemaker will invoke whatever Constitutional Amendment, not call for Military Intelligence!

A new guy came, soft spoken, asked me what was the matter.
I showed him my passport and explained all my luggage was clear, but that, given the nature of my job and the ocntents of the briefcase, nor were the Security Guards.

"Do you have a Diplomatic Passport?" He asked.
"No, because I am a non-quota Government Official; I am here for official duties and am returning home. If you wish to see what's inside, please call USNavy Intelligence at USNaval Base Norfolk, I will hand it over to them and THEY will decide IF you may see it.

I was cleared.

But it's not Always so easy...

Last time I was in Norfolk, I had a dufflebag full of steel&chrome from SavageDML's Yellow Peril (which he broke for spares)
SavageDML has long since walked to the "other side" and now rides a Harley FLT.

Anywaym there I was with some 20 lbs' Worth of steel & chrome clanging and making a racket in the airport hall...
...and guess what? I get inspected by the same guys I had come across the year before... with the briefcase affair!  :-X

One comes over and asks "what's making all that noise?" so I explain, in very apologetic terms, I have this old Suzuki back home but there's no way to find bits and parts back in Europe, then at a garage sale I find all this chrome and it was like Christmas Day for me and I just couldn't resist...

He makes me pull out all the parts and I lay them out as they would be fitted to a bike, and they slowly make sense: airbox, the small metal sides, chrome siderails and the sissybar and even the handlebar risers.
He looks at me like I was lugging snow for Santa Claus (as in... you must be desperate!) and waves me off... I mean, clear!

Whew !!!  :D

Title: Re: Pesci
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/13 at 11:10:04

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